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4000 Astrology, Numerology and
Tarot Positive Predictions to
Show you the Bright Side of Life
Jane Dallas

If I tell you that the future is bright, and holds beautiful

and wonderful things, you might not believe me.

Which is why I'm going to show you, backed up by the Mighty

Triforce Power of Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot

Astrology is the oldest of human sciences, and it just might

be the most fascinating.

Many people are afraid of the future. They do not want to see

what the tarot cards will bring them.

But for me, if you play your astrological and numerological

card right, you can unlock a glimpse of all the wonderful
things that lie ahead of you, in your future. And this is

something that can transform your life.

Ancient philosophers in Europe, India, and America lived in

simpler times. They cast their charts, they scanned the

heavens, they knew the true astrology. They were visionaries.

Over the years, mankind has sought to recover a bit of that

wisdom. With attempts like conventional astrology, zodiac
signs, moon runes, coffee grounds, tarot card readings,

divination, and shamanism, we have tried to foretell the

future accurately. But it has been difficult to recapture all

of that ancient Magick and wisdom in the present day.

Until this book.

This book brings together three very powerful things in order

to give you the prediction that most closely approaches your

actual future. First, the power of choice; your own

perception of where your headspace is at, on a given day.

Second, the power of numerology, that translates the space of

infinite futures that swirl before you to a tightly defined

set of options. Third, the dual blended wisdom of astrology -

that takes what the heavens are trying to tell us, and
matches it to the options revealed by numerology.

You have the best of all possible worlds: the ancient Eastern

science of numerology, and the core of the Western theories

of astrology, working together to give you the best possible

prediction for every single day of the next year.

The book is very very easy to use. It starts with a simple

exercise, one which takes as its seed your free, sovereign

choice, and converts this expression of your body, mind, and
spirit, into a numerological variable - the Magick Number

that will form the basis for every horoscope calculated in

this book. Next, you will use the numerological Magick Number

(it changes every day!) to select the unique prediction that

will determine the course of your threads of destiny

depending on the day (every one of the 365 days in the coming
year has its own prediction set). When you end up with the

horoscope for the day, you can be sure that it represents the

power trinity of fortune telling: you, the numbers that

govern your fates in the short term, and the planets as they

swirl and spark far above the world that we know and love.

The one thing that sets this book apart from all others of

its ilk is its usage of the Power of Positivity. It is easy

to focus on things that could go wrong, but that’s not what

the book you have in your hands right now is about. Instead,

I spend time on helping you use your will power to Magick

success into existence, by talking about everything positive

that could go right for you today. Of course, it’s not all

roses; there are also warnings for things that you should be
careful of in the near future. This will ensure that every
prediction leaves you with a sense of purpose, and a sense of

high energy, rather than a horoscope that leaves you with a

sense of dread or of impending doom.

You will not need much context, or much previous experience

with astrology, to derive every benefit that this book has to
offer. All you will need are an open mind, the discipline to

spend ten minutes every day on focusing your energies towards

identifying the correct horoscope prediction that fits you,

and the sensitivity to possibilities to correctly identify

the numerological choices that determine your short term

Each day’s prediction set has, before it, the instructions
on how to use your Magick Number (that you calculate every

day anew) to match it with the prediction made just for you,
on that day.

I wish you luck on your journey of self-discovery. The future

is lovely.
Table of Contents
Step 1 (Important): Start with this two minute exercise every day
Day 01
Day 02
Day 03
Day 04
Day 05
Day 06
Day 07
Day 08
Day 09
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
Day 31
Day 32
Day 33
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36
Day 37
Day 38
Day 39
Day 40
Day 41
Day 42
Day 43
Day 44
Day 45
Day 46
Day 47
Day 48
Day 49
Day 50
Day 51
Day 52
Day 53
Day 54
Day 55
Day 56
Day 57
Day 58
Day 59
Day 60
Day 61
Day 62
Day 63
Day 64
Day 65
Day 66
Day 67
Day 68
Day 69
Day 70
Day 71
Day 72
Day 73
Day 74
Day 75
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Day 77
Day 78
Day 79
Day 80
Day 81
Day 82
Day 83
Day 84
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Day 358
Day 359
Day 360
Day 361
Day 362
Day 363
Day 364
Day 365
Step 1 (Important): Start with this two minute
exercise every day

Every day, you will find your unique Magick Number, the one
that will control your energies, destiny, and good luck on
that day.

Follow the steps below to find your Magick Number. It is

likely to change from day to day, since it depends on your

perceptions, your mood, and where your mind is at. Once you
have found your Magick Number, you can skip to the relevant

Day number (for example, if you started on January 1, and

today is January 3, you should skip to Day 3, using the
Contents Section to help you navigate).

How to find your Magick Number every day:


The Magick Number is the sum of four numbers, which are the

Number A is related to the date of the month
Simple! If it’s the 5th today, Number A is 5. If it’s the

12th , Number A is 2 (just the last digit is taken). If it’s

the 27th , Number A is 7.

To find Number B, you need to meditate for a short while
Close your eyes for 30 seconds; in this period of time, try

to empty your mind of everything. After the 30 seconds are

up, think of one object, and note down the first object your
mind sees. The number of letters in the name of that object

is Number B. For example, if you see a cat, the value of

Number B is 3.

Which of these words most accurately describes your mental

state today? Peaceful, Angry, Worried, or Hopeful?
Add ou choose Peaceful, Number C is 1. If you choose Angry,

Number C is 2. If you choose Worried, Number C is 3. If you

choose Hopeful, Number C is 4.

On a scale of 1-10, how good do you think today will be to
This is Number D.

Your Magick Number is Number A (plus) Number B (plus) Number

C (plus) Number D.
Day 01

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You must not let the line between fact and fantasy get

blurred over the next 48 hours. Be especially careful where

money matters and business issues are concerned because if

you get the wrong end of the stick it could cost you dear.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There will be a lot of tension, both at home and at work, as

the new week begins but you must ignore it and focus on your
objectives. You cannot stop the changes that are about to
take place but you can make changes of your own.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you
and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few

weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There are so many things you would like to change in your

life but there is one thing, and one thing only, that demands

to be altered. You know what it is and you know you have been

putting it off. Time to get serious and get busy.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

Day 02

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a

secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It is important that you deal with an outstanding feud

immediately because if you allow it to linger it will hold

you back later and that could be disastrous. Look a bit
harder for a compromise solution – it won’t be difficult to


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You know what needs to be done to put things right and put

loved ones and business colleagues at their ease – so do it.

Just make sure you can deliver on any promises you might make
– and never, ever make promises about money.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone important will take you under their wing over the
next few days and show you how to make the most of your

talents. What you learn from them in the weeks and months
ahead is sure to bring fame and fortune.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your emotions are closer to the surface than you realize and
the nearer you get to the weekend, when the moon is full, the

more likely it is your feelings will get the better of you.

Strive to stay calm and see the funny side of all situations.
Day 03

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try to be more open with partners and loved ones as the new

week begins. If you make the effort you will quite easily

find the words that have been lacking these past few weeks –

words that heal rifts that are no more than


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You appear to be having second thoughts about a plan that

previously you thought was the key to success. Maybe you are
right to hesitate but at some stage you are going to have to

make a choice and stick with it. Stop dithering!


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t worry too much if you feel a bit gloomy today because

you will brighten up considerably later in the week. If you

don’t feel like working or socializing then don’t force
yourself. Sit quietly, think deeply and meditate on the

meaning of life.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you have overlooked a small but

important detail and the effects of that oversight will

become apparent over the next 24 hours. Under no

circumstances try to blame others for your failure. Be big

enough to own your mistakes.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Get out and about. Be sociable. Wherever you go and whatever

you do you will have a lot of fun and even the most ordinary
of encounters will be hugely enjoyable. Make the effort to
talk to people – you may learn something worth knowing.
Day 04

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may not be the best in certain areas but in one

particular field of endeavor you have no equals and that is

what you should be focusing on now. Don’t try to be all

things to all men, just be yourself – it’s more than


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be right to be angry with someone who has let you
down but don’t make a big issue of it. Let them know you are
not amused, then let it go. Whatever it is you have lost you

will soon find something better to replace it.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to fall into the trap of thinking that those who

disagree with you are your enemies. It’s far more likely
they are your friends. The Sun in your opposite sign means
you must meet others halfway. Life is not a war.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try to take it in the right spirit if certain people make fun

of you today. Fortunately, today’s Sun-Jupiter link will

help you see the funny side of what happens, even if it is

happening to you. Laugh and the world will laugh with you.
Day 05

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Domestic and work arrangements may change at a moment’s

notice today, but that’s okay. You are adaptable enough to

change with them and make it all seem effortless – which

won’t go unnoticed by people in positions of power.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will have to make a difficult decision over the next 24

hours but because you know without doubt what is right and
what is wrong you will make it quickly and with a clear
conscience. As a Fire sign you are never afraid to act.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will have to adapt to other people’s plans over the next
few days but it’s really no big deal. Sometimes it’s best

to sit back and let others call the shots. If they get it
right, that’s great. If they get it wrong, you’re not to

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What is it you want the most? Once you have put a name to
your desire you will be amazed how easy it is to make it your

own. This is also a good time to get serious about your cash

flow situation. Earn more or spend less.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You know what needs to be done and, yes, it’s a huge

challenge, but you can manage it. This is one of those days

when, if you push yourself beyond your usual limits you will
find your second wind and overcome challenges with ease.

Day 06

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may find it hard to admit you were wrong about something

but you have no choice in the matter. If you have been found

out for playing fast and loose with the truth you must admit

it and promise not to let it happen again.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may find it hard to put your point of view across today,

but that’s okay. There is actually nothing that needs to be

said immediately, so keep quiet and use your time to improve
your mind in some way. Read more, talk less!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will enjoy a surge of energy and enthusiasm today and you
must use it to further your ambitions. A creative project
begun over the next 24 hours will get everyone talking, and

maybe make you some much needed cash as well.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

No one is immune to your charms. You know exactly what words

to use to win others over and you know that even if they
resist it is only a matter of time before they give in and

give you what it is you desire. You’re an unstoppable force.

Day 07

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t be tempted to do things today just to get yourself

noticed. You don’t need to call attention to yourself, still

less to put on a show. You know what you are capable of and

that’s all that matters – you don’t have to prove your


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Friends and family will rally round today and help you get
over an event that has knocked your confidence a bit. In the
greater scheme of things it is of only minor importance, so

learn what you can from it, then move on quickly.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor
importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile

more too.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you feel strongly about something then act on it. Yes, it

may make you unpopular in certain circles but that’s not

important. What matters is that you can look in the mirror in

the morning and like what you see. Principles matter.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a
way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

Day 08

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t make life more complicated than it needs to be.

Employers and other important people, and loved ones too,

will appreciate your ability to get tasks done without making

a big issue of them. Life is simple when reduced to its


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you
realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of
course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said
about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved

one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Money isn’t everything but it’s still important and what

happens today will remind you that you cannot afford to be

too relaxed about what you own and earn. You have mouths to
feed and bills to pay, so don’t waste your resources.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Stick to the script and don’t be tempted to go off at a

tangent. That applies to all areas of your life but
especially to your working environment where others will not
take kindly to you disrupting routines without clearing it

with them first.

Day 09

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now
in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to appear too eager today. If you can give others,

and especially your rivals, the impression that you don’t

care whether you win or you lose you will lull them into a
false sense of security. In fact, no one wants to win more

than you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

No matter how difficult recent weeks may have been what

happens today and tomorrow will surely convince you that a

corner has been turned and the good times will soon be back.

You are definitely one of life’s lucky ones now.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about

to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of

the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually
that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

Day 10

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Friends and family will rally round today and help you get

over an event that has knocked your confidence a bit. In the

greater scheme of things it is of only minor importance, so

learn what you can from it, then move on quickly.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Something unexpected will disrupt your day and you won’t be

too happy about it, but it won’t help if you lose your cool
and start screaming and shouting. You should be experienced
enough and mature enough to take setbacks like this in your


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make an effort to be friendly with everyone you meet over the

next 24 hours. Yes, of course, some people will be less than

friendly in return but it’s about how you choose to behave,
not how a minority of idiots choose to react.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all
things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little

bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the
challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now

you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle

flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good
for you too.
Day 11

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

For quite some time you have found it hard to trust a certain

person but over the next few days you won’t be quite so

suspicious, and that’s a good thing. The two of you were

firm friends once and can be again.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it
because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

What happens over the next two or three days will remind you

that you should never take anything for granted. One way or
the other change always happens, usually when we least expect
it, so stay alert and be ready to act at a moment’s notice.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Let everyone know where you are coming from and where you
intend to go. They may not agree with your choice of

destination but they won’t be able to stop you. No one but

you has the right to decide where you seek happiness.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

Day 12

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone important will take you under their wing over the
next few days and show you how to make the most of your
talents. What you learn from them in the weeks and months

ahead is sure to bring fame and fortune.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is no point making a fuss today, not even if you can

prove you have been hard done by. Sometimes we have to take
what we are given and make the best of it and this is one of
those times. You’ll triumph in the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Identify what is important to you and focus on it to the

exclusion of everything else. You have wasted a lot of time

on things that cannot take you closer to your goals. If you

know what you want you will find a way to get it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The more you try to give up certain things you know are not
good for you the more you end up indulging in them. Maybe

that’s the only way. Maybe you need to wallow in what you
desire until you desire it no more.
Day 13

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There have been quite a few crossed lines of late, especially

in friendships and relationships, but as from this weekend

everything will be crystal clear again. There can be no more

excuses, either for them or for you, for getting it wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a
way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.

According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your grasp of the facts will leave something to be desired

over the next few days, so steer clear of situations where
you are expected to make decisions that other people are

going to rely on. They won’t be happy if you get it wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental
activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

Day 14

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new

things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your main task over the next few days is to find ways to

fulfill your obligations, both at home and at work, while

still having fun socially. For best results, steer clear of
extremes and steer clear of people who bring out the worst in


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you are not doing so already you should be making big

plans – no, make that huge plans. Cosmic activity in your

birth sign indicates that the more things you start the more
you will accomplish and the more fun you will have.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets there is something you have

overlooked and if you want to avoid making a fool of yourself

you need to find out what it is and take appropriate action.

No one has noticed your mistake – yet – so get to it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust

that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to
be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.
Day 15

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You need to get cracking on all the things you said you would

do but somehow never quite got around to starting. Life

always gives us a second chance and over the next few days

new opportunities will open up for you. Take them.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The more you try to give up certain things you know are not

good for you the more you end up indulging in them. Maybe
that’s the only way. Maybe you need to wallow in what you
desire until you desire it no more.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It’s good that you support some kind of cause but don’t
fall into the trap of believing that it’s okay to use

underhand methods to further your aims. Despite what some

fools say the ends do not justify the means, not now, not

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is

to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may look calm on the outside but on the inside your
emotions are raging. Therefore your first task today is to

find ways to let your anger out in a controlled manner. Your

second task is to stop taking life so seriously.

Day 16

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It may be tiresome having to spell out in plain language what

should be a simple set of facts but it’s the only way you

can be sure certain people will get it right. Take the time

and make the effort – ultimately it’s for your own benefit.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to
look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.

According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Decide on a course of action and stick to it. The more you

chop and change the more likely it is your efforts will fall
short and leave you feeling as if you have wasted your time

and your talents. Focus your energy in a single direction.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you
play favorites this week you risk making the situation even

worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.
Day 17

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are in two minds whether to get involved in a feud that

is not really any of your business but which you know you

could resolve if you can only make people listen. Go on, take

a chance – you might just be a hero.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will think fast and act fast today and it may be
frustrating when you have to slow down because the people up

ahead of you are dragging their feet. Stay calm and look for
intelligent ways to get past them. Don’t just push your way
to the front.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What looks simple to you may look complicated to someone

else, so don’t get uptight if they can’t get their head

around it. Patience may not be one of your virtues but you

will need plenty of it today. What’s the rush? You’re not

on the clock.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and
catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the
week will be free for fun and games.
Day 18

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out

of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having

fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental

activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you
will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

What happens today may be a challenge to your ego but no way

is it going to break you, so don’t fret. These are difficult

times but you can make things easier for yourself by going
with the flow rather than fighting against it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There may be no end of fun things going on socially this

weekend but you must put partners and loved ones first, even
if it means letting down your buddies. Harmony at home is by

far the most important thing at the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is something you want to do with your life but it means

giving up so much of what you already know. Is it worth it?
Can you do it? These are questions that only you can answer.

Start giving it some serious thought.

Day 19

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try to be more relaxed about your situation this weekend.

Even if you are not making the kind of progress you were

hoping for you have still learnt a lot in recent weeks and

that knowledge will come in useful in the near future.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to
avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The planets warn that certain people will try to bully you
into abandoning ideas and opinions that mean a lot to you –

and you must fight them every inch of the way. It’s not
about right or wrong – there is a principle at stake.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may think your charm will get you everything you desire,
and you may be right, but that is not an excuse to bend rules
or cut corners. Everything balances out in the end, so if you

cheat others now you will pay for it later.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all
things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little
bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the

challenge the more you will enjoy it.

Day 20

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Disputes of one kind or another are likely over the next few

days and almost inevitably you will clash with someone in a

position of authority. But that’s okay. The more you fight

for your rights now the less likely it is you will be cheated

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Everyone takes a wrong turning now and again, so don’t be

surprised if the planets start nudging you in a new
direction. There is an ideal path for you to take through
life and in some way or other you will be reminded where it
is today.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is no point throwing yourself at something you simply

don’t enjoy doing. The planets indicate that it may be time

for a change – and a big change at that. What is it that YOU

want to do? Then do it, and nothing else!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Stand up for your rights today and don’t let anyone tell you
what you can and cannot do. What others don’t seem to

understand is that you cannot be bribed or pressured to go

against your principles. Flattery, of course, is harder to
defend against.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to come out from the shadows and remind those who
may have forgotten who you are and what you can do. Believe
in yourself and be ready to roll up your sleeves and get your

hands dirty. Be a doer, not a doubter.

Day 21

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you force yourself to be enthusiastic about something you

don’t much like today you may surprise yourself by how easy

it is – and how much you enjoy it. Like so many things,

whether or not it is fun depends entirely on you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You seem reluctant to take chances at the moment. Maybe

that’s no bad thing though as the planets suggest if you let

yourself go over the next 48 hours you could make some silly
mistakes. Also, don’t spend what you don’t have.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Generally your instincts are spot on but over the course of

the next 24 hours you will have to admit that your negative

views about a newcomer to your social circle were totally

wrong. It seems they are a lot nicer than you thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone who has supported you in the past will refuse to do

so today, and with good reason. It seems they can see what
you cannot, that you are aiming too high and cannot possibly

succeed. Listen to them and you won’t fall so far.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

Day 22

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental

activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may not understand why so many people are singing your

praises at the moment but you must have done something to

warrant being the center of attention. Don’t waste time
thinking about it – milk the applause for all it’s worth.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You are feeling a lot more positive about life now the Sun is
moving in your favor, and with Mars and Venus also on your

side today your self-belief is sky-high. What would you do if

you knew you could not fail? So do it!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t cover up for a friend if they have done something

wrong because it will reflect badly on you in the long-term.
They should be big enough to stand up and admit they made a

mistake and if they’re not then why are you friends with


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a

way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.
Day 23

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week

begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day
of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t worry too much if you get behind in your work because
there will be plenty of time to catch up later on. It would

help, of course, if you were not so willing to take on other

people’s tasks. You can be too generous you know.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen
to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will find it easy to work out what is going on in

someone’s mind today, which in turn will help you decide

what you should do next. You have a knack for seeing the kind
of body language that other people miss. Make it work for
Day 24

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Confidence will not be in short supply over the next few days

but what about common sense? The good news is you seem to

have learnt how to set goals and pace yourself sensibly.

You’ll go far. In fact you’ll go all the way.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will soon get the chance to move up to a new level as far

as your career is concerned, but you need to be well

prepared. New opportunities will open up in various
directions and you must be the one to take advantage of them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Employers and other important people will be impressed by

your can-do attitude this weekend but don’t go over the top

and take on too much or you may have to admit later on that
you overextended yourself – and that won’t be good for your

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It seems you are trying too hard to please one particular

person and because of that other people are beginning to feel

neglected. That may not be your intention but you need to be

more even-handed, or at least pretend to be.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

According to the planets you have become too set in your ways
of late – yes, even more so than usual – and now you must

loosen up a little and let other possibilities into your

life. Start with your love life. Don’t be so inflexible.
Day 25

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you rise to the challenges that face you today you will

find ways to turn them to your advantage. Family ties will

also work in your favor, so let loved ones and relatives know

what you are up to and what it is you need.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor
importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile

more too.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be reserved by nature but every now and again you go

right the other way and say things that shock those around
you – and this is one of those days. Put simply, you’ve had
enough of complaints and criticisms. It’s time to hit back.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Loved ones will demand that you attend to their needs ahead
of your own today, and if you are smart you will do so

without complaint. The more you support them now the more
they will support you later on when the roles are reversed.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will be pleasantly surprised by what happens over the

next 24 hours. Money matters, among other things, will no

longer worry you the way they once did but don’t go mad and
go on a spree because that will cause trouble all over again.

Day 26

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Are you open to new ideas? Hopefully you are because the

planets suggest that if you try something new over the next

few weeks you will be surprised by how much you enjoy it. It

does not have to be a threat to what you already believe.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to
avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make having fun your aim this week. You have done enough
thinking and worrying of late and now that the Sun and Venus

are moving through one of the more sociable areas of your

chart you can and you must let your hair down.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try to avoid petty arguments, especially the sort that drag

on for days. Yes, it may look to others as if you are taking
the easy way out but the fact is you cannot be bothered to

waste time on issues that don’t mean a thing to you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

Day 27

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.

You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t

necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever
else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You are in one of your assertive moods today and if others

have any sense they will give you whatever you demand with no
questions asked. Just be careful you don’t annoy someone
whose cooperation you may need in the near future.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you don’t protect your own interests over the next few
days you may lose something precious. You know who your

rivals are and you know what they are after, so it should be
a simple matter to fight your corner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Before you take any important decisions this weekend you must
make sure you have all the facts at your fingertips. If you

are missing even a small piece of information it could mean

you make exactly the kind of mistake you were hoping to

Day 28

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be a bit more assertive today. Let people in positions

of power know that you are not the sort of person they can
kick around. You don’t have to be rude or aggressive but you

do have to stand up for yourself.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The sad fact is you cannot completely trust what other people
tell you at the moment. Even if they are well-meaning they

may not be in possession of all the facts. The only voice you
need to heed is the small, soft voice that comes from within.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.
Day 29

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have

to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to

you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely

they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you

as tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn takes your confidence to

new heights. What you start over the next few days is sure to
be a success – so see it through to the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Friends and family will rally round today and help you get
over an event that has knocked your confidence a bit. In the

greater scheme of things it is of only minor importance, so

learn what you can from it, then move on quickly.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will have no difficulty letting others know what you

think and feel today. However, that does not mean you should
tell them everything about yourself. Not only could that be

embarrassing but it could also give your rivals information

to use against you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Stand back from your everyday cares and see life from a wider
perspective. It may be easy to believe that the odds are

stacked against you, that nothing will ever go right again,

but that’s an illusion brought about by too narrow a focus.

Day 30

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t look back and wonder what might have been – look

forward and make a bright new future for yourself. Any

regrets you still have about what you should or should not

have done must be cast from your mind once and for all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The best way to handle a delicate situation is to be brutal

with it. That may sound all wrong but the planets indicate
that you have been pussy-footing round an issue when you
should have got to grips with it. You don’t need tact, you

need action.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you have overlooked a small but

important detail and the effects of that oversight will

become apparent over the next 24 hours. Under no
circumstances try to blame others for your failure. Be big

enough to own your mistakes.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The message of the stars for you today is that you must not

start worrying for no good reason. The challenges that come

your way over the next few days will be tough but you are ten

times tougher. You’re better looking than your rivals too!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Come the weekend you will be free to express yourself in ways

which may not have been possible before. However, you will
also have to exercise a certain amount of self-discipline. If
you say too much the backlash could be uncomfortable.
Day 31

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets signal that some kind of breakthrough is likely

but it will come more quickly if you are deliberately

assertive. Remember though, that assertive does not mean

aggressive. You want to win people over, not turn them

against you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone new will come into your life this week and before you
know it you will be the best of friends. It’s even possible
that, in time, you will become more than friends, but even if

there is an attraction there don’t rush things.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Doors that have been closed to you in the past will open over

the next few days. People who were reluctant to assist you
before will now be falling over themselves to help you out.
Don’t be afraid to move forwards – and fast.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You’ll be a bit touchy as the new week begins, perhaps due

to a vague fear that a work colleague is plotting against

you. Most likely there is no truth in it at all, so don’t do

or say anything that might really turn them against you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Life is not a zero sum game – other people don’t have to

lose out just so that you can win. Your task today is to find

creative ways in which to further your own ambitions while

helping others to get what they need as well.

Day 32

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Sometimes you allow what are really quite minor problems to

build up in your mind to such an extent that soon they bear

no relation to reality. There is absolutely nothing wrong
with your current situation, so keep your imagination under


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Either you will change your mind and annoy other people, or

they will change their minds and annoy you. Either way
tempers are going to be a bit on the short side over the next
24 hours. Try not to say anything too emotionally damaging.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Loved ones and relatives may have been difficult to handle in

recent weeks but only because you were not approaching them

in the right way. Now that you understand their fears a bit
better you can find ways to get through to them.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Just because someone occupies a position of power does not

mean they have to be obeyed without question. On the

contrary, if you can see they are abusing their position you
have a duty to speak up. Are you brave enough to do that?
Day 33

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Think carefully before you make a decision but, having made

it, stick with it come what may. You need to know where you

stand and others need to know where they stand as well. There

have been enough misunderstandings already.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone you work or do business with will disagree with your

plans today but there is no way you are going to change them.
Smile sweetly and tell them you understand their concerns –
then carry on exactly the same as before.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will need a great deal of patience over the next 24

hours, especially when dealing with authority figures. No

matter how much they provoke you do not lose your temper.
Certainly don’t say anything they could use against you

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You need to rethink something of a creative nature. Maybe you

expected too much of yourself, or maybe you expected too much

of other people, but either way you are going to have to make

changes. Make them changes that primarily enrich you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental

activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

Day 34

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a

secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s time to admit that you are getting nowhere with a

project and must call it a day. Don’t think of it as a

failure, think of it as a learning experience. At least you
had the guts to give it a go. Next time you will get it


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will want to go out and conquer the world this week and

it’s good that you are so ambitious. But an upcoming series

of difficult aspects warns it won’t always be easy. Don’t
be discouraged if you have to work harder than you expected.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel

uncomfortable over the next few days just get up and leave.

It may seem rude to others but better to be rude than to feel

so out of place that you never want to go back.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The planets urge you to focus not on the things you want but
on the things you need – and yes, they are different. Take

care of the essentials over the next 24 hours and everything

else that happens will seem like a bonus.
Day 35

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need

to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the

unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will find it much easier to get your message across while

the moon is new, even more so if it is a message of love and

laughter. Don’t spend all your time chatting on social media
though – get out into the real world for a while.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It seems you are having second thoughts about a career move.

You want to move up in the world, of course, but is this the

route you should be taking? Think about it but don’t make

any decisions yet. Everything will be clearer next week.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The Sun in your opposite sign puts the emphasis on

partnerships and if you are wise you will make a serious
effort to get along with the people around you. Find areas

where your interests and their interests coincide. You can

only do so much alone.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You seem to be having serious misgivings about what a friend

or family member is proposing to do and it is your duty to

speak up about it. They may resent your interference now but
later on they will thank you profusely.

Day 36

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be desperate to show what you can do but don’t go

over the top and do something silly. Why? Because it makes

you an easy target for those who would like nothing better

than to derail your ambitions. Think smart and act smart too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It does not matter if other people approve of your aims –

the only thing that matters is they mean something to you.

Get on with your planning, then get on with doing what has to
be done. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You are not the only one with good ideas, so listen to what
friends and family members have to tell you over the next 24

hours and, if their advice sounds good, act on it

immediately. Don’t let your ego get in the way.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you sit back and wait for good things to come your way
this weekend you will be disappointed, but if you go out and
make things happen you will be amazed how easily you get

ahead. Whatever obstacles you face you can find ways around


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You are so full of energy at the moment but don’t expect

other people to be as active or ambitious as you. Just

because you are racing here, there and everywhere does not
mean everyone else has to follow your lead.
Day 37

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This may be a difficult day for you but it can also be a day

when you learn something to your advantage. If you are torn

between the future and the past, choose the future. If you

are torn between your friends and money, choose friends.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may at times seem as if your talents are being wasted but

it isn’t true – and what happens over the next few days
will convince you that everything is working out exactly as
it should. You are about to discover the role you were born

to play.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you have a good idea today most likely someone will try to

persuade you to give it a miss. They will say it’s too

dangerous, they will say it’s not your style – but what
they really mean is they wish they had thought of it first!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Over the next two or three days you will find it easier to
get to grips with a financial matter that has been keeping

you awake at night. Once you find out what the real problem
is you will also find the courage to deal with it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.

