Abortion Ed Final Campaign Records 2

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Final Campaign Records

This is where you will “turn in” your campaign materials and demonstrate that you
have met the requirements of the project.

Group Members’ Names:

Emma Tibbitts, Miah Smith, Ashton Kerutis, Manuel Ruiz,Cody Tibbitts

Mission Statement (including a specific target for success--a concrete and measurable goal):
Our goal is to educate the public on how abortion will effect your life and the people around you as many
don’t know enough information about the subject of sex. Abortions can affect multiple aspects of a person's
life, including physical and emotional well being. It affects everybody, not just females. We hope that by
educating the public about abortion, it will minimize the amount of abortions.

How will you know if your campaign is successful?

After christmas break, we’ll go look at all our projects and see how many followers or subscribers
we have.

Publication 1

Explain your first method of publication. What did you create and why?

Our first method was making an instagram account. We created this because there are a lot of
young adults and teens on instagram and they will be able to view our instagram account.

What information about your issue did you include?

First we decided to introduce what we were going to be talking about. Then for the second post we
provided information about abortions, and how they can prevent it.

How will this publication grab and keep your audience’s attention?

We thought an instagram account would get people's attention because people are on instagram
and will come across it.

How does this publication show that you understand your target audience?

Instagram is a social media site for many ages but the main ages that are usually on it are young
teens through adults, and our target audience is 15-28 years.

Provide the link(s) to this publication that proves it is public online.


Publication 2

Explain your second method of publication. What did you create and why?

For our second publication we decided to do a blog. We thought a website would be a good idea
because it would reach the older portion of our age group.

What information about your issue did you include?

The blog included information about Abottion Ed. It also includes the first blog which is the letter
to the governor.

How will this publication grab and keep your audience’s attention?

The website is a good way to grab people’s attention because its an easier way to understand what
we’re trying to accomplish in a short and understanding way.

How does this publication show that you understand your target audience?

A lot of adults/parents have blogs/read blogs so if they read our blog they could send it to their
kids to educate them.

Provide the link(s) to this publication that proves it is public online.

https://abortioned.squarespace.com/ Password: jordandistrict

Publication 3

Explain your third method of publication. What did you create and why?

Our third method we wrote a letter to the governor. We decided to write a letter to the governor
because he can help us accomplish our movement by changing the regulations on abortion in Utah.
What information about your issue did you include?

We included most of our information in our letter. We have ways to less likely to get pregant, the
amount of abortions in a year, and unplaneed pregnancies in a year.

How will this publication grab and keep your audience’s attention?

The letter is mainly for the governor. We wanted him to be able to see our take on abortion so we
thought a good way was to send him a letter.

How does this publication show that you understand your target audience?

We wanted to be able to reach a higher person just to what would happen so we thought sending a
informational letter.

Provide the link(s) to this publication that proves it is public online.


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