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Vol. 17, No. 9 Monday, March 7, 2011 - Sunday, March 13, 2011 of this issue

EU optimists
Leaders look
There is no country in
Europe where people trust
the European Union and its
east from
institutions as much as
they do in Slovakia, accord-
ing to the results of a recent
Eurobarometer survey.
Spectator staff

Social insurer to halve

State social insurance pro- SUPPORT for the EU’s Eastern Partner-
vider Sociálna Poisťovňa ship programme and calls for the Be-
will see its staff headcount larusian authorities to democratise and
fall from last year's 5,863 to release political prisoners were voiced
3,000 by 2016, based on a during a ministerial meeting of Visegrad
new strategic plan. Group countries and Germany held in
pg 4 Bratislava on March 3.
Catherine Ashton, the EU’s high rep-
resentative for foreign affairs and secur-
OPINION ity policy, attended the meeting as a spe-
cial guest and stressed that the EU needs
Twilight of the census to create close ties with its eastern
Observers suggest Slovakia neighbours.
might see its last old-fash-
ioned census this year, hop- See SUMMIT pg 9
ing that the state will in fu-
ture find a better way to use Catherine Ashton, the EU's high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, and Mikuláš Dzurinda, Slovakia's
the data it already collects.
pg 5
foreign minister, speaking at the V4 ministerial summit held in Bratislava on March 3. Photo: TASR
Slovakia to
count people
Waiting for eGov
Digitalising public services
is happening around the
Free food plan and homes
world and Slovakia is no
exception, at least in lofty
ambitions and stated
plans. But actual achieve-
ments indicate Slovakia is
emerged in early 2010 BY MICHAELA TERENZANI
Spectator staff

lagging behind other EU THE GOVERNMENT’S plan to dis- a European Union project, launched HOUSEHOLDS in Slovakia should expect
countries. tribute free flour and pasta to the BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ as an urgent measure during the some rare visitors this spring. For the first
pg 6 needy has created a melee of differ- Spectator staff harsh winter of 1986-1987 when time in ten years census takers, respons-
ing opinions on the food assistance surpluses of agricultural products ible for collecting data for the general
scheme as well as the state of were given to charities in EU mem- census of residents, apartments and
Online security Slovakia’s agriculture sector. ber states for distribution to those houses, will walk around every district in
Although the potential While the opposition Smer use state grain reserves to supply who needed them, according to an Slovakia at the end of May. And while stat-
dangers of the internet are party’s shadow agriculture minis- free food in 2011. official release by the European isticians stress that taking part in the
well known, experts say ter, Stanislav Becík, called the plan The plan is not a systemic Commission. census is a right of every inhabitant and
Slovaks do not always be- the “Somalia way” which Slovakia measure to address the impact of The application to include Slov- give multiple reasons why people should
have in a responsible way should not follow, his successor, food-price inflation on the popula- akia in the programme was filed by make sure they are counted, critics of the
and do not take online se- Agriculture Minister Zsolt Simon, tion, Agriculture Ministry spokes- the ministry's previous leaders last census call it a waste of time and money
curity seriously enough. responded that it is part of a wider man Juraj Kadáš stressed in com- year and the programme will be im- and say that the data could be obtained
pg 7 EU scheme and that it was actually ments to The Slovak Spectator. plemented now, according to Kadáš. from other sources that the state already
Robert Fico’s government that ori- Instead, the distribution of free has access to.
ginally decided, early last year, to food to the neediest people began as See AGRO pg 4 For more on this story please see pg 3
City Gallery's jubilee
This year marks Bratislava
City Gallery’s 50th an-
Enormous VAT fraud busted IgZcYh^ci]ZHadkV`aVWdjgbVg`Zi
niversary and a series of
special events will com- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
beetles, cowshed compost and
wooden gates. The police be-
what the police say were ficti-
tious deals. Between 2007 and VcY]jbVcgZhdjgXZh
memorate the golden ju- Spectator staff lieve at least some of the trad- 2010, the state refunded VAT of
bilee throughout the year . ing between firms was ficti- €32,729,204 to the business-
pg 11 tious and that about a dozen man, which Lipšic said makes
A MAN nicknamed the Lord of
Zemplín, who has been in
business for 12 years and serves
shell companies were involved.
Vareha has now been
charged with tax evasion and
it likely that additional charges
will be filed. Additionally, the
businessman had claimed an
€ benchmark as of March 3
as an authorised representative
in 77 firms, has allegedly stolen
is in pre-trial custody, said In-
terior Minister Daniel Lipšic,
additional €21 million in VAT
refunds that the state had not CDL
nearly €29 million from the who along with Finance Min- yet transferred to him.
JPY 113.43
PLN 3.98
Slovak state via a fraud in-
volving value added tax.
Mikuláš Vareha, a business-
ister Ivan Mikloš announced
the arrest to the media. If
convicted he faces up to 12
Lipšic stated that the
businessman apparently
thought his political connec-
man from eastern Slovakia, years in prison, SITA news- tions would allow him to cov-
was arrested by the police on wire reported. er up millions of euros in tax
March 1. He reportedly traded The businessman re- fraud.
in a wide variety of goods and portedly claimed VAT refunds ;dgbdgZ^c[dgbVi^dck^h^illl#heZXiVidg#h`$egdYjXih
commodities including bark totalling €28,745,934 based on See VAT pg 2
2 March 7 – 13, 2011 NEWS