Day 38

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt

that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The time is right to get together with like-minded people and

do something that makes the world a better place. Your

compassionate nature will guide you to where you can most be
of service and your organizational skills will help make

things happen.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your
thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The most important thing today is that you do something that

makes you feel good about yourself. Also, you may need to

remove yourself from an environment that reminds you of

things, or people, you would prefer to forget.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Be honest about your desires. With values planet Venus about

to move into the most dynamic area of your chart there is

almost nothing you can say that will make a bad impression or
turn others against you. Take note of that word “almost”
Day 39

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you do things by the book today you will get the rewards

you deserve. If, however, you try to gain an advantage by

cutting corners or telling lies most likely you will find

that your underhand methods rebound on you in annoying ways.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better
still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it
because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny

yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or

financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to rethink something of a creative nature. Maybe you

expected too much of yourself, or maybe you expected too much

of other people, but either way you are going to have to make
changes. Make them changes that primarily enrich you.

Day 40

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Think carefully before you make a decision but, having made

it, stick with it come what may. You need to know where you

stand and others need to know where they stand as well. There

have been enough misunderstandings already.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it

because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What happens today will force you to think deeply about

things you have taken for granted up until now. It will also

force you to realize that you don’t live in a vacuum – what

you do in your life touches the lives of those around you as


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to decide once and for all what it is you want most

out of life and to focus all your energies in that single

direction. Forget about what might have been because it is
what still can be that matters. You can still be a star.
Day 41

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Those who know you well won’t believe for one moment the bad

things your rivals are saying about you. Those who don’t

know you well will see from the calm look on your face that

the stories are false. Nothing will faze you today.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to say only nice things about friends and colleagues,

because if you make your true feelings known it will cause

you all sorts of problems. That applies doubly on the work
front, no matter how much you may despise certain people.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you have overlooked a small but

important detail and the effects of that oversight will

become apparent over the next 24 hours. Under no

circumstances try to blame others for your failure. Be big
enough to own your mistakes.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Something that made perfect sense a short while ago now seems
to make no sense at all and it’s immensely frustrating.

Don’t worry about it. A day or two from now you will have

forgotten why you thought it was so important.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny
yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or

financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

Day 42

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Things could get a bit stressful over the next 24 hours,

especially if you are the sort of Pisces who expects

everything in your life to go according to plan. For best

results, live in the moment. Looking further ahead than that

is a waste of time.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

At some stage today or tomorrow you will realize that you are
putting far more into a relationship than you are getting out
of it. That cannot be allowed to continue. Get tough if you
have to – sadly it’s the only language some people

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Something unexpected, and rather nice, will happen over the

next 24 hours, something that demands your full attention. If

it means you have to postpone a get-together with your

friends then so be it. You can make it up to them later.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Something that made perfect sense a short while ago now seems
to make no sense at all and it’s immensely frustrating.
Don’t worry about it. A day or two from now you will have
forgotten why you thought it was so important.
Day 43

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will need to think quickly and act quickly to get on top

of a situation that is rapidly spiralling out of control.

Don’t worry if you have to tread on a few toes to get things

done – everyone will thank you later for taking the lead.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Something unexpected, and rather nice, will happen over the

next 24 hours, something that demands your full attention. If

it means you have to postpone a get-together with your
friends then so be it. You can make it up to them later.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Authority figures will be impressed by your ability not only

to get things done but to get along with a wide range of

people while doing it. You will make difficult tasks looks
easy – and make yourself look good – over the next 24

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may resent having to pay for something that you feel is
yours by right but don’t make an issue of it. If you kick up

a fuss and manage to change things you may find others deny

you in other ways, purely out of spite.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Wave goodbye to wishful thinking and focus on the realities

of your present situation. That does not mean your dreams

should be abandoned but you do need to get serious about

which of them have potential and which are just pie in the
Day 44

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The current cosmic set-up may make it appear as if partners

and work colleagues have got it in for you but have they

really or is it you who is overreacting? Most likely it’s

the latter, so don’t take anything (especially yourself) too


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Are you any closer to reaching the targets you set yourself
around the time of your last birthday? If not, it may be time
to adjust your sights a bit. Remember, your goals don’t have

to be set in stone – you can change them any time you wish.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have

to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to

you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely
they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This may be a difficult day for you but it can also be a day
when you learn something to your advantage. If you are torn

between the future and the past, choose the future. If you
are torn between your friends and money, choose friends.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact

is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and
success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find
Day 45

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now

you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle

flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The best way to handle a delicate situation is to be brutal

with it. That may sound all wrong but the planets indicate
that you have been pussy-footing round an issue when you
should have got to grips with it. You don’t need tact, you

need action.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You seem to be in one of those moods when you are interested

only in extremes and according to the planets you will either

do something very good or very bad today – there is no

middle ground. Either way you will have fun.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Before you reach a final decision about a long-term financial

enterprise you must make sure you have all the facts at your
fingertips. If you leave anything to chance there is a real
possibility you will end up paying more than you should.

Day 46

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have an almost overwhelming desire to take certain people

by the scruff of the neck and shake some sense into them. So
what’s stopping you? You will find it easy to be assertive
this week. Chances are you will make your point – and get

your way.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make

an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is a battle of wills going on at the moment, either in

your career or your social circle, and it’s a battle you

cannot afford to lose. Your sign has a reputation for
ruthlessness and it’s something you should be looking to
live up to.
Day 47

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can and you must accomplish something that lasts and that

gets you noticed for all the rights reasons. What you work on

over the next few days may not be exciting by your standards

but it will lay the foundations for future success.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets urge you to take a less provocative approach when

dealing with people you have been in disagreement with. Your

differences are not so wide that you cannot find areas where
you both can agree. But you’ve got to look.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone will try to take something from you today, but they
will only succeed if you let them. You are certainly no

pushover when it comes to a fight, so dig in your heels and

refuse to give up what belongs only to you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often
you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one

who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be a bit more cautious than usual but that’s okay. A
lot, of course, depends on how much faith you have in your
own abilities. Always believe there is a higher power guiding

your actions and protecting you from harm.

Day 48

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved

one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you have been thinking of ways to make money now is the

time to come to a decision about what your strategy is going

to be. What you start over the next few days will reap rich
rewards during the second half of the year.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may wish that you could trade places with someone who
seems to be having it easier than you at the moment but if

you did you would soon realize that you have made a mistake.
Chances are they envy you even more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have never been one to follow the herd and the more
others urge you to agree with them the more you must resist
the pressure to conform. Actually you quite enjoy being at

odds with everyone else, so it won’t be much of a hardship.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make
an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.

Day 49

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your grasp of the facts will leave something to be desired

over the next few days, so steer clear of situations where

you are expected to make decisions that other people are

going to rely on. They won’t be happy if you get it wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try not to attach too much importance to what your five

senses tell you over the next few days because there is a
good chance they will lead you astray. This is one of those
strange times when your own eyes and ears cannot be entirely


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny

yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or

financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You seem to have got it into your head that you are entitled

to something the world does not seem to want to give you.

What happens today will make you realize that, in the long-
term, you get only what you fight for.

Day 50

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Make having fun your aim this week. You have done enough

thinking and worrying of late and now that the Sun and Venus

are moving through one of the more sociable areas of your

chart you can and you must let your hair down.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out
of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having
fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You appear to be having second thoughts about a plan that

previously you thought was the key to success. Maybe you are
right to hesitate but at some stage you are going to have to

make a choice and stick with it. Stop dithering!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Look and act confident today, even though you may not feel it
inside. If your rivals detect fear they will be after you in
an instant. Keep telling yourself that you have what it takes

to succeed. Say it enough and you will start to believe it.

Day 51

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Something you believed in for a long time now appears to be

misguided and you may be a bit embarrassed that you supported

it so strongly. Don’t be. There’s nothing wrong with strong

opinions. The important thing is you learned from the


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There may be no end of fun things going on socially this

weekend but you must put partners and loved ones first, even
if it means letting down your buddies. Harmony at home is by

far the most important thing at the moment.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You are rather restless at the moment, especially on the

mental level where your thoughts are jumping all over the
place. But that’s good. The more you allow your mind to
wander the more ideas and insights you will come up with.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This may be a difficult day for you but it can also be a day
when you learn something to your advantage. If you are torn

between the future and the past, choose the future. If you
are torn between your friends and money, choose friends.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You should find it easier now to get along with people who,
for one reason or another, have been a bit stand-offish of

late. You will also realize that their silence was in no way
a reflection on you personally.

Day 52

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but

unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You seem to be spending a lot of time looking over your

shoulder and wondering who is following you. Chances are no-

one is on your case but the trouble with that sort of
attitude is it almost invites bad things to happen, Lighten


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t push yourself too hard over the next 24 hours. You

will actually accomplish more if you do less, so give

yourself some breathing space and take life as it comes.

Don’t aim to impress others, demand that they impress you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better
still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy
by far.
Day 53

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just

happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets
inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is the ideal time to let your mind wander a bit because

it will lead you in some interesting new directions. If you

find it hard to get inspired try connecting with people who
make you feel good about yourself – they’ll give you ideas.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are

ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say
it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s not like you to withdraw into your shell but you may do
so over the next 24 hours. That’s okay. You have important

issues to decide on and you won’t think straight if there is

too much noise going on around you. Take some time out.

Day 54

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Things could get a bit stressful over the next 24 hours,

especially if you are the sort of Pisces who expects

everything in your life to go according to plan. For best

results, live in the moment. Looking further ahead than that

is a waste of time.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There are a lot of strange things going on around you at the

moment. Should you be worried? No you should not. The planets
indicate that whatever may be going on it is not directed at

you personally. You may in fact benefit in the long-term.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.
Day 55

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Tread carefully when dealing with other people’s financial

affairs, because if you make a wrong move it could cost both

them and you a fortune. Don’t pretend you know the answer to

their questions just because you don’t want to look


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You seem to be in one of those moods when you are interested

only in extremes and according to the planets you will either
do something very good or very bad today – there is no

middle ground. Either way you will have fun.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Do you change with the times or do you try to make the times

change for you? Silly question, right? You of all people

should know that certain forces cannot be defeated, they can
only be used, so go with the flow and be happy.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is no point trying to keep your feelings to yourself

over the next two or three days because you won’t be able
to. Be open about the way that you feel. If you bottle up
your emotions now they could explode spectacularly later on.

Day 56

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If there is something important you need to tell a friend or

family member then tell them today while there is still a

reasonably good chance they will understand. Later in the

week you may not find it so easy to express yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will be in an argumentative mood over the next few days.

Just be careful you don’t come on too strong and turn people

against you for no good reason. If you do, even close friends
and allies may choose to avoid you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You are feeling a lot more positive about life now the Sun is
moving in your favor, and with Mars and Venus also on your
side today your self-belief is sky-high. What would you do if

you knew you could not fail? So do it!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can
straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

Day 57

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Think only positive thoughts and only positive things will

happen. Yes, it really is that easy. Create something out of

the ordinary today by focusing your mind in a single
direction. Extraordinary, even outrageous, things will start

to occur very soon.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A little charm will go a long way over the next 48 hours.

Your way with words, your sense of humor and your winning
smile will help persuade almost anyone to do almost anything
for you. Does that get your thoughts racing? It should!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Steer clear of those who rub you up the wrong way. Some
people are so full of their own importance they think they

can do or say anything and get away with it, but you know
that what goes around will come around again sooner or later.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The intensity of your feelings can no longer be denied or

disguised. You may have purposely kept your distance from

someone because you did not know how you might react but the
planets will throw you together today. Your relationship is

Day 58

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It may seem that you don’t have a care in the world but deep

down there is something you are worried about and you must

deal with it soon. Face it head-on before the Sun changes

signs on the 20th and it won’t be such an ordeal.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be careful what you say over the next few days because you

could easily let slip information that others have no right

to know. There is even the possibility that they may be able
to use it against you in some way, so keep those lips zipped!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in
just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.
Day 59

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Some of the people you have to deal with today will drag

their feet and find excuses why they cannot deliver what you

require. You can lose your temper if you want but why raise

your blood pressure? It will all come right with time.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets warn if you stick your nose in someone else’s

business you may have trouble getting it out again. Do you

really want to spend your time sorting out other people’s
problems? Focus on what you enjoy and ignore everything else.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make
your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over

the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will
come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be tempted to bring a partnership of some kind to a

close but don’t be too hasty. The planets indicate there is

life in it yet, so hang in there and find ways to make it

work. Chances are you’ll be glad you did.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The planets urge you to focus not on the things you want but
on the things you need – and yes, they are different. Take

care of the essentials over the next 24 hours and everything

else that happens will seem like a bonus.

Day 60

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all

things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little

bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the

challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your
way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

By now you will have discovered that you placed too much
faith in a particular individual, but there is no point

getting upset about it. One of the very best times of the
year is about to begin, so think only uplifting thoughts.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If there are any loose ends in your affairs, at home or at

work, you must deal with them over the next 24 hours. If you
leave them flapping in the breeze they are sure to trip you

up sooner or later – most likely sooner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will work extremely hard this weekend and get twice as
much done as your rivals. But are you working for yourself or
are you working for someone else? Maybe you need to look at

ways you can increase your independence.

Day 61

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will get an opportunity to put your point of view a

crossover the next few days, so know what it is you want to

say then say it with total self confidence. It would help, of

course, if your point of view is right as well.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Anything to do with your wealth – property and investments

in particular – must be handled with care over the next few

weeks. There is a lot to be won but also a lot to be lost, so
think before you act and never let others take decisions for


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be in a serious frame of mind at the moment but not

everyone shares your solemn outlook, nor is there any reason

why they should. Have you considered the possibility that
they’ve got it right and you’ve got it wrong?

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may have a tremendous urge to interfere in matters that

have nothing to do with you but if you are smart you will use

your formidable willpower to pull yourself back from the

brink. If you don’t you will probably regret it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also
be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them

Day 62

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If someone gets a bit aggressive in their attempts to sell

you something you don’t want, be it a physical object or an

idea, be a bit aggressive back at them. Sadly, it is the only

language they are likely to understand.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Stay true to what you believe in, even if it brings you into

conflict with people in authority. Just because someone has

their hands on the levers of power does not mean they are
right. Acknowledge your instincts and act on your principles.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is a good time for family matters and if you let loved
ones know how much you care and how much you appreciate them

it could be one of the best weekends for a very long time –

and a great way to start the year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If there are any loose ends in your affairs, at home or at

work, you must deal with them over the next 24 hours. If you
leave them flapping in the breeze they are sure to trip you

up sooner or later – most likely sooner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must carry on with a creative or artistic endeavor that

you may have been thinking of giving up on completely. You
don’t seem to realize how close you are to a breakthrough.

If you give up now you may never forgive yourself.

Day 63

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is something that needs to be done as a matter of

urgency. The longer you leave it the more you will have to

rush things when you do eventually get started and that could

lead to mistakes. Draw up a “to do” list and stick to it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have never been one for small talk and what others are

wittering on about no doubt bores you to tears. Ignore them

and focus your attention on what is important to you, even if
no one else seems to agree. Rise above petty things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The next few days are mainly about relationships. Challenges

must be dealt with and certain people must be told in no

uncertain terms that you are the boss. Yes, compromise is

possible, but only after you have established your authority.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most
of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

To begin with you won’t much enjoy being put under pressure
today but after a while you will realize that the experience
is not so bad after all. Deep down you know you need to make

changes to your working routine and this will merely confirm


Day 64

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If someone you live or work with has not been pulling their
weight then it’s time to let them know you demand better
from them. If you don’t do it now they will take it as a

sign that you are weak and will do as they please.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out
of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having
fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you are taking too narrow a

viewpoint of certain situations and certain individuals. Even

a slight change of perspective on your part today will lead

to a new, improved and more enjoyable way of looking at the


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone will get on your nerves in a big way today and if you

make it through to the weekend without losing your cool you

will have done very well indeed. Chances are they don’t mean
it personally – they’re just panicking a bit.
Day 65

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Sooner or later you will have to make changes but the time is

not quite right yet, so curb your impatience. Listen to your

inner voice this weekend and only act when it tells you to

act. What other people say can be safely ignored.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try to be more sensitive when dealing with emotional issues

that involve other people. The thing to remember is that not

everyone is as robust as you – in fact some people are quite

fragile. So, if they burst into tears, you’re doing it

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone will get on your nerves in a big way today and if you
make it through to the weekend without losing your cool you

will have done very well indeed. Chances are they don’t mean
it personally – they’re just panicking a bit.

Day 66

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A lot of people will do a lot of silly things today but there

is no reason why you should join in the madness. Aim to do

the opposite of what everyone else is doing – and the new

year will start on the right sort of high.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny

yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or
financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Others may follow the old way of doing things but you are
more adventurous than that. The planets encourage you to be

inventive and original and if you are able to respond you

will create something that will be praised far and wide.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Anything of a financial or business nature will go well for

you over the next few days – which makes a change. On the
other hand, don’t start counting your profits or winnings

before you actually have them in hand. That’s asking for


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The more you try to give up certain things you know are not
good for you the more you end up indulging in them. Maybe

that’s the only way. Maybe you need to wallow in what you
desire until you desire it no more.
Day 67

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you try to pass off as fact what is clearly just an

opinion you will be found out – and the outcome could be

costly for you. Others will put you on the spot and demand to

know on what evidence you base your assumptions. Can you tell

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have
to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to
you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely

they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You don’t have to rely on other people. You are perfectly

equipped to go it alone if that is what you desire. You have

high hopes for the future and will make quicker progress if
you don’t have to worry about dragging others along behind


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Be careful you don’t lose your sense of perspective and get

angry about something that would not usually bother you in

the slightest. And don’t worry too much if you lose out

financially either – you’ll more than make up for it later.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny

yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or
financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

Day 68

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Someone will drop an emotional bombshell during the early

part of the week. After the initial shock has passed you will

realize you should have seen it coming – the signs have been

there for some time. It’s life. It happens. Move on.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Sudden changes may not be entirely welcome but neither are

they to be feared, so accept them and work with them. Nothing

lasts forever, nor should you want it to, so go with the flow
and enjoy where fate takes you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Keep things simple over the next 24 hours, especially if you

are on the move. Travel and social plans could easily go

wrong, so give yourself plenty of time and have a Route B

ready in case Route A is blocked.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Help will arrive just when you most need it today, so don’t
despair, even if the predicament you find yourself in makes
it look as if there is no way out. You are being watched over

by powers that won’t let you come to harm.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If something you wanted to keep secret becomes public

knowledge today don’t try to deny it or make excuses for
your behavior. People will sense if you are embarrassed or

uncomfortable and use it for their own ends. You are who you
Day 69

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a

way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help
with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can
straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Some kind of crisis has almost reached breaking point and

what happens today and tomorrow will finally take it over the
top. If a relationship is on the slide don’t waste time

trying to save it – the planets say it’s time to move on.

Day 70

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you show your hand too early today you could make it

easier for your rivals to put one over on you. Keep your aims

secret. Don’t tell anyone anything they do not need to know.

That applies to your personal life as well as to business


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you
and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few
weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money
and relationship worries and focus on the good things in

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There are certain issues you have been avoiding, but you can

no longer pretend they do not exist. Fortunately, the Sun’s

change of signs will give you the confidence you need to

confront them – and you may be surprised how easily they are

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Others will slap you on the back and tell you what a

wonderful job you are doing and, of course, they are right.
But don’t let the praise go to your head because most likely
they are only being nice because they want something from

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make sure others know who is in charge over the next 48

hours. You may not want to get heavy about it but certain
people have been taking liberties and it has to stop. Make an

example of one individual and everyone will get the message.

Day 71

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

What others expect of you is irrelevant – the only thing

that matters is what you expect of yourself. This will be one

of those weeks when you must put your own interests first,

even if it means other people lose out in some way.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The upcoming full moon will in some way remind you that you

can never truly be in control of events. The best way to get

through the coming week is to take each day, hour and minute
as it comes. Go with the flow and live in the now.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Be honest. Let others know what they are doing is wrong and
what they must do to put it right. Most importantly, don’t

allow yourself to worry that you might bruise their sensitive

egos. Honesty is the best policy even if it hurts.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may want life to stay as it is but that is not going to

happen. Certain things will go out of your world this coming
week but it will make room for better things to come in.

Change is good, so welcome it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Go out of your way to be nice to people over the next 24

hours, even people you seriously don’t like. The planets
indicate that if you show the pleasant side of your nature

(yes, you do have one!) others will respond in kind.

Day 72

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping

negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have
to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to
you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely

they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved
then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

No doubt you have big plans and no doubt you have made all
sorts of promises to yourself. This time you WILL get your

act together and accomplish great things. The only danger is

you may aim too high. Make sure your ambitions are realistic.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Let your thoughts roam free today. If there are no limits to

what you can imagine there will be no limits to what you can

achieve, creatively or romantically. What is possible?

Anything at all you want to be possible.
Day 73

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Arguments of one sort or another are likely this week, so be

careful you don’t open your mouth and put both feet in it!

You have a tendency to speak first and worry about what you

have said later. Okay, correction, sometimes you don’t worry

at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may want the good times to last forever but deep down you
know you need to get serious and, among other things, turn
your attention inward, to what makes you tick. It’s not true
that Sags don’t know how to think, and you’ll prove it

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may want to show that you can manage on your own but

today’s challenges are likely to be severe, so see sense and

make sure you have back-up from friends and family before

taking on what may be too much for you alone.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

For some reason certain people seem determined to find fault

with your performance, but now that you know that you can
take steps to make sure your performance is excellent. If you

can, find ways to turn their criticism back at them.

Day 74

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Anyone who expects you to compromise over the next few days

is going to be disappointed. You are in one of your dynamic

moods at the moment and you have no intention of bending even

an inch to please other people.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will need a great deal of patience over the next 24

hours, especially when dealing with authority figures. No

matter how much they provoke you do not lose your temper.
Certainly don’t say anything they could use against you


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to
look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will be in an argumentative mood over the next few days.

Just be careful you don’t come on too strong and turn people

against you for no good reason. If you do, even close friends
and allies may choose to avoid you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will feel good about yourself today and because of that
you will be more open to the world around you. Wherever you

go and whatever you do, stay calm. Minor annoyances are a

fact of life – but you don’t have to let them spoil your
Day 75

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Stand up for your rights today and don’t let anyone tell you

what you can and cannot do. What others don’t seem to

understand is that you cannot be bribed or pressured to go

against your principles. Flattery, of course, is harder to

defend against.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make having fun your aim this week. You have done enough
thinking and worrying of late and now that the Sun and Venus
are moving through one of the more sociable areas of your

chart you can and you must let your hair down.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The only reason someone is being so critical is because they

resent your success. Perhaps you should point out to them

that if they worked as hard as you they might be successful
too. On the other hand, why waste your breath?

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The planets warn you are working too hard and need to change
your attitude to your chores, duties and responsibilities.

The fact is you will be no good to anyone if you work

yourself into the ground. Lighten up – life is supposed to

be fun.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be reluctant to do anything out of the ordinary today

in case it draws attention to yourself but don’t be so

negative. Others are more likely to take an interest in what
you are up to if you keep an unnaturally low profile.

Day 76

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need

to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the

unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may be true that your working life is in a bit of a rut

but don’t go doing anything drastic about it just yet. For

the next few days at least you are advised to sit back, relax
and watch (and laugh at) the passing parade.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.

According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your thoughts may be a bit chaotic this weekend, so try not

to make any important decisions, especially those where joint
finances are involved. Even if you don’t make a costly

mistake, a partner or loved one might.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Take care when dealing with people you work or do business

with, because the planets warn someone may try to confuse you
and, ultimately, cheat you out of what you deserve. Wake up

to reality: not everyone is as honest as you.

Day 77

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is the ideal time to let your mind wander a bit because

it will lead you in some interesting new directions. If you

find it hard to get inspired try connecting with people who

make you feel good about yourself – they’ll give you ideas.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why is it that people are so demanding of you? Most likely

it’s because they know you are too nice to say “no”. At
some stage today you need to get tough and let certain people
know they have to do more for themselves from now on.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

What you start this weekend could make you a considerable

amount of money. If you are smart you will resist the urge to

start a new project and instead redouble your efforts to

finish the one you are on. That’s where the cash is.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Others can cut corners if they wish but you must continue to
play by the rules. Don’t worry if your rivals pull ahead of
you over the next 24 hours because their underhand methods

will come back to haunt them in the fullness of time.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You can at times be a bit too harsh on yourself, especially

when you fail to live up to the impossibly high standards you
try to live by. Be more forgiving of yourself today. Despite

what some people might say you are only human.

Day 78

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The tensions in one particular area of your life have almost

reached breaking point but that need not be as bad as it

sounds. In fact it could even be good if it clears away all

those resentments you’ve been saving up these past few


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The most important thing now is that you do not allow vague
fears and forebodings to hold you back from what you are
planning. Yes, there are a number of things that can go wrong

but even if they do the consequences won’t be so bad.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It may feel as if you are running out of time and must act

with the utmost urgency but is that really the case? The
simple fact is time never runs out – you will always get
another chance a little bit further down the road. Stay calm.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There have been quite a few crossed lines of late, especially

in friendships and relationships, but as from this weekend

everything will be crystal clear again. There can be no more

excuses, either for them or for you, for getting it wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

What is it you want the most? Once you have put a name to
your desire you will be amazed how easy it is to make it your

own. This is also a good time to get serious about your cash
flow situation. Earn more or spend less.
Day 79

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to spend too much money, especially if your number

one reason for doing so is to impress someone whose

affections you crave. You are not usually the sort to throw

money around, and surely you don’t believe you can buy love?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A job worth doing is a job worth doing well, so knuckle down

and make sure no one has any reason to question the quality
of the finished product. Whether you work with your head or
your hands you’ll make a huge impression this weekend.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

What would you change in your life if you knew you had the
power to make it happen? Whatever that something happens to

be you must start thinking and feeling as if it will do

whatever you tell it to do. Your mind creates your reality.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your self-confidence could take a bit of a dive today, even

though your circumstances have not changed at all. Everyone
goes through a down phase once in a while, so don’t attach

too much importance to it. You’ll come up smiling, as


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also
be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them
Day 80

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can make a little go a long way today, emotionally as

well as financially. The trick is to not give too much away,

to keep a little something in reserve and keep others

guessing as to what you intend to do with it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may annoy you that certain plans have to be put on hold

because other people can’t get their act together, but it

may be a blessing in disguise. Use the extra time to go back
and double check the details on which your plans depend.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny
yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or

financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as

it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way to deal with an emotional problem is to throw

yourself into activities which keep both your mind and your
body occupied. The less you think about your problems the

more distant they will become. Eventually they will


Day 81

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Something surprising will happen over the next 24 hours, and

although you don’t usually like to be taken unawares this is

one occasion when you won’t mind a bit. Any doubts you may

have about a loved one’s commitment will disappear for good.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A little charm will go a long way over the next 48 hours.

Your way with words, your sense of humor and your winning
smile will help persuade almost anyone to do almost anything

for you. Does that get your thoughts racing? It should!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will see something this week that your rivals have missed

and if you are smart you will turn it to your advantage. Is

it wrong to benefit from other people’s mistakes? Of course
not. They would not hesitate to benefit from yours.

Day 82

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact
is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and
success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Sometimes you allow what are really quite minor problems to

build up in your mind to such an extent that soon they bear

no relation to reality. There is absolutely nothing wrong
with your current situation, so keep your imagination under


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What happens over the next 24 hours will confirm what you

have long suspected – that it is a mistake to limit yourself

in any way. Old ways of doing things are unlikely to make

your world better – but new methods will.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be a creature of habit but you are also capable of

adapting to changing circumstances and even enjoying them, so

don’t worry if forces over which you have no control disrupt
your well-planned routine. In the long-term it will do you
Day 83

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you don’t protect your own interests over the next few

days you may lose something precious. You know who your

rivals are and you know what they are after, so it should be

a simple matter to fight your corner.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A goal you have been working towards will soon be in front of

you and you will be so pleased you stuck it through to the

end. Unlike some people you never give in and there are sure
to be a few envious eyes on you this weekend.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out
of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having

fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You should find it easier now to get along with people who,
for one reason or another, have been a bit stand-offish of
late. You will also realize that their silence was in no way

a reflection on you personally.

Day 84

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Anything to do with your wealth – property and investments

in particular – must be handled with care over the next few

weeks. There is a lot to be won but also a lot to be lost, so

think before you act and never let others take decisions for

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be wary of people who go out of their way to appeal to your

emotions. The planets warn you could lose out in a big way if
you let others persuade you to believe in what your head

tells you is rubbish. Don’t be gullible.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be in a bit of a confrontational mood at the moment

but it won’t last for long. You know instinctively that your
interests and other people’s interests are related and will
go out of your way to make sure everyone benefits.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Certain chores may be tiresome but there is no way you can

get out of them so you might as well resolve to do the best

possible job. At least one person will be impressed by your

efforts – and reward you in a way that you like.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will find it easy to make friends and influence people

over the next 24 hours, so if there is someone you want to

impress speak up and let them know what your plans are. You
may be surprised how supportive they are of your aims.
Day 85

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your ability to satisfy your desires this weekend will be in

direct proportion to your ability to communicate what it is

you are after. Spell out to others what it is you need in

plain and simple language and the universe will make it


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

An important relationship will take a turn for the better

over the next 24 hours, especially if you openly communicate
your feelings. Loved ones will be more responsive to your

needs if they are confident they know what they are.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even

impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and
in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will soon get the chance to move up to a new level as far
as your career is concerned, but you need to be well

prepared. New opportunities will open up in various

directions and you must be the one to take advantage of them.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will get through twice as much work as you usually manage
over the coming week, but you must give yourself regular

breaks as well. Take time to relax both your mind and your
body – and return to the fray refreshed and re-energized.

