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Questions :

1. What happens in the story?
2. Are there minor conflicts? How are these related to the whole?
How does the conflict reveal character and theme?
3. Is the ending logical? Inevitable? Surprise?


1. Do the characters change or grow or they are static?

2. Are the character reveal directly or indirectly?
3. What motivates the characters?


1.When and where is the story set?

2. What details of the settings become symbolic?
3. What is the social environment? How does it affect the theme,
characters and tone?

Element point of view

1. From what view point is the story told?

2. Does the point of view change?
3. How would a different point of view change the story?


1. What is the authors narrative method?

2. Is the story told in flashback or reminiscence?
3. Is the story told in through stright narration or through
dialouge ?


1. Is the style simple or complex?

2. Is the tone intimate or distant?
3.What kind of imagery is used?
4.Is the language compelling or energetic?
5. What kind of symbols does the author used? Are there any
objects or events that are significance or hidden meaning?

1.What is the central theme or themes of the story?

2.What issue does this theme deal with?
3. Are there social or moral implications? Does it help us
understand others or ourself psychologically?

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