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Statistics Name ___________________________

Random Samples Date ________________ Period _____

Random Rectangles Activity

The back has 100 random rectangles on it. They are already numbered so that you can easily sample them by randomly
generating numbers. They are of varying size (area). Each box is 1 unit of area.
Example: 3 units2: 6 units2: 8 units2:

1. Guess
When told to do so, flip over this paper and look at the rectangles for a few seconds. Write down your guess as to the
average area of the rectangles (Each small square is one square unit.)

Guess of Average Area: ____________________________

2. Judgmental Sample
Studying the 100 rectangles, select ANY 5 that you believe are representative of the whole population.
Let Z be the size (area) of the rectangle. Write the rectangle # that you chose, and the size (area) of your 5 below,
then find the mean size.
Rectangle #

Area Average Area:


3. Simple Random Sample (SRS)

Using the calculator, generate 5 random numbers from 1 to 100 (use randInt(1, 100)). Find the matching rectangle and
its size. Record the info below, then find the mean.
Rectangle #


Average Area: ____________________________

4. Systematic Sample
Randomly generate a number between 1 and 20. This is the first rectangle you will sample. Write this rectangle # in the
first box below. Add 20 to the random number to get the second rectangle you will sample. Continue to add 20 to get
the next three rectangles for your sample. This is like having to sample every 20th person who passes you.
Ex: You get the random number 6. Then you would inspect rectangles 6, 26, 46, 66, and 86.
Record the rectangle numbers, sizes, and then find the mean size.

Random Number r
Rectangle #


Average Area: ____________________________

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