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SWOT ANALYSIS (Coral Whitaker)

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Strengths (internal factors)

 What are you really good at?
o Time Management
o Organization

 What skills and talents do you have that will assist you in being successful in this course?
o Critical Thinking

 What do you do better than anyone else?

o Writing skills

 What do others see as your strengths?

o Communication

Opportunities (external factors)

 What Coastal resources do you find the most valuable to help in your success?
o Online Library
o Calendar in Canvas

 What other resources are available to you to facilitate your success in completing your
o Tutoring
o Professors

Weaknesses (internal factors)

 What skills and talents do you lack that may hinder you from being successful in achieving
your career goals?
o Discipline

 What personal behaviors/traits do you have that may hinder your success?
o Anxiety

 What do others see as your weaknesses?

o Overachiever

Threats (external factors)

 What do you see as threats to completing this course?
o Time Management. Balancing home, work, and student life.
o Stress

 What is your greatest challenge from external factors in completing your career goals?
o Having the discipline to balance all factors in order to achieve my academic and
career goals while balancing a healthy personal life.

In addition to completing the SWOT analysis answer the following questions:

1. How can you use the strengths you have identified to overcome your weaknesses?
2. What are some strategies you can develop to minimize or overcome the threats you have
3. How can the opportunities you have listed enhance your success in the class?
4. State one goal you would like to accomplish this semester. It can be related to this course or
5. Explain how you will achieve this goal.

In order to overcome my weaknesses, it is important to leverage my strengths. Before

beginning this semester, I reviewed all of the assignments due and ensured they were all on my
Canvas calendar as well as a physical calendar on my desk. This ensures that I have easily
accessible reminders of when my assignments are due so that I can focus on them in order. I
also color coordinated all of my courses. This allows me to easily see what course has an
upcoming assignment and pull the correspondence notebook quickly to get started on the
assignment. By using my time management and organizational skills I am able to minimizes my
anxiety that occurs when looking at everything due for the week.
When I decided to return to college on a mission to finish my degree my husband and I
sat down to review my game plan. This ensured that my threats would be recognized and
together we could find a balance to overcome them. I have found communication about my
course load and assignments due has been the key to success. We have a conversation every
weekend about the upcoming week, this includes my assignment load for the week, my work
schedule and if I expect to need to work overtime, his workload and expected schedule, and any
personal factors that we need to take into account (like a birthday dinner or family in town for the
My goal this semester, and honestly every semester, is to complete my courses with a
B+ or better. This ensures that my employer will grant my tuition reimbursement request. In
addition to the steps I’ve taken laid out above, I also plan to communicate regularly with my
direct supervisor about my workload and course load. My goal with this is to ensure that if I have
a heavy assignment week I can communicate my need for not working additional hours that
week in order to maintain a balance and focus additional time on studying for the week. This is
especially important around midterm and finals. For these weeks I actually ask for a day off so I
can spend an additional day studying for my exams.

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