Day 86

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can easily persuade others to give you their support

today, simply by using your charm. Remember, people will

always respond to you better if you make them believe that by

helping you they will also in some way be helping themselves.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make

your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over
the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will

come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved

one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it
personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Be careful that in your desire to pull ahead of your rivals

you don’t overlook an important detail, one that could have

a lasting effect on your long-term success, or lack of it. It

is often the little things in life that trip us up the most.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.

You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t

necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people
Day 87

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Something unusual will occur today but it won’t do you any

harm so long as you don’t overreact. It could be the case

that someone is deliberately trying to annoy you so that you

say or do something stupid – but you’re not stupid, so you


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be careful that in your desire to pull ahead of your rivals

you don’t overlook an important detail, one that could have
a lasting effect on your long-term success, or lack of it. It

is often the little things in life that trip us up the most.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need
to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the
unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If what you get today seems more than you think you deserve
there must be a cosmic reason for it. Could it be you did a

favor for someone earlier in the year and, being the modest
person you are, forgot about it? The universe never forgets.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Before you reach a final decision about a long-term financial

enterprise you must make sure you have all the facts at your

fingertips. If you leave anything to chance there is a real

possibility you will end up paying more than you should.

Day 88

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Sooner or later you will have to make changes but the time is

not quite right yet, so curb your impatience. Listen to your

inner voice this weekend and only act when it tells you to

act. What other people say can be safely ignored.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be inspired to get things done but don’t expect

partners and colleagues to be as motivated as you. Not

everyone shares your Pisces passion and this could be one of
those days when it is better to do things on your own.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you try to please all of the people all of the time you
will end up pleasing no one, so you might as well just please

yourself. This is one of those days when your generosity will

be taken for granted, so don’t waste it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may at times seem as if your talents are being wasted but

it isn’t true – and what happens over the next few days
will convince you that everything is working out exactly as

it should. You are about to discover the role you were born

to play.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try to stay on good terms with partners and colleagues today,

because if you fall out now you will surely regret it later

on. Whatever nasty things may have been done to you, be they
real or imagined, you will gain more if you forgive and
Day 89

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have a great deal of energy at your disposal at the

moment and you should be looking to use it for creative and

constructive purposes. So much is possible for you now, so

don’t waste your time and your energy on senseless feuds.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –
save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You won’t be in the mood to make compromises today but you

need to be aware that if you come across as uncaring or

arrogant you could make yourself unpopular. That may not

bother you now but it will do later when you need allies.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Stick to the script and don’t be tempted to go off at a

tangent. That applies to all areas of your life but
especially to your working environment where others will not

take kindly to you disrupting routines without clearing it

with them first.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Speak up now or forever hold your peace. If you have

something to say – or, more likely, something to complain

about – you must get it off of your chest immediately

because no one will have the time to listen later in the
Day 90

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Loved ones will demand that you attend to their needs ahead

of your own today, and if you are smart you will do so

without complaint. The more you support them now the more
they will support you later on when the roles are reversed.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your imaginative powers will be strong today but that will

only be good news if you have a positive attitude too. If you

allow the unknown to scare you then what goes on over the
next 24 hours will send you scurrying for cover.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will get more done if you take a gentler approach to

partnership matters. Put yourself in others’ shoes and

imagine how you would feel if someone talked to you the way
you sometimes talk to them. You can be a bit abrupt at times.
Day 91

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Be totally open and honest today. The planets indicate there

is no reason why you should want to deceive yourself or other

people. Be frank, be fearless and be the one others turn to

when they want to know what is really going on.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will
make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now
in the past. The question is: can you now go forward

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you
and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few

weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you

as tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn takes your confidence to

new heights. What you start over the next few days is sure to
be a success – so see it through to the end.
Day 92

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Anything of a creative nature will go well, but it will go

even better if you make an effort to involve loved ones in

what you are doing. Sometimes you get so intensely involved

in your work that others feel left out. Let them help you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to
help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:
your analytical mind will find a workable solution.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is something you want to do with your life but it means

giving up so much of what you already know. Is it worth it?

Can you do it? These are questions that only you can answer.
Start giving it some serious thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

An objective may not have been within your reach in the past
but it will certainly be within your reach over the next few
days. All you have to do is put a name to your dream and then

extend your hand to grasp it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to
revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to
aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your

way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!
Day 93

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can turn dreams into realities this week – no, really.

All you have to do is be yourself and believe in yourself.

The latter is important as various people will try to

convince you that you don’t stand a chance. They’re wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Maybe you will come into money today or maybe you will

discover that you are not as deeply in debt as you feared.

Either way your cashflow situation will improve considerably,
as will your mood. No, that is not an excuse to go on a


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is a good time to look seriously at what you expect from

life and whether you are likely to get it if you continue to

follow the path you are taking. Ask yourself some searching
questions today – and be ready for some interesting answers.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may find it very difficult to stay in control of your

emotions today, but why would you want to? Sometimes it’s

good to let everything out, especially if you have been

storing up negative feelings. Have a good scream if it makes

you feel better!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Sometimes you put on a fierce face without knowing it and

scare away people who could easily be friends, or even

lovers. The good news is you will find it easy to reach out
and make contact today, even more so if you practice your
Day 94

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Use your energy wisely today because if you waste it on

trivial things you could pay dearly for it tomorrow. Don’t

listen to what others say is important, listen only to what

your own inner voice tells you is important.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your words will carry more weight if you keep what you have

to say short and to the point. Don’t bother with

explanations or clarifications, just say what you mean and
leave no one in any doubt that you mean what you say. Less

means more.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If there is anything you feel strongly about, be it personal,

political or social in nature, now is the time to do

something about it. Get involved. Get together with like-
minded people. You can change the world – if you are on the

right team.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping

negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

An invitation that comes out of the blue this weekend will be

tempting but because you don’t much like the person who is
sending it you may decline. That would be a mistake. Go along
for the ride – it won’t be as bumpy as you feared.
Day 95

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is no point throwing yourself at something you simply

don’t enjoy doing. The planets indicate that it may be time

for a change – and a big change at that. What is it that YOU

want to do? Then do it, and nothing else!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get

there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others
round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have
to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to

you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely
they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Why are you so determined to look on the gloomy side of life?

No doubt it has something to do with all that cosmic activity
in the most sensitive area of your chart but you don’t have

to worry. Smile – life is still good.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Plenty of people seem to be giving you advice at the moment

but if you are wise you will disregard every last word of it.
Only you know what you need, so only you are qualified to

give guidance. Do what your inner voice tells you.

Day 96

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will go out of your way to be nice to people today –

even with those who have not always been nice to you in the

past. Your kindness will ripple outwards and have a positive

effect on friends, friends of friends and even strangers.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A family problem won’t be so much of an issue as the new

year gets underway. Chances are it was never that important

anyway but sometimes you build things up to be bigger than

they really are. Worry less and enjoy life more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are
ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

Day 97

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It may be that your rivals have the advantage but what

happens today and tomorrow will give you the courage, as well

as the opportunity, to turn the tables on them. Believe you

will win. The more confident you look the better you will do.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will get things done quicker today if you join forces

with people who share your aims, ambitions, principles and

beliefs. Also, tell the most special person in your life how
much you adore them. They may need some reassurance.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Others may be winding down a bit now but you must keep the
tempo going and make sure you stay visible. There are some

big opportunities coming up, so make sure important people

know who you are, where you are and what you can do.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may be hard to stay calm and in control of yourself if

someone in a position of authority gives you a hard time but
chances are they are winding you up on purpose, just to see

how you react. Don’t fall for their tricks.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

Day 98

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not like you to put practical matters above having fun

but you may have no choice in the matter over the next 24

hours. Social activities will have to take second place to

getting on top of your work and money situations – for now.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be right to be angry with someone who has let you

down but don’t make a big issue of it. Let them know you are
not amused, then let it go. Whatever it is you have lost you
will soon find something better to replace it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may have strong opinions about certain issues but what
happens today and tomorrow will force you to question some of

your long-held beliefs. Maybe you should move with the times
– it doesn’t have to be painful.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may at times seem as if your talents are being wasted but

it isn’t true – and what happens over the next few days
will convince you that everything is working out exactly as

it should. You are about to discover the role you were born

to play.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Go where your passions take you and enjoy them without

feeling in the least bit guilty. That little voice inside

your head may say it is wrong to be happy when so many are

sad but the good thing about little voices is that they are
easily ignored.
Day 99

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved

one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor
importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile

more too.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You need to start thinking seriously about cutting back on

the amount of work you are doing. The past few weeks have
been a time of great activity and your momentum will keep you
going for a while yet, but your body needs a break.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you allow yourself to be talked into doing something you

don’t want to do this week you will almost certainly regret

it later on. There is no easy way to tell people that you

can’t help them out. Just say No – and mean it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will have to adapt to other people’s plans over the next
few days but it’s really no big deal. Sometimes it’s best

to sit back and let others call the shots. If they get it
right, that’s great. If they get it wrong, you’re not to

Day 100

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Avoid quick fixes and dubious schemes today because,

inevitably, they will cost you money. Anyone who approaches

you with any of those once-in-a-lifetime, just-can’t-lose

proposals must be shown the door. Make sure you bolt it after

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head
and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be angry that someone you thought you could trust has

let you down but don’t waste any more time on them. Great
things are possible, even without their support. All you need

is the confidence to act on your own.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to spend too much money, especially if your number

one reason for doing so is to impress someone whose

affections you crave. You are not usually the sort to throw
money around, and surely you don’t believe you can buy love?

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You know what it is you desire and you know where and how you
can get it. What you don’t know, yet, is that someone in a
position of authority is determined to stop you from getting
it. Should be an interesting few days.
Day 101

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If someone you live or work with has not been pulling their

weight then it’s time to let them know you demand better

from them. If you don’t do it now they will take it as a

sign that you are weak and will do as they please.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental

activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you
will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you feel strongly about something then act on it. Yes, it

may make you unpopular in certain circles but that’s not

important. What matters is that you can look in the mirror in

the morning and like what you see. Principles matter.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of
fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It would appear that you are in possession of information

that could be dangerous to the kind of people who would do
almost anything to make sure it stays private. Unless you

enjoy making enemies maybe you should keep it to yourself.

Day 102

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are going through a positive phase at the moment, so if

there are things in your life you want to change now is the

time. Some people will try to dissuade you but only because

they fear you will leave them behind. They’re right, you

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Some of the people you feel closest to emotionally are

feeling a bit neglected, so make it your aim to spend more
time with them. Besides, the phase you have just been through
was immensely busy and both your body and your mind deserve
some down time.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping

negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even

impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and
in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to make a once and for all decision about the
direction your life is heading. That means deciding what is
of most importance to you: your family or your career. Deep
down you know the answer already – you just need to admit it

to yourself.
Day 103

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You can get a great deal done with very little effort today,

not least because others will be falling all over themselves

to do you favors. Should you take advantage of their
unexpected generosity? Of course you should – and quickly.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, you are highly independent, but there are some things
that can only be done as part of a team. You may be eager to

get things started but until those you work alongside are
ready to begin you won’t make much progress.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is no point worrying about things over which you have

no control. What will be will be, so let go of your fears and
doubts and start thinking of life as a great and exciting

adventure – because that is precisely what it is.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Decide on a course of action and stick to it. The more you

chop and change the more likely it is your efforts will fall
short and leave you feeling as if you have wasted your time

and your talents. Focus your energy in a single direction.

Day 104

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you do things by the book today you will get the rewards

you deserve. If, however, you try to gain an advantage by

cutting corners or telling lies most likely you will find

that your underhand methods rebound on you in annoying ways.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may have to pair up with someone you don’t like over the

next 48 hours but it will only be a temporary alliance, so

get on with it. Sometimes you just have to hold your tongue,
and your nose too, and do what is expected of you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It is essential that you strive to get along with friends and

co-workers this weekend because that is the only way you are

going to get anything done. Also, if someone goes out of

their way to annoy you just ignore them. It’s a test.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The next few days are mainly about relationships. Challenges

must be dealt with and certain people must be told in no
uncertain terms that you are the boss. Yes, compromise is

possible, but only after you have established your authority.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You could be a bit too aggressive today, which could have

unintended consequences. Try not to take anything too
seriously and try not to take what others say personally.

Once you lose your cool you will have a hard time finding it
Day 105

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Others will slap you on the back and tell you what a

wonderful job you are doing and, of course, they are right.

But don’t let the praise go to your head because most likely

they are only being nice because they want something from

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you keep your head over the next few days you will make a
big impression on people in positions of power. Others will
come to rely on you more than they have in the past and that

in turn will put you in a very strong position.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

Day 106

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will make a significant breakthrough on the work front

over the next 24 hours. After all the fussing and fighting of

the past few weeks you will finally see your efforts begin to

pay off. You’ve come so far – now go the extra mile.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Approach the day in a positive frame of mind and you will

accomplish a lot. Approach the day in a negative frame of

mind and you will accomplish the same things but you won’t
get much joy from them. It’s a simple choice really.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Have faith in your ideals and don’t be afraid to stick your

neck out and take a risk. You know deep down that you are on

the right track and that what you are working on is

meaningful, so keep going. You are under cosmic protection.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Others will go out of their way to pick holes in your

arguments over the next 24 hours and you must go out of your
way to ignore them. Having said that, there may be something

you have overlooked, so be aware of other possibilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Just because everyone else seems to be taking risks does not

mean you should be taking risks too. You have never been the
kind of person who follows the herd, so don’t start now. Go

your own way and do your own thing.

Day 107

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental

activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Look back over the past few months and take stock of both

your successes and your failures. Don’t be too hard on

yourself if you have not achieved as much as you should have.
There is always another tomorrow to look forward to.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny
yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good

over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or

financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will want to go out and conquer the world this week and
it’s good that you are so ambitious. But an upcoming series
of difficult aspects warns it won’t always be easy. Don’t

be discouraged if you have to work harder than you expected.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Certain chores may be tiresome but there is no way you can

get out of them so you might as well resolve to do the best
possible job. At least one person will be impressed by your

efforts – and reward you in a way that you like.

Day 108

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just

happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever
else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You seem to have almost limitless energy at your disposal and

the more there is to get done the more you enjoy it. Which is
fine, but don’t forget that in the long-term it is quality
work that matters. Try doing better rather than doing more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The closer you get to the weekend the more something seems to
be worrying you, but there is no need to torment yourself.

Instead of focusing on what might (but probably won’t) go

wrong, find ways to make life more enjoyable and rewarding.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You want to impress people who can help you realize your
ambitions, but there is a danger you’ll go too far and say

things and do things that are so over the top that they end
up being counter-productive. Don’t try so hard.
Day 109

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Before embarking on a course of action that you have no way

of knowing will work out well or badly, ask yourself if it is

really what you want. It could be you have made a snap

decision based on emotion rather than common sense.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you

and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few
weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money
and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A loved one will demand that you spend more time with them

today and if you are smart you will agree. This is one of
those occasions when if you’re nice to them now they will be
even nicer to you later. It’s a sacrifice worth making.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You seem a lot more relaxed about life in general and affairs
of the heart in particular now and that’s good. You also

seem a lot less concerned with what other people think about
what you are doing. If it feels right to you, carry on!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative

or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

Day 110

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about

to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of

the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually

that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be a bit more cautious than usual but that’s okay. A

lot, of course, depends on how much faith you have in your

own abilities. Always believe there is a higher power guiding
your actions and protecting you from harm.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may have to change your plans at the last moment and, of
course, you won’t be happy about it. The fact is though

there is not a lot you can do about it, so take it in your

stride and don’t let your anger show.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The more someone tells you that your plans are not going to
work the more determined you will be to see them through to
completion. You feel you have something to prove, not only to

them but to yourself as well.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You seem to be spending a lot of time looking over your

shoulder and wondering who is following you. Chances are no-
one is on your case but the trouble with that sort of

attitude is it almost invites bad things to happen, Lighten

Day 111

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is no point trying to please everyone because most

likely you will end up pleasing no one. Instead, try pleasing

the one person who matters more than all the others put

together – yourself. Whatever you do today, do it with a


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The pace of life is going to hot up over the next few days
and you will have a lot of fun seeing how fast and how far
you can go. But don’t go so fast and so far that you risk

having an accident. Pace yourself sensibly.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Do something special over the next 24 hours, something that

those who see it never forget. That might not be as easy as

it sounds, seeing as you have done so many special things in
the past, but you’ll think of something!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is a spring in your step and a smile on your face at

the moment and that’s nice. Recent events may have been

tough but everything seems to be coming easy to you now.

There really is no limit to how far you can go.

Day 112

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to pair up with someone you don’t like over the

next 48 hours but it will only be a temporary alliance, so

get on with it. Sometimes you just have to hold your tongue,

and your nose too, and do what is expected of you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be reluctant to cross swords with a rival but at some

stage you are going to have to face them. It’s better you
should do so now, while the omens are good for a peaceful
solution, than later when you’re both fired up for a fight.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Do you change with the times or do you try to make the times
change for you? Silly question, right? You of all people

should know that certain forces cannot be defeated, they can

only be used, so go with the flow and be happy.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A lot of people will do a lot of silly things today but there

is no reason why you should join in the madness. Aim to do
the opposite of what everyone else is doing – and the new

year will start on the right sort of high.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you don’t protect your own interests over the next few
days you may lose something precious. You know who your
rivals are and you know what they are after, so it should be

a simple matter to fight your corner.

Day 113

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets are urging you to strike out in a new direction

and deep down you know it is what you most want to do. If you
think about it too much you will come up with a thousand
reasons for not moving forward, so don’t think – act!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, you are highly independent, but there are some things
that can only be done as part of a team. You may be eager to

get things started but until those you work alongside are
ready to begin you won’t make much progress.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will find it much easier to get your message across while
the moon is new, even more so if it is a message of love and
laughter. Don’t spend all your time chatting on social media

though – get out into the real world for a while.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

Day 114

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A little charm will go a long way over the next 48 hours.

Your way with words, your sense of humor and your winning

smile will help persuade almost anyone to do almost anything

for you. Does that get your thoughts racing? It should!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The only danger now is that you will be a bit too greedy

financially. If material things mean a lot to you it makes it

easy for others to pull your strings. It’s the size of your
heart that counts, not the size of your bank balance.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You won’t lack for confidence today, nor for the rest of the
week, but that is not an invitation to take foolish risks.

When dealing with people whose motives you are not entirely
sure about make certain what they say and do can’t hurt you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If there are any loose ends in your affairs, at home or at

work, you must deal with them over the next 24 hours. If you
leave them flapping in the breeze they are sure to trip you

up sooner or later – most likely sooner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will have to make a difficult decision over the next 24

hours but because you know without doubt what is right and
what is wrong you will make it quickly and with a clear

conscience. As a Fire sign you are never afraid to act.

Day 115

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is no point being subtle about what you desire to say:

speak up and make sure everyone gets the message. Some

people, sadly, are just too stupid to take a hint, so spell

it out for them so there is no danger of misunderstanding.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to confront a fear that has been holding you back

and you need to do it now. A little bit of courage will take

you a long way, maybe all the way to a new life and a new way
of looking at and thinking about the world.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your attitude towards something will harden today and you

will refuse to make changes or meet others halfway. And

that’s good because the planets indicate you will only get
where you want to go if you know your own mind.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone will try to take something from you today, but they
will only succeed if you let them. You are certainly no
pushover when it comes to a fight, so dig in your heels and

refuse to give up what belongs only to you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to come out from the shadows and remind those who
may have forgotten who you are and what you can do. Believe
in yourself and be ready to roll up your sleeves and get your

hands dirty. Be a doer, not a doubter.

Day 116

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The way you react to problems of a partnership nature is of

the utmost importance today. If you criticize others too

harshly then you must expect to make yourself unpopular –
and most likely make matters worse. Strive to see the good in


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your
thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will see something this week that your rivals have missed

and if you are smart you will turn it to your advantage. Is

it wrong to benefit from other people’s mistakes? Of course
not. They would not hesitate to benefit from yours.
Day 117

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have freedom to move in whatever direction takes your

fancy, but don’t forget you also have responsibilities and

that certain people are depending on you in various ways.

Take them with you on your whirlwind journey. Brighten their


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be right to be angry with someone who has let you

down but don’t make a big issue of it. Let them know you are
not amused, then let it go. Whatever it is you have lost you
will soon find something better to replace it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You can succeed and you will succeed but you will succeed a
lot quicker if you get help from people who share your

ambitions. Teamwork is the way to move forward and that, of

course, means compromise. You know you can do it!

Day 118

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It is important that you deal with an outstanding feud

immediately because if you allow it to linger it will hold
you back later and that could be disastrous. Look a bit
harder for a compromise solution – it won’t be difficult to

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A Sun-Pluto link on your birthday will endow you with all the

confidence and all the energy you need to do remarkable

things over the coming 12 months. One thing you do need is to

socialize more with like-minded people. Together you are


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This may be a difficult day for you but it can also be a day

when you learn something to your advantage. If you are torn

between the future and the past, choose the future. If you
are torn between your friends and money, choose friends.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It would appear that you are in possession of information

that could be dangerous to the kind of people who would do
almost anything to make sure it stays private. Unless you

enjoy making enemies maybe you should keep it to yourself.

Day 119

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If your private life is in a bit of a mess then now is the

time to sort it out. The planets will help you make necessary

changes but you have got to be honest with those you love.

Don’t just tell them what they want to hear.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You can be rather outspoken at times, especially when dealing

with people who don’t see things the way you do. However,
the planets warn not everyone is happy to just sit there and
take it, so expect some people to give as good as they get.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Quite likely you will say or do something silly today but

it’s no big deal. In fact it will most likely endear you to

people who previously thought of you as a bit too perfect and

a bit too self-controlled. Seems you’re human after all!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s not like you to put practical matters above having fun
but you may have no choice in the matter over the next 24
hours. Social activities will have to take second place to

getting on top of your work and money situations – for now.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it
will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a

way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

Day 120

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is

to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be on top of your game at the moment but a week or so

from now your energy may dip a bit, so don’t make too many
plans and certainly don’t take on any more chores. If

anything you need a rest, not more work.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Some of the people you feel closest to emotionally are

feeling a bit neglected, so make it your aim to spend more
time with them. Besides, the phase you have just been through

was immensely busy and both your body and your mind deserve
some down time.
Day 121

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you

and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few

weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You won’t find it hard to knuckle down and get things done
today and tomorrow but try to remember that not everyone is
as motivated as you. In a way that’s good because it gives

you an excuse to work on your own, which you prefer.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to
help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:
your analytical mind will find a workable solution.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is something you want to do with your life but it means

giving up so much of what you already know. Is it worth it?

Can you do it? These are questions that only you can answer.
Start giving it some serious thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

Day 122

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can get through twice as much work in half as much time

as you usually do today, but don’t spend all your time on

everyday chores because this is also an aspect that increases

the fun factor of your life. You remember fun, don’t you?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the
proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be
rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to attach too much importance to what your five

senses tell you over the next few days because there is a
good chance they will lead you astray. This is one of those

strange times when your own eyes and ears cannot be entirely

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

People expect you to be cautious, so why not surprise them

this weekend and do something out of the ordinary? It may be
a long time before you feel this open and outgoing again, so
make the most of it and make sure you get noticed.
Day 123

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are

ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

While everyone else is running around and bumping into each

other as if the end of the world is nigh you will be the

picture of tranquility. That may mean you actually have no
idea what is going on but there are times when ignorance is

no bad thing.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A few weeks from now you will either look back and marvel at

the things you accomplished or look back and regret the

things you avoided. Which one it is depends entirely on you.
Go on, take a chance – you know you want to.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have a simple choice today and over the weekend: either
you stand by your principles and lose out financially or you

reject your ideals and make lots of money. Ask yourself this:
how much will it cost you to buy your principles back?

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

Day 124

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets signal that some kind of breakthrough is likely

but it will come more quickly if you are deliberately

assertive. Remember though, that assertive does not mean

aggressive. You want to win people over, not turn them

against you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may honestly believe that you know what is best but that
does not give you the right to impose your solutions on other
people. All you can do is speak your truth as you see it and

let partners and loved ones make their own choices.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Before you agree to get involved in a project of some kind

make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for. You
need to be thinking along similar lines to your new partners
and colleagues. If you’re not, give it a miss.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It would appear that on the work front someone is trying to

undermine you by talking you down in front of employers and

other important people. Don’t worry, they won’t get

anywhere. The only success they will have is in making

themselves look foolish.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be desperate to show what you can do but don’t go

over the top and do something silly. Why? Because it makes

you an easy target for those who would like nothing better
than to derail your ambitions. Think smart and act smart too.
Day 125

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as

it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You want to impress people who can help you realize your

ambitions, but there is a danger you’ll go too far and say

things and do things that are so over the top that they end
up being counter-productive. Don’t try so hard.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you cannot stand being in a certain person’s company then

by all means find an excuse to go off on your own for a

while. By this time tomorrow you will have calmed down enough
to see that, actually, they’re not really that bad after

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Not everyone will agree with the route you have chosen to
take but that is irrelevant. Listen to what friends and

family have to tell you this week but don’t think for a

moment that you have to follow their advice. You know best.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to attach so much importance to material things. Try

not to get hung up on the fact that more cash seems to be

going out than is coming in. This is only a temporary phase

and is already coming to an end, so cheer up.

Day 126

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to appear too eager today. If you can give others,

and especially your rivals, the impression that you don’t

care whether you win or you lose you will lull them into a

false sense of security. In fact, no one wants to win more

than you!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Do you have a clear idea of what your long-term aims and

ambitions are going to be? If not then you must give it some
serious thought today, tomorrow and over the weekend. A new

solar year is fast approaching – be ready for it.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved
then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Every new turn you take seems to lead further away from what
you are aiming for, which is frustrating. Could it be that

your subconscious mind is trying to warn you that what you

are aiming for is perhaps not so desirable? Think about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!
Day 127

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you try to please all of the people all of the time you

will end up pleasing no one, so you might as well just please

yourself. This is one of those days when your generosity will

be taken for granted, so don’t waste it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may find it hard to be patient today but stay in control

and don’t let your temper get the better of you. The planets
warn if you get annoyed you could do yourself harm. At this
time of year your health is especially important.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is no need for regrets or remorse. You cannot turn the

clock back so you might as well set your sights on the future
and make it the best it can possibly be. Yesterday is gone

and today will follow it soon – it’s tomorrow that matters.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try to be more sensitive when dealing with emotional issues

that involve other people. The thing to remember is that not
everyone is as robust as you – in fact some people are quite

fragile. So, if they burst into tears, you’re doing it


Day 128

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may feel that a situation is getting out of hand but is

it as bad as you fear? Probably not. Sometimes you fear the

worst even when you have every reason to expect the best.

Have a little more faith in the goodness of the world.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Let partners and colleagues know that you are willing to be

part of the team – chances are they have had their doubts of
late. Too often you have been half-hearted about joint
projects. Now go right the other way and be frighteningly


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make it your aim over the next few days to identify the two

or three goals that mean the most to you – then focus on

them to the exclusion of everything else. Play to your
strengths. The more intense you are the more successful you

will be.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is no point trying to keep your feelings to yourself

over the next two or three days because you won’t be able
to. Be open about the way that you feel. If you bottle up

your emotions now they could explode spectacularly later on.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Raise your sights this week and believe that you can create

something magnificent. Others may try to persuade you that

you are aiming too high but that simply isn’t true. The
universe indicates there are no limits, at least not for you.
Day 129

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your

way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now
you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle
flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will have to adapt to other people’s plans over the next

few days but it’s really no big deal. Sometimes it’s best
to sit back and let others call the shots. If they get it
right, that’s great. If they get it wrong, you’re not to


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The nicer you are to someone today the more they will take

liberties – it’s really that simple. The planets warn you

won’t get anywhere by appealing to the better side of this

person’s nature – there is a very good chance they simply

don’t have one.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must be totally committed to what it is you are working

on. If you are reluctant to get fully involved other people
may decide they can do without you altogether – which won’t
do your ego or your bank balance much good.
Day 130

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the

need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It is important that you keep the momentum going today

because if you slow down even a little bit your energy could
tail off dramatically. Also, don’t attach too much
importance to a relationship problem. It’s not as bad as it

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you

and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few
weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Nothing happens truly by chance and if you keep that fact in

mind today you may find yourself in a position where you are
able to gain an advantage over your rivals. Look for
connections and, when you find them, make them work for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is a danger you will take on too much over the next few
days and put your health at risk. Just because others expect
you to deliver does not mean you have to exhaust yourself.

You will be no good to anyone if you collapse.

Day 131

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Before you rush to rescue someone make sure they want to be

rescued. In fact, make sure they are genuinely in trouble.

