Metrics Template Public

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Dec'20 Jan'21 Feb'21

Target headcount
Current headcount
Bookings & Revenue
ACV Bookings planned, $K (launch month)
ACV Bookings actual, $K (launch month)

Pipeline stage 1, $K
Pipeline stage 2-4, $K
Pipeline stage 5, $K

Subscription revenue planned, $K

Subscription revenue actual, $K

Service Gross Margin, % of sub revenue

Service Gross Margin + NM provider cost, % of sub revenue
Revenue and cost drivers
Billable instances - lifestyle
Billable instances - chronic
Billable instances - subclinical mh
Billable instances - clinical mh
Billable instances - total

Subscription revenue per billable instance planned

Subscription revenue per billable instance actual

Provider cost total per billable instance planned

Provider cost total per billable instance actual

Clinical MH as % of billable instances

NOL planned, $K
NOL actual, $K
Operational months
Total AEs planned
Total AEs actual

Fully ramped AEs

Bookings capacity
Avg Quota per AE, ARR

Quota Attainment % by $
Quota Attainment % by people
Pipeline to Quota Ratio for next quarter

Plan Target # of Leads Generated by Sales

Actual Actual # of Leads Generated

Plan Target Lead Conversion Rate

Actual Actual Lead Conversion Rate
Sales efficiency
Sales cycle, days
B2B (Sales & Marketing)
Cost per Lead

Target # of Leads Generated

Actual # of Leads Generated
Lead Conversion Rate

Total SDRs
SDR/AE Ratio
SDR Target (meetings or dollars)
SDR Attainment

B2C (Marketing & VSC)

Cost per signup planned
Cost per signup actual

Cost per signup from Marketing planned

Cost per signup from Marketing

Cost per signup from VSC planned

Cost per signup from VSC

Months to Repay CAC, GM Burdened

Member Experience

Member Outcomes

Provider Network
Provider - FTE and PTE
Provider - Contractors
Provider - Hours per Contractor
Mar'21 Apr'21 May'21 Jun'21 Jul'21 Aug'21 Sep'21 Oct'21 Nov'21 Dec'21

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