听力 book 5 unit 4

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Book 5 Unit 4

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
请听下面 5 段对话,选出最佳选项。
1. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Couple. B. Friends. C. Colleagues.
2. Why does the woman keep singing the song?
A. She is learning a new song.
B. She practices it for a performance.
C. She wants to get the man relaxed.
3. What will the woman probably do?
A. Speak up. B. Redial the number. C. Use another phone.
4. What do we know about the woman?
A. She is interested in studying insects.
B. She doesn’t like coming to the park.
C. She wants the man to be a biologist.
5. Which skirt will the woman take?
A. The pink one. B. The white one. C. The blue one.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
请听下面 5 段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
请听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. What does the woman think of the man?
A. Greedy. B. Considerate. C. Careless.
7. What will the woman do?
A. Find the man a part-time job.
B. Borrow money from the man.
C. Give the man twenty dollars.
请听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8. Who is Ann?
A. The man’s girlfriend. B. The man’s little sister. C. The man’s little cousin.
9. What are the two speakers plan to do together tomorrow evening?
A. Have a drink. B. See the fireworks. C. Have supper.
请听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. What do we know about Regina Spektor’s album Begin to Hope?
A. It was her second album.
B. It was very well-received.
C. It was released in 2007.
11. What does the woman think of Regina Spektor’s songs?
A. Soft and moving. B. Funny and educative. C. Creative and unusual.
12. Why does the man want to know more about singers?
A. He wants to become a singer.
B. He wants to study music at college.
C. He wants to talk with Anna about them.
请听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. Where did the man work after graduation?
A. In college. B. At a magazine agency. C. In a car company.
14. Why did the man choose Coventry University?
A. It was near his home.
B. The tuition fees was not high.
C. Its journalism major was better.
15. How does the woman feel about her job?
A. Exciting. B. Difficult. C. Boring.
16. What is the woman interested in?
A. Photography. B. Cars. C. Writing.
请听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. Which section is not referred to on Mondays by USA Today?
A. Sports. B. Money. C. Health.
18. Which of the following newspapers has won the most Pulitzer Prizes?
A. The New York Times. B. New York Daily News. C. Los Angeles Time.
19. When was Los Angeles Time founded?
A. In 1851. B. In 1881. C. In 1919.
20. What is probably the speaker?
A. A radio host. B. A newspaper seller. C. A writer.

Key: 1-5 CBBAC 6-10 CACCB 11-15 CCBCC 16-20 ACABA

Book 5 Unit 4
(Text 1)
W: Where are you going for lunch today?
M: I’m really busy today, so I don’t think I’ll go out for lunch. I’ll just eat something in the office.
(Text 2)
M: Will you please stop singing that over and over? It’s getting on my nerves.
W: But I must practise. I’ll be performing this song on stage tomorrow night.
(Text 3)
M: I can hardly hear you, Tim! Could you speak up, please?
W: I’m talking as loudly as I can.
M: Why not hang up and try again?
(Text 4)
W: I didn’t know you were afraid of insects.
M: Some insects are poisonous. That’s why I seldom come to this park. There are too many insects
W: But I like insects. I like studying them. I want to be a biologist when I grow up.
M: Really? You’re awesome.
(Text 5)
M: Which skirt do you prefer? The pink one or the white one?
W: I haven’t made up my mind yet.
M: We don’t have all day. Make up your mind.
W: Then I’ll take the blue one. I like it better than these two.
(Text 6)
M: Mom, could you give me ten dollars?
W: But I gave you a twenty just yesterday.
M: Sorry, Mom, but I lost it.
W: Why don’t you learn to be more careful? I only make 2,000 dollars a month. I’m not a millionaire.
M: Sorry, Mom. I’ll be more careful next time.
W: I’ll find you a babysitting job. You really need to make some money by yourself.
M: OK, Mom.
(Text 7)
W: Hey, Jack. How is your day going?
M: Just finishing this project. Other than that, not much. How about you?
W: I’m just about finished for the day. Jack, how about a drink after work? You’ve been working on
that project for a whole month. Perhaps it’s time to relax.
M: I’d like to, but I’ve promised Ann that I’ll go to see the fireworks with her tonight.
W: Oh, I don’t know you had a girlfriend.
M: Oh, don’t get me wrong. Ann is my little cousin. I’m like an elder brother to her.
W: Really? That’s great. Then how about supper tomorrow evening?
M: OK.
(Text 8)
M: Lisa, who is your favorite singer?
W: Regina Spektor.
M: I’ve never heard of her. What’s she famous for?
W: Well, she has become quite famous for her playful voice, fine piano playing and unusual songs.
M: When did she become famous?
W: She became very popular after her album Begin to Hope was released in 2006.
M: Did she release any other albums?
W: Yeah, she also released an album named Far. It is full of creative songs about love and the
environment. She worked with four different top producers to make this album. So why are you
suddenly so interested in singers now?
M: My younger sister Anna is always talking about singers. She wants to study music at college. You
know I wasn’t interested in singers at all, so I have hardly anything to say when she starts talking
about singers.
W: No wonder.
(Text 9)
W: Mickey, why did you want to work for a car magazine? Was it because of the high pay?
M: Well, after leaving high school in 2007, I asked myself what I really wanted to do with my life. I’ve
always loved cars and enjoyed writing, so I wanted to combine those two things. I studied
journalism at college and after graduation I found a job in this company.
W: Which university did you go to?
M: Coventry University. Actually I applied to both Cardiff and Coventry University.
W: Then why did you choose Coventry in the end?
M: That’s because I was told its journalism major was better.
W: How do you like your job now?
M: I love it.
W: You’re very lucky to have found a job that you truly love.
M: Thanks. So how is your job?
W: It’s too boring. I really want to change my job now. But I’m afraid I won’t find a good job. You
know so many people are looking for a job now.
M: So what do you really enjoy doing?
W: I love taking pictures. It’s my dream to be a photographer.
(Text 10)
In today’s program, I’d like to tell you something about some famous newspapers in America. The
first is USA Today. It was founded by Al Neuharth on September 15, 1982. This daily newspaper in
America is published by the Gannett Company. It traditionally has four sections: news, money,
sports and life. On Fridays it includes two extra sections on health. The second is the New York
Times, which was founded in 1851. The New York Times is generally divided into eight sections:
news, opinions, business, arts, science, sports, style, home, and features. It has won 108 Pulitzer
Prizes. Next, the New York Daily News is owned and run by Mortimer Zuckerman. It is the fifth top-
selling newspaper in the United States. It was first printed in 1919 and has won 10 Pulitzer Prizes.
Its content includes world and national news, business, science, health, arts, sports, editorials and
amazing crossword puzzles. The last newspaper I want to tell you about today is the Los Angeles
Times. It was founded in 1881 and has won 39 Pulitzer Prizes. At present 589,735 copies are
regularly sold. Thank you for listening.

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