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Insert Your Name and School Here: Jenniffer Miranda Skyline High School

CSUEB Daily WL Lesson Plan

Table will expand as you add information.

Language, Course Level, and Day in Period

Unit Theme Lesson Topic Essential Question(s) Length
Proficiency Range Unit
Language: Spanish Stress Management Expressing our feelings What are different emotions you feel? 1 60
Course Level: 1 When do you feel the different emotions?
Proficiency Range: Novice
CA WL Standards (addressed Today) Learning Objectives (Central Focus of Learning Today)
Communication: I can:
 WLCM1.N - Demonstrate understanding of the general meaning and  Identify and list my emotions
some basic information on very familiar common daily topics.  Identify when I feel them
Recognize memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences in  Share and communicate my emotions
authentic texts that are spoken, written, or signed.
 WLCM2.N – Participate in real-world, spoken, written, or signed
conversations on very familiar topics. Use memorized words, phrases,
and simple sentences, and questions in highly predictable common
daily settings
 WLCM4.N - Recognize opportunities to use age-appropriate, culturally
authentic, real-world, and academic language in highly predictable
common daily settings within target-language communities in the
United States and around the world.
 WLCM5-6. N - Demonstrate understanding of words, , and simple
sentences on very familiar common daily topics. Communicate about
very familiar common daily topics using words and phrases, and simple
 WLCL2.N – Experience, recognize, and explore the relationships among
typical age-appropriate target cultures’ products, practices, and
perspectives in culturally appropriate ways in very familiar common
daily settings.
 WLCN1.N – acquire, exchange, and present information in TL about familiar
common daily elements of life and age-appropriate academic content across

Responses &/or Assessment Materials,

Instructional Sequence Activity/Activities
Misconceptions How does each activity serve Resources, &

CSUEB Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013) updated June 2020
Insert Your Name and School Here: Jenniffer Miranda Skyline High School
What are the anticipated
student responses? How will as a form of assessment? What Technology
Time* you provide feedback? What type of assessment is this? What materials will you
What does the teacher do? What will learners do? How are any common How will you use the develop? What materials will
many misconceptions they may assessment results to you bring in from other
minutes? have? How will you address inform/adjust instruction? sources? Embed links when
this? possible.

Set the Stage/Gain Attention Mood emoji slide Students observe 2 -Emotion emoji slide
Intro (Create context / Activate Prior show with written slideshow show
Knowledge / Engage through novelty)
emotions -Emoji cards
-Teacher passes (teacher)
envelopes with small -Envelope with emoji
emoji cards (Do not cards (students)
open written) Say and
point: No lo abra
Provide Comprehensible -Teacher shows emoji -Students repeat 5 -Responding with -Informal: Progress -Teacher emoji set
Input cards saying which emotions after wrong: yes/no, monitoring and
(New and review content taught in the TL) card belongs to what teacher holds up either/or, and repeating emotion
emotion. emoji card and says Short answer words until students
-Teacher models the emotion emotion are able to answer
pronunciation calling -Students do 5 emotions correctly
on individual students pronunciation -Mispronunciation
to practice practice

CSUEB Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013) updated June 2020
Insert Your Name and School Here: Jenniffer Miranda Skyline High School
-Teacher asks yes/no, -Students answer 8
either/or and one- yes/no, either/or and
word answer one-word questions

Meaningful Guided -Teacher instructs -Students open 5 -Students hold up -Informal: Progress -Student emoji set
Practice students to open the envelope to hold wrong emoji care monitoring and
(Elicit Performance & Provide Feedback) envelopes and take emoji cards repeating
Lesson Body
out emoji cards -Students hold up -Students express
-Teacher says show appropriate card to wrong emotion
me: a happy, sad, show me requests
angry, frustrated, Calling out specific
jealous face emotion
Provide Comprehensible -Teacher models in - Students repeat and 5 -Students make -Progress monitoring -Present Teacher
Input as applicable speech and writing: write: spelling errors in student repetition examples slide as
(New and review content taught in the TL) Me siento feliz -Students think and 10 and matching they are read off
cuando… volunteer cuando appropriate emotions
Me siento triste action words and to emotion emojis
cuando… phrases (in english)
Me siento me siento -Students personalize
frustrada cuando… and fill in cuando
Me siento enojada ideas
Me siento selosa
-Ask students to
volunteer action
words, in English
explaining and
translating action

-Teacher tells and

writes students’ ideas
in Spanish

Guided or Independent -Teacher walks around -Students write down 10 -Students -Teacher uses -Students work in

CSUEB Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013) updated June 2020
Insert Your Name and School Here: Jenniffer Miranda Skyline High School
Practice as applicable helping students with their emotion mispronounce Corrective assessment pairs
(Elicit Performance & Provide Feedback) their ideas in English phrases method
and Spanish -Students practice
ure -Teacher listens saying emotion
checking on students’ phrases
Closure -Teacher walks around -Students share 10 -mispronunciation - Students share the
(How will you wrap up and assess today’s listening to Students emotion phrases identification of at
learning?) (Enhance Retention & Transfer)
share with a neighbor with neighbor least 3 of their
-Teacher asks for -Students volunteer emotions
volunteers to share to share emotion

Reflection – Notes to Self (to be completed after teaching your lesson) What worked well? Why? What did not work? Why? What changes would you make if you taught this lesson again?

* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. It is important to
note that the duration of any individual activity should not be more than 10 minutes maximum; often activities should be broken into even smaller
segments of time with students interacting in some way (with students, with teacher, etc.) every 3-5 minutes. The second cycle (provide input and
elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

CSUEB Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013) updated June 2020

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