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The Needs of Moringa Oleifera or Horse Radish tree:

The moringa plant is a fast-growing, drought resistant tree that can reach up to to 3 meters
in its first year. The moringa tree is very easy to grow. Simply plant seeds or cuttings in a
sunny spot. The moringa tree is a plant that grows mainly in semiarid, subtropical areas.

The needs of Moringa Oleifera or HorseRadish tree to grow healthy is very simple, the
procedures of moringa is like any other trees.

These are the procedures on how to grow Moringa Olefera:

 Measure an area of land 4.1 m2 to the soil in the measured area by digging
2ft deep and mixing the soil with equal proportion of manure and filling it back
into the pit.
 Water thoroughly and allow the resulting mixture to decompose for six weeks.
 Divide the pot into four beds by crossing a piece of board.
 Sow your moringa and harvest after 60 days of growth
There’s also an another way and much more easier instrutions on
how to plant the moringa:

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