You can do good deeds for people without being so dramatic

about it. It’s the little things that mean the most.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Others may be winding down a bit now but you must keep the

tempo going and make sure you stay visible. There are some
big opportunities coming up, so make sure important people
know who you are, where you are and what you can do.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact

is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and
success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Slow down a bit and prepare yourself, mentally, emotionally

and physically, for the exertions that lie ahead. Don’t get

involved in anything that is likely to drain your energy

today. Your health and wellbeing are the only things that

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It may feel as if you have no control over what is going on

in your life but that simply isn’t true. What is true though
is that you have allowed certain people to dictate to you
what you can and cannot do. It’s time to make it clear that

enough is enough.

Day 132

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have a secret desire to do something you know will not go

down well with certain people but if you don’t do it you

will most likely kick yourself later for being too timid.

What are you afraid of? Surely not what others might say?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you have been thinking of ways to make money now is the

time to come to a decision about what your strategy is going

to be. What you start over the next few days will reap rich
rewards during the second half of the year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What seems such a trivial issue to you is of major importance

to someone else, so make allowances. If you want some peace
today it might be wise to make it look as if you share their

concerns – even if you really could not care less.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

Day 133

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it

because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not

mean you should not help them.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to
look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What seemed fresh and exciting a while back now seems dull
and boring, but is that really the case or is it just because

you have allowed your mind to get stuck in a rut? The only
person who can make it fresh and exciting again is you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will soon get the chance to move up to a new level as far
as your career is concerned, but you need to be well

prepared. New opportunities will open up in various

directions and you must be the one to take advantage of them.

Day 134

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as

it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –
save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It is important that you keep the momentum going today

because if you slow down even a little bit your energy could

tail off dramatically. Also, don’t attach too much

importance to a relationship problem. It’s not as bad as it

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You need to start thinking about where you want to be a year

or so from now, then you need to start mapping out the route

that will take you most directly from here to there. Careful

planning is the key to long-term and lasting success.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It will annoy you when a friend or work colleague gets

something wrong because they have not done their homework but

there is no point getting angry about it. Let them know in

subtle ways that they have let themselves down.
Day 135

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor
importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile

more too.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t make any sudden decisions about what you own and earn

over the next 24 hours. Things are unlikely to be as bad as

they seem, so calm down and keep reminding yourself that
there are more important things in life than money.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t be afraid to break the rules this weekend. Other

people have been telling you what to do and how to behave for

a long time – now you must ignore what they say and follow
your instincts, and your instincts say “have fun”.

Day 136

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A family problem won’t be so much of an issue as the new

year gets underway. Chances are it was never that important

anyway but sometimes you build things up to be bigger than

they really are. Worry less and enjoy life more.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Loved ones and relatives may have been difficult to handle in

recent weeks but only because you were not approaching them
in the right way. Now that you understand their fears a bit
better you can find ways to get through to them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You need to start thinking seriously about cutting back on

the amount of work you are doing. The past few weeks have

been a time of great activity and your momentum will keep you
going for a while yet, but your body needs a break.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Whatever plans or schedules you may have drawn up in recent

weeks you are advised to rip them all up and dump them in the
waste bin. Changes will come thick and fast over the next few

days, so try just to live in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Sudden changes may not be entirely welcome but neither are

they to be feared, so accept them and work with them. Nothing
lasts forever, nor should you want it to, so go with the flow

and enjoy where fate takes you.

Day 137

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you feel like taking off into the wide blue yonder then

just go. Don’t worry that others might think you are being
irresponsible because the fact is you deserve a break. Share
your travels with someone you love if you can.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You need to find the courage to make the kind of difficult

decision that on other occasions you would strive to avoid.

Keep reminding yourself that change is not something that

should be avoided but something that should be welcomed.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow
Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

Day 138

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you recently said something that upset a friend or loved

one you can expect to hear all about it over the next few

days. Don’t make matters worse by arguing that you were

right to be critical. The planets suggest it’s time to move


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not

mean you should not help them.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be the kind of person who never goes back on a

decision but you will have to make an exception to that rule

today. Once the consequences of a decision come into focus

you will quickly realize you got it completely wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is not a good time to make hasty decisions, not with

Pluto, your ruler, beginning one of its retrograde phases.

What seems like a good idea today may turn out later to be
the one thing you should have avoided, so take care.
Day 139

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even

worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Are you motivated by hope or by fear? As a larger-than-life

Sag it’s more likely to be the former than the latter but
there are still times when worry gets on top of you and that
could easily happen today. Count your blessings, and
celebrate them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have come through difficult times relatively unscathed

and, more importantly, with your head held high, but don’t
get carried away because there are more challenges to come.

The difference is you are now looking forward to them.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will get more done over the next two days than you
usually get done in two weeks, but don’t run yourself

ragged. You have your limits like everyone else and if you go
too far beyond them you will end up paying the price.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your mind may be full of big ideas but are they good ideas?
According to the planets you will accomplish more if you
focus on one thing at a time and put the rest out of your
mind. Concentration is the key to lasting success.
Day 140

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to focus not on the things you want but

on the things you need – and yes, they are different. Take

care of the essentials over the next 24 hours and everything

else that happens will seem like a bonus.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You seem to be in one of those moods when you are interested

only in extremes and according to the planets you will either

do something very good or very bad today – there is no
middle ground. Either way you will have fun.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Before embarking on a course of action that you have no way

of knowing will work out well or badly, ask yourself if it is

really what you want. It could be you have made a snap

decision based on emotion rather than common sense.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Do something special over the next 24 hours, something that

those who see it never forget. That might not be as easy as
it sounds, seeing as you have done so many special things in

the past, but you’ll think of something!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be reluctant to cross swords with a rival but at some

stage you are going to have to face them. It’s better you
should do so now, while the omens are good for a peaceful

solution, than later when you’re both fired up for a fight.

Day 141

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

According to the planets there is something you have

overlooked and if you want to avoid making a fool of yourself

you need to find out what it is and take appropriate action.

No one has noticed your mistake – yet – so get to it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The upcoming full moon will in some way remind you that you
can never truly be in control of events. The best way to get

through the coming week is to take each day, hour and minute
as it comes. Go with the flow and live in the now.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you get an offer that could bring you more money you
should take it. Yes, it will mean more work and, yes, you
will have to sacrifice other things but if you turn it down

you will kick yourself later when you realize what might have


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Be careful that in your desire to pull ahead of your rivals

you don’t overlook an important detail, one that could have

a lasting effect on your long-term success, or lack of it. It

is often the little things in life that trip us up the most.

Day 142

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be inspired to get things done but don’t expect

partners and colleagues to be as motivated as you. Not

everyone shares your Pisces passion and this could be one of

those days when it is better to do things on your own.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Have faith in your ideals and don’t be afraid to stick your

neck out and take a risk. You know deep down that you are on
the right track and that what you are working on is
meaningful, so keep going. You are under cosmic protection.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A friend or work colleague will say something you disagree

with today but if you are smart you will bite your tongue and

pass up the chance to make an issue of it. Something will

happen over the weekend that does your talking for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be suspicious of someone’s motives but you must not

say anything about it until you know for certain that they
are up to no good. If you make accusations you cannot prove

you could attract the kind of attention you don’t need.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets
inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.
Day 143

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can do just about what you like at the moment but you

would still be wise to take other people’s viewpoints into

consideration before taking actions that will affect them as

well as yourself. Why risk creating bad feelings when you

don’t have to?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will be in an adventurous mood today and that’s good

because the planets suggest that if you go some place you
have never visited before you will meet someone who lights up
your life. This is also an excellent day to plan your next

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The Sun in Cancer as from today will boost your confidence

and make it easy for you to look on the bright side of life.
Affairs of the heart are especially well starred, so don’t

be shy – let the object of your affection know how you feel
about them.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and
catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the
week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you feel the need to get out and about you must not deny
yourself. A change of scene will do you the world of good
over the next 24 hours and could even lead to a work or

financial opportunity you might otherwise have missed.

Day 144

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.

You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t

necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make an effort to be friendly with everyone you meet over the

next 24 hours. Yes, of course, some people will be less than
friendly in return but it’s about how you choose to behave,

not how a minority of idiots choose to react.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is something you want to do with your life but it means

giving up so much of what you already know. Is it worth it?

Can you do it? These are questions that only you can answer.
Start giving it some serious thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head
and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you

could create something amazing together. Remember: success,

like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Something you believed in for a long time now appears to be

misguided and you may be a bit embarrassed that you supported

it so strongly. Don’t be. There’s nothing wrong with strong
opinions. The important thing is you learned from the
Day 145

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

No matter how difficult recent weeks may have been what

happens today and tomorrow will surely convince you that a

corner has been turned and the good times will soon be back.

You are definitely one of life’s lucky ones now.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A missed opportunity to communicate may not seem important

now but it will cost time and energy you can ill afford later
on. Don’t plan what you have to say, just say it and let the
words find their own way to the target.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

No doubt you have big plans and no doubt you have made all
sorts of promises to yourself. This time you WILL get your

act together and accomplish great things. The only danger is

you may aim too high. Make sure your ambitions are realistic.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t waste time worrying about the things that you have
done or about the things that you still have to do. You are
more likely to enjoy the week ahead if you take life as it

comes and react to events rather than try to incite them.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Spend as much time as you can with loved ones today because
over the weekend they will be extremely busy and you will
have things to occupy you as well. It’s not about the

quantity of time you spend together but the quality.

Day 146

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The more others sing your praises today the more likely it is

they are up to no good, so don’t be taken in by their words.

The fact is you don’t need flattery. You know what you are

capable of and you know what you are worth.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is a danger that in your enthusiasm to show what you

can do you will take on too many tasks and spread yourself

too thin. Focus on the one thing you are naturally good at
today. Make your number one talent your fortune.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

By all means be aware of other people’s doubts but don’t

let them worry you. If you take everyone’s misgivings into
account you won’t get much done. The important thing is that

you have confidence in yourself. It’s really all you need.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have an almost overwhelming desire to take certain people

by the scruff of the neck and shake some sense into them. So
what’s stopping you? You will find it easy to be assertive

this week. Chances are you will make your point – and get
your way.
Day 147

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.

And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are

determined to break out and try something new. Encourage


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You know a good thing when you see it and what you see today

will get your mind racing. How can you make it work for you?
How can you make it pay? Don’t let others tell you it’s
selfish to think that way – it’s just common sense.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may think that life should come to you, that you are owed
something by the world around you, but if that’s your

attitude you will end the day disappointed. If there is

something you desire make the effort to get it yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help
with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

Day 148

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not often you get caught by surprise but something will

shock you this weekend. That’s what you get for taking too

much for granted. Financially, you may have to tighten your

belt over the next few days but it’s no big deal.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Everyone seems to be singing your praises now but your number

one priority should be helping someone else feel special. It

seems that a loved one is feeling a bit neglected, so go out
of your way to spend time with them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often

you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one

who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will find it easy to approach people today who in the

past may have seemed distant or unfriendly. Most likely they
only appeared that way because they were scared of your big

personality! Break the ice and make new friendships.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be a bit more cautious than usual but that’s okay. A
lot, of course, depends on how much faith you have in your
own abilities. Always believe there is a higher power guiding

your actions and protecting you from harm.

Day 149

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Let everyone know where you are coming from and where you

intend to go. They may not agree with your choice of

destination but they won’t be able to stop you. No one but

you has the right to decide where you seek happiness.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will have lots to say for yourself this week and that’s

good because some of your ideas are brilliant. The bigger the
noise you make the better, because people in positions of
power like that sort of thing. Turn up the volume!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have so many options available to you now that it may be

hard to know where to start. For best results you should

spend as much time as possible in social situations. New

people you meet will bring new career and romantic


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You can be rather outspoken at times, especially when dealing

with people who don’t see things the way you do. However,
the planets warn not everyone is happy to just sit there and
take it, so expect some people to give as good as they get.

Day 150

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You need to come out from the shadows and remind those who

may have forgotten who you are and what you can do. Believe

in yourself and be ready to roll up your sleeves and get your

hands dirty. Be a doer, not a doubter.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be tempted to hit back at someone who is giving you a

hard time but is that such a good idea? It might be just what
they are hoping for, because then it gives them the excuse
they have been waiting for to start an open fight.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.
You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to your solar chart this is a good day for doing

nothing much, so sit back, relax and let life come to you.
Your confidence is improving by the minute and the only

danger is you might end up with too much self-belief!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone will get on your nerves in a big way today and if you
make it through to the weekend without losing your cool you
will have done very well indeed. Chances are they don’t mean

it personally – they’re just panicking a bit.

Day 151

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You must knuckle down and get something you promised you

would finish out of the way before the end of the day. Once
it is done you can forget about it completely and turn to the
things you want to do with a clear conscience.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Authority figures will be impressed by your ability not only

to get things done but to get along with a wide range of

people while doing it. You will make difficult tasks looks
easy – and make yourself look good – over the next 24

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The thing you need to remember most today is that no one has
the right to tell you how to behave or how to manage your

affairs. There is no point arguing with certain people –

they won’t understand – just get on and do what feels right

to you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The upcoming full moon will in some way remind you that you

can never truly be in control of events. The best way to get

through the coming week is to take each day, hour and minute
as it comes. Go with the flow and live in the now.
Day 152

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are entitled to your opinions but you are not entitled to

expect that other people will agree with you. So long as

you’re okay with that nothing much will go wrong but if you

cannot accept alternative viewpoints it could be a difficult


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You seem to be in one of those moods when you are interested

only in extremes and according to the planets you will either
do something very good or very bad today – there is no

middle ground. Either way you will have fun.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Although there are some details you can leave to other people

this weekend the planets warn you must take care of the
important stuff yourself. You also need to be on top of
what’s going on at work, otherwise you’ll be at a


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to be sentimental about possessions because it is

quite likely that you will have to let go of something you
value today. Is your attachment to it logical or sentimental?
Most likely it’s the latter and you don’t really need it at

Day 153

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A Sun-Pluto link on your birthday will endow you with all the
confidence and all the energy you need to do remarkable
things over the coming 12 months. One thing you do need is to
socialize more with like-minded people. Together you are

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to
help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:

your analytical mind will find a workable solution.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make
your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over

the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will
come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you allow personal feelings to influence the decisions you

make today at least one of those decisions will cause you
grief. Stick to the facts and avoid wishful thinking. You

have a reputation for common sense. Show you deserve it.

Day 154

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will work extremely hard over the next 24 hours – you

will get twice as much done as you usually manage. But are

you working for yourself or are you working for other people?

Start thinking of ways you can do more for yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to
look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

For some reason certain people seem determined to find fault

with your performance, but now that you know that you can

take steps to make sure your performance is excellent. If you

can, find ways to turn their criticism back at them.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What is the most important factor in success? It’s knowing

what you want, and if you still don’t know what you are
aiming to do with your life you must give it some serious

thought this week. Ask yourself: what do I really desire?

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may find it hard to admit you were wrong about something
but you have no choice in the matter. If you have been found
out for playing fast and loose with the truth you must admit

it and promise not to let it happen again.

Day 155

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is a good day to take care of the little, everyday

things that need doing, both at home and at work. Don’t set

yourself any grand targets, just get the small stuff done and

leave the grand design to sort itself out. It always does.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to put a family squabble behind you once and for all

and begin a new chapter of domestic harmony. You cannot

change the past but you can change your attitude towards it,
so forgive, forget and force yourself to move on – together.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If something no longer works for you the way it once did then
get rid of it. That may sound ruthless but this is no time

for sentiment, still less for taking risks with your long-
term security. Don’t cling to the past.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you have important decisions to make it might be best to

put them off until after the 19th, when the Sun changes
signs. Only then will you be in the right frame of mind to

see things clearly. Act too soon and it could cost you dear.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved
go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

Day 156

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

By all means be ambitious this week but don’t let your

ambitions take over your life. Personal relationships are

every bit as important as professional relationships and one

relationship in particular needs some extra care and


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s not like you to withdraw into your shell but you may do
so over the next 24 hours. That’s okay. You have important
issues to decide on and you won’t think straight if there is

too much noise going on around you. Take some time out.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new

things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most
of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things
that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to take anything too seriously today. There is no

point getting angry about developments you do not agree with

because you are dealing with forces that are too big to
control or to change. For the time being at least, go with

the flow.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you recently said something that upset a friend or loved

one you can expect to hear all about it over the next few
days. Don’t make matters worse by arguing that you were
right to be critical. The planets suggest it’s time to move
Day 157

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

An unexpected event will disrupt your weekend and to say the

least you won’t be happy about it but there is no point

screaming and shouting. Stay calm, go with the flow and

accept you can’t always have things your own way.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you play hard to get today you will send important people

the wrong kind of signal. Make an effort to show those in

positions of power that you still care and that you are still
ambitious – and they will give you a chance to prove


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may not want to hurt someone’s feelings but you know you

have to be honest with them. There comes a time when it is

necessary to tell it like it is, even if it means putting a
relationship or friendship at risk. That time is now.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You are now about halfway through your solar year – the
midpoint between one birthday and the next – and that makes

this the ideal time to take stock of how far you have come.
Then you’ll have a good idea how far there is still to go.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said
about you.

Day 158

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but

unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to
look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about
to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of
the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually

that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental
activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

Day 159

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Think positively about what you are required to do by people

in positions of authority. It may not be what you want to do

but the bottom line is they have the power and you do not.

Don’t start a battle you cannot possibly win.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If someone gets a bit aggressive in their attempts to sell

you something you don’t want, be it a physical object or an

idea, be a bit aggressive back at them. Sadly, it is the only
language they are likely to understand.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may be that your rivals have the advantage but what

happens today and tomorrow will give you the courage, as well
as the opportunity, to turn the tables on them. Believe you

will win. The more confident you look the better you will do.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to think carefully before making changes, especially

if those changes could affect your ability to make a living
or jeopardize your position on the work front. By far the

best thing you can do right now is to leave well alone.

Day 160

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.

According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new

things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most
of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things
that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make
your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over

the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will
come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Spend as much time as you can with loved ones today because
over the weekend they will be extremely busy and you will

have things to occupy you as well. It’s not about the

quantity of time you spend together but the quality.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.
Day 161

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The past few weeks have been hectic to say the least and the

momentum you have built up will keep you going for some time.

But don’t forget you have limits. If you feel tired today

it’s a signal from your body that it’s time to slow down.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t give in too easily today, especially on the work front

where colleagues and employers will take advantage of you if

you don’t stand up for yourself. You may want to do things
for them but you really should not be doing everything.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you don’t protect your own interests over the next few
days you may lose something precious. You know who your

rivals are and you know what they are after, so it should be
a simple matter to fight your corner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You won’t lack for compassion today but you may lack for
common sense, so be careful. Don’t let others fool you into

thinking that you are doing the right thing, when in fact the
real right thing is to leave well alone.

Day 162

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will see something this week that your rivals have missed

and if you are smart you will turn it to your advantage. Is

it wrong to benefit from other people’s mistakes? Of course

not. They would not hesitate to benefit from yours.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel

uncomfortable over the next few days just get up and leave.
It may seem rude to others but better to be rude than to feel
so out of place that you never want to go back.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone who has supported you in the past will refuse to do

so today, and with good reason. It seems they can see what

you cannot, that you are aiming too high and cannot possibly
succeed. Listen to them and you won’t fall so far.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone you have financial dealings with may try to sell you
short but they will only succeed if you let them. It may be
new year’s eve and a time to have fun but keep your guard up

when it comes to serious matters like money.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

Day 163

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A friend or work colleague will say something you disagree

with today but if you are smart you will bite your tongue and

pass up the chance to make an issue of it. Something will

happen over the weekend that does your talking for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even

impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and
in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Some people complain that they never get the breaks but you
know that is rarely true. What you get out of life has to be

earned and over the next two or three days you will find that
the more you give the more you get in return.

Day 164

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you catch yourself wondering what might have been that is

a sure sign you are unhappy with your lot and need to make
changes. But don’t change anything yet. Give it a few days
and it may surprise you how easy it is to transform your


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

An issue that has caused you some anguish will no longer

bother you in the slightest now that Venus, planet of

harmony, is moving in your favor again. In turn you will no
longer judge people who think, feel and act in ways that are

alien to you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Sudden changes may not be entirely welcome but neither are

they to be feared, so accept them and work with them. Nothing

lasts forever, nor should you want it to, so go with the flow

and enjoy where fate takes you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

What happens during the first half of the coming week will

convince you that your most important objectives can only be

reached if you meet others halfway. If you make an effort to
do that then the second half of the week could be
Day 165

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust

that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why are you so determined to look on the gloomy side of life?

No doubt it has something to do with all that cosmic activity

in the most sensitive area of your chart but you don’t have
to worry. Smile – life is still good.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is a good time to look back over the past few months and
see how far you have come and how far you still have to go to

reach your number one target. A slight adjustment may be

needed to get you back on course.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you don’t protect your own interests over the next few
days you may lose something precious. You know who your
rivals are and you know what they are after, so it should be

a simple matter to fight your corner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been
harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


Day 166

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your
resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If what you get today seems more than you think you deserve
there must be a cosmic reason for it. Could it be you did a

favor for someone earlier in the year and, being the modest
person you are, forgot about it? The universe never forgets.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Today’s full moon may incline you to believe that even

friends are conspiring against you but it isn’t true. What
is true is that you are more touchy than usual, but if you

stand back from your life you will see you have nothing to

worry about.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental

activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.
Day 167

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a

way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The planets warn that certain people will try to bully you
into abandoning ideas and opinions that mean a lot to you –
and you must fight them every inch of the way. It’s not

about right or wrong – there is a principle at stake.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

Day 168

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t think that just because your personal life is going

okay at the moment that those around you feel great as well.
Someone you are fond of desperately needs your assistance but
is too shy to ask. Find out who it is and help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Do what makes you happy today, not what makes other people
happy. If that makes you unpopular in certain circles, so be

it – it’s their loss, not yours. Talking of loss, you could

find yourself better off financially without them as well.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The planets warn you may fall prey to worries and anxieties
that at most others times would not bother you in the
slightest. Keep telling yourself that each and every one of

them is an illusion. Reality is what YOU want it to be.

Day 169

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Are you any closer to reaching the targets you set yourself

around this time last year? If the answer is Yes, carry on.

If the answer is No then you will need to lower your sights.

Goals are not set in stone – you can change them as you go

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be a bit touchy where money and possessions are

concerned today. However, the planets indicate you have
precious little to worry about, so lighten up and believe

that it will all come right in the end – it usually does.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now
in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Some kind of crisis has almost reached breaking point and

what happens today and tomorrow will finally take it over the
top. If a relationship is on the slide don’t waste time

trying to save it – the planets say it’s time to move on.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better
still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy
by far.
Day 170

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It may annoy you that certain people are being so evasive but

does it really matter? The planets urge you to forget about

what other people might think and listen to your own thoughts

for a change. You already know what needs to be done.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The most important thing over the next few days is that you

don’t give anyone the authority to make decisions on your

behalf. The message of the stars is that you must stay in
control of your destiny – because everything else depends on


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to
avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to read into situations things which do not exist.

Today’s cosmic picture is misleading to say the least, so

don’t make decisions on what you think colleagues or loved

ones have been saying – chances are you have misinterpreted

their meaning.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone in a position of authority will give you a hard time

today but you won’t let it get to you. On the contrary, you
will let certain people know that you’ve had your fill of
being bossed about. Take the fight to them for a change.
Day 171

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The most important thing now is that you assert your

independence. If you allow others to order you around they

will get the impression that you are weak and will make your
life a misery every chance they get. Don’t let that happen.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is the ideal time to face up to aspects of your

personality that you usually do your best to ignore. Everyone
has negative qualities but not everyone tries to channel

their negative qualities in a positive direction. But you’re

not everyone – you’re special.

Day 172

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.

Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not

mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.
And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are
determined to break out and try something new. Encourage


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The best way to handle a delicate situation is to be brutal

with it. That may sound all wrong but the planets indicate
that you have been pussy-footing round an issue when you
should have got to grips with it. You don’t need tact, you

need action.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may think that a change of direction is what you need,

and you may be right, but you are advised not to make any
decisions about it yet. The planets are playing havoc with

your ability to think straight, so make minor adjustments


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your words will carry more weight if you keep what you have
to say short and to the point. Don’t bother with
explanations or clarifications, just say what you mean and
leave no one in any doubt that you mean what you say. Less

means more.
Day 173

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even

impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and

in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

How you deal with other people over the next 48 hours will

determine whether the next few weeks will be a time of

achievement or of conflict. Try to remember you are not the
only one with needs and desires – or with feelings either.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is

to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

An unexpected event will disrupt your weekend and to say the

least you won’t be happy about it but there is no point
screaming and shouting. Stay calm, go with the flow and

accept you can’t always have things your own way.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may have to cut back on social activities for a while as

you shift your focus to matters closer to home. The simple
fact is you have been neglecting loved ones and relatives and

need to make up for it – and that means now, not later.

Day 174

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try changing your point of view this week. Often by looking

at an issue from a different angle the solution becomes

obvious, and that applies to work problems as much as it does

to personal matters. Never allow your viewpoint to harden.

Always be flexible.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Maybe you will come into money today or maybe you will
discover that you are not as deeply in debt as you feared.
Either way your cashflow situation will improve considerably,
as will your mood. No, that is not an excuse to go on a

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways

you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is
to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy
by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction
your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind
don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not

Day 175

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you

could create something amazing together. Remember: success,

like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it
will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a

way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often

you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one
who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Keep things simple over the next 24 hours, especially if you

are on the move. Travel and social plans could easily go

wrong, so give yourself plenty of time and have a Route B

ready in case Route A is blocked.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

An unexpected event will disrupt your weekend and to say the

least you won’t be happy about it but there is no point

screaming and shouting. Stay calm, go with the flow and

accept you can’t always have things your own way.

Day 176

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will have to adapt to other people’s plans over the next

few days but it’s really no big deal. Sometimes it’s best

to sit back and let others call the shots. If they get it

right, that’s great. If they get it wrong, you’re not to


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

An unexpected event will disrupt your weekend and to say the

least you won’t be happy about it but there is no point
screaming and shouting. Stay calm, go with the flow and

accept you can’t always have things your own way.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your
thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If someone you live or work with has not been pulling their
weight then it’s time to let them know you demand better

from them. If you don’t do it now they will take it as a

sign that you are weak and will do as they please.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head
and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you

could create something amazing together. Remember: success,

like genius, is a combination of inspiration and

Day 177

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make

your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over

the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will

come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Are you any closer to reaching the targets you set yourself
around this time last year? If the answer is Yes, carry on.
If the answer is No then you will need to lower your sights.
Goals are not set in stone – you can change them as you go

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will have to make a decision concerning a money matter

today and it is important that you reach the right

conclusion. Make sure you take into account all relevant

facts and figures and don’t let others rush you. You may not
get a second chance.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have a great deal of energy at your disposal at the

moment and you should be looking to use it for creative and

constructive purposes. So much is possible for you now, so
don’t waste your time and your energy on senseless feuds.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Do you change with the times or do you try to make the times
change for you? Silly question, right? You of all people
should know that certain forces cannot be defeated, they can

only be used, so go with the flow and be happy.

Day 178

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Use your energy wisely today because if you waste it on

trivial things you could pay dearly for it tomorrow. Don’t

listen to what others say is important, listen only to what

your own inner voice tells you is important.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to find common ground with a group of people you have not

always seen eye-to-eye with in the past. You actually share

many things in common and if you can overcome your more
obvious differences you can do great things together.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You seem to be under quite a bit of pressure at the moment

and that pressure will build over the next few days. Make

life easier by taking nothing too seriously, least of all

yourself. Treat each challenge you face as a game. Win with a


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The decisions you make over the next few days will have a

lasting impact on your domestic situation, so make sure you

know all the facts and make sure you are not being misled by
those who have an axe to grind or an agenda to fulfill.
Day 179

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Someone will get on your nerves in a big way today and if you

make it through to the weekend without losing your cool you

will have done very well indeed. Chances are they don’t mean

it personally – they’re just panicking a bit.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.
You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your ability to satisfy your desires this weekend will be in

direct proportion to your ability to communicate what it is

you are after. Spell out to others what it is you need in

plain and simple language and the universe will make it

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction
your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the

need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

People expect you to be cautious, so why not surprise them

this weekend and do something out of the ordinary? It may be

a long time before you feel this open and outgoing again, so
make the most of it and make sure you get noticed.
Day 180

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it

because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may believe that nothing is beyond you, that you could

take on the world and win, but you need to convince other
people too. Channel that confidence into something
constructive. There is no telling what you might accomplish


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You seem to have got it into your head that you are entitled

to something the world does not seem to want to give you.

What happens today will make you realize that, in the long-

term, you get only what you fight for.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You seem to be in one of your downbeat moods at the moment

but that’s a shame because you have so much going for you.
Later in the week you will look back and wonder why your
attitude was so negative. Try being more positive now.
Day 181

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is an easy route and a difficult route to the place you

want to be. It may be tempting to take the difficult route

just so you can impress other people but why make life hard

for yourself when you don’t have to? Enjoy the journey.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out
of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having
fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If life is a bit stale at the moment by all means do

something to shake it up a bit. But only a bit. You have a
tendency to go to extremes and if you do that today it may

tempt rivals to do likewise. Think before you act.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If others won’t give you what you deserve then you will just
have to take it for yourself. You have worked long and hard
to reach your current position and have no intention of

letting others take the glory, or the money.