EU-optimism flourishes
Handlová blast investigation finishes showed that mistrust of na-
Slovaks are the tional institutions prevailed
SEVERAL factors were re- combustible gases,” said most trustful of not only in Slovakia but in
sponsible for a 2009 explo- Bohuš Sliacky, head of the many other countries and in
sion at a mine in Handlová District Mining Authority, as EU institutions the EU average. The survey
which left 20 miners dead, an quoted by the SITA news- found that the Slovak cabinet
enquiry has found. The con- wire. “It is not possible to was trusted by only 36 percent
tributory factors included the clearly determine the main BY MICHAELA of the country’s citizens and
reduced cross-section of the reason for the explosion of TERENZANI Slovakia's parliament had the
corridor, large amounts of the gases based on the find- Spectator staff trust of only 37 percent of re-
ash in the corridor, the tem- ings of the investigation. spondents. Slovakia’s judicial
perature at the centre of the Therefore, it is not possible to system was the least trusted
fire which led to the blast, identify a specific and obvi- THERE is no country in institution, with only 32 per-
and the opening of the cor- ous breach of safety Europe where people trust the cent of the respondents saying
ridor door, according to the regulations.” European Union and its insti- they trusted it and 65 percent
results of the investigation, Twenty persons died in tutions as much as they do in responding that they do not
conducted by the Prievidza the August 10, 2009 accident: Slovakia, or at least that is trust it at all.
District Mining Authority. 11 mine rescuers and nine what the results of a recent Geist said another reason
“Individual factors as miners who were all trying Eurobarometer survey sug- why the EU enjoys so much
such could not create a situ- to extinguish a fire in the gest. Some observers noted, trust among Slovaks might be
ation in the ventilation res- Handlová mine, some 330 however, that the high level The European Parliament in Strasbourg. Photo: E. Terenzani related to the country’s specif-
ulting in an explosion of metres below ground level. of trust that Slovaks have in ic path to EU entry, “when EU
the EU and its bodies might age of Slovaks who trusted Mistrust at home? membership was massively
say as much or more about cit- EU institutions topped all communicated as an entry
No agreement on citizenship yet izens’ opinions about their other surveyed countries and There are several reasons among ‘civilised’ and
own national institutions. exceeded the EU average by that trust in the EU and its in- ‘advanced’ countries, or in
A RULING coalition working position on the issue and as a According to the results of 28 percent. Slovakia was fol- stitutions is so high among some cases even as a way to
group failed to reach agree- result was expelled from the the EU-sponsored survey, lowed by Bulgaria and Esto- Slovaks, but a tendency to protect the country from its
ment on issues surrounding Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) conducted in November 2010 nia in the top three. compare EU institutions with own politicians”.
dual citizenship at a meeting caucus. He believes dual cit- and released on February 28, The high overall trust in national institutions might Additionally, the EU and
on February 28, and an izenship should be possible 71 percent of Slovaks said they the European Union corres- play the most significant part, its institutions are perceived
amendment to the Citizen- only for those with a real link trust the EU. ponds with a high level of said Radovan Geist, the to operate in a less politicised
ship Act is therefore unlikely to another country, such as The Eurobarometer is an trust in its specific institu- founder and publisher of manner, according to Geist.
to be submitted to parliament permanent residence or close opinion poll conducted twice tions. “The decision-making of
during its March session. family relations, saying that a year that seeks opinions on The European Parliament “The strongly positive EU institutions, including the
The members of the those who do not meet any of a wide range of issues among (EP) was trusted by 76 percent view of EU institutions thus EP, isn’t perceived as a result
commission agreed that no these conditions should citizens of both EU member of Slovaks while the propor- reflects also on our espe- of political fights, negoti-
proposal would be put for- automatically lose their countries and candidate tion of Slovaks who trusted cially critical view of the na- ations and agreements to the
ward without an agreement Slovak citizenship by accept- countries. Slovaks have regu- the European Central Bank, tional ones, and mistrust of same extent as it is on the na-
by all participating parties, ing a foreign one. larly scored among the top the EU Council and the them,” Geist told The Slovak tional level,” Geist explained.
the TASR newswire reported. Most-Híd, another coali- EU-optimists in past surveys European Commission was Spectator.
Independent MP Igor tion party, disagrees; its rep- but in late 2010 the percent- around 67 percent. The Eurobarometer survey See EU pg 5
Matovič said he was glad to resentatives say the state
see that opinions voiced by should not punish its own cit-
some members of the
