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Affective domain

Submitted by :
Sania Shahab
Roll no. bef2000232
Class :
B.ed secondary
Submitted to :
Ms Hafiza Noor Us Saba

APRIL 26, 2021

Topic : Affective domain

 The affective domain was classified by:

a) Benjamin S. Bloom in 1956
b) Simpson in1972
c) Krathwhol in 1964
d) None of these
 Our feelings, emotions, attitude and manners lie in
a) Cognitive domain
b) Affective domain
c) Psychomotor domain
d) All of above
 Affective domain is divided into:
a) Four subgroups
b) Five subgroups
c) Six subgroups
d) Seven subgroups
 The lowest level of learning in affective domain is:
a) Valuing
b) Organization
c) Responding
d) Receiving
 Which is placed at the highest level of learning in affective domain:
a) Organization
b) Characterization
c) Responding
d) Valuing
 Affective domain is linked with our:
a) Mind
b) Hand
c) Heart
d) None of these
 The ability to see something and express it:
a) Receiving
b) Responding
c) Organizing
d) Valuing
 Responding is the ability in which we ______ with something.
a) Aware
b) Participate
c) Express
d) Maintain
 Spending more time with study then playing, recognizing the need
for balance between work and family, or prioritizing time effectively
to meet goals is the example of:
a) Responding
b) Valuing
c) Organization
d) Characterization
 The ability in which you internalize the values and control them and
also guid your behavior is:
a) Organization
b) Characterization
c) Responding
d) Valuing

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