Day 182

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t be afraid to explore ideas that certain people say

should be out of bounds. If you let them set the agenda then

you put yourself at a massive disadvantage. You are under no

obligation to think or feel as they do.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You seem to be living a charmed life at the moment – you can

apparently talk your way out of any and every difficult

situation. Be that as it may don’t say things you know are
not true merely for the fun of it. There will be


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of your chart has

not exactly done wonders for your confidence of late but
that’s okay. A week from now the Sun will move in your favor
and all things will be possible. Look forward to that.
Day 183

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The problems that confront you now are problems you have

faced many times before, so you should know how to deal with

them. But if you are still not sure what your next move

should be don’t be afraid to ask a friend for advice.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You would like to be friendly, of course, but according to

the planets you don’t have the time or the inclination to

play the kind of foolish games that others seem to enjoy.
Life will be a serious business for you over the next few


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your creative powers will be at their height over the next 24

hours, so make good use of them. Also, take your pleasures

where you find them and don’t listen to those who say you

should be more cautious. Where’s the fun in that!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The only danger today is that in your desire to prove that

you can be original in your thinking you will come up with

ideas that simply will not work. Others don’t admire you for
your originality – they admire you for your practicality.

Day 184

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to come out from the shadows and remind those who
may have forgotten who you are and what you can do. Believe
in yourself and be ready to roll up your sleeves and get your

hands dirty. Be a doer, not a doubter.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You are feeling a lot more positive about life now the Sun is

moving in your favor, and with Mars and Venus also on your
side today your self-belief is sky-high. What would you do if
you knew you could not fail? So do it!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The next 24 hours will be challenging, so promise yourself

now that you won’t lose your cool. You will impress people

more if you stay calm and refuse to react to the slings and
arrows of outrageous fortune. And you can still plot your

revenge in secret!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The planets warn you may fall prey to worries and anxieties

that at most others times would not bother you in the

slightest. Keep telling yourself that each and every one of
them is an illusion. Reality is what YOU want it to be.
Day 185

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t push yourself too hard over the next 24 hours. You

will actually accomplish more if you do less, so give

yourself some breathing space and take life as it comes.

Don’t aim to impress others, demand that they impress you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You seem to be getting along nicely with someone who a short

while ago you thought of as your worst enemy. It’s funny how
quickly things can change isn’t it? Now ask yourself: what
can you change to make your financial situation more secure?

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is a good time for family matters and if you let loved
ones know how much you care and how much you appreciate them

it could be one of the best weekends for a very long time –

and a great way to start the year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow
Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be desperate to show what you can do but don’t go

over the top and do something silly. Why? Because it makes
you an easy target for those who would like nothing better

than to derail your ambitions. Think smart and act smart too.

Day 186

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Travel and social activities are well starred at the moment

and if you are on the move today or tomorrow you could meet

someone who changes your life for the better. It’s quite

possible that you could change their life too. You’re good
for each other.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your confidence levels are on the rise and before the weekend
is over you will be more like your old self again. Creative
and artistic activities are especially well starred, so
follow your muse and see where it leads you – maybe to fame
and fortune!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You won’t lack for confidence today, nor for the rest of the

week, but that is not an invitation to take foolish risks.

When dealing with people whose motives you are not entirely

sure about make certain what they say and do can’t hurt you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Turn your back on the past and think only of the future.
What’s done is done and cannot be undone, so forget about

your failures, few as they are, and resolve to make a success

of the future. And when does the future start? Right now!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will need a great deal of patience over the next 24

hours, especially when dealing with authority figures. No
matter how much they provoke you do not lose your temper.
Certainly don’t say anything they could use against you

Day 187

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

No matter how calm and controlled you may be by nature what

happens over the next few days will test your self-restraint.

Hopefully you will resist the urge to react in kind because

no matter what upsets you it’s just not worth the effort.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Generally your instincts are spot on but over the course of

the next 24 hours you will have to admit that your negative
views about a newcomer to your social circle were totally
wrong. It seems they are a lot nicer than you thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t be afraid to give orders to those you live, work and

do business with because they will respond well to your

assertive attitude. You need to remember, however, that there

is a huge difference between being assertive and being

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out

of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having

fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

Day 188

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may want to do things for other people but make sure they

want to be helped before you invest your precious time and

energy in them. Think more about your own needs today,

especially your creative and romantic desires.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your
thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Ignore those who say the world is not as good now as it was
in the past. They don’t know what they are talking about.

And a positive attitude from you will go a long way to making

it an even better world tomorrow. Keep smiling.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.
Day 189

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are taking certain situations and certain individuals far

too seriously. You need to remind yourself that in the

greater scheme of things nothing is worth getting worked up

about and nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Believe it –

it’s true.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You won’t find it easy to express yourself over the next 24

hours, but that’s okay – you’re not exactly renowned for
your conversation. Keep your thoughts and feelings to
yourself and only speak when what you have to say is of real

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may think that someone in your working environment has

got it in for you but most likely you are reading into the
situation antagonisms that do not exist. Think only the best

of people today, and they will do their best for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Loved ones will demand that you attend to their needs ahead
of your own today, and if you are smart you will do so

without complaint. The more you support them now the more
they will support you later on when the roles are reversed.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for
before backing some kind of creative venture. Just because
you trust someone does not mean they know what they are
talking about. It will pay you to check facts and figures for


Day 190

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will be pleasantly surprised by what happens over the

next 24 hours. Money matters, among other things, will no

longer worry you the way they once did but don’t go mad and

go on a spree because that will cause trouble all over again.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

With so much energy at your disposal right now you don’t

have to stick to the same old routines. Whatever natural

talents you possess – and you possess more than most people
– you can and you must make them work for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Even if you rarely stray far from your usual environment you
will be eager to get out and about as the new year begins. If

a friend suggests that you go off and do something different

together you will happily agree – but why not suggest it

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Put yourself out for other people and make sacrifices without
being asked. You may not get much by way of thanks for your

efforts but the inner glow you feel for having done the right

thing will make up for it. You’re a nice person to know.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to make a big issue of whatever it is you are

expected to do over the next 24 hours. Take it in your stride

and let it develop at its own natural pace. It will only get
complicated if you make it complicated – so don’t!
Day 191

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may find it hard to admit you were wrong about something

but you have no choice in the matter. If you have been found

out for playing fast and loose with the truth you must admit

it and promise not to let it happen again.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.
Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try to find common ground with a group of people you have not
always seen eye-to-eye with in the past. You actually share

many things in common and if you can overcome your more

obvious differences you can do great things together.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You seem to be pushing yourself harder than ever of late but

will achieve more in the long-term if you balance your
physical and mental efforts with plenty of relaxation. Treat

yourself to a massage or a day at the spa.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have
to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to
you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely

they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

Day 192

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Forget about your worries and woes, in fact forget about

anything but having a good time with the one you love. No

matter how far apart you may have drifted in recent weeks you

now have the chance to kiss and make up. Take it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Stay calm and keep telling yourself that everything will come

right in the end – somehow it always does. Above all don’t

allow yourself to get worked up about money matters. There is
no reason at all to fear the worst.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Do dreams and wishes really come true? Yes, they do and what
happens next will prove it to you. If there is something you

have always wanted to do you will get the chance this

weekend. It is your destiny to be happy and successful.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t think too hard about something that appears wholly

illogical – it will only scramble your brains even more than
they are scrambled already! A number of strange, even

bizarre, things are likely to happen but none of them can do

you harm.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what
fences are for.
Day 193

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You need to seize the initiative and make things happen. For

some strange reason you have been a bit too fearful in recent

weeks, and because of that opportunities have gone begging.

Get your confidence back, then get on with making your mark.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have
to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to

you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely
they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will need to think quickly and act quickly to get on top
of a situation that is rapidly spiralling out of control.
Don’t worry if you have to tread on a few toes to get things

done – everyone will thank you later for taking the lead.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the
proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be

rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the

Day 194

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You know what it is you desire and you know where and how you

can get it. What you don’t know, yet, is that someone in a
position of authority is determined to stop you from getting
it. Should be an interesting few days.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Take care when dealing with people you work or do business

with, because the planets warn someone may try to confuse you

and, ultimately, cheat you out of what you deserve. Wake up

to reality: not everyone is as honest as you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have a secret desire to do something you know will not go

down well with certain people but if you don’t do it you
will most likely kick yourself later for being too timid.

What are you afraid of? Surely not what others might say?

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is a danger that in your enthusiasm to show what you

can do you will take on too many tasks and spread yourself
too thin. Focus on the one thing you are naturally good at

today. Make your number one talent your fortune.

Day 195

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but

unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone in a position of authority will give you a hard time

today but you won’t let it get to you. On the contrary, you
will let certain people know that you’ve had your fill of
being bossed about. Take the fight to them for a change.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but
unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you have a good idea today most likely someone will try to
persuade you to give it a miss. They will say it’s too
dangerous, they will say it’s not your style – but what

they really mean is they wish they had thought of it first!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you
play favorites this week you risk making the situation even

worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

Day 196

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is no point worrying about a mistake you made in the

past. In fact, the more you dwell on the subject the more

likely it is you will make yourself depressed. What’s done

is done and cannot be undone – so move on.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There may be times today and over the weekend when it seems

as if there are new difficulties to overcome in every

direction, but is that actually so or is it your mind playing
tricks on you? Most likely it’s the latter, so don’t be too


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will want to go out and conquer the world this week and

it’s good that you are so ambitious. But an upcoming series

of difficult aspects warns it won’t always be easy. Don’t
be discouraged if you have to work harder than you expected.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There may have been some confusion of late but you should
find it easy to set the record straight today. If your

remarks have been misquoted or taken out of context make sure

everyone knows it. Shout about it if you have to.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t worry if your actions annoy other people – you don’t

need their approval. On the other hand, don’t go looking for

confrontation either. Be the boss of your own life but accept

that some people will want to do it differently to you.
Day 197

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out

of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having

fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you can meet others halfway and work together on things

that are of mutual importance there is no limit to what you

can achieve over the next few days. Remember: what you do for
others you also do for yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to get too emotional about something that you would
usually dismiss as not worth the effort. Also, don’t be

afraid to cut your losses if they are getting too big: the
longer you hang on the bigger they are likely to get.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is something you want to do with your life but it means

giving up so much of what you already know. Is it worth it?
Can you do it? These are questions that only you can answer.

Start giving it some serious thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Before you rush to rescue someone make sure they want to be

rescued. In fact, make sure they are genuinely in trouble.
You can do good deeds for people without being so dramatic

about it. It’s the little things that mean the most.

Day 198

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be having second thoughts about something that up

until now you have been hugely enthusiastic about but it does

not mean you have taken a wrong turning. According to the

planets it is just a passing phase – your enthusiasm will


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.
And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are
determined to break out and try something new. Encourage

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may not want to do what a friend wants you to do today

but if you are smart you will go along with their plans. A
few days from now the roles will be reversed and you will be

the one in need of support.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Go out of your way to be nice to people over the next 24

hours, even people you seriously don’t like. The planets

indicate that if you show the pleasant side of your nature

(yes, you do have one!) others will respond in kind.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you
play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

Day 199

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your
thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is

to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you need to make an impression on employers and other

important people then now is the time to do it. Aim to do
something dramatic, something that gets you noticed,

something that cannot be ignored. Just make sure it is moral

and legal!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

Day 200

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Money isn’t everything but it’s still important and what

happens today will remind you that you cannot afford to be

too relaxed about what you own and earn. You have mouths to

feed and bills to pay, so don’t waste your resources.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will go all out to influence employers and other

important people over the next few days and you will succeed
more than you imagined was possible. Your charm and way with
words will persuade them to open doors for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it

because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are

ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say
it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.
Day 201

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have

to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to

you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely

they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Partners and colleagues and loved ones will do almost

anything for you over the next few days – all you have to do
is ask. Don’t worry that you may be wasting their time
because they don’t see it that way. They want to be nice to


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have never been the sort to worry too much about what

other people think of you, and that’s good. You would,

however, be wise to pay attention to a loved one’s
criticisms today. If you are honest you will admit they have

a point.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

Day 202

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are rather restless at the moment, especially on the

mental level where your thoughts are jumping all over the

place. But that’s good. The more you allow your mind to

wander the more ideas and insights you will come up with.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s time to admit that you are getting nowhere with a

project and must call it a day. Don’t think of it as a

failure, think of it as a learning experience. At least you
had the guts to give it a go. Next time you will get it


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t make life more complicated than it needs to be.

Employers and other important people, and loved ones too,

will appreciate your ability to get tasks done without making

a big issue of them. Life is simple when reduced to its


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day
of rest after the exertions of the weekend!
Day 203

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make

your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over

the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will

come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Everyone has a talent of some kind and your aim now must be
to recognize and focus on your particular skill in life. You
don’t have to be the biggest or the best, you just have to

be willing to let your inner voice guide you.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways

you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is
to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be
done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be tempted to hit back at someone who is giving you a

hard time but is that such a good idea? It might be just what

they are hoping for, because then it gives them the excuse
they have been waiting for to start an open fight.

Day 204

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Others will happily heap more work on your shoulders this

weekend, but only because they know you won’t complain.

Maybe it’s time to get tough and let them know that,

starting right now, you will work for no-one but yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You won’t lack for compassion today but you may lack for

common sense, so be careful. Don’t let others fool you into

thinking that you are doing the right thing, when in fact the
real right thing is to leave well alone.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy
by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to decide once and for all what it is you want most
out of life and to focus all your energies in that single

direction. Forget about what might have been because it is

what still can be that matters. You can still be a star.
Day 205

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not often that you get up in front of other people and

lay down the law but you will do so today. It annoys you to

think that the answer to a major problem is obvious to you

but no one else seems able to see it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You seem to believe that someone is keeping a secret from

you, and maybe they are, but there is no point getting worked
up about it. Put them out of your mind for the time being and
focus on making money – you are surprisingly good at it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Before embarking on a course of action that you have no way

of knowing will work out well or badly, ask yourself if it is

really what you want. It could be you have made a snap

decision based on emotion rather than common sense.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are
ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make
an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.

Day 206

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code
of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

For some strange reason you are wracked by self-doubt. For

some strange reason you seem to believe you do not have the
talent to be a success. That simply isn’t true. Get your
head straight and get on with making your mark on the world.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If what you are contemplating doing this weekend has in some

way been done by other people before you then you must learn

from their successes and failures. Why start from point zero
when you don’t have to? Later on, others will learn from


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what
fences are for.
Day 207

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just

happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you
play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what
fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The old ways may not always be the best but that does not

mean you should throw out what you are familiar with. Stick
to tried and trusted methods this week. They may at times be

boring but at least you know they work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The upcoming full moon will in some way remind you that you
can never truly be in control of events. The best way to get

through the coming week is to take each day, hour and minute
as it comes. Go with the flow and live in the now.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you cannot fix something yourself today then ask for

assistance. You have so many friends who will happily help
you out but the first move must come from you. They know how
snappy you can be if they get involved without being invited.
Day 208

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be on top of your game at the moment but a week or so

from now your energy may dip a bit, so don’t make too many

plans and certainly don’t take on any more chores. If

anything you need a rest, not more work.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you

as tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn takes your confidence to

new heights. What you start over the next few days is sure to
be a success – so see it through to the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It might be wise to keep some of your more outrageous

opinions to yourself over the next 24 hours. They may not be

outrageous to you, of course, but not everyone shares your

ability to see what is really going on in the world.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Sooner or later you will have to make changes but the time is
not quite right yet, so curb your impatience. Listen to your
inner voice this weekend and only act when it tells you to

act. What other people say can be safely ignored.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental
activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

Day 209

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Put your nose to the grindstone and start making inroads into

that pile of tasks you have to get through. For some reason

you will be quite enthusiastic about the day-to-day chores

you have to take care of – today at least.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but
unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may now be having second thoughts about something you

recently agreed to but the fact is it’s too late to change
things. Even if you were able to do so it would cost you too

much in terms of time, money and damaged reputation.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

Day 210

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There may be no end of fun things going on socially this

weekend but you must put partners and loved ones first, even

if it means letting down your buddies. Harmony at home is by

far the most important thing at the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.
You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may not be the best in certain areas but in one

particular field of endeavor you have no equals and that is

what you should be focusing on now. Don’t try to be all

things to all men, just be yourself – it’s more than

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What happens over the next 24 hours will confirm what you
have long suspected – that it is a mistake to limit yourself

in any way. Old ways of doing things are unlikely to make

your world better – but new methods will.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to

help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:
your analytical mind will find a workable solution.
Day 211

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.

And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are

determined to break out and try something new. Encourage


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may have to twist a few arms to get what you want today
but it won’t be too difficult, in fact you will enjoy
playing the tough guy. Just make sure you only make life

tough for your rivals and enemies – not your friends.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your main problem at the moment seems to be that you are

trying to do everything at once. The kind of changes you

envisage will take a long time to bring about, maybe even a
lifetime, so pace yourself. Ultimately, it’s the journey

that matters.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just

happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to
help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:
your analytical mind will find a workable solution.
Day 212

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Let friends and relatives and neighbors know that you are in

the mood to be sociable and invite them to help you in some

way. This is a great time for strengthening bonds that may

have come a bit loose of late.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now
you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle
flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It won’t be long before you have to make a choice between a

personal relationship and your work. You won’t have to give

up one for the other as such but you will need to focus in a
single direction. It’s about to get serious.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s not like you to be super logical but that does seem to
be the case at the moment. The only danger is that you will

follow the “facts” and completely ignore what your inner

voice is telling you. Are they really facts, or just clever


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways

you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is
to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be
done will get done in its own good time.
Day 213

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping

negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone will get on your nerves in a big way today and if you
make it through to the weekend without losing your cool you
will have done very well indeed. Chances are they don’t mean

it personally – they’re just panicking a bit.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you have something to say – or, more likely, something to

complain about – you must get it off of your chest

immediately because no one will have the time to listen to
you over the weekend. Speak up while you have the chance.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This can be and should be a highly productive time of year

for you but don’t try too hard. Good things and good people

will come your way whether or not you make much of an effort,
so sit back and let life carry you along.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A job worth doing is a job worth doing well, so knuckle down

and make sure no one has any reason to question the quality

of the finished product. Whether you work with your head or

your hands you’ll make a huge impression this weekend.

Day 214

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is no need to rush and there is no need to impose

deadlines on what you are doing. The more pressure you put on

yourself the more likely it is you will make a mistake.

Relax: everything will work out in the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be tempted to start something new today but before

you do you should ask yourself if this is really the right

time for it. Cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of
your chart means it might be wiser to finish what you have

already started.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be under pressure to do things for other people, but

don’t be in too much of a hurry to deliver. If you refuse to

lend a helping hand what is the most likely outcome? At worst
you will lose a “friend” who never does anything for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Rarely have you had so many obligations. Rarely have your

duties been so arduous. That’s the bad news. The good news
is there are people in your life who will happily lend a hand
– all you have to do is ask. Or is that too much for your
Day 215

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to focus not on the things you want but

on the things you need – and yes, they are different. Take

care of the essentials over the next 24 hours and everything

else that happens will seem like a bonus.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it
because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You could get carried away and make the kind of silly mistake

that someone with your brains should be able to avoid. If you

do get it wrong don’t make things worse by refusing to
accept that you are at fault. You’re human like the rest of


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your imaginative powers will be strong today but that will

only be good news if you have a positive attitude too. If you

allow the unknown to scare you then what goes on over the

next 24 hours will send you scurrying for cover.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to attach so much importance to material things. Try

not to get hung up on the fact that more cash seems to be

going out than is coming in. This is only a temporary phase
and is already coming to an end, so cheer up.

Day 216

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The best way to avoid an unpleasant situation is to pretend

it does not exist. You are not in the mood for confrontation

and there is no cosmic law that says you have to face

situations, or people, you would prefer to avoid. Be


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow
Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

All routes lead to your ultimate destination, so don’t think

you have to change direction. Besides, it is not where you go

or what you do that is important but what you learn about

yourself along the way. Let that be your guide.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It does not matter what you are promised or how much you are

offered you must wait a few days before making any new
agreements. There is no evidence that someone is trying to
trick you, but neither is there any evidence they are not.
Day 217

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you do things for others that they should be doing for

themselves it won’t be long before they expect you to do it

all. You need to be tough today. You need to let others know

that they need to take more responsibility for themselves.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Not everyone is as dynamic as you, and you would be wise to

bear that thought in mind today, especially when dealing with

people who seem indecisive. You may think they are dragging
their feet on purpose but it’s just the way they are.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about
to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of

the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually

that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are

ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say
it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

Day 218

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are

ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You can charm the birds out of the trees if you put your mind

to it today. Some situations call for subtlety, some call for

assertiveness, but whatever circumstances you face over the
next 24 hours you’ll come up smelling of roses.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Sometimes you allow what are really quite minor problems to

build up in your mind to such an extent that soon they bear

no relation to reality. There is absolutely nothing wrong

with your current situation, so keep your imagination under

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

One of the best times of the year begins for you tomorrow
when the Sun moves into the most creative and dynamic area of

your chart. What you do with it is up to you but you must do

something. Make every day, hour and even minute count.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Do you change with the times or do you try to make the times
change for you? Silly question, right? You of all people

should know that certain forces cannot be defeated, they can

only be used, so go with the flow and be happy.
Day 219

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Beliefs and opinions you usually take for granted won’t seem

quite so solid over the next few days and you will start to

see the world in new ways. If you are going to change your

philosophy of life now is as good a time as any.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s unlikely that you will be in a sociable mood today but

that’s okay because you have important things to think about

and you will only do them justice if you cut yourself off
from the world and spend some time alone.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may feel out of your depth and you may be tempted to give
up on what you only recently started but if you do you will

regret it in a matter of days. Hang in there and do whatever

it takes to keep your confidence up.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It could be that you feel a bit worn down and discouraged. If

so you need to get a grip on yourself because the planets
warn if you give up on something now you will only have to

start it again later. Dig deep and carry on.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you owe someone a favor you must pay it off quickly,

because the longer you leave it the more they will want. The
opposite applies too: if you have done a good deed for

someone now is the time to demand they do a good deed for


Day 220

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are
ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t cover up for a friend if they have done something

wrong because it will reflect badly on you in the long-term.

They should be big enough to stand up and admit they made a
mistake and if they’re not then why are you friends with


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your circumstances will change for the better over the next

few weeks but over the next few days there will be times when
it seems as if things are moving backwards. Be patient. It

will all come right in the end. Somehow it always does.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to tie up a number of loose ends today if you are to

get the full benefit of what occurs over the weekend. Resolve
your differences with colleagues at work and bring a project
to a speedy and successful conclusion.
Day 221

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your self-esteem will receive some kind of boost over the

next 24 hours, making it easier for you to deal with

important people. The thing to bear in mind is that the

powers that be want you to succeed and you must want it too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will need a great deal of patience over the next 24

hours, especially when dealing with authority figures. No

matter how much they provoke you do not lose your temper.
Certainly don’t say anything they could use against you


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Before you rush to rescue someone make sure they want to be

rescued. In fact, make sure they are genuinely in trouble.

You can do good deeds for people without being so dramatic
about it. It’s the little things that mean the most.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Come the weekend you will be free to express yourself in ways

which may not have been possible before. However, you will

also have to exercise a certain amount of self-discipline. If

you say too much the backlash could be uncomfortable.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often

you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one

who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

Day 222

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

According to the planets someone you work or do business with

is not being entirely straight with you. Before you go any

further together in what you are working on demand to know

where they are coming from – and going to.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you believe in a cause strongly enough then you must roll

up your sleeves and do something practical. It is not enough

to make a charitable donation or to cheer from the back of
the room – you must get personally involved.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Sudden changes may not be entirely welcome but neither are

they to be feared, so accept them and work with them. Nothing

lasts forever, nor should you want it to, so go with the flow
and enjoy where fate takes you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Be careful what you say over the next few days because you
could easily let slip information that others have no right
to know. There is even the possibility that they may be able

to use it against you in some way, so keep those lips zipped!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will
be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

Day 223

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It may seem as if everyone is against you but what happens

over the next 24 hours will convince you that there is always

someone you can turn to for advice. You have plenty of

friends – and not nearly as many enemies as you fear.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may have to cut back on social activities for a while as

you shift your focus to matters closer to home. The simple

fact is you have been neglecting loved ones and relatives and
need to make up for it – and that means now, not later.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You don’t have to be on top of things every minute of every

day. Yours is a sign that values hard work and leads from the

front but the planets indicate you will achieve twice as much
as you usually do with only half the effort.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may find it hard to put your point of view across today,
but that’s okay. There is actually nothing that needs to be
said immediately, so keep quiet and use your time to improve

your mind in some way. Read more, talk less!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Do you know the meaning of the word compromise? Hopefully you

do because the planets warn you won’t get your way by force
alone over the next 24 hours. Be willing to negotiate and be

ready to give ground as well as take it.

Day 224

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you owe someone a favor you must pay it off quickly,

because the longer you leave it the more they will want. The

opposite applies too: if you have done a good deed for

someone now is the time to demand they do a good deed for


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever
else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Now that Saturn is moving in your favor again you can, with a

little bit of effort, move up in the world quite rapidly. But

don’t get greedy and try to have it all. There is no need to
burden yourself with too much responsibility.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You can be rather outspoken at times, especially when dealing

with people who don’t see things the way you do. However,

the planets warn not everyone is happy to just sit there and
take it, so expect some people to give as good as they get.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t go to pieces if someone is critical of your

performance today. Most likely they are just trying to help

by pointing out where they think you have been going wrong.
But whatever the reason, there is no need to get upset about

Day 225

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be reserved by nature but every now and again you go

right the other way and say things that shock those around

you – and this is one of those days. Put simply, you’ve had

enough of complaints and criticisms. It’s time to hit back.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a
way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also
be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Okay, so you made a mistake, but so what? Mistakes are

evidence that you are doing something, or at least trying to

do something. No matter how many times you fail in the short-

term you will succeed in the end – big time!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be
Day 226

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not often you get caught by surprise but something will

shock you this weekend. That’s what you get for taking too

much for granted. Financially, you may have to tighten your

belt over the next few days but it’s no big deal.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

No doubt you have big plans and no doubt you have made all

sorts of promises to yourself. This time you WILL get your

act together and accomplish great things. The only danger is
you may aim too high. Make sure your ambitions are realistic.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is

to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to your solar chart this is a good day for doing

nothing much, so sit back, relax and let life come to you.
Your confidence is improving by the minute and the only

danger is you might end up with too much self-belief!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make
your life more exciting but actually doing it is another
thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over

the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will

come opportunity.
Day 227

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A little charm will go a long way over the next 48 hours.

Your way with words, your sense of humor and your winning

smile will help persuade almost anyone to do almost anything

for you. Does that get your thoughts racing? It should!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for

before signing up for a plan or project that might require

you to put in some of your own money. It does not hurt to be
careful, especially when it is your livelihood that is at


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often

you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one
who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There will be a setback concerning a money matter or business

deal and you won’t be happy about it. But is it worth

getting worked up about? Life is full of uncertainties but

very few mean much in the greater scheme of things.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You could get carried away and make the kind of silly mistake
that someone with your brains should be able to avoid. If you

do get it wrong don’t make things worse by refusing to

accept that you are at fault. You’re human like the rest of

Day 228

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is the ideal time to let your mind wander a bit because

it will lead you in some interesting new directions. If you

find it hard to get inspired try connecting with people who

make you feel good about yourself – they’ll give you ideas.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may not be looking forward to what you have to do but if

you approach it with the right mental attitude it won’t be

so bad. Commit yourself to it, make a plan, apply it
consistently and, above all, don’t give up on it halfway


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Be honest with yourself about your needs and desires. For

quite some time now you have pretended that certain things
mean nothing to you when, in fact, you secretly crave them.
That craving will reach a peak today, so go on, indulge


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for

before signing up for a plan or project that might require

you to put in some of your own money. It does not hurt to be

careful, especially when it is your livelihood that is at


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

According to the planets someone you work or do business with

is not being entirely straight with you. Before you go any
further together in what you are working on demand to know
where they are coming from – and going to.
Day 229

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are going through a positive phase at the moment, so if

there are things in your life you want to change now is the

time. Some people will try to dissuade you but only because

they fear you will leave them behind. They’re right, you

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your confidence will soar over the next few days, making it
easy for you to make changes in your lifestyle. If the travel
bug bites don’t hesitate: just pack a bag and get going.

Anything done on the spur of the moment is sure to be fun.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will see someone you thought of as a rival in a new light

today – they are in fact one of the best friends you’ve

got. Like all best friends they may sometimes tell you things
you don’t want to hear – but it’s for your own good.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You know what needs to be done and you know that you must do
it now, before anything else, so why are you hesitating? Push

any doubts you may have to the back of your mind. As always,
there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Day 230

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t take anything too seriously today because if you do

you may get depressed and start wondering why you bother to

make an effort. Everyone gets moods like this occasionally.

Snap out of it by focusing on things that make you smile.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is no need to push yourself hard now because everything

you require will be given to you as and when you need it. One
of the keys to a happy existence is to have simple needs and
to enjoy simple pleasures. That won’t be difficult today.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have freedom to move in whatever direction takes your

fancy, but don’t forget you also have responsibilities and

that certain people are depending on you in various ways.