coalition’s four parties ac-
corded with his own, TASR
izens in this way. Despite the
impasse, Most-Híd said it will
not obstruct parliamentary
VAT: 51 firms with revenues of €705m
wrote. On February 10, business over the issue as it Continued from pg 1
Matovič voted with the op- did in February, TASR wrote.
“Those times are over,” Lipšic said, as
quoted by SITA. “Whoever wears
Coalition slips lower in January poll whatever political suit and has whatever
friends at the highest positions, if the
IF PARLIAMENTARY elec- National Party (SNS), also in person violates the law, crosses its lim-
tions had been held in Janu- opposition, would have its, one will bear responsibility.”
ary, the ruling coalition crossed the five-percent Mikloš stated that the businessman
would have finished without threshold to get into parlia- served as an authorised representative
a majority in parliament, ment, with 5.7 percent. in 77 firms, 51 of which were registered
despite the fact that the The Christian Democrat- as VAT payers, adding that these com-
Slovak Democratic and ic Movement (KDH) was panies maintained active business ties
Christian Union (SDKÚ) im- supported by 11.6 percent of while charging that Vareha simply made
proved its preferences to 16.9 respondents, while Freedom deals with himself, that invoiced
percent, according to a sur- and Solidarity (SaS) got 8.4 products never left warehouses, that the
vey conducted between percent of the preferences firm had no documentation on only
January 3 and 31 by the Me- and Most-Híd 7.1 percent. sporadically-used transport, and that
dian SK polling agency. No other political party most of the companies had no employ-
The opposition Smer would have made it into par- ees. SITA wrote that Mikloš reported that Vareha, pictured with First Lady Silvia Gašparovičová at a charity event. Photo: SITA
party attracted support from liament based on the poll the 51 firms reported revenue of €705
39.7 percent while the Slovak results. million and losses of €109 million donations to the foundation headed by Smer’s communication department,
between 2007 and 2009. the president’s wife, adding that adding that the police president and the
The Sme daily reported that it had Gašparovičová did not have any other director of the Tax Directorate an-
Slovakia commands ALTHEA in BiH found 136 firms in Slovakia’s business business activities with Vareha. nounced the breaking of that tax fraud.
registry under Vareha’s name, including Both Lipšic and Mikloš lashed out at The case involved 10 men and four
SLOVAKIA is the command- of four large sectors into dozens of wood processing firms, water the previous government, stating that it women who had established or ac-
ing country of the ALTHEA which Bosnia and Herzegov- transport companies, construction con- had done little to investigate and pro- quired 30 companies which filed fraud-
international peacekeeping ina is divided.” tractors, and real estate businesses as secute tax frauds and using as evidence a ulent tax reports to claim VAT refunds
operation in Bosnia and Together with Slovak sol- well as firms trading in Tokaj wine. Sme recent study by the European Commis- from the state.
Herzegovina as of March 1, diers, troops from Turkey and also wrote that several years ago Vareha sion that reported that Slovakia has the Former interior minister Robert
and will remain so for an un- Switzerland, two countries had built a mini-zoo with wild boars, os- second highest rate of VAT evasion in Kaliňák, now a Smer MP, stated that the
specified period of time. which also have so-called triches and deer but local residents com- the EU, following only Greece. police force under his watch was ready
“The Slovak Republic is LOT (Liaison Observation plained about the smell and said that the The opposition Smer party responded to take action against Vareha.
taking over command as the Team) Houses in the area, are animals were suffering. that it was the police force under Robert “We had registered an increased
lead country in the “South” deployed in this region. Slov- Sme added that Vareha apparently Fico’s government that had discovered number of exactly these suspicious op-
region from Germany,” said akia, which coordinates mil- enjoyed the bright spotlight and wrote and taken action against the largest VAT erations linked to firms of this busi-
Brigadier-General Pavel itary units in southern and that in early 2009 he had distributed fraud in Slovakia’s history involving nessman and proceedings had started
Macko of the General Staff of south-eastern areas of Bos- apples along with Silvia Gašparovičová, Sk1.35 billion (nearly €45 million). over the matter,” Kaliňák said, as quoted
the Slovak Armed Forces as nia, has three LOT Houses. the wife of Slovakia’s president. “The ministers of interior and fin- by TV news channel TA3.
he took command, the SITA Marek Trubač, spokesman for the ance at that time did not have the need Mikloš said that the head of the
newswire reported. “It lies Compiled by Spectator staff President’s Office, stated that it does not to brag about the specific case,” stated a Trebišov district tax office had been
south of Sarajevo and is one from press reports check the tax affairs of those who make news release prepared by Erik Tomáš of sacked over the arrest of Vareha.
NEWS March 7 – 13, 2011 3

