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Articles Additional points

A. To show someone's profession...She is a nurse.

The...When there is only one of someone or something. The British Prime Minister
is visiting Japan. The Internet has brought people closer.
When NOT to use THE
1. People or things in general. Opticians prescribe glasses. Information is money.
2. With sports, subjects of study, meals I don't like jogging. He had decided to
study Law instead of History. What shall we do for lunch?
3. Proper Nouns...names of people, companies, cities, countries, continents,
languages, special days, elements...water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. capitalization for elements.
Proper Nouns that use the...countries Geographical features mountain ranges,
rivers, seas etc The Amazon, the Red Sea, the River Thames
3. Newspapers the Telegraph, the Herald Tribune
4. Well-known buildings or works of art: the Taj Mahal, the Mona Lisa
5. Families: the Simpson Mixed...the and no the
1. Organization…. the Red Cross, the European Union (the EU) But...Amnesty
International, Green Peace... No the for acronyms The North Atlantic Treaty
Organization NATO
2. Universities: The University of Bath Oxford University, Harvard
3. Musical. .BrE I play the piano. AE..I play piano.
4. Transport. .No the after bus... Otherwise. ..take the train
5. Places. No the...home, work, school, university, bed, church, hospital, jail He is
at university. Otherwise use the.. He is at the dentist. We went to the cinema.
6. Numbers. Cardinal number. .room 305 Page 8
Ordinal numbers...the 3rd floor.

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