Take them with you on your whirlwind journey. Brighten their

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The old way of doing things may be the safe way but it is not
necessarily the best way and with the planets urging you to

use your imagination you should be trying things you never

attempted before. It will be fun and it could make you money.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be right to be angry with someone who has let you
down but don’t make a big issue of it. Let them know you are

not amused, then let it go. Whatever it is you have lost you
will soon find something better to replace it.
Day 231

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try to stay on good terms with partners and colleagues today,

because if you fall out now you will surely regret it later

on. Whatever nasty things may have been done to you, be they

real or imagined, you will gain more if you forgive and


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You won’t be in the mood to make compromises today but you

need to be aware that if you come across as uncaring or
arrogant you could make yourself unpopular. That may not

bother you now but it will do later when you need allies.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The old way of doing things may be the safe way but it is not

necessarily the best way and with the planets urging you to
use your imagination you should be trying things you never
attempted before. It will be fun and it could make you money.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the

proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be

rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about

to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of

the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually
that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

Day 232

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental
activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your
way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!
Day 233

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can at times be a bit too harsh on yourself, especially

when you fail to live up to the impossibly high standards you

try to live by. Be more forgiving of yourself today. Despite

what some people might say you are only human.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Money matters and business issues are under excellent stars

at the moment but Pluto, your ruler, warns you need to be

wary of getting involved in areas you don’t know much about.
There’s plenty of profit to be made closer to home.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may not want to hurt someone’s feelings but you know you
have to be honest with them. There comes a time when it is

necessary to tell it like it is, even if it means putting a

relationship or friendship at risk. That time is now.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Just because everyone else seems to be taking risks does not

mean you should be taking risks too. You have never been the
kind of person who follows the herd, so don’t start now. Go

your own way and do your own thing.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Take each day as it comes and be ready to go wherever fate

points you. Good fortune will come not only from your own
efforts but also from the patronage of powerful friends. Who

you know is more important than what you know.

Day 234

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s time to admit that you are getting nowhere with a

project and must call it a day. Don’t think of it as a

failure, think of it as a learning experience. At least you
had the guts to give it a go. Next time you will get it


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may find it hard to trust certain people but trust them

you must. Yes, it is possible they might betray you but do

you really want to let suspicion govern your every move?
They’re not as bad as you think they are.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you need to ask someone in a position of authority for a

favor this is one of the best times to approach them. For

some reason they are in a charitable mood. It doesn’t matter

why, it matters only that you take advantage of it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even
impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and
in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.
Day 235

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Something you thought was going wrong will suddenly come

together and make sense and you will be amazed to realize

there was never any doubt that you would succeed in the end.

Next time, try not to take such a pessimistic viewpoint.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –
save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Now is the time to be a bit more adventurous and to seek out

those who are different or exciting in some way. Don’t worry

that you might seem a bit boring to them – in fact in their

eyes you may be the one who looks exotic.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact
is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and

success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what
fences are for.
Day 236

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Do you know the meaning of the word compromise? Hopefully you

do because the planets warn you won’t get your way by force
alone over the next 24 hours. Be willing to negotiate and be
ready to give ground as well as take it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What happens during the first half of the coming week will
convince you that your most important objectives can only be
reached if you meet others halfway. If you make an effort to

do that then the second half of the week could be


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It does not matter how much you own or how much you earn –
if you are happy with your lot then you don’t need a lot.

Bear that thought in mind over the next few days. Material
things are not important but emotional and spiritual things
Day 237

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Do whatever it takes to get along with the people you work

and do business with. That does not mean you must sell

yourself short or sell your soul, but at the very least you

need to treat them as equals – even if they’re not.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your
way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you believe in a cause strongly enough then you must roll

up your sleeves and do something practical. It is not enough

to make a charitable donation or to cheer from the back of

the room – you must get personally involved.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Stay on good terms with the people you work with. The planets
warn if you try to improve your position at someone else’s

expense, not only will you fail but you will make an enemy
for life. You can do without that.

Day 238

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

What happens over the next 24 hours will confirm what you

have long suspected – that it is a mistake to limit yourself

in any way. Old ways of doing things are unlikely to make

your world better – but new methods will.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

What is your special talent? If you are not sure then now is

the time to give it some serious thought. What is the one

thing that feels most natural to you? What is the one thing
that makes you feel most alive? That’s where your talent is.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.

Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may honestly believe that you know what is best but that
does not give you the right to impose your solutions on other
people. All you can do is speak your truth as you see it and

let partners and loved ones make their own choices.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are
ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

Day 239

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will be confronted with something new today, most likely

an idea or a way of looking at life, and to say the least it

will intrigue you. Somehow you are going to have to find a

way to fit it in with your existing beliefs.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you
realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of
course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

What happens during the first half of the coming week will

convince you that your most important objectives can only be

reached if you meet others halfway. If you make an effort to
do that then the second half of the week could be


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may honestly believe that you know what is best but that

does not give you the right to impose your solutions on other
people. All you can do is speak your truth as you see it and

let partners and loved ones make their own choices.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you have something to say then say it and don’t worry

what others might think. Almost inevitably your words will

upset someone but that’s their fault for being so touchy.
Likewise, don’t get uptight if someone says things about
Day 240

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.

And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are

determined to break out and try something new. Encourage


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The best way to avoid an unpleasant situation is to pretend

it does not exist. You are not in the mood for confrontation
and there is no cosmic law that says you have to face
situations, or people, you would prefer to avoid. Be

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If your private life is in a bit of a mess then now is the

time to sort it out. The planets will help you make necessary
changes but you have got to be honest with those you love.

Don’t just tell them what they want to hear.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Come the weekend you will be free to express yourself in ways

which may not have been possible before. However, you will

also have to exercise a certain amount of self-discipline. If

you say too much the backlash could be uncomfortable.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most
of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things
that have never been done before – at least not by you!
Day 241

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Every new turn you take seems to lead further away from what

you are aiming for, which is frustrating. Could it be that

your subconscious mind is trying to warn you that what you

are aiming for is perhaps not so desirable? Think about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The tensions in one particular area of your life have almost

reached breaking point but that need not be as bad as it

sounds. In fact it could even be good if it clears away all
those resentments you’ve been saving up these past few


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Although the Sun in Virgo at this time of year brings

partnership matters to a head it also provides you with the

tools to resolve them, so don’t be too cynical and don’t be
too eager to say goodbye. Instead, why not kiss and make up?

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Steer clear of those who rub you up the wrong way. Some
people are so full of their own importance they think they

can do or say anything and get away with it, but you know
that what goes around will come around again sooner or later.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Before you agree to get involved in a project of some kind

make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for. You

need to be thinking along similar lines to your new partners

and colleagues. If you’re not, give it a miss.

Day 242

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor

importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile

more too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Others will slap you on the back and tell you what a
wonderful job you are doing and, of course, they are right.
But don’t let the praise go to your head because most likely
they are only being nice because they want something from

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will no doubt be annoyed if something holds you back

today but later on you will thank your lucky stars that you
were forced to stay where you are. If fate conspires to keep

you from doing something there must be a reason.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The current cosmic set-up may make it appear as if partners

and work colleagues have got it in for you but have they

really or is it you who is overreacting? Most likely it’s

the latter, so don’t take anything (especially yourself) too

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need
to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the

unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

Day 243

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week

begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may want to tear everything down and start again from

scratch but is that really necessary? You may regret it in

the long-term if you destroy what you have created. There is
room in your life for both the old and the new.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

What happens today and tomorrow will go a long way toward

restoring your peace of mind, especially if you have been

worrying about money. Hopefully you will come to the

conclusion that your financial problems are not as serious as
you thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your mind may be full of big ideas but you are advised not to
take any of them too seriously. Your priority this weekend

must be to knuckle down and take care of details. That might

not sound like fun but it’s safe and that’s what matters.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A friend or work colleague will say something you disagree

with today but if you are smart you will bite your tongue and

pass up the chance to make an issue of it. Something will

happen over the weekend that does your talking for you.

Day 244

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You won’t be in the mood to make compromises today but you

need to be aware that if you come across as uncaring or

arrogant you could make yourself unpopular. That may not

bother you now but it will do later when you need allies.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Some people you like and some people you don’t and it will

always be that way. With that thought in mind don’t feel you
have to pretend that someone who rubs you up the wrong way is
your friend. You don’t have to be dishonest about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Whatever else you do today, don’t panic. Your life is NOT

falling apart – you are just looking at things from too

negative an angle. You may be a bit down at the moment but

later on your mood and your viewpoint will be more positive.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be unaware that someone is annoyed with you but

you’ll find out soon enough. If a loved one or work
colleague gives you a hard time over the next 24 hours try to

find out why. Was it something you said or did?

Day 245

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Chances are certain people have been leaving out facts and

figures that could have made a difference to the decisions

you made. Should you get angry? Well, you have every right,

but has anything bad actually come of it? If no, let it go.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A domestic issue that has been causing you problems will

resolve itself either today or during the early part of the

new week. The lesson you most need to learn from the
situation is that everything works out for the best in the


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You should find it easier now to get along with people who,

for one reason or another, have been a bit stand-offish of

late. You will also realize that their silence was in no way
a reflection on you personally.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to take what you see and hear personally today, not
even if others make it clear it is meant to be personal. Yes,

you know how to be vengeful, but sometimes it’s better to

let annoying issues sail over your head.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.

And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are

determined to break out and try something new. Encourage

Day 246

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but

unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t waste time arguing about things that will never make

much of a difference. It may feel as if certain people are

deliberately trying to wind you up – and maybe they are –
but you should take it all in your stride. That’s life.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Something unexpected will disrupt your day and you won’t be

too happy about it, but it won’t help if you lose your cool

and start screaming and shouting. You should be experienced

enough and mature enough to take setbacks like this in your

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Not everyone is as dynamic as you, and you would be wise to

bear that thought in mind today, especially when dealing with

people who seem indecisive. You may think they are dragging
their feet on purpose but it’s just the way they are.
Day 247

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is no need to rush and there is no need to impose

deadlines on what you are doing. The more pressure you put on

yourself the more likely it is you will make a mistake.

Relax: everything will work out in the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make
an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will get what you deserve to get today, nothing more and
nothing less. Now that you know that you won’t be inclined
to complain if what you get falls short of expectations. The

good news is you will always get another chance.

Day 248

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It will pay you to be skeptical today, especially when

dealing with people who in some way or other depend on your

generosity. Whatever it is they suggest make sure the figures

add up and you are 100 per cent happy with it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is no point trying to tell a loved one that it is not

wise to do something because that will make them even more

determined to do it. You cannot stop them from making
mistakes, nor should you want to – it’s the best way to


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The thing you need to remember most today is that no one has

the right to tell you how to behave or how to manage your

affairs. There is no point arguing with certain people –
they won’t understand – just get on and do what feels right

to you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often

you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one

who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel

uncomfortable over the next few days just get up and leave.
It may seem rude to others but better to be rude than to feel
so out of place that you never want to go back.
Day 249

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may want to show that you can manage on your own but

today’s challenges are likely to be severe, so see sense and

make sure you have back-up from friends and family before

taking on what may be too much for you alone.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It does not matter how many obstacles are placed in your path

over the next few days, you will overcome them all with ease.
Don’t worry if the mountain you have been tasked to climb
looks huge – you will find a way to move it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction
your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind
don’t start something new today simply because you feel the

need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said
about you.
Day 250

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This should be an encouraging time for you as your money

worries fade and your ability to enjoy the simple things in

life returns. One sad person may try to bring you down with

their tales of woe, but you don’t have to listen.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be reluctant to cross swords with a rival but at some

stage you are going to have to face them. It’s better you
should do so now, while the omens are good for a peaceful
solution, than later when you’re both fired up for a fight.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t think that you can sit back and let the good things in
life come to you because even if it happens that way you will

still be under using your talents and that’s a crime. Keep

the momentum of the past few weeks going – don’t slow down.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This is the ideal time to face up to aspects of your

personality that you usually do your best to ignore. Everyone
has negative qualities but not everyone tries to channel

their negative qualities in a positive direction. But you’re

not everyone – you’re special.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A domestic issue that has been causing you problems will

resolve itself either today or during the early part of the

new week. The lesson you most need to learn from the
situation is that everything works out for the best in the
Day 251

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your confidence may be high but that is not an invitation to

take silly risks. The planets warn you are being misled by

someone who knows how to pull your strings. Also, watch out

you don’t mislead yourself. Self-deception could be a


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is the ideal time to let your mind wander a bit because
it will lead you in some interesting new directions. If you
find it hard to get inspired try connecting with people who

make you feel good about yourself – they’ll give you ideas.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you do things by the book today you will get the rewards

you deserve. If, however, you try to gain an advantage by

cutting corners or telling lies most likely you will find
that your underhand methods rebound on you in annoying ways.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust

that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to
be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The most important thing over the next 24 hours is that you
stay calm and think things through in a logical manner. Also,

as some people are liable to be touchy in the extreme it may

not be the best time to speak from the heart.

Day 252

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Break a few rules and put a few noses out of joint today. The

planets are urging you to do something out of the ordinary,

something that stirs things up a bit in your quiet little

corner of the world. Rock the boat and see who falls out!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Agree with everything others say this weekend, even if you

don’t believe a word of it. You would, of course, prefer to

be honest but the planets warn this is not the time to make
waves. Don’t make enemies of people who should be friends.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Every new turn you take seems to lead further away from what
you are aiming for, which is frustrating. Could it be that

your subconscious mind is trying to warn you that what you

are aiming for is perhaps not so desirable? Think about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to
revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to
aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your

way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you want to avoid an unpleasant situation just pretend it

does not exist. You are not in the mood for confrontation and
there is no law that says you have to face up to people who

fill you with dread. Take the easy way out.

Day 253

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You are allowed to indulge yourself – it isn’t a crime.

Jupiter’s influence will help you to appreciate the finer

things in life over the next few days. You can enjoy them on

your own or with that special person who shares your passion
for life.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for
before signing up for a plan or project that might require
you to put in some of your own money. It does not hurt to be
careful, especially when it is your livelihood that is at

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A minor disagreement could escalate with alarming rapidity

over the next 24 hours. The sad fact is some people are
ridiculously touchy, so watch what you say and how you say

it. Ultimately, it might be better to say nothing at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may feel good about yourself but not everyone is as

positive as you and someone you love is in need of a

confidence booster. Use your sharp wit to bring back the

smile to their face. They won’t be feeling under the weather
for long.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Okay, so you made a mistake, but so what? Mistakes are

evidence that you are doing something, or at least trying to
do something. No matter how many times you fail in the short-

term you will succeed in the end – big time!

Day 254

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you have important decisions to make it might be best to

put them off until after the 19th, when the Sun changes
signs. Only then will you be in the right frame of mind to
see things clearly. Act too soon and it could cost you dear.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You need to assert yourself more and with Mars strong in the
career area of your chart right now that should not be too

difficult. Make sure those who have been taking you for
granted get the message that you are no longer such an easy

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as

it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor

importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile
more too.
Day 255

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even

worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Whatever plans or schedules you may have drawn up in recent

weeks you are advised to rip them all up and dump them in the
waste bin. Changes will come thick and fast over the next few

days, so try just to live in the moment.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.
You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

How you deal with other people over the next 48 hours will
determine whether the next few weeks will be a time of

achievement or of conflict. Try to remember you are not the

only one with needs and desires – or with feelings either.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may be able to see where loved ones are going wrong but
unless they specifically ask for your assistance you are

advised to keep your distance. If you interfere without first

being invited you will cause more problems than you solve.

Day 256

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Be honest about your desires. With values planet Venus about

to move into the most dynamic area of your chart there is

almost nothing you can say that will make a bad impression or

turn others against you. Take note of that word “almost”


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Know your limits and stay within them. That is the message of
the stars and while it may be less than inspirational it’s
definitely the right course for you at the moment. You don’t

have to be a star every day of the week.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you get an offer that could bring you more money you

should take it. Yes, it will mean more work and, yes, you
will have to sacrifice other things but if you turn it down

you will kick yourself later when you realize what might have

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of
the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it
because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


Day 257

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be desperate to show what you can do but don’t go

over the top and do something silly. Why? Because it makes

you an easy target for those who would like nothing better

than to derail your ambitions. Think smart and act smart too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you are not feeling on top of the world right at this

moment don’t worry about it because it won’t be long before

your mood moves rapidly in the other direction. And don’t
just tell someone you love them – show them.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about
to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of

the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually

that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

Day 258

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you take a negative view of what is going on you may get

stuck in one of those woe-is-me moods that are so hard to

shift. Make a conscious mental and emotional effort to look

on the bright side today – it’s always there.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Let everyone around you, at home and at work, know what you

think and how you feel and they will go out of their way to
meet your needs and make you happy. Misunderstandings will
only arise if you expect people to read your mind.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you are thinking too much about the
past and not nearly enough about the future. Your task today

is to switch your attention away from what was and toward

what could be – and your options really are unlimited.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets
inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will think fast and act fast today and it may be
frustrating when you have to slow down because the people up
ahead of you are dragging their feet. Stay calm and look for

intelligent ways to get past them. Don’t just push your way
to the front.
Day 259

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can at times be a bit too harsh on yourself, especially

when you fail to live up to the impossibly high standards you

try to live by. Be more forgiving of yourself today. Despite

what some people might say you are only human.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Something unsettling is likely to happen over the coming

week, most likely when your ruling planet Pluto turns

retrograde on Friday. Try not to let it upset you though. In
the greater scheme of things it is of relatively minor


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone new will come into your life over the next few days

and they will open your eyes to new possibilities. They will
also remind you that, important as your own affairs may be,
there is a world out there that cannot and must not be


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you

and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few
weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Group activities of all kinds are well starred at the moment,

so make the effort to work with friends and colleagues and
people you interact with socially and together you will
create something amazing. Aim to make a difference, not just

be different.

Day 260

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week

begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day
of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Make life easier for yourself by refusing to attach too much

importance to what you see and hear. According to the planets
certain people will do things and say things just to get a

reaction but if you refuse to react they will soon lose


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You are who you are for a reason, so don’t let anyone not
even people you love try to persuade you that you should

change your ways. You don’t need to be different, you just

need to be better at who you already are.
Day 261

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t worry too much if you get behind in your work because

there will be plenty of time to catch up later on. It would

help, of course, if you were not so willing to take on other

people’s tasks. You can be too generous you know.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

No matter how bad you think certain things may be the planets

suggest that they will start to get easier as from today.

Also, try to get rid of the idea that everyone is out to
cheat you – it’s not true. Most people want to see you do


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you
realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of
course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you

should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative

or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you speak your mind today you will get away with it no

matter how outrageous your comments may be. If you speak your
mind tomorrow or the day after there may be negative
consequences. Think before you speak or don’t speak at all.

Day 262

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new

things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find yourself losing interest in what you are doing

that is a sure sign you are doing the wrong thing. A change
of scene will help but over the longer term a change of
career direction may be necessary. Rule nothing out.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may not be sure where an idea came from – was it

conjured up by your own imagination or did you see or hear

something that inspired you? – but you can and you must make
good use of it. If you don’t, a rival most certainly will.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is no point living in dread of things that have not yet

happened and most likely never will. Starting today, begin
afresh with each new sunrise and believe that all things are

possible. Your cosmic outlook is actually not just good but


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.
Day 263

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping

negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You will need to be on your guard over the next 24 hours,

especially when dealing with people who envy your success and
covet what you possess, be it something of a material nature

or a social rank or a relationship. Don’t let them take it.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now
you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle
flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,

like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is no point making a fuss today, not even if you can

prove you have been hard done by. Sometimes we have to take
what we are given and make the best of it and this is one of
those times. You’ll triumph in the end.
Day 264

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may find it difficult to focus over the next few days –

there are too many things going on for you to concentrate on

one thing for any length of time. Don’t worry: your mind

will be razor sharp again come Friday.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Raise your sights this week and believe that you can create

something magnificent. Others may try to persuade you that

you are aiming too high but that simply isn’t true. The
universe indicates there are no limits, at least not for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Travel and social activities will be a lot of fun over the

holiday period but the ride won’t always be smooth. If you

are visiting friends or relatives in faraway places make sure

you plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for
before signing up for a plan or project that might require
you to put in some of your own money. It does not hurt to be

careful, especially when it is your livelihood that is at


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.
Day 265

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to rethink something of a creative nature. Maybe you

expected too much of yourself, or maybe you expected too much

of other people, but either way you are going to have to make
changes. Make them changes that primarily enrich you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Because you like to be independent you may not enjoy what

takes place over the next 24 hours. You may have to fight for

your right to set your own agenda and come and go as you
please, but it’s a fight worth having – and winning.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A clash of wills is likely today as the Sun and Mars square

up across two of the most important areas of your chart.
Stand up for what you believe in but don’t get so aggressive

about it that you risk making long-term enemies.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the
proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be

rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the

Day 266

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Whatever plans or schedules you may have drawn up in recent

weeks you are advised to rip them all up and dump them in the

waste bin. Changes will come thick and fast over the next few

days, so try just to live in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

An unexpected event will disrupt your weekend and to say the

least you won’t be happy about it but there is no point

screaming and shouting. Stay calm, go with the flow and
accept you can’t always have things your own way.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to
revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to
aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your

way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Over the next two or three days you will find it easier to
get to grips with a financial matter that has been keeping
you awake at night. Once you find out what the real problem

is you will also find the courage to deal with it.

Day 267

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you

could create something amazing together. Remember: success,

like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Some people complain that they never get the breaks but you
know that is rarely true. What you get out of life has to be
earned and over the next two or three days you will find that

the more you give the more you get in return.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

All routes lead to your ultimate destination, so don’t think

you have to change direction. Besides, it is not where you go

or what you do that is important but what you learn about
yourself along the way. Let that be your guide.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You cannot change the past but you can change the way you
react to events in the here and now. Focus on what you have

to do today and let tomorrow take care of itself. The less

you worry now the better the future will be.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Wave goodbye to wishful thinking and focus on the realities

of your present situation. That does not mean your dreams

should be abandoned but you do need to get serious about

which of them have potential and which are just pie in the

Day 268

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You believe that anything is possible, and no doubt it is,

but you would still be wise not to take anything for granted,

especially where there may be money at stake. You could gain

a lot today, but you could lose a lot too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try not to say too much this week, especially on the work

front. According to the planets a rival is hoping you will

open your mouth and put your foot in it so they can have a go
at you. Don’t make it easy for them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you think you are being cheated on something you must

speak up. It may be that you have got the wrong end of the

stick and there is nothing amiss, but until you know that for
sure you cannot afford to take chances.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Partners and loved ones seem to be making all the running at

the moment while you follow on in their wake. But is that
really so bad? You cannot expect to be a leader all of the

time – sometimes you have to be a follower too.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You will need a great deal of patience over the next 24

hours, especially when dealing with authority figures. No
matter how much they provoke you do not lose your temper.

Certainly don’t say anything they could use against you

Day 269

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction

your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the

need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

By all means say “No” to something that others are trying

to impose on you – and don’t feel in the least bit guilty

about it. You are who you are for a reason and under no
circumstances should you pretend to be someone else.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your

resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

Day 270

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your

way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact
is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and
success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may believe that nothing is beyond you, that you could

take on the world and win, but you need to convince other
people too. Channel that confidence into something
constructive. There is no telling what you might accomplish


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone in a position of authority will give you a hard time

today but you won’t let it get to you. On the contrary, you
will let certain people know that you’ve had your fill of

being bossed about. Take the fight to them for a change.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people
Day 271

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even

impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and

in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Someone you are close to emotionally, a family member or a

loved one, is going to make some pretty big changes over the
next few days. They are more likely to be changes for the
good if you encourage them and help them. Don’t be cynical.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There will be times over the next two or three days when you
seem out of your depth but that is not an excuse to give up.

If you do you will most likely regret it as the planets bring

new self-belief and new opportunities.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Take care when dealing with people you work or do business

with, because the planets warn someone may try to confuse you
and, ultimately, cheat you out of what you deserve. Wake up

to reality: not everyone is as honest as you.

Day 272

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a

secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The nicer you are to someone today the more they will take

liberties – it’s really that simple. The planets warn you

won’t get anywhere by appealing to the better side of this
person’s nature – there is a very good chance they simply

don’t have one.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your thoughts may be a bit chaotic this weekend, so try not

to make any important decisions, especially those where joint

finances are involved. Even if you don’t make a costly
mistake, a partner or loved one might.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s not like you to be super logical but that does seem to
be the case at the moment. The only danger is that you will

follow the “facts” and completely ignore what your inner

voice is telling you. Are they really facts, or just clever


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If what you are contemplating doing this weekend has in some

way been done by other people before you then you must learn
from their successes and failures. Why start from point zero
when you don’t have to? Later on, others will learn from
Day 273

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

According to the planets you have become too set in your ways

of late – yes, even more so than usual – and now you must

loosen up a little and let other possibilities into your

life. Start with your love life. Don’t be so inflexible.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Have faith in your ideals and don’t be afraid to stick your

neck out and take a risk. You know deep down that you are on

the right track and that what you are working on is

meaningful, so keep going. You are under cosmic protection.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t waste time arguing about things that will never make
much of a difference. It may feel as if certain people are
deliberately trying to wind you up – and maybe they are –

but you should take it all in your stride. That’s life.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about
to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of
the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually

that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

Day 274

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is the ideal time to let your mind wander a bit because

it will lead you in some interesting new directions. If you

find it hard to get inspired try connecting with people who

make you feel good about yourself – they’ll give you ideas.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You can get through twice as much work in half as much time

as you usually do today, but don’t spend all your time on

everyday chores because this is also an aspect that increases
the fun factor of your life. You remember fun, don’t you?

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may have to pair up with someone you don’t like over the
next 48 hours but it will only be a temporary alliance, so

get on with it. Sometimes you just have to hold your tongue,
and your nose too, and do what is expected of you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow
Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone is mad at you and the only way to be friends again is

to admit that you were in the wrong. It might not do much for
your ego but this is a partnership that you need to keep

alive, for professional as well as personal reasons.

Day 275

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If there is something important you need to tell a friend or

family member then tell them today while there is still a

reasonably good chance they will understand. Later in the

week you may not find it so easy to express yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the
proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be
rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may think you have been short-changed in some way but
that isn’t true. If you make the most of what you have it

won’t be long before you realize just how fortunate you have
been. You haven’t been short-changed at all – you’ve been


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You are entitled to your opinions but you are not entitled to

expect that other people will agree with you. So long as

you’re okay with that nothing much will go wrong but if you
cannot accept alternative viewpoints it could be a difficult
Day 276

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Be honest with yourself about your needs and desires. For

quite some time now you have pretended that certain things

mean nothing to you when, in fact, you secretly crave them.

That craving will reach a peak today, so go on, indulge


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You are unlikely to be in the mood to give in over a

partnership matter of some kind this weekend. But is it
really worth carrying on a feud over something that in the
greater scheme of things is so petty? Probably not. Find a

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week

begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Take care when dealing with people you work or do business

with, because the planets warn someone may try to confuse you

and, ultimately, cheat you out of what you deserve. Wake up

to reality: not everyone is as honest as you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Tread carefully when dealing with people in positions of

power. Yes, they may be encouraging you to speak up and say
what you mean but the planets warn they don’t really mean
it. If you tell it like it is you could soon be looking for a

new job!
Day 277

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

An anxiety of some sort has been gnawing away at you and you

need to deal with it. You should know by now that if you face

up to what you fear it often turns out to be nothing at all,

so be brave and be bold – and act!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to
avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all
things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little

bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the
challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You need to start thinking seriously about cutting back on

the amount of work you are doing. The past few weeks have
been a time of great activity and your momentum will keep you

going for a while yet, but your body needs a break.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

Day 278

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you believe in a cause strongly enough then you must roll

up your sleeves and do something practical. It is not enough

to make a charitable donation or to cheer from the back of

the room – you must get personally involved.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Everything you say and do now must be backed up by the facts.

Wishful thinking can be fun but if you take decisions on the

basis of what you would like to see happen you are asking for
trouble – and this weekend you are likely to get it!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Are you aiming too high or aiming too low? It’s the latter,
of course, and over the next few days you must raise your

sights and then raise your game. The planets indicate that if
you take a chance it will pay off – big time!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all
things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little
bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the

challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is no need to rush and there is no need to impose

deadlines on what you are doing. The more pressure you put on
yourself the more likely it is you will make a mistake.

Relax: everything will work out in the end.

Day 279

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The upsets and restrictions of the past few months are

beginning to fade and all you should care about today and

over the weekend is having as much fun as possible. This is

one of the best times of the year for you – so enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all

things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little

bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the
challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been

harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now
in the past. The question is: can you now go forward

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.

Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not

mean you should not help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Because today’s eclipse falls in the partnership area of

your chart you will find it easy to persuade friends and

loved ones and work colleagues to see things your way. That
does not, of course, mean that your way is always the right
Day 280

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Upheavals on the home front may be annoying but they can also

be helpful, especially if they force family members to sit

down and discuss their problems. That means you too: keeping
negative feelings to yourself won’t help anyone – make them


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone is mad at you and the only way to be friends again is

to admit that you were in the wrong. It might not do much for
your ego but this is a partnership that you need to keep
alive, for professional as well as personal reasons.
Day 281

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be having second thoughts about something that up

until now you have been hugely enthusiastic about but it does

not mean you have taken a wrong turning. According to the

planets it is just a passing phase – your enthusiasm will


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow
Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You are lusting after something (or someone) you cannot have

and it is eating you up inside. Make an effort to see why the

universe is denying you. Most likely if your wish was to be
granted you would very soon regret it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Intense cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of your

chart suggests that matters of a highly personal nature will

come to a head over the next 24 hours. You will have no

choice but to make the kind of decisions you often prefer to


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The Sun’s change of signs this weekend means you are about

to embark on one of the most dynamic and creative times of

the year, a time when almost anything is possible. Actually
that’s not entirely accurate – scrap the word “almost”!