Statisticians prepare for Slovakia counts

its minorities
the decennial census BY MICHAELA
Spectator staff
proposing to lower this
threshold to 15 percent.
Chmel is encouraging
members of national minor-
ities to state their professed
People and homes nationality when complet-
to be counted in NATIONALITY will be among ing the census form.
the key questions in the na- “When collecting statist-
May 2011 tional census that will be ical data for the census, we
conducted this spring in expect members of minorities
Slovakia. Along with the to be serious not only about
BY MICHAELA much-debated change in the the economic and social in-
TERENZANI threshold for mandating that formation, but also about be-
Spectator staff minority languages are to be longing to the national com-
used in municipalities, the munity from which they de-
actual count of minority cit- rive their identity or with
TEN YEARS have passed since izens that results from this which they are culturally
the last census took place in census will also determine linked,” Chmel wrote in a
Slovakia and statisticians are where a minority language statement, adding that this
looking forward to soon hav- must be officially recognised will be particularly important
ing fresh data available from and used. Representatives of for those minorities who are
the next count of population ethnic Hungarians, whose perceived by the majority
and housing, scheduled to officially-recorded popula- through negative stereotypes.
take place in late spring 2011. tion is expected to drop again
They claim that the import- in this census, have already Hungarians
ance of the census is even started campaigning for eth- to campaign
bigger this time around, since nic Hungarians living in
2011 will see censuses take Slovakia’s southern districts The 2001 census counted
place all around the European to state their nationality as over 520,000 ethnic Hun-
Union, making the union- Hungarian when completing garians living in Slovakia but
wide data suitable for inter- the census question. experts have said that the re-
national comparison. The question about a corded population could drop
The Population and Hous- Slovakia will soon have updated information about its residents and housing. Photo: SITA resident’s national identity by as many as 60,000 in the
ing Census, to give it its full offers 14 specific choices plus 2011 census. In 2001, the
name, will be held in Slovakia The census question- The census is anonymous the census, including allow- a blank field if none of the lis- number was almost 50,000
in May 2011. The actual meas- naires will be available in the because previous censuses ing the state to be able to ted nationalities corresponds less than in 1991.
urement point for the census Slovak, Hungarian, Roma, have been misused, for in- make accurate prognoses for with the person’s professed Sociologists have said
will be midnight between Ukrainian, and Ruthenian stance the census done before the future development of nationality. The choices are that the drop in the number
May 20 and May 21, 2011. It is languages. Questionnaires in World War II was later used society. Slovak and the 13 officially re- of ethnic Hungarians recor-
the country’s most extensive English will be available only to monitor Slovakia’s Jewish The census data will be cognised national minorities ded in the census could be at-
statistical inquiry and is ex- for the electronic census. residents, said István Schill, processed in the second half living in Slovakia: Hungarian, tributed to demographic
pected to provide new data It is the first time that the deputy head of the Statist- of 2011, but the deadline for Roma, Ruthenian, Ukrainian, changes as about 1,000 more
about the number of people Slovakia will allow residents ics Office, at a press confer- publication of the compre- Czech, German, Polish, Croa- ethnic Hungarians die each
living in the Slovak Republic, to participate in a census ence on February 23. hensive results is not until tian, Serbian, Russian, Jew- year than are born to ethnic
as well as information regard- electronically. The electronic Census questionnaires for March 2014. That is when ish, Moravian and Bulgarian. Hungarian families.
ing the population’s demo- census sheets will be avail- all EU countries, including Eurostat, the European stat- The results of the census But Boris Vaňo from the
graphic, educational, social able at Slovakia, contain so-called istics authority, expects to re- will have an impact on Demographic Research
and economic structure. To be able to complete the obligatory topics according to ceive all the data from the na- whether a minority language Centre also pointed out to
For the first time censuses census online, a respondent the directive of the European tional statistics authorities. will be designated as one that the SITA newswire that na-
will be held simultaneously needs an identifier, which is Parliament and the European “The Slovak Statistics Of- must be spoken or written in tionality in the census is de-
across the whole EU based on a randomly-generated num- Council, Juhaščíková said, fice will, obviously, also pub- a certain municipality in offi- termined on a declaratory
Regulation (EC) No 763/2008 of ber they will receive from adding that the most inter- lish running results from the cial communications. The principle: a person states
the European Parliament and their census taker in a sealed esting among them is defin- census,” Juhaščíková said, current threshold in Slovakia their nationality.
of the Council of 9 July 2008 envelope. itely the question about the adding that the first set of is when a municipality has 20 “Assimilation is an exist-
on Population and Housing While the hard-copy so-called usual address of a results could be released as percent or more of its resid- ing phenomenon and we
Censuses, which obliges all 27 questionnaires will need to resident – that is, the place early as autumn 2011. ents from a specific minority. must create a political atmo-
EU member states to hold a be filled out between May 21 where the resident spends The statistical data can, The municipality is then des- sphere that will make minor-
census in the same year, 2011, and June 6, 2011, the window the biggest part of his or her according to Schill, facilitate ignated a bilingual municip- ities feel at home in
using uniform or comparable for online submissions will time, and where he or she decision-making by respons- ality in which certain rights Slovakia,” László Juhás, the
definitions of surveyed in- be restricted to May 21 to usually spends the day, or ible officials regarding issues for the minority become head of the Section for Na-
formation. May 29. Those interested in sleeps at night. such as where to develop obligatory. Rudolf Chmel, tional Minorities at the Gov-
completing an electronic “This basic characteristic apartments, or where a Slovakia’s Deputy Prime Min- ernment Office, told SITA.
Foreigners counted too census should announce to shows that the aim of this school, hospital or road is ister for Human Rights and
their respective census taker topic is to find out the real needed. Statistics derived National Minorities, is now See COUNT pg 9
The census is not restric- when first visited; if they fail number of inhabitants in par- from census results will also
ted only to citizens of each to do so, the census taker will ticular EU countries and pre- answer questions associated
state being counted and sur- have to visit once more and vent one citizen from being with enterprise; where and in
veyed. Slovakia’s law on the fill out a hard-copy ques- counted in several countries,” which sphere business efforts
2011 census states that the tionnaire instead. Juhaščíková said. pay off, where regional in-
census will gather informa- vestments should be directed
tion about all residents, 52 questions Is a census necessary? to create new jobs, or where
whether citizens of the Slovak the existing workforce should
Republic or foreigners living There will be three ques- The census, which will be retained.
in Slovakia at the relevant tionnaires to fill out for the cost Slovakia €30.6 million, In Slovakia one very fre-
point in time. census, altogether compris- has been criticised heavily in quently cited use for the res-
“The census applies to in- ing 52 questions. The Resident the Slovak media over some ults is connected with ques-
habitants, including foreign- Sheet, which is to be filled out questions in particular – tions of nationality and reli-
ers, with the exception of for- for each member of a house- mainly those about religious gion. The proportion of
eigners who enjoy diplomatic hold, asks for personal in- beliefs – but also over whether minority members in a muni-
advantages and immunity,” formation such as place of it makes sense to hold a cipality, for instance, determ-
Ivana Juhaščíková from the birth, employment, national- census at all. Some media ines whether the respective
department of population ity and religion – but also have pointed out that the public bodies are obliged to
statistics of the Slovak Statist- computer literacy. Apart from state is spending money and speak and write in the
ics Office told The Slovak that, there is an Apartment time filling out question- minority’s language as well as
Spectator. According to her, a Sheet, to be completed by one naires on topics that people in Slovak, while the number
foreigner who has been resid- person for the entire house- already answer in other offi- of religious believers determ-
ing in Slovakia for less than 90 hold, and a House Sheet, to be cial forms. ines the amount of financial
days is obliged to answer only completed by house owners The Statistics Office, assistance that the state
questions relating to their sex, or, possibly, house managers however, argues that there provides to churches and reli- The percentage of minority residents determines whether a
date of birth and citizenship. for each apartment house. are many justifications for gious organisations. municipality has bilingual signage. Photo: Sme -V. Šimíček
4 March 7 – 13, 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

