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How well is the class doing as a whole group?

Overall, the class is not in the best shape, this being a result of the class average being 67%.
67% would basically mean that a student is failing. There are only two students that have
obtained 90s and 3 that have obtained 80s. But, there are 9 that are currently below 70% of the
16 students. Due to that, it is important for me as the teacher to go over the content again to
make sure they understand

Which individuals are doing well and in what topics?

A student named Juan received the highest grade of 100%, meanwhile Cody received 93%. This
shows their understanding and grasp of both topics. There is a good likelihood that their prior
knowledge plays into their grades. Then for Hannah, the score is 50% in addition while, the
student obtained 100% for subtraction. This shows an understanding for subtraction in
Hannah’s case, but the lesson(s) in subtraction were likely lacking in depth.

Who may need extra support and on what topics?

Luke currently needs more support as a result of obtaining 25% in addition and 57% in
subtraction. Nathan is currently having similar predicament due to obtaining 38% in addition
and 57% in subtraction. Claire did better than the other two by receiving 50% in addition and
57% in subtraction. This shows that both addition and subtraction are problem areas for most
students. It is not enough to simply go over one section due to the discrepancies.

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