Day 282

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have been asking some searching questions of yourself of

late and today you will discover that the answers you seek

are not to be found in your career or in making more money.

Listen to your inner voice. It knows what you need.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Plenty of people seem to be giving you advice at the moment

but if you are wise you will disregard every last word of it.
Only you know what you need, so only you are qualified to
give guidance. Do what your inner voice tells you.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your confidence levels are on the rise and before the weekend
is over you will be more like your old self again. Creative

and artistic activities are especially well starred, so

follow your muse and see where it leads you – maybe to fame
and fortune!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Be careful what you ask for over the next 24 hours because,
having got it, you may decide that you don’t want it after

all. Not only will that be embarrassing but you may have to

pay someone to come and take it away again!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s time to admit that you are getting nowhere with a

project and must call it a day. Don’t think of it as a

failure, think of it as a learning experience. At least you

had the guts to give it a go. Next time you will get it
Day 283

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Friends and family will rally round today and help you get

over an event that has knocked your confidence a bit. In the

greater scheme of things it is of only minor importance, so

learn what you can from it, then move on quickly.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try not to take yourself too seriously today, especially if

certain people flatter you no end. Most likely they are after
something and hope that by saying the right things you will
give it to them. But you’re not that gullible, are you?

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you feel strongly about something then act on it. Yes, it

may make you unpopular in certain circles but that’s not

important. What matters is that you can look in the mirror in

the morning and like what you see. Principles matter.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may annoy you that someone is saying things that are

blatantly untrue but don’t let your anger show. The best
approach is to pretend that you have not noticed and that you

agree with every word they say. Then prove them wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is something that needs to be done as a matter of

urgency. The longer you leave it the more you will have to
rush things when you do eventually get started and that could

lead to mistakes. Draw up a “to do” list and stick to it.

Day 284

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not like you to keep loved ones on a short leash but

for some strange reason you have been trying to curb their

freedom. It won’t work. You would not accept restrictions on

your own movements so don’t try to impose them on others.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Things may get a bit bumpy over the next day or two but if

you sit tight the turbulence will pass. If others want to

throw tantrums and look silly that’s up to them – you are
under no obligation to follow their example.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A family problem won’t be so much of an issue as the new

year gets underway. Chances are it was never that important
anyway but sometimes you build things up to be bigger than

they really are. Worry less and enjoy life more.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have an almost overwhelming desire to take certain people

by the scruff of the neck and shake some sense into them. So
what’s stopping you? You will find it easy to be assertive

this week. Chances are you will make your point – and get
your way.
Day 285

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It will annoy you when a friend or work colleague gets

something wrong because they have not done their homework but

there is no point getting angry about it. Let them know in

subtle ways that they have let themselves down.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now
you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle
flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Be positive about what happens today. Look on the bright side

and realize that negativity of any kind will only add to your
problems. Most of the world’s population would give their
right arm to be you, so life can’t be that bad.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Anything of a one-to-one nature, be it personal, professional

or financial, can be changed for the better over the next few

days. Romance is especially well starred and one special

person will make it feel as if all your birthdays have come

at once.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the
proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be
rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the
Day 286

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your imaginative powers will be strong today but that will

only be good news if you have a positive attitude too. If you

allow the unknown to scare you then what goes on over the

next 24 hours will send you scurrying for cover.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to decide once and for all what it is you want most

out of life and to focus all your energies in that single

direction. Forget about what might have been because it is
what still can be that matters. You can still be a star.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Decide on a course of action and stick to it. The more you

chop and change the more likely it is your efforts will fall

short and leave you feeling as if you have wasted your time
and your talents. Focus your energy in a single direction.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental
activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It won’t be long before you have to make a choice between a

personal relationship and your work. You won’t have to give
up one for the other as such but you will need to focus in a

single direction. It’s about to get serious.

Day 287

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Travel and social activities are well starred at the moment

and if you are on the move today or tomorrow you could meet

someone who changes your life for the better. It’s quite

possible that you could change their life too. You’re good
for each other.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your mind may be bubbling with a dozen great ideas but if you
try to follow them all you will get nowhere fast. Decide what
is the one aim that means the most to you then put your heart

and soul into it. One masterpiece at a time!


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t think that just because your personal life is going

okay at the moment that those around you feel great as well.
Someone you are fond of desperately needs your assistance but
is too shy to ask. Find out who it is and help them.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Something surprising will happen over the next 24 hours, and

although you don’t usually like to be taken unawares this is

one occasion when you won’t mind a bit. Any doubts you may
have about a loved one’s commitment will disappear for good.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

Day 288

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may want to tell people what you are up to and what you

expect to achieve but the planets suggest you would be wise

to keep it to yourself for a few more days. You don’t want

their negative reactions to disappoint you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A good deed you did for a friend or colleague will be repaid

in full over the next 24 hours and your rivals will be

dismayed to see you benefit. The fact is they are jealous
because they can’t match your success. You deserve your good


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone will offer what sounds like good advice today but the

planets warn they are more likely to be thinking of their

interests rather than yours. You don’t have to be told what
to do. Listen to your inner voice – it knows what you need.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try to say only nice things about friends and colleagues,

because if you make your true feelings known it will cause

you all sorts of problems. That applies doubly on the work

front, no matter how much you may despise certain people.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone will get on your nerves in a big way today and if you
make it through to the weekend without losing your cool you

will have done very well indeed. Chances are they don’t mean
it personally – they’re just panicking a bit.
Day 289

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t
necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new

things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most
of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things
that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Your attitude towards something will harden today and you

will refuse to make changes or meet others halfway. And

that’s good because the planets indicate you will only get
where you want to go if you know your own mind.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Cosmic activity in your opposite sign means you will be more

expressive romantically over the coming week. There could

even be a new relationship around the time of the solar

eclipse on Thursday, so be open to people who approach you
out of the blue.

Day 290

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t let people play on your feelings and get you to do

things you might not choose to do if you were thinking

logically. At some point you need to get tough and let them

know you are no longer prepared to play this game.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may not be the best in certain areas but in one

particular field of endeavor you have no equals and that is

what you should be focusing on now. Don’t try to be all
things to all men, just be yourself – it’s more than


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It may not be obvious where a certain situation is taking you

but don’t worry – everything will be revealed in time.

Trust your instincts over the next few days and never doubt
that you are being watched over by positive forces.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be in a bit of a confrontational mood at the moment

but it won’t last for long. You know instinctively that your

interests and other people’s interests are related and will

go out of your way to make sure everyone benefits.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You believe that anything is possible, and no doubt it is,

but you would still be wise not to take anything for granted,

especially where there may be money at stake. You could gain

a lot today, but you could lose a lot too.
Day 291

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not like you to let others have the last word but it

will pay you to do so today. Even if you can quite easily

prove someone wrong you are advised not to do so because they

will remember it and harbor thoughts of revenge.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –
save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be a bit more cautious than usual but that’s okay. A
lot, of course, depends on how much faith you have in your

own abilities. Always believe there is a higher power guiding

your actions and protecting you from harm.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need
to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the

unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It may be hard to stay calm and in control of yourself if

someone in a position of authority gives you a hard time but
chances are they are winding you up on purpose, just to see

how you react. Don’t fall for their tricks.

Day 292

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.

And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are

determined to break out and try something new. Encourage


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you need assistance then you must speak up. You have
helped others out so many times in the past that they will go
out of their way to help you in return, but they can’t do

that unless they know you are hurting. Tell them.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone will pull rank on you today but don’t get uptight

about it because there is nothing you can do to change

things. Keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, no
matter how tempted you may be to speak your mind.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You are feeling a lot more positive about life now the Sun is
moving in your favor, and with Mars and Venus also on your

side today your self-belief is sky-high. What would you do if

you knew you could not fail? So do it!
Day 293

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need
to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the
unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will be in an adventurous mood today and that’s good

because the planets suggest that if you go some place you

have never visited before you will meet someone who lights up
your life. This is also an excellent day to plan your next

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you
and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few

weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

According to your solar chart this is a good day for doing

nothing much, so sit back, relax and let life come to you.
Your confidence is improving by the minute and the only
danger is you might end up with too much self-belief!
Day 294

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

What happens around the middle part of the week will force

you to face up to a situation that most likely you have been

avoiding. Remember, you are not the first one to have gone

down this road. Get advice if you need it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved
then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is a danger you will take on too much over the next few
days and put your health at risk. Just because others expect

you to deliver does not mean you have to exhaust yourself.

You will be no good to anyone if you collapse.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be on top of your game at the moment but a week or so

from now your energy may dip a bit, so don’t make too many
plans and certainly don’t take on any more chores. If

anything you need a rest, not more work.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

Day 295

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your

way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

No matter how badly someone may have let you down you must

forgive them. There is no point holding a grudge, not when

there are so many wonderful things going on in the world. If
you’re not smiling then you’re doing it wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is a good time for family matters and if you let loved
ones know how much you care and how much you appreciate them

it could be one of the best weekends for a very long time –

and a great way to start the year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is no need for regrets or remorse. You cannot turn the

clock back so you might as well set your sights on the future
and make it the best it can possibly be. Yesterday is gone

and today will follow it soon – it’s tomorrow that matters.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

Day 296

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There have been times of late when the pressure built up to

such an extent that you were tempted to give up. But you

didn’t. You stuck at it and over the next few days you will

begin to see the benefits of that decision.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways

you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is
to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be
done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will push yourself hard over the next few days, of that
there is little doubt, but will you push yourself in the

right direction? That remains to be seen. Just make sure you

don’t push past someone in a position of power – they
won’t like it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even
impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and

in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.
Day 297

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Cosmic activity in the most sensitive area of your chart has

not exactly done wonders for your confidence of late but

that’s okay. A week from now the Sun will move in your favor

and all things will be possible. Look forward to that.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to talk through issues that have been making life

difficult for you and your loved ones. Someone needs to take
the lead, and according to the planets, that someone will
have to be you. No one else is brave enough.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Disputes of one kind or another are likely over the next few
days and almost inevitably you will clash with someone in a

position of authority. But that’s okay. The more you fight

for your rights now the less likely it is you will be cheated

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A relationship may have gone through a rocky phase in recent

weeks but the worst is over and as from today you will be

able to step back from your differences and see them for what

they really are: phantoms that don’t really exist.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You seem to be under quite a bit of pressure at the moment

and that pressure will build over the next few days. Make

life easier by taking nothing too seriously, least of all

yourself. Treat each challenge you face as a game. Win with a
Day 298

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Make sure you know what is at stake before embarking on a

project of some kind. If those who want to get you involved

go out of their way to convince you there is no risk involved

then you can be pretty sure there is.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Generally your instincts are spot on but over the course of

the next 24 hours you will have to admit that your negative
views about a newcomer to your social circle were totally
wrong. It seems they are a lot nicer than you thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You don’t usually lack in the common sense department but

today you will do something entirely illogical. Others will

be surprised, to say the least, but maybe that’s the idea –

maybe you are doing it on purpose!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This is a good time to look back over the past few months and
see how far you have come and how far you still have to go to
reach your number one target. A slight adjustment may be

needed to get you back on course.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The outcome of a personal dilemma may be in the balance but

you are the one whose actions will decide which way it tips.
You can be confrontational if you wish but it isn’t

necessary. Use your communication skills to bring people

Day 299

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Stay true to what you believe in, even if it brings you into

conflict with people in authority. Just because someone has

their hands on the levers of power does not mean they are

right. Acknowledge your instincts and act on your principles.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

What happens around the middle part of the week will force

you to face up to a situation that most likely you have been

avoiding. Remember, you are not the first one to have gone
down this road. Get advice if you need it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.

According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you
know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The more you are on the move over the next few days the more
likely it is you will learn something to your benefit. Fate
may even introduce you to someone who changes your life for

the better in ways you had not expected.

Day 300

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

According to the planets you have overlooked a small but

important detail and the effects of that oversight will

become apparent over the next 24 hours. Under no

circumstances try to blame others for your failure. Be big

enough to own your mistakes.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Everyone has a talent of some kind and your aim now must be

to recognize and focus on your particular skill in life. You

don’t have to be the biggest or the best, you just have to
be willing to let your inner voice guide you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you want to get things done you will have to work closely
with other people over the next few days. An upcoming eclipse

in your sign could derail your plans if you insist on going

it alone. Share the burdens and share the spoils too.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction
your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not
Day 301

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Why have you let your fears get the better of you? There is

no logical reason why you should be so afraid – none

whatsoever – so realize that your fears are all in the mind

then cleanse your mind of any and all negative thoughts. Do

it now.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of
the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it
because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved

one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The obstacles you face may be daunting but you have the know-
how and the energy to overcome each and every one of them. Do

not try to avoid what fate sends your way this weekend – go
on the attack instead.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Life moves in never-ending cycles and because the cycle you

have now entered on is positive in the extreme you have every
right to feel pleased with yourself. You don’t have to do
anything special today, just be yourself – and smile often.
Day 302

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have far too many things on the go at the moment. If a

friend drops hints that they need your support you may feel
obliged to give it but before you do make sure they know
there are limits. And know your own limits too.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The most important thing now is that you trust other people,
because if you let your suspicions get the better of you

it’s possible you will miss out on something good. Don’t be

so defensive – people are more friendly than you think.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Looking back on the past few weeks you will be amazed how
much time you wasted on things that don’t really matter. On
the other hand you did have a great deal of fun, so there is

no need to feel guilty. Fun is an essential part of life.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen
to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.
Day 303

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Something will happen over the next 24 hours that makes you

feel a lot better about your long-term prospects. It will

also make you realize that wealth, like so many other things

in life, is as much a state of mind as anything else.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have the power to reach out and take whatever it is you

want to possess, so what are you waiting for? Don’t let

other people’s doubts hold you back because if you hesitate
the chance will be gone. Seize the moment!

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

According to the planets you need to be a bit more assertive

and a bit more arrogant in your approach to life. Too often

you act as if you believe you don’t deserve to be the one

who wins. The fact is few people deserve it more.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

A falling out of some kind is likely today and it is unlikely

to be very pretty. The simple fact is you have had your fill
of being pushed around and now certain people need to learn

that you can bite as well as bark.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace
situations that excite your senses and let what happens just

happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


Day 304

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Hang out with your friends. This

isn’t a day to think about work or money or any of the many

other things you have been worrying about. You deserve a

break so reward yourself. Others will be happy for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you

as tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn takes your confidence to

new heights. What you start over the next few days is sure to
be a success – so see it through to the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

A job worth doing is a job worth doing well, so knuckle down

and make sure no one has any reason to question the quality

of the finished product. Whether you work with your head or

your hands you’ll make a huge impression this weekend.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week
begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing
something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Travel and social plans may be delayed over the next 24 hours
but there is no point getting annoyed because that will just
make matters worse. If someone lets you down just accept it

as one of those things – it’s hardly the end of the world.

Day 305

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you have something to say then say it and don’t worry

what others might think. Almost inevitably your words will

upset someone but that’s their fault for being so touchy.

Likewise, don’t get uptight if someone says things about


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be open to alternative viewpoints. The world is changing

faster than ever and those who don’t try to keep up will get
left behind quicker than they anticipated, so be alert to
what is going on around you and be ready to move with the

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may now be having second thoughts about something you

recently agreed to but the fact is it’s too late to change

things. Even if you were able to do so it would cost you too

much in terms of time, money and damaged reputation.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may honestly believe that you know what is best but that
does not give you the right to impose your solutions on other

people. All you can do is speak your truth as you see it and
let partners and loved ones make their own choices.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Let the cosmic powers that be nudge you in the right

direction. Slow down, quiet your mind and let your inner
voice speak to you – it knows all the answers and it knows
where you can find the happiness and success that you crave.
Day 306

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Over the next two or three days you will find it easier to

get to grips with a financial matter that has been keeping

you awake at night. Once you find out what the real problem
is you will also find the courage to deal with it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is

to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It is essential that you strive to get along with friends and

co-workers this weekend because that is the only way you are
going to get anything done. Also, if someone goes out of

their way to annoy you just ignore them. It’s a test.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and
catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

Day 307

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.

According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to

look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Everyone seems to be singing your praises now but your number

one priority should be helping someone else feel special. It

seems that a loved one is feeling a bit neglected, so go out
of your way to spend time with them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone you are close to emotionally, a family member or a

loved one, is going to make some pretty big changes over the

next few days. They are more likely to be changes for the
good if you encourage them and help them. Don’t be cynical.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Stay on good terms with the people you work with. The planets
warn if you try to improve your position at someone else’s
expense, not only will you fail but you will make an enemy

for life. You can do without that.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen
to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

Day 308

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Tread carefully when dealing with other people’s financial

affairs, because if you make a wrong move it could cost both

them and you a fortune. Don’t pretend you know the answer to
their questions just because you don’t want to look


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a

secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,
so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may have to twist a few arms to get what you want today
but it won’t be too difficult, in fact you will enjoy

playing the tough guy. Just make sure you only make life
tough for your rivals and enemies – not your friends.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you can imagine it, you can do it — yes, it really is as

simple as that. You know what it is you desire and you know

what needs to be done to get it, so stop playing around and

get serious about your ambitions. Time is running out.
Day 309

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Some kind of crisis has almost reached breaking point and

what happens today and tomorrow will finally take it over the

top. If a relationship is on the slide don’t waste time

trying to save it – the planets say it’s time to move on.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The problems that confront you now are problems you have

faced many times before, so you should know how to deal with
them. But if you are still not sure what your next move
should be don’t be afraid to ask a friend for advice.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will enjoy a surge of energy and enthusiasm today and you
must use it to further your ambitions. A creative project

begun over the next 24 hours will get everyone talking, and
maybe make you some much needed cash as well.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You can turn dreams into realities this week – no, really.
All you have to do is be yourself and believe in yourself.
The latter is important as various people will try to

convince you that you don’t stand a chance. They’re wrong.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can
straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

Day 310

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There may be moments today when you wonder if the efforts you

make are truly worth it but don’t give in to despair. What

happens over the weekend will remind you just how lucky you

are to be surrounded by people who care for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you lack enthusiasm for what you are

about to do, so why not just forget about it? Why put
yourself under pressure, especially for something you do not
believe in? Targets and time limits can always be changed.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you don’t protect your own interests over the next few
days you may lose something precious. You know who your

rivals are and you know what they are after, so it should be
a simple matter to fight your corner.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Today’s cosmic influences will offer you the chance to break

the deadlock in a long-running dispute. There may have been
harsh words flying here, there and everywhere but that is now

in the past. The question is: can you now go forward


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.
Day 311

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t let anything stop you going out and having a good time

today. Some people may say that you are being irresponsible

but it isn’t true – and the more you let your hair down now

the more work you will get done later on.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact
is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and
success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you have been too busy to spend much quality time with

loved ones recently you will get the chance to make up for it
over the next few days. You’ve had your fun, now you want
those you have feelings for to have fun as well.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

Day 312

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t look back and wonder what might have been – look

forward and make a bright new future for yourself. Any

regrets you still have about what you should or should not

have done must be cast from your mind once and for all.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will
make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even
worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what
fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It would appear that the excesses of the past few weeks have
begun to take their toll, so if you value your health you

must slow down a bit and give yourself time to recover. Have

a quiet night in for a change. Would that be so bad?

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Relationships of all kinds will go well over the next 24

hours. It helps that there is something of the celebrity

about you at the moment – heads turn in your direction

wherever you go. Where did your star quality come from? Who
knows, but don’t waste it.
Day 313

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If an amazing idea surfaces in your mind today you must do

something with it. Write it down in as much detail as you can

straight away – if you have a written record of your

thoughts they are less likely to fade.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get

there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow

Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others
round to your way of thinking.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Be honest about your desires. With values planet Venus about

to move into the most dynamic area of your chart there is

almost nothing you can say that will make a bad impression or
turn others against you. Take note of that word “almost”

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The cosmic picture is so good at the moment that most people

will respond positively if you approach them the right way –

as equals and partners. On the work front especially if you

smile and ask nicely you’ll get everything you need.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Watch out you don’t say too much and let others in on a
secret that you really should have kept to yourself. Secrets

inevitably lose their value when everyone knows about them,

so zip your mouth and enjoy being one of the few in the know.

Day 314

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Disputes of one kind or another are likely over the next few

days and almost inevitably you will clash with someone in a

position of authority. But that’s okay. The more you fight

for your rights now the less likely it is you will be cheated

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s good that you support some kind of cause but don’t
fall into the trap of believing that it’s okay to use
underhand methods to further your aims. Despite what some
fools say the ends do not justify the means, not now, not

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The planets signal that some kind of breakthrough is likely

but it will come more quickly if you are deliberately

assertive. Remember though, that assertive does not mean

aggressive. You want to win people over, not turn them

against you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s not often you ignore your instincts but you could be a

bit too cautious for your own good today. If common sense
tells you that certain things are not possible you should
ignore them. Your inner voice is telling you something quite

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current
situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and
catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

Day 315

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is a danger that what you say over the next 24 hours

will be taken the wrong way and used against you at some

stage in the future. Misunderstandings can be costly, so

spell out what you mean in plain language. Leave nothing to


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you
as tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn takes your confidence to
new heights. What you start over the next few days is sure to

be a success – so see it through to the end.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of
the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You must not rush into making an important decision. Have the
strength to tell those who are putting pressure on you that

you will resolve the situation in your own way and in your
own time. If they don’t like it they can get a new partner.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try to be more understanding this weekend, especially when

dealing with people who are in some way down on their luck.

Yes, they may have brought it on themselves but that does not
mean you should not help them.

Day 316

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Plans made over the weekend may have to be changed or

abandoned as reality sets in. The simple fact is you do not

have the time or the resources to do what you said you would

do. Next time, don’t make promises so easily.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to start thinking seriously about cutting back on

the amount of work you are doing. The past few weeks have
been a time of great activity and your momentum will keep you
going for a while yet, but your body needs a break.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will go out of your way to help people in need over the
next few days. Are you trying to make up for things you

should have done earlier in the year? Maybe, maybe not, but
it doesn’t matter. Good works are valuable no matter the

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends

again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.
Day 317

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You seem reluctant to take chances at the moment. Maybe

that’s no bad thing though as the planets suggest if you let

yourself go over the next 48 hours you could make some silly

mistakes. Also, don’t spend what you don’t have.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Whatever else you do today, don’t panic. Your life is NOT

falling apart – you are just looking at things from too

negative an angle. You may be a bit down at the moment but
later on your mood and your viewpoint will be more positive.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your confidence may be high but that is not an invitation to

take silly risks. The planets warn you are being misled by

someone who knows how to pull your strings. Also, watch out
you don’t mislead yourself. Self-deception could be a

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Employers and other important people will be impressed by

your can-do attitude this weekend but don’t go over the top

and take on too much or you may have to admit later on that

you overextended yourself – and that won’t be good for your


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There have been times of late when you seemed to lose

direction but now your target is crystal clear: you know

exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. Make
sure you don’t lose sight of your aims and ambitions so

easily again.

Day 318

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you

could create something amazing together. Remember: success,

like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try not to get too angry today because your temper will go
from nought to sixty in two seconds flat. Most people,
sensing your displeasure, will stay out of your way but
anyone who moves too slowly or says too much could be in mega

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Don’t make any sudden decisions about what you own and earn

over the next 24 hours. Things are unlikely to be as bad as

they seem, so calm down and keep reminding yourself that

there are more important things in life than money.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Let everyone around you, at home and at work, know what you
think and how you feel and they will go out of their way to

meet your needs and make you happy. Misunderstandings will

only arise if you expect people to read your mind.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Cosmic activity in one of the more sensitive areas of your

chart may give you a rather negative view of life but it does
not have to be that way. What happens over the next 24 hours
will confirm that you are loved and admired.
Day 319

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to take yourself too seriously today, especially if

certain people flatter you no end. Most likely they are after

something and hope that by saying the right things you will

give it to them. But you’re not that gullible, are you?

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you

as tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn takes your confidence to

new heights. What you start over the next few days is sure to
be a success – so see it through to the end.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is the ideal time to let your mind wander a bit because
it will lead you in some interesting new directions. If you

find it hard to get inspired try connecting with people who

make you feel good about yourself – they’ll give you ideas.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will get along well with everyone this week, even those
you have fallen out with in the past. Both at home and at
work others will go out of their way to be nice to you and

for once you won’t be suspicious of their motives.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

It’s time to admit that you are getting nowhere with a

project and must call it a day. Don’t think of it as a
failure, think of it as a learning experience. At least you

had the guts to give it a go. Next time you will get it

Day 320

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your confidence will soar over the next few days, making it

easy for you to make changes in your lifestyle. If the travel

bug bites don’t hesitate: just pack a bag and get going.

Anything done on the spur of the moment is sure to be fun.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have a tendency to say things you don’t really believe

simply because you enjoy seeing the looks of shock on other

people’s faces. It may be a lot of fun but it could backfire
on you today. Try laughing with people, not just at them.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you
and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few
weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone will play on your fears and make you think a certain
situation is worse than it actually is. According to the

planets you should reject everything you hear that makes you
feel uneasy. The fact is you have little, if anything, to
worry about.
Day 321

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you

play favorites this week you risk making the situation even

worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may wonder sometimes if you are in the right line of work

but even if you have your doubts this is not the right time
to make changes. Let the full moon’s effects subside before

you give it some serious thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your words will carry more weight if you keep what you have

to say short and to the point. Don’t bother with

explanations or clarifications, just say what you mean and
leave no one in any doubt that you mean what you say. Less
means more.
Day 322

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

This is the ideal time to face up to aspects of your

personality that you usually do your best to ignore. Everyone

has negative qualities but not everyone tries to channel

their negative qualities in a positive direction. But you’re

not everyone – you’re special.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Honesty is the best policy but you may have to tell a small
lie this weekend to save a friend from making a big mistake.
If it’s the only way to make sure they stay out of trouble

then go ahead, but don’t make a habit of it.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have so many good ideas buzzing around inside you head

and if you bring other people in on what you are thinking you
could create something amazing together. Remember: success,
like genius, is a combination of inspiration and


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will feel good about yourself today and because of that

you will be more open to the world around you. Wherever you
go and whatever you do, stay calm. Minor annoyances are a

fact of life – but you don’t have to let them spoil your

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out
of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having
fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.
Day 323

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You cannot change the past but you can change the way you

react to events in the here and now. Focus on what you have

to do today and let tomorrow take care of itself. The less

you worry now the better the future will be.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you make a mistake this weekend – and according to the

planets you most likely will – no harm will come of it so

long as you remedy the situation as quickly as possible. If
you have to say “sorry” make sure your apology sounds


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.
You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you
cannot work alongside them and if you keep that fact in mind

you won’t go far wrong. More importantly, you are less

likely to fall out with someone whose friendship is a


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There are a lot of strange things going on around you at the

moment. Should you be worried? No you should not. The planets

indicate that whatever may be going on it is not directed at
you personally. You may in fact benefit in the long-term.

Day 324

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You seem to be in one of those moods when you are interested

only in extremes and according to the planets you will either

do something very good or very bad today – there is no

middle ground. Either way you will have fun.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will
make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Identify what is important to you and focus on it to the

exclusion of everything else. You have wasted a lot of time

on things that cannot take you closer to your goals. If you

know what you want you will find a way to get it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways
you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is
to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be

done will get done in its own good time.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t let anything stop you going out and having a good time
today. Some people may say that you are being irresponsible
but it isn’t true – and the more you let your hair down now

the more work you will get done later on.

Day 325

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It does not matter how many obstacles are placed in your path

over the next few days, you will overcome them all with ease.

Don’t worry if the mountain you have been tasked to climb

looks huge – you will find a way to move it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You don’t have to rely on other people. You are perfectly

equipped to go it alone if that is what you desire. You have

high hopes for the future and will make quicker progress if
you don’t have to worry about dragging others along behind


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be resentful that changes of one kind or another have

been imposed on you but there is no point making a fuss about

it. Go with the flow and don’t draw attention to yourself.
You will get the chance to change things back again later on.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Break a few rules and put a few noses out of joint today. The
planets are urging you to do something out of the ordinary,

something that stirs things up a bit in your quiet little

corner of the world. Rock the boat and see who falls out!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There is a real chance that one or more of your dreams is

about to come true, so keep telling yourself that all things

are possible and keep believing that success is just around

the next corner. Today’s dream is tomorrow’s reality.

Day 326

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Everyone takes a wrong turning now and again, so don’t be

surprised if the planets start nudging you in a new

direction. There is an ideal path for you to take through
life and in some way or other you will be reminded where it

is today.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new

things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most
of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things
that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is something you want to do with your life but it means

giving up so much of what you already know. Is it worth it?

Can you do it? These are questions that only you can answer.
Start giving it some serious thought.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.
Day 327

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Break a few rules and put a few noses out of joint today. The

planets are urging you to do something out of the ordinary,

something that stirs things up a bit in your quiet little

corner of the world. Rock the boat and see who falls out!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t take anything too seriously today because if you do

you may get depressed and start wondering why you bother to
make an effort. Everyone gets moods like this occasionally.
Snap out of it by focusing on things that make you smile.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Someone will surprise you today with what amounts to an

outrageous ultimatum. Surprise them back by telling them in

no uncertain language what they can do with their demands.

