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Geneva College

Beaver Falls, PA
EDU 343

Reading Lesson Day 3 Plan

Name: Reagan Mittler Date: March 26th, 2021

Subject: EDU 345 Grade Level: 1st grade

I. Topic
Stormy Weather (assessment)
II. PA or Common Core Standards
A. 1.2 1.J Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and
being read to, and respond to texts, including words that signal connections
and relationships between the words and phrases.

III. Lesson Objectives - Objectives must be written using observable verbs

TSWBAT take the assessment for the reading stories.
TSWBAT compare and contrast the storms on the reading test.
IV. Materials
1. iPad
2. Red Reading Book
3. Stylist
4. Spelling test paper

V. Lesson Development

A. Introduction
- I started off the day be reviewing their reading stories with them and
vocabulary and high frequency words.
B. Lesson Development (Activities, Procedures)
- I had the students get out their red reading book and we went through
and read stormy weather on page (68-75).
- I had the students read with me and then I would pick on a student to
read a sentence or two aloud for the whole class.
- After we finish reading the story, I will have the students get out their
iPad to take their test for the day.
- When the students are done with their reading test, I will let them
finish their morning work or play an educational app on their iPad.
- The students should know that they are allowed to play an app on their
iPad or finish their morning work.
- I will have the students do a little dance before their spelling test to get
them moving out of their seats.
- Then, I will be giving the students their spelling test after their reading
C. Evidence of Differentiated Instruction (Content, process, Products, or
Learning Environment)
- The average students will be given a test that has easier words for them
to spell during their spelling test.
- The more advanced students will be given a test with challenge words
for them to spell during their test.
D. Closure (Summary)
- I will put on an informational video for them to watch about storms.
VI. Assessment/Evaluation
- The students should be able to get 13 out of 15 words right on the
spelling test when.
- The students should be able to all the reading questions right because
we went over the reading’s multiple times.

VII. Self-Evaluation
For this day it was mostly just the assessment day for New Brighton, the teachers try to
get all the test in that they need to take that day. With that I gave the reading test and spelling
test, the reading test I did first because it will take the kids a little bit longer to do than the
spelling test. Also, the students took their reading test on their iPad and I read them the
questions of the test and we went through the test together because the students would rush
through the test to get down, so they could play a game afterwards. I wanted to do the test
together so the students would take their time on the test and get a good grade on their exam.
Also, for the spelling test I had to give two tests because of the range my students are, I have
students that are more advanced than the rest of the class, so my cooperating teacher gives
them a challenge list to study from and the rest of the class will get the normal spelling test
because it is easier for them to study. Another thing is that the students would not sit quiet
during the spelling test, so I had to write their names on the white board and if I caught them
talking again, I would put a check mark beside their name and depending on how many they
had determined how much recess they lost. Something I would change is to have the rad the
book together in a group so I could hear who is having trouble with reading in a group rather
than in reading the story to them.

Cooperating Teacher Approval _________________________________________________

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