AGRO: 'The whole issue

Economic sentiment up in February
THE INDEX of Economic ther drop in employment in
has been politicised'
Sentiment (IES) in Slovakia the next three months.
improved by 0.3 percentage The indicator of confid- Continued from pg 1
points in February 2011 to ence in retail fell by 12
reach 97.4, the TASR news- points in February to 6.7, “In fact it was the former
wire reported based on data matching the long-term av- management of the Agricul-
from Slovakia’s Statistics’ erage. ture Ministry and the gov-
Office. The indicator of confid- ernment led by Fico who in
The IES was particularly ence in services dropped by January 2010 decided that
influenced positively by 1.3 points month-on-month Slovakia would use 45,000
higher consumer confid- to 25.0 due to a negative as- tonnes of grain from inter-
ence. sessment of expected de- ventional stocks in 2011 for
The Index grew by 10.3 mand while the overall humanitarian help,” Kadáš
points year-on-year, but is business situation and cur- said, adding that the govern-
still 0.5 points below the rent demand were assessed ment did not expect “even in
long-term average, the more positively by the re- its worst dream” to be criti-
Statistics Office said while spondents, TASR wrote. cised by a left-wing politician
the indicator of confidence Consumer confidence – a reference to Fico – for seek-
in industry fell by 4.7 points did not change significantly ing ways to improve the lives
in February due to negative in the month-on-month of people in need.
assessments of demand and terms, with its indicator There are about 370,000
by increased stocks. growing by 0.5 points to people in Slovakia who could A proposal to provide pasta and flour to those in need has generated political heat. Photo: AP
The indicator of confid- minus 26.1, especially due to benefit from the assistance.
ence in construction de- a better perception of the They are socially the most why this should be regarded The challenges whole manoeuvring space on
teriorated by 1 point expected financial situation vulnerable groups, orphan- as incongruous. Becík also the joint market.
month-on-month in Febru- in households. ages, nurseries and nursing said that Slovakia imports too As for the tasks that the “We warned about it dur-
ary to minus 40.5, falling Nevertheless, compared homes, social services much food and the country agricultural sector and the ing the pre-entry period,
below the long-term aver- to the same period last year homes as well as people liv- should follow a path of great- government faces, Semančík when we unambiguously
age by 16.5 points. It was af- people were more pessimist- ing under the subsistence er self-sufficiency, while ac- said that the ultimate goal said that in association with
fected by an expected fur- ic, by 6.1 points. level, said Kadáš. cusing the government of should be the stabilisation of European integration we did
“The conditions are treating agriculture “like a the whole sector, especially not fear foreign competition
defined by the European Uni- step-child”. livestock production, which but unequal conditions for
Social insurer to halve staff by 2016 on and the union itself will be Smer has panned the has sunk into such decline business,” Semančík said,
watching over [us to see that government’s plan to distrib- that, he said, the numbers of adding that the result was
THE NUMBER of employees initiative undertaken by the we are] meeting these ute flour and pasta and said pigs farmed has dropped to an “almost unbelievable
working at Slovakia’s social Finance Ministry. conditions,” Kadáš said. “We that it would address the issue approximately the level last drop in Slovakia’s food self-
insurance provider, Sociálna Sociálna Poisťovňa is ex- restate that the whole process of high food prices by cutting seen during the Second World sufficiency, to the level of 47
Poisťovňa (SP), will be re- pected to lay off about 600 is sheltered, financed and VAT from 20 to 19 percent and War. He said farming of other percent”.
duced from last year's 5,863 employees in 2011. administered by the European by increasing direct payments livestock is not much better.
to 3,000 by 2016, based on a “We expect to spend €2 Union, Slovakia will not pay a to farmers. Along with synchronising Agro policies
newly released strategic million on the layoffs while single cent for this “Slovakia must return to conditions with the joint ag-
plan. the annual savings will reach assistance.” the idea of food security,” said ricultural policies of the EU it Minister Simon has held
“The number of employ- €8 million,” said SP General The food will be provided Smer leader Robert Fico, as also is necessary to improve several bilateral meetings
ees will be influenced by in- Director Ľuboš Lopatka to charity organisations by quoted by SITA newswire. He the business environment for with colleagues from Po-
ternal measures aimed at about the layoff plan, as grain processors who win a did not explain how such a farmers, said Semančík: “First land, Germany, Hungary
raising the efficiency of SP’s quoted by SITA. public tender, he added. policy would be implemented, of all this means thoroughly and the Czech Republic. Ac-
operation, with the biggest Expenditures by the SP Milan Semančík, the given the EU’s strict rules to harmonising Slovak legisla- cording to Kadáš, an import-
effect in 2011 and 2012,” the administrative fund are to chairman of the Slovak protect free trade, or how it tion with European norms in ant step towards improving
SITA newswire wrote, quot- fall from €128.3 million in Chamber of Food and Agri- might benefit consumers. every instance where our reg- the joint agricultural policy
ing from the document. 2010 to about €80.9 million culture, told The Slovak Fico insisted that the cur- ulations exceed the require- was the signing last year of