Refuse to be intimidated. Eventually they will back down.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is a danger you will take on too much over the next few
days and put your health at risk. Just because others expect
you to deliver does not mean you have to exhaust yourself.

You will be no good to anyone if you collapse.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The closer you get to the weekend the more something seems to
be worrying you, but there is no need to torment yourself.
Instead of focusing on what might (but probably won’t) go

wrong, find ways to make life more enjoyable and rewarding.

Day 328

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Don’t turn down an invitation during the early part of the

week just because you don’t like the person involved. Yes,

there will be friction if you get together but there will be

great success as well. Tension can be creative.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

There is no point worrying about things over which you have

no control. That applies to all areas of your life but

particularly to friendships and social activities. What will
be will be, so buy your ticket and enjoy the ride.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make

an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever
else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Use your energy wisely today because if you waste it on

trivial things you could pay dearly for it tomorrow. Don’t
listen to what others say is important, listen only to what

your own inner voice tells you is important.

Day 329

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that you

know little about but that does not mean they are bad things.
According to the planets you have nothing to fear and lots to
look forward to, both in your personal life and at work.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If your money situation is not as strong as you would like it

to be, now is the time to make changes. This is an especially

good time for financial planning and the decisions you make
over the next few days will pay off later in the year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.
You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there
nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t give up on a new enterprise because it is more

difficult than you expected it to be. You know from
experience that the more you practice something the easier it

becomes, so give it time. Don’t expect too much of yourself

too soon.

Day 330

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Do you change with the times or do you try to make the times

change for you? Silly question, right? You of all people

should know that certain forces cannot be defeated, they can

only be used, so go with the flow and be happy.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The old way of doing things may be the safe way but it is not

necessarily the best way and with the planets urging you to
use your imagination you should be trying things you never
attempted before. It will be fun and it could make you money.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have done a lot of soul-searching of late and have

reached some interesting conclusions. Now you need to apply

what you have learned, even if it means bringing about the

kind of upheavals you usually try to avoid. Change is good
for you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

What happens during the first half of the coming week will
convince you that your most important objectives can only be

reached if you meet others halfway. If you make an effort to

do that then the second half of the week could be


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The closer you get to the weekend the more something seems to

be worrying you, but there is no need to torment yourself.

Instead of focusing on what might (but probably won’t) go
wrong, find ways to make life more enjoyable and rewarding.
Day 331

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

No matter how unsettled things may be at the moment you will

take it all in your stride. Your ability to stay calm when

the world is raging around you will inspire friends and

family and colleagues alike. You’re their rock in a storm.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Every new turn you take seems to lead further away from what

you are aiming for, which is frustrating. Could it be that

your subconscious mind is trying to warn you that what you
are aiming for is perhaps not so desirable? Think about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will have lots to say for yourself this week and that’s
good because some of your ideas are brilliant. The bigger the

noise you make the better, because people in positions of

power like that sort of thing. Turn up the volume!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may annoy you that certain people are being so evasive but
does it really matter? The planets urge you to forget about
what other people might think and listen to your own thoughts

for a change. You already know what needs to be done.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may want to tell people what you are up to and what you
expect to achieve but the planets suggest you would be wise
to keep it to yourself for a few more days. You don’t want

their negative reactions to disappoint you.

Day 332

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Quite likely you will say or do something silly today but

it’s no big deal. In fact it will most likely endear you to

people who previously thought of you as a bit too perfect and

a bit too self-controlled. Seems you’re human after all!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need
to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the
unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Focus on what seems right to you and ignore what the so-
called “experts” tell you if it does not fit in with your

way of thinking. Ultimately there are no such things as

facts, there are only various shades of opinion, and yours
deserve to be heard.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may be reluctant to cross swords with a rival but at some

stage you are going to have to face them. It’s better you

should do so now, while the omens are good for a peaceful

solution, than later when you’re both fired up for a fight.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

What happens over the next 24 hours will finally convince you
that a project you once had high hopes for is going nowhere

and needs to be looked at again. Yes, it can be salvaged but

is it worth the time and effort? Only you can decide.
Day 333

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Be ruthless this weekend. Have the courage of your

convictions. The fact that no one else thinks you have got it

right is irrelevant – it’s your call to make. If you get it

right you will be a hero. If you get it wrong . . . too bad.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If something you wanted to keep secret becomes public

knowledge today don’t try to deny it or make excuses for

your behavior. People will sense if you are embarrassed or
uncomfortable and use it for their own ends. You are who you


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Anyone who thinks you lack the killer instinct will have to

revise their opinion now that you have a specific target to

aim for. Nothing and no one will be allowed to stand in your
way – and if your rivals are smart they will stand aside!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to
help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:
your analytical mind will find a workable solution.

Day 334

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be right to be angry with someone who has let you

down but don’t make a big issue of it. Let them know you are

not amused, then let it go. Whatever it is you have lost you

will soon find something better to replace it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You won’t hesitate to speak your mind today but be careful

because certain people have got it into their head that you
could do with being taken down a peg or two. Be confident but
be tactful too – and never be rude.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Something is worrying you and you won’t get over it by

trying to put it out of your mind. The only way to deal with

your fear is to face it and not be afraid of what you might

find. Chances are there is nothing there.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even
impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and
in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.
Day 335

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You won’t find it easy to express yourself over the next 24

hours, but that’s okay – you’re not exactly renowned for

your conversation. Keep your thoughts and feelings to
yourself and only speak when what you have to say is of real


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you
realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of
course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to

avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Agree with everything others say this weekend, even if you

don’t believe a word of it. You would, of course, prefer to

be honest but the planets warn this is not the time to make
waves. Don’t make enemies of people who should be friends.

Day 336

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You need to get your financial affairs in order. If you need

to cut costs then do what has to be done, even if it affects

your quality of life in the short-term. The longer you leave

it the harder it will be to make changes.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code

of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.
You may need to change what you believe in.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

No one has the right to tell you what to believe and what not
to believe and if they try you must come down on them hard.

Having said that, you may find that something you used to
believe in no longer seems quite so certain.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will need a great deal of patience over the next 24

hours, especially when dealing with authority figures. No
matter how much they provoke you do not lose your temper.

Certainly don’t say anything they could use against you


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

This is not a good time to make hasty decisions, not with

Pluto, your ruler, beginning one of its retrograde phases.

What seems like a good idea today may turn out later to be
the one thing you should have avoided, so take care.

Day 337

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The planets urge you to focus not on the things you want but

on the things you need – and yes, they are different. Take

care of the essentials over the next 24 hours and everything

else that happens will seem like a bonus.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Money isn’t everything but it’s still important and what

happens today will remind you that you cannot afford to be

too relaxed about what you own and earn. You have mouths to
feed and bills to pay, so don’t waste your resources.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may feel good about yourself but not everyone is as

positive as you and someone you love is in need of a

confidence booster. Use your sharp wit to bring back the

smile to their face. They won’t be feeling under the weather
for long.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This may be a confusing day on the work front as signals get

jumbled and no one seems to know what is really going on.

Your best course of action is to ignore what others say you

should do and follow your instincts instead.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

There have been quite a few crossed lines of late, especially

in friendships and relationships, but as from this weekend

everything will be crystal clear again. There can be no more

excuses, either for them or for you, for getting it wrong.

Day 338

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

No matter how emotionally draining recent events may have

been you are past the worst and now you can see the

proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Expect to be

rewarded for your efforts and sacrifices today and over the

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be tempted to rush through a task at top speed but if

you do you may make a bad job of it. That means you will have
to go back and do it again – and get a reputation for

slapdash work. Do it right the first time.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

An unexpected event will disrupt your weekend and to say the

least you won’t be happy about it but there is no point

screaming and shouting. Stay calm, go with the flow and
accept you can’t always have things your own way.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction
your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind

don’t start something new today simply because you feel the
need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You need to be more assertive, especially if you have got

into the habit of letting other people make decisions for

you. It may be easy to let partners and loved ones do as they
please but if it doesn’t please you too then what is the
Day 339

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It’s not like you to be super logical but that does seem to

be the case at the moment. The only danger is that you will

follow the “facts” and completely ignore what your inner

voice is telling you. Are they really facts, or just clever


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever
else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Something surprising will happen over the next 24 hours, and

although you don’t usually like to be taken unawares this is

one occasion when you won’t mind a bit. Any doubts you may
have about a loved one’s commitment will disappear for good.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you are trying too hard to make

sense of what is essentially a simple situation. Whatever

else you do today don’t get caught up in petty arguments –

save your energy and passion for the really important things.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You may have a tremendous urge to interfere in matters that

have nothing to do with you but if you are smart you will use

your formidable willpower to pull yourself back from the

brink. If you don’t you will probably regret it.

Day 340

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

What happens today may be a challenge to your ego but no way

is it going to break you, so don’t fret. These are difficult

times but you can make things easier for yourself by going

with the flow rather than fighting against it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You need to get serious about something you tended to treat

in an offhand manner in the past. Only you know for certain

what that something happens to be – and you also know if you
don’t do it now it may never get done.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Never doubt that you are heading in the right direction or

that you will succeed in the end. There may be times when you

find it hard to keep your doubts at bay but keep them at bay
you must. You have sacrificed too much to give up now.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Someone you are close to emotionally, a family member or a

loved one, is going to make some pretty big changes over the
next few days. They are more likely to be changes for the

good if you encourage them and help them. Don’t be cynical.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You must control any tendency you may have to go to extremes,

especially when involved in demanding physical and mental
activities. Balance in all things will pay dividends – you

will still be going strong when others are starting to tire.

Day 341

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It is essential that you start aiming higher, both in your

personal life and in your career. You will never forgive

yourself if you fail to do something because you fear you

won’t be good enough then find later that no one is better.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Just because you disagree with someone does not mean you

cannot work alongside them and if you keep that fact in mind
you won’t go far wrong. More importantly, you are less
likely to fall out with someone whose friendship is a


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

If you have a good idea today most likely someone will try to

persuade you to give it a miss. They will say it’s too

dangerous, they will say it’s not your style – but what
they really mean is they wish they had thought of it first!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You must ask partners and loved ones and work colleagues for
their permission before you do things for them, especially if

their pride is strong. You know what your reaction would be

if someone made decisions for you without consulting you


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t be tempted to do things today just to get yourself

noticed. You don’t need to call attention to yourself, still

less to put on a show. You know what you are capable of and
that’s all that matters – you don’t have to prove your
Day 342

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You must keep your head today, even when everyone else is

running around like it’s the end of the world. Whatever the

cause of the current mayhem you can be sure that in the

greater scheme of things it is of no real importance.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Don’t limit yourself to one particular environment today –

get out into the world and see as much as you possibly can.
And don’t try to limit friends and relatives if they are
determined to break out and try something new. Encourage


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make

an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all
the good things, and good people, that remain.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you take a negative view of what is going on you may get

stuck in one of those woe-is-me moods that are so hard to

shift. Make a conscious mental and emotional effort to look

on the bright side today – it’s always there.
Day 343

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You will find it much easier to get your message across while

the moon is new, even more so if it is a message of love and

laughter. Don’t spend all your time chatting on social media

though – get out into the real world for a while.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s unlikely that you will be in a sociable mood today but

that’s okay because you have important things to think about

and you will only do them justice if you cut yourself off
from the world and spend some time alone.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may find it hard to trust certain people but trust them
you must. Yes, it is possible they might betray you but do

you really want to let suspicion govern your every move?

They’re not as bad as you think they are.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Everything you say and do now must be backed up by the facts.

Wishful thinking can be fun but if you take decisions on the
basis of what you would like to see happen you are asking for

trouble – and this weekend you are likely to get it!

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.

Day 344

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy

by far.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may be the kind of person who never goes back on a

decision but you will have to make an exception to that rule
today. Once the consequences of a decision come into focus

you will quickly realize you got it completely wrong.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You may be tempted to hit back at someone who is giving you a

hard time but is that such a good idea? It might be just what
they are hoping for, because then it gives them the excuse
they have been waiting for to start an open fight.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If you can meet others halfway and work together on things

that are of mutual importance there is no limit to what you

can achieve over the next few days. Remember: what you do for
others you also do for yourself.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You don’t have to rely on other people. You are perfectly

equipped to go it alone if that is what you desire. You have

high hopes for the future and will make quicker progress if
you don’t have to worry about dragging others along behind
Day 345

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now

you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle

flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all

things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little

bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the
challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It may feel as if you are running out of time and must act
with the utmost urgency but is that really the case? The

simple fact is time never runs out – you will always get
another chance a little bit further down the road. Stay calm.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you push yourself beyond your natural limits today you may
regret it come the start of next week. If you need to free up

more time try wasting less of it on trivial pursuits. There

are more than enough hours in a day to finish what needs to
be done.

Day 346

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You can, if you are prepared to make an effort, accomplish a

lot today but the planets indicate you will prefer to take it

easy and let things drift over the next 24 hours. There’s no

point pushing yourself if you don’t feel like it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Try not to take anything or anyone, including yourself, too

seriously today. Use your imagination to the full, embrace

situations that excite your senses and let what happens just
happen any way it chooses. The game of life should always be


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Your mood will improve considerably over the next 24 hours,

as will your willingness to be more sociable. If you make an

effort to get out and about, meet new people and visit new
places you will soon be having the time of your life.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

No way will you adopt a low profile this weekend. You are
full of yourself at the moment and don’t care what sort of

an impression you make so long as it’s a big one. By all

means show off a bit.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

If you have been finding it hard to make a decision of some

kind you will finally see the light over the next two or

three days. The mental block that has been holding you back
will disappear as if it never existed. Onwards and upwards!
Day 347

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Your thoughts may be far away but the demands of your current

situation will soon bring you back to reality. Work hard and

catch up on what you have to do and the latter part of the

week will be free for fun and games.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Something is worrying you and you won’t get over it by

trying to put it out of your mind. The only way to deal with
your fear is to face it and not be afraid of what you might
find. Chances are there is nothing there.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Before you agree to get involved in a project of some kind

make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for. You

need to be thinking along similar lines to your new partners

and colleagues. If you’re not, give it a miss.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Don’t worry too much if you have fallen out with a loved
one. A few days from now you will be the best of friends
again, so go your own way until then and don’t take it

personally if they don’t seem to care. They do really.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Raise your sights over the next 24 hours and see all the
major things that are going on in the world around you –
things in which you could be and should be playing a part.

The world needs people with your generosity of spirit.

Day 348

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may be suspicious of someone’s motives but you must not

say anything about it until you know for certain that they

are up to no good. If you make accusations you cannot prove

you could attract the kind of attention you don’t need.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have so much going for you and so many opportunities to

choose from. Money matters are central at the moment, so look

for ways to increase your cashflow. Creative activities of
all kinds will be especially rewarding, both financially and


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will receive invites left, right and center over the next

few days but there is one event that stands out from the
rest, not least because it will give you the chance to rub
shoulders with important people. Time for a bit of social


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Although your money situation may still be difficult, you

will be less inclined to worry now that the Sun is moving out
of the financial area of your chart. What matters is having

fun and you can have plenty of it at almost no cost at all.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t let your work get on top of you. There are many ways

you can make life easier for yourself and the most obvious is
to stop pushing yourself so hard. Everything that needs to be
done will get done in its own good time.
Day 349

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it

because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times
will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now
you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle
flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good

for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Over the next few days you will begin to see connections

between things that did not look connected in the past.

Whether you realize it or not there is a design to your life,

so listen to and act on what your intuition tells you.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The planets urge you to focus not on the things you want but

on the things you need – and yes, they are different. Take
care of the essentials over the next 24 hours and everything
else that happens will seem like a bonus.

Day 350

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

The task you have to set yourself may seem daunting or even

impossible but it is only your negative attitude that makes

it so. You will succeed beyond your wildest dreams, now and

in the future, if you have confidence in your own abilities.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your mood will improve considerably over the next 24 hours,

as will your willingness to be more sociable. If you make an

effort to get out and about, meet new people and visit new
places you will soon be having the time of your life.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Pretend you have faith in someone’s abilities, even if you

doubt they are up to the job. If you say the wrong thing now

you may destroy their confidence completely. A little subtle

flattery will do wonders for their self-belief, and be good
for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You may have to be abrupt, even rude, with certain people

today, simply because they are too slow and too stupid to

work things out for themselves. Don’t bruise egos for the

fun of it but make sure what needs to get done gets done, and

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t change your plans because of a minor setback. What

appears to be a disappointment now may, in the long-term, be

a blessing in disguise. And remember: what was a good idea
yesterday will probably still be a good idea tomorrow.
Day 351

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

There is no point expecting others to be reasonable today

because it isn’t going to happen. The only way you are going

to get things done, and get them done right, is if you do

them yourself. Don’t ask permission – just get on with it.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A situation you thought you had under control is turning out

to be more complicated than you anticipated. Be that as it

may, in the greater scheme of things it is of only minor
importance, so don’t let it wind you up. Relax – and smile

more too.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make

your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over
the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will

come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Hang out with your friends. This

isn’t a day to think about work or money or any of the many

other things you have been worrying about. You deserve a

break so reward yourself. Others will be happy for you too.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You have started many things in recent weeks and the rewards

will start coming your way over the next few days. Life will
be even more enjoyable if you spread your good fortune
around. Share the spoils with those who have shared in your
Day 352

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You seem to be in one of your downbeat moods at the moment

but that’s a shame because you have so much going for you.

Later in the week you will look back and wonder why your

attitude was so negative. Try being more positive now.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You have more in common with a rival than you realize – in

fact you are like two peas in a pod. Therefore, instead of

fighting each other to a standstill why don’t you pool your
resources and work as a team? You will be unbeatable.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

This is one of the best times of the year for trying new
things, both in your personal life and at work. Make the most

of today’s new moon to branch out creatively and do things

that have never been done before – at least not by you!

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

This can be and should be a highly productive time of year

for you but don’t try too hard. Good things and good people
will come your way whether or not you make much of an effort,

so sit back and let life carry you along.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Make life easier for yourself by refusing to attach too much

importance to what you see and hear. According to the planets
certain people will do things and say things just to get a

reaction but if you refuse to react they will soon lose


Day 353

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

It might be wise to keep your opinions to yourself over the

next 24 hours. The planets warn that if you say anything that

others consider to be over the top or in poor taste it could

cost you dear. Not everyone shares your offbeat sense of


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Your thoughts may be a bit chaotic this weekend, so try not

to make any important decisions, especially those where joint
finances are involved. Even if you don’t make a costly

mistake, a partner or loved one might.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Personal problems of one sort or another seem much bigger

than they actually are at the moment and because of that you
are advised to wait until the weekend before making important
decisions. Most likely things are fine as they are.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You will insist on doing what has to be done by yourself and

with no interference over the next 48 hours. And quite right

too. Your talents and skills are such that others should be
taking instructions from you, not the other way round.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Try not to appear too eager today. If you can give others,
and especially your rivals, the impression that you don’t

care whether you win or you lose you will lull them into a
false sense of security. In fact, no one wants to win more
than you!

Day 354

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make

an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The planets urge you to face up to what worries you the most.

You may be surprised to discover that, not only was there

nothing to be scared of, but what you have been trying to
avoid is actually quite exciting.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You will need to think quickly and act quickly to get on top
of a situation that is rapidly spiralling out of control.

Don’t worry if you have to tread on a few toes to get things

done – everyone will thank you later for taking the lead.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The best way possible to handle a dispute is to resolutely

refuse to come out in favor of one side or the other. If you
play favorites this week you risk making the situation even

worse than it was before. Sit on the fence – it’s what

fences are for.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The decisions you make over the next few days will have a
lasting impact on your domestic situation, so make sure you

know all the facts and make sure you are not being misled by
those who have an axe to grind or an agenda to fulfill.
Day 355

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You believe that anything is possible, and no doubt it is,

but you would still be wise not to take anything for granted,

especially where there may be money at stake. You could gain

a lot today, but you could lose a lot too.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Ease up a bit. Don’t push yourself so hard. The planets urge

you to enjoy the kind of laidback weekend that has been few
and far between in recent months. Give yourself permission to
go wild for a while. No one can say you have not earned it.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both

for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as
it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

According to the planets you have become too set in your ways
of late – yes, even more so than usual – and now you must
loosen up a little and let other possibilities into your

life. Start with your love life. Don’t be so inflexible.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Why fight your way to the top when you have the charm to get
there by a simpler route? Cosmic activity in your fellow
Earth sign of Capricorn makes it easy for you to win others

round to your way of thinking.

Day 356

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

What seemed fresh and exciting a while back now seems dull

and boring, but is that really the case or is it just because

you have allowed your mind to get stuck in a rut? The only

person who can make it fresh and exciting again is you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

If you allow emotional considerations to influence matters of

common sense over the next 48 hours you may find around the
middle part of next week that you have taken a completely
wrong turning. Make sure your head rules your heart.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

It is essential that you start aiming higher, both in your

personal life and in your career. You will never forgive

yourself if you fail to do something because you fear you

won’t be good enough then find later that no one is better.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

It’s a long time since you have felt this good and you
should certainly make the most of it. If you have a creative
or artistic talent you would like to do something major with,

now is the time to get serious about it.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Feelings will be running high this weekend and you will have
to work hard not to let the intensity of the situation get to
you. Don’t take what others say too seriously. Most likely

they don’t mean it and, even if they do, so what?

Day 357

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

A friend or family member may behave irrationally today but

you should take it in your stride and take none of it too

seriously. Sometimes people do things that don’t make any

sense at all. You’ve done that a few times yourself!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

You may feel that a situation is getting out of hand but is

it as bad as you fear? Probably not. Sometimes you fear the

worst even when you have every reason to expect the best.
Have a little more faith in the goodness of the world.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Deep down you are a little bit uneasy about the direction
your life seems to be taking. With that thought in mind
don’t start something new today simply because you feel the

need for a change. Your progress must be evolutionary, not


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

What you get over the next 24 hours may not be what you want
precisely but according to the planets it is exactly what you

need. If a friend makes a suggestion you would be wise to

take it seriously. They know what you need too.

Day 358

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may not be a sensitive type by nature but you never

hesitate to offer your help when a friend is in difficulties.

Today it may be a bit more difficult in that it is a stranger

who needs your assistance, but you will give it anyway.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Deep down you know that what you are going through is

necessary to your long-term interests, but it’s still tough.

The good news is there won’t be so many setbacks and
misfortunes over the next 24 hours. Compared to some people

you’re doing well.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Something that made perfect sense a short while ago now seems

to make no sense at all and it’s immensely frustrating.

Don’t worry about it. A day or two from now you will have
forgotten why you thought it was so important.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There are certain issues you have been avoiding, but you can
no longer pretend they do not exist. Fortunately, the Sun’s

change of signs will give you the confidence you need to

confront them – and you may be surprised how easily they are


If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

What happens today will force you to think deeply about

things you have taken for granted up until now. It will also
force you to realize that you don’t live in a vacuum – what
you do in your life touches the lives of those around you as
Day 359

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Everything you do in the early days of the new year must be

done for practical reasons. Don’t waste time and energy on

activities that do not bring results. Others may find you a

bit too serious but there will be a time for fun and games
later on.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make
your life more exciting but actually doing it is another
thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over
the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will
come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Not everyone will agree with the route you have chosen to

take but that is irrelevant. Listen to what friends and

family have to tell you this week but don’t think for a

moment that you have to follow their advice. You know best.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Sometimes you can be too cautious for your own good but now
it seems you cannot be cautious enough. The coming week’s

influences will in some way or other disrupt your daily

routine, so breathe deeply, stay calm and don’t start
anything new.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Your assumptions about what is right and what is wrong will

be challenged today. Have you been following a certain code
of behavior more out of habit than conviction? Yes, you have.

You may need to change what you believe in.

Day 360

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you find it hard to get your act in gear as the new week

begins maybe you should take it as a sign that you are doing

something wrong. Or maybe it just means you need an extra day

of rest after the exertions of the weekend!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

This is a busy time for you, so take regular breaks, maybe

even a short vacation. There is no point running yourself

into the ground, especially in pursuit of things of a
material nature. Be kind to yourself over the next few days.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Be yourself today, no matter how hard others try to persuade

you that you can and should change your personality. The fact

is you are who you are and what you need for happiness and
success is already in your life. Look for it and you’ll find

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

If what you get today seems more than you think you deserve
there must be a cosmic reason for it. Could it be you did a

favor for someone earlier in the year and, being the modest

person you are, forgot about it? The universe never forgets.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

You don’t have to be nice to people just because you think

it is expected of you. If you don’t want to associate with

certain individuals, for whatever reason, that is your right.

If you don’t exercise that right you could lose it.
Day 361

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

If you have suffered a loss of some kind in recent days what

happens over the next 48 hours will more than make up for it.

Remember, happiness is not about winning or losing, it’s

about having the right mental and emotional attitude.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

In your mind’s eye you can see what needs to be done to make

your life more exciting but actually doing it is another

thing entirely. Fortunately, the Sun’s change of signs over
the weekend will stir things up – and from confusion will

come opportunity.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you

and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few
weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money
and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Try not to be so self-critical. If something has not worked

out the way you expected it to, well, that’s just the way it
is. On this occasion you may have failed but it’s all good

experience and next time you’ll get it right. Move on.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Don’t look back and wonder what might have been – look

forward and make a bright new future for yourself. Any

regrets you still have about what you should or should not
have done must be cast from your mind once and for all.

Day 362

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may have to disrupt your routine in order to accommodate

someone’s social or travel plans and it’s unlikely you will

be happy about it. Never mind. If you show willing and help

with a smile chances are you’ll get something in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A loved one will be a little too emotional for your tastes

today but if you want some peace you are going to have to
help them deal with their issues. It should not be too hard:
your analytical mind will find a workable solution.

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

The world looks a brighter place than it did a week or two

ago and you have every reason to expect that the good times

will keep getting better. Your optimistic frame of mind will

make even the most difficult of issues easier to deal with.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

There is so much you want to accomplish but if you are smart

you will pace yourself sensibly and set realistic goals, both
for this week and for the coming new year. Take each day as

it comes and live, as far as possible, in the moment.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone will play on your fears and make you think a certain
situation is worse than it actually is. According to the
planets you should reject everything you hear that makes you

feel uneasy. The fact is you have little, if anything, to

worry about.
Day 363

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

One of the best times of the year is about to begin for you

and almost anything you set your heart on over the next few

weeks can be yours if you want it enough. Forget about money

and relationship worries and focus on the good things in


If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

A Sun-Pluto link on your birthday will endow you with all the
confidence and all the energy you need to do remarkable
things over the coming 12 months. One thing you do need is to
socialize more with like-minded people. Together you are

If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

You have so many things to be thankful for and if you don’t

believe that at this particular moment you will believe it in

just a few days. Focus on creative activities and affairs of

the heart and you will be smiling well into the new year.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

The only danger now is that you could get so embroiled in

details that you forget what the big picture looks like. Take

time out from your busy schedule to quiet your mind and
remember what it’s all about and what it’s all for.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to
be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.
Day 364

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

You may think you know everything there is to know about

someone but what happens today and tomorrow will make you

realize that there is more to them than meets the eye. Of

course, it’s no big deal – much the same could be said

about you.

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

The future is nowhere near as dire as you think it is, so

stop looking for reasons why things could go wrong and trust
that the universe in its wisdom will show you what needs to

be done. Your glass is half full, not half empty.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Some things are easy and some things are difficult but all

things are possible. You may have to push yourself a little

bit harder than usual this coming week but the tougher the
challenge the more you will enjoy it.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

You are in two minds whether or not to take a leadership

position in something you have strong feelings about. Yes, it

could go wrong and damage your reputation, but the fact is it

is too important to be left to lesser mortals. Take control.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Someone may try to persuade you that a certain course of

action is in your interests but you have your doubts. Listen

to your instincts and act on what they tell you. Better

still, don’t act at all – doing nothing is the best policy
by far.
Day 365

All you need to unlock your prediction on this special day of

your astrology + numerology journey is to remember your

Magick Number; the one you found out a few minutes ago (this
changes from day to day). Depending on the last (rightmost)
digit of your Magick Number, you can choose the prediction

that will rule today for you, out of the 5 predictions below:

If your Magic Number ends in -0 or -5:

Try not to appear too eager today. If you can give others,

and especially your rivals, the impression that you don’t

care whether you win or you lose you will lull them into a

false sense of security. In fact, no one wants to win more

than you!

If your Magic Number ends in -1 or -6:

Whatever it is you are currently worried about is actually of

little significance in the greater scheme of things, so make
an effort to put it out of your mind and focus instead on all

the good things, and good people, that remain.


If your Magic Number ends in -2 or -7:

Make an effort to talk to people who can further your

ambitions. They cannot read your mind – which is probably

just as well! – so you will have to point out for them what
it is you need and what you can do for them in return.

If your Magic Number ends in -3 or -8:

Make an effort to think “outside the box” today. Sometimes

the mental boundaries you set up are far too rigid and need

to be broken down, so give yourself permission to think the

unthinkable – you may be surprised what you learn.

If your Magic Number ends in -4 or -9:

Why do you find it so hard to believe that this is

potentially one of the most exciting and rewarding times of

the year? Whatever the reason you need to snap out of it

because some wonderful opportunities will come your way this

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