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A character I like the most in the short story entitled Mr. Petronas is Ismail.

The first characteristic of

Ismail is that he was kind. Ismail cares for his friend’s well-being and willing to do anything for them.
As in this story, he was still able to meet Bobby despite being busy. Without giving much reason, he
continued down the busy road to Bobby's house after got a phone call from Bobby. Next, Ismail also
sent Bobby and her wife home from work. He stopped the car towards the nearest building because
Cik Normah was about to give birth. Ismail lowered his knee only to help Cik Normah bring the baby
out. We need to be like Bobby because friends are like our own flesh blood.

Secondly, Ismail was caring. Based on this short story, he called an ambulance immediately after
seeing the dark stains all over Cik Normah's body. Ismail asked Cik Normah things that happened
many times because he was too worried about her condition. If I were in his shoes, I would do the
same thing as we have to confront our friends about their self-destructive behaviour.

Lastly, he was courageous. This was shown when Ismail was not afraid even though he heard a
rustling in the bushes. Ismail opened the door and stepped into the garden to see the thing closely.
After the thing's jumped into Bobby's bedroom, Ismail immediately took a big spade and crashed the
bedroom door though he still did not know what was inside.

In conclusion, I admired and respected Ismail because he has noble personalities.

In Mr. Petronas, I learnt about compassion for fellow human beings.

- Generosity is a moral value that refers to the ability of people to share what they have.
This doesn’t just mean material possessions but also immaterial aspects like joy, optimism,
and appreciation. There will be times when there isn’t a pressing need to be generous to
other people, but you show kindness and generosity anyway because you feel compelled to
do so. For example, if a person doesn’t want his or her retirement from a job to be
celebrated, but you set up a surprise retirement party for that person anyway, it’s an act of
kindness that will be appreciated.

- We must treasure our loved ones when they are alive.

We must spend as much time as we can with our loved ones while they are still living
When they pass away, all that will be left are the memories, as is illustrated in the poem.

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