For Christmas

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For Christmas

1. The origins of santa clous actually trace back to a real person: St. Nikolas of Myra, who
known as Nikolaos the Wondermaker Bishop Sains Nicholas of Smyrna, and Nikolaos of Bari.
He also happens to be the patron saint of children, sailors, orphans, royalty, as well as the
city of New York (Shannon Quinn, n:d)
2. Christmas tree internationally popularized after Germany’s Prince Albert introduced it to
England in 1846 when he married Queen Victoria (Quinn, n:d)
3. It wasn’t until well after the Revolutionary War that some American states declared
Christmas a legal holiday, with Albama being the first state in 1836. It didn’t become a
federal holiday until after the civil War, in 1870. The last state to adopt the holiday was
Oklahoma in 1907(Quinn, n:d)
4. The tradition of Christmas trees goes all the way back to Romans and Egyptians, who marked
the winter solstice with evergreens as a reminder that spring would return (Asher, 2020).
5. Name of Santa Clause came from St. Nicholas, but the real saint wasn’t a bearded man who
wore a red suit. According to the lagend, the fourth century Christian bishop gave away his
abundant inheritance to rescued women from servitude. His name was Sinter Klass in Dutch,
which later morphed into Santa Claus (Fogler, 2020)
6. According to the lagend, stocking are hang by the chimney with care thanks to a poor man
who didn’t have enough money for his three daughters’ dowries. Generous old St. Nick
dropped a bag of gold down their chimney one night, where the girl had hung their stocking
to dry. From that the tradition began (Fogler, 2020)
7. “The Christmas wreath originated as a symbol of christ. The holly represent the crown of
thorn Jesus wore at his crucifixion, and the red berries symbolize the blood he shed” (Fogler,
8. In Germany, Ukraine and Poland, finding a spider or a spider web on a Christmas trees
believed that they can have a good luck. (Libina, 2015)
9. In Armenia, the traditional Christmas Eve meal consist of fried fish, lettuce and spinach.
Many Armenians fast for a week before the Christmas eve, that’s why, in order not to stress
the stomach, the menu for the Christmas dinner is pretty light (Libina, 2015)
10. The first artificial Christmas trees at all. It was created out of goose feather that were dyed
green. The first artificial Christmas tress were developed in Germany in the 19 th century, due
to a major continuous deforestation. The feather trees became increasingly popular during
the early 20th century and finally made their way to the US (Libina, 2015)

1. Salmon may be beneficial for reducing anxiety. It contains nutrien that can promote brain
health, including vitamin D and the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and
docosahexaenois acid (DHA) that can regulate the neurotransmitters and dopamine and
serotonin which can have calming and relaxing properties (Elliott, 2017)
2. Medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are equally effective in treating
depression. Medication can help with severe depression even as much as CBT (Gilihan, 2017)
3. Exercise can be a powerful antidepresant treatment. Researchers have found benefits of
walking, jogging, running, resistance training and other form of movement. More intense
activity generally leads to greater depression relief (Gilihan, 2017)
4. Improving diet may be an effective way to relieve depression. A study from earlier this year
found that educating people about better eating habits could lead to big reductions in
depression. We advised to increase consumption of vegetable, whole grains, legumes,
healthy fats and lean proteins (Gilihan, 2017)
5. “Positive psychology interventions” can relieve depression symptoms. This finding is not
surprising since thee types of interventions are aimed at cultivating positive feeling, positive
behaviours or positive cognitions (Gilihan, 2017)
6. Interpersonal therapy is highly effective treatment for depression. Relationships affects our
well-being to get a better life. Positive changes in the ways we relate to others can leas to a
major mood boost and can also help prevent relapse (Gilihan, 2017)
7. St John’s wort can be an effective treatment for depression. It’s better than placebo in
treating mild to moderate depression, and equally effective of medication with fewer side
effects (Gilihan, 2017)
8. Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) prevents depression relapse, particularly
among those with 3 more episodes of depression. Those who got MBCT were 34 percent
less likely to relapse, an effect that’s comparable to staying on medication for depression
(Gilihan, 2017)
9. Some research suggest that journaling and other forms of writing can help people to cope
better with anxiety. In 2016 study, for example found that creatve writing may help children
and teens to manage anxiety (Villines, 2020)
10. Lavender may be especially helpful. A 2012 study tested the effect of aromatherapy with
lavender on Insomnia in 67 women aged 45-55. Result suggest that aromatherapy may
reduce the heart rate in the short term and help and help to ease sleep issue in the long
term (Villines, 2020)
11. Research published in 2018 confirmed that pets can be beneficial to people with a variety of
mental health issue, including anxiety. Spending time with animals can also reduce anxiety
and stress associated with trauma.

Fogle, A. (2020, September 24). 30 Interesting Christmas Facts to Impress Your Friends and Family.
Retrieved from
Gilihan, S. J. (2017, Jun 30). 27 Facts About the Best Ways to Treat Depression. Retrieved from
Psychology Today:

Libina, A. (2015, December 1). 12 Fun Christmas Facts. Retrieved from PastBook:

Quinn, S. (n.d.). 60 Festive Facts About Christmas. Retrieved from

Villines, Z. (2020, January 7). How to treat anxiety naturally. Retrieved from Medical News Today:

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