The number of employ- in 2016. Spectator that the whole is- rent government is not inter- ments of the union.” the Bratislava Declaration,
ees to be cut in 2012 and 2013 In 2013, Sociálna sue has been politicised even ested in agriculture. Semančík also said that it which was signed by six of
are related to the transfer of Poisťovňa forecasts one-off though it is part of a pro- “We think that the gov- is necessary to rebalance rela- the new EU members.
collection of current insur- expenditures that relate to gramme that was used across ernment of Iveta Radičová tions and profits in the whole “It is necessary to seek
ance premiums and past due the transfer of premium col- the European Union even be- fundamentally contributes to food distribution system ways so that joint agriculture
payments to newly created lection functions to the new fore Slovakia joined. what is happening around where, according to him, re- policies are reformed in a fair
financial offices under an state financial offices. “Certainly, this is not a food prices since it lacks any tail chains have an unam- manner and seek ways to re-
systemic step in terms of solv- agricultural policies,” said biguously dominant position distribute finances for the
ing the key problems of our Fico. “It considers agriculture at the expense of farmers and farmers of the new EU mem-
Bratislava City Card proves popular agro-food complex, nor the a redundant sector which has food producers. bers more objectively,” said
price of food in stores,” been reflected in specific de- Semančík said this should Kadáš. “By the entry of the
ALMOST 13,000 residents of pools, the Bratislava City Semančík said. “But then cisions which have been mean “focus[ing] on increas- eastern European countries to
Bratislava have shown an in- Card will bring a 20-percent none of the one-time meas- taken against farmers.” ing the sale of selected Slovak- the EU, the old member states
terest in acquiring a Bratis- discount off regular prices. ures, including the EU pro- The ministry responded to made quality agricultural gained for little money a large
lava City Card since January Almost 2,700 card holders gramme, are intended to be Smer’s criticism by pointing products, including increas- market and thus it is neces-
15, when three partner banks have activated their card to such. Nevertheless, the inter- out that under the four-year ing the effectiveness of the sary that the states of the EU
started issuing the card to serve as a pre-paid city trans- national community has rel- Fico government four nomin- system of Brand of Quality of 15 support the joint position of
customers who request one. port ticket, Bratislava Mayor atively rich experience with ees, including Becík himself, Slovakia, as well as the devel- the new EU members.”
The card, available to per- Milan Ftáčnik said, as repor- it, while it is a first for Slov- came and went from the post opment of projects for region- Minister Simon suggested
sons with permanent resid- ted by the TASR newswire. akia in its modern history.” of agriculture minister. al food, which has consider- that the policies of the
ence in Bratislava, can be The banks currently in- The ministry dismissed ably suffered from the global European agricultural sector
used for domestic and inter- volved in the project are VÚB Smer rings agro-alarm criticism of its performance approach of retail systems.” must be market-oriented and
national payments, as a lib- Bank, OTP Bank, UniCredit and attached a list of the res- As for the eventual impact competitive and that it is ne-
rary card and as an electronic Bank Slovensko and Volks- As well as attacking the ults it said it has achieved in of joint EU agricultural cessary to preserve its budget
ticket for city galleries and bank Slovensko, which plan, Becík, who became well- just seven months. These in- policies on the end-prices of at the current level within the
museums. joined on March 1. Of these known after travelling parts cluded a systemic change to food in Slovakia and the com- financial framework of the
The card can also be used only UniCredit issues cards of Slovakia in a horse-drawn restitution claims; electronic petitiveness of Slovak food EU, said Kadáš.
to purchase pre-paid tickets to Bratislavans who do not carriage while minister, also procurement within the products, Semančík says that In early February, Simon
for city transport along with already hold a bank account said that the situation in state management of these joint policies have signi- met German Minister for
a 10-percent discount. with it. Slovakia’s agricultural sector forestry, which according to ficantly contributed to the de- Food, Agriculture and Con-
When visiting cultural Poštová Banka and is “catastrophic”. the ministry has eliminated cline in Slovak agriculture sumer Protection Ilse Aigner
attractions and other venues Slovenská Sporiteľňa are ex- He pointed out that at a corrupt behaviour; the ex- since 2004. Through discrim- and agreed to shape a joint
operated by the city, such as pected to join the programme time when food prices were pected renewal of the accred- ination against new member German-Slovak working
Bratislava Zoo, the city’s art some time in 2011. rising sharply, direct pay- itation of the Agricultural states, including Slovakia, in committee to harmonise the
gallery and museum, and the ments to agriculture were be- Payment Agency; as well as subsidies the EU has contrib- opinions of particular parties
Pasienky indoor swimming Compiled by Spectator staff ing reduced by €40 million, steps taken to strengthen uted to worsening their com- on reform of joint agricultur-
pool or summertime outdoor from press reports although he did not explain domestic production. petitiveness as well as the al policies.
OPINION / NEWS March 7 – 13, 2011 5
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “He is backed by politicians in the highest places.”

