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Menu 套餐

Nr. 1 starting from 2 pers.俩人起价

CHF 43.00 each pers. with dessert 带甜食

CHF 37.50 each pers. without dessert 不带甜食

Egg-blossom soup 蛋花汤

Spring roll stuffed with vegetables 炸春卷

Chicken sweet and sour 甜酸鸡肉

Beef with mushrooms 双冬牛肉

Pineapples fritters with honey 炸风梨加香草冰激凌

and vanilla ice cream

Nr. 2 starting from 2 pers.俩人起价

CHF 52.00 each pers. with dessert 带甜食

CHF 46.50 each pers. without dessert 不带甜食

Hot and sour soup 酸辣汤

Prawns in curry sauce 咖哩虾球

Pork with garlic and chilli 辣汁猪肉

Chicken with peanuts & Chilli 宫保鸡丁

Pineapples fritters with honey 咖啡炸风梨加香草冰激凌

and vanilla ice cream

Menu with Rice 套餐带米饭

Soups 汤 类 CHF
1 Hot and sour soup 酸 辣 汤 8.00
2 Egg blossom-soup 蛋 花 汤 8.00

Warm hors d’oeuvres 小 吃

10 Spring roll vegetarian 春 卷 7.50

11 Deep fried wun tun 炸 馄 饨 9.50
12 Deep fried prawns (4 pieces) 炸 大 虾 16.50

Salads 沙 拉

20 Hot cabbage salad with apples 北京泡菜 7.50

21 Shrimps Salad 虾仁沙拉 8.50

Prawns and Fish 虾,鱼 类

31 Prawns with cashew-Nuts 腰果虾仁 30.00

32 Prawns Kung Bao (very hot) 宫保虾仁 31.50
33 Deep fried prawns (8 Pieces) 炸凤尾虾 33.00
35 Prawns in hot si-chuan sauce 香 辣 虾 31.50
40 Fish sweet and sour 甜酸鱼片 26.00
41 Fish in curry sauce 咖哩鱼片 27.50
42 Fish with sour cabbage 酸菜鱼片煲 35.00

Beef 牛 肉

51 Beef Sichuan (hot) 鱼香牛柳 29.00

52 Beef in hot pepper sauce 水煮牛肉 35.50
53 Beeftripe in hot souce 麻辣牛肚 28.00
55 Beef with vegetables and crispy rice 锅巴牛柳 30.00
56 Beef with onions 洋葱牛柳 29.50

Lamb 羊 肉

60 lamb with onions and coriander (hot) 孜然羊肉 31.00

Pork 猪 肉

71 Pork sweet and sour 咕噜猪肉 27.50

72 Crispy pork Sichuan (hot) 回 锅 肉 27.50
Duck 鸭 肉 CHF

80 Diced duck in black bean sauce (hot) 豉汁鸭片 30.00

81 Deep fried duck with lemon sauce 柠檬鸭片 31.00
82 Roasted Duck 香烤鸭脯 31.00

Chicken 鸡 肉

92 Chicken in green curry sauce (hot) 咖喱鸡片 27.50

93 Chicken Kung Bao (very hot) 宫保鸡丁 28.00
94 Chicken sweet and sour 咕 噜鸡肉 28.00
95 Chicken with onions and coriander 孜然鸡肉 30.00

Vegetarian dishes 素 食

120 Chinese cabbage in sour sauce 醋溜白菜 21.00

121 Bean curd in hot sauce 麻 婆 豆腐 26.00
122 Mixed Vegetables 地 三 鲜 24.00
123 Bean curd with vegetables in oyster sauce 红烧豆腐 23.00
124 Braised egg-plants with garlic 烧 茄 子 22.50

Rice and Noodles 炒饭 ,炒面

130 Ffried-Rice with chicken and veggies 鸡肉炒饭 24.00

131 Fried rice with shrimps and veggies 虾仁炒饭 25.00
132 Fried noodles with beef and veggies 牛肉炒面 25.00
134 Noodles soup with shrimps,meat and veggies 什锦汤面 28.00

67 鸡 肉 水 饺 28.00

68 酸 辣 粉 26.00

69 酸 辣 土 豆 丝 23.00

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