Space Project 1

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Tanito the Alien

Tanito the Alien

Name: Tanito
Age: 99 years old
Weight: 15 pounds
Planet of origin: Mars
Facts About Mars
Mars is a very interesting planet.
It has 2 moons called Phobos and
Deimos. There are 3 planets between
Mars and the Sun. The planets are
Mercury, Venus, and Earth. It is also
141.11 million miles from the sun.
Mars is 2,106.1 miles. The average
temperature in Mars is -81F°.
A Day on Mars
It takes Mars 687 days to orbit around
the sun. It only takes the earth 365 days
to go around the sun. Mars rotates
868.22 km per hour. It is only 40 minutes
slower the Earth. One day on Mars is 24
hours and 37 minutes.
Interesting Facts About Mars
● Mars was named after a Roman God War.

● Mars is red because of a chemical called iron oxide.

● Mars is one of the smallest planet in the solar system.

● Sometimes it could reach -20℃.

● The highest mountain in the solar system is on Mars. It’s a volcano called, “Olympus

● Did you know that you could jump 3 times higher on Mars than you can on Earth?

● A lake was discovered under a polar ice cap on Mars in 2018.

● The Viking Landers were the first spacecraft to land on Mars in 1976.
My alien can adapt to the conditions
on Mars. Tanito adapts to Mars by
having a lot of blubber to keep it warm. It
averages -81℃. Now that’s cold! It has
very thick feet with many layers of skin,
so when it walks, it won’t feel any pain
from the rocky surface. Tanito lives far
away from the volcano where he can not
get hurt. It has to stay a safe distance in
case the volcano erupts. It lives in a
burrow with hard rocks surrounding it.
Tanito has special features to help it live
on Mars.
My Sources

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