An employee of one of alleged VAT fraudster Mikuláš Vareha’s companies.

The twilight of the census
COUNTING the population is pact on the life of the minor- identify with a certain
probably one of the oldest ities than some individuals minority often fear the loss
administrative pastimes of might realise. These num- of their language.

Šeherezáda those in power: Roman king

Servius Tullius inscribed the
word “census” in the history
bers often determine the
rights and financing of
minorities in ethnically-
It is not always about a
fear of being banned from
using it; sometimes the con-
books when he counted his mixed areas, and also where cern is that in fact they are
The shift in culture goes
people to keep track of those minorities are able to use not inspired to use it any-
BY LUKÁŠ FILA hand in hand with a weaker fit for army service and to where else but in their living
Special to the Spectator role of religion. The fact that estimate the economic rooms and kitchens.

Jozef and Mária are the most strength of the population. Why is language so cru-
common names leaves little Questions have been lis- cial for minorities?
YOU DON’T need to be an ex- doubt about the historically ted, tables designed and Whenever ethnic groups
pert on Slovakia to guess that strong position of Christian- “census takers” trained so give up their language their
Šeherezáda is not exactly a ity here. And although last that the state in Slovakia culture rapidly metamorph-
typical local name. But thanks year‘s first five boys’ names can now get its new num- oses into fragile, dusty mu-
to the massive success of the (Jakub, Samuel, Tomáš, bers. Given recent technolo- seum pieces, such as collec-
soap opera A Thousand and Lukáš and Martin) indicate a gical progress, one would tions of old folk songs
One Nights we too have our continuation of that trend, think that the time when which after just a couple of
first Šeherezáda’s. all the Sofia’s, Viktória’s, and census takers roam the decades are simply no
Much like the Rambo’s, Laura’s indicate that the country armed with tables longer understood.
Winnetou’s, Sandokan’s, and Bible is by no means the only and questionnaires was While it might seem that
Esteban’s of the past, they will source of inspiration. over. But it seems that the it is a “victory” for the ma-
quickly be replaced by Lastly, as in all other twilight of the census has jority nation when the
something even trendier and areas of life, new things come yet to arrive. number of those who identi-
are unlikely to become a mass made it to the 2010 top ten list mainly from the West. Observers suggests that fy with a national minority
phenomenon. But a brief look (Sofia, Viktória, Natália, Slovakia has many perhaps Slovakia will this in the census drops, the
at the names that have be- Laura, Nela, Nina, Kristína, unique names (think of year experience its last old- truth is that the nation as a
come dominant nicely illus- Ema, Vanesa and Lucia). Svetozár, Ignác, Bonifác) fashioned census, since in whole loses something irre-
trates some of the changes the The fashion in men’s which could be resurrected ten years the state should placeable as it witnesses the
country is going through. names is more stable – Mar- and new ones could possibly finally be able to find a way disappearance of a cultural
First, there is a break with tin, Michal and Tomáš appear be invented. to use the data it collects group which is unique in its
tradition. The Interior on both lists. That is not too likely to BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
through other institutions, Spectator staff very essence and enriches
Ministry’s statistics show However, the new names happen. But than again, pre- for instance the social in- the majority. The culture of
that none of the ten most have a lot of catching up to do – dictions can be misleading – surer, health insurers and ethnic Hungarians in Slov-
common women’s names the one thousand Sofia’s born who would have guessed that the cadastre. akia, their language use,
(Mária, Anna, Zuzana, last year have little chance of soon there will be dozens of However, there are their mother tongue in offi- their songs and fairytales are
Katarína, Eva, Jana, Helena, threatening the dominance of little Šeherezáda’s running some groups in society who cial contexts. different in many respects
Monika, Marta and Martina) the 225,000 Mária’s. around the country? anxiously await the census The approaching census from those in Hungary. Its
results, because the num- has made the planned slow decline should raise
bers they reveal can de- changes to the Act on the questions in the majority
termine state policies Use of Languages of Ethnic population as well.
which directly affect them. Minorities even more cru- Of course there is always
These groups are the na- cial, with the government natural assimilation, espe-
tional minorities. passing an amendment cially in a globalising world,
The census has been which would reduce the and when a mixed family
causing particular concern threshold required for fills out census question-
for representatives of the minorities to be allowed to naires it is likely that they
Hungarian minority in Slov- use their native language in will identify with the major-
akia. While the 2001 census official contacts from the ity nation. What is import-
counted over 520,000 Hun- current 20 percent to 15 per- ant though, behind the cold
garians living in Slovakia, cent. Béla Bugár’s Most-Hid statistics, is that whatever
experts expect that this party had originally hoped option people choose, they
number could drop by as to achieve a 10 percent make their choice based on
many as 60,000 in 2011. threshold but then settled how they feel or where they
Studying the psychology for a compromise. see themselves in society,
of those who no longer wish While the majority popu- and not based on their pro-
to be identified as a minority lation often does not under- jection of where they should
or no longer want to have stand all the fuss around appear as numbers. Other-
their children counted as minority languages, with wise the census will turn
Hungarians could fill hun- those fired by nationalism out to be nothing but an
dreds of pages of sociological parroting that perhaps orgy of numbers, one that
studies, but the numbers minorities in Slovakia have will nonetheless still impact
You called me WHAT? Slovakia already has its first baby Šeherezáda's. Photo: Sme - Ján Krošlák will have a much deeper im- excessive rights, people who real people’s lives.

EU: Slovaks back accession for some

Continued from pg 2 percent saying they did not. Yes to enlargement, but... Slovak respondents. Croatia’s J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher
In Germany and France, the accession was supported by
“On the one hand it means EU was not trusted by about Compared with the aver- 78 percent, while Iceland, B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
that the engagement of Slovak half of those surveyed. age among EU countries, Slov- Montenegro and Ukraine J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
citizens in EU politics lags be- “In the old member states aks are much more positive would be supported in their D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
hind, as seen from the very European politics and politi- towards further enlargement accession ambitions by M IC H AE LA TER ENZANI - Staff Writer
low turnout in the EP elec- cians are perceived to be much of the union, with 68 percent more than half of the Slov- ZUZANA V IL IKOVS K Á - Staff Writer
tions; on the other hand the more connected with their na- supporting the accession of aks surveyed. D O M INIK A UH R ÍKOVÁ - Staff Writer
EU institutions are not per- tional politics,” Geist said. He new members. Geist attrib- “Switzerland and Norway LAYOUT, WEB & IT
ceived as connected with added that another reason for uted this to the fact that there are rich countries, therefore TATIANA ŠTR AUC HOVÁ - Graphic Designer
‘dirty politics’,” he added. the higher level of trust among is no particular political power their [potential] membership R O M AN K R Á Ľ - IT
TO M Á Š PAL L O - Online Publishing
the new member states is that in Slovakia that is known to be is not seen as bringing prob-
Old states are more sceptical they have benefitted much very sceptical, or completely lems, as is the accession of SALES - FINANCES
more from their EU member- opposed, to EU enlargement. poorer states,” Geist said, B EATA F OJ TÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive
M AR TINA Š M ATL ÁKOVÁ - PR and Marketing Manager
While most of the newer ship than the older members The survey found, adding that cultural closeness M AR TA F UK AS OVÁ - Advertising Assistant
members of the EU27 were did from their accession. however, that Slovaks have might play a part too, espe- D ÁŠA R EH ÁKOVÁ - Circulation Manager
among the most EU-optimist- For most Slovaks the EU very selective views about cially in the case of Croatia. The Slovak Spectator is an independent newspaper published every Monday by The Rock, s.r.o.
ic, the other end of the rank- means the common European which countries they sup- On the other hand, the Subscriptions: Inquiries should be made to The Slovak Spectator’s business office at (+421-2) 59 233 300.
Printing: Petit Press a.s. Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s.
ing was occupied by the ‘old’ currency and the freedom to port for accession. Future survey found that one third Mail Distribution: ABOPRESS. EV 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction
in whole or in part without permission is prohibited by law. The authors of articles published in this issue,
member states. The survey travel, study and work any- membership by countries or less of the surveyed Slov- represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public transmission
found that the most sceptical where in the EU – and these with strong economies – aks supported the accession of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well as for the public circulation of reproductions of these articles,
in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media monitoring is provided
Europeans were the British, are viewed as significant be- Norway and Switzerland – of Albania (24 percent), by Newton, IT, SMA and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein
is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not a written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such
with only 20 percent saying nefits that flowed to Slovak was supported by 85 and 90 Kosovo (28 percent) and Tur- commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843.
they trusted the EU and 64 citizens from EU accession. percent, respectively, of the key (33 percent). Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IâO: 313 86 237.
6 March 7 – 13, 2011

Firms seek to upgrade Slovaks' BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:


internet-security awareness

Slovak news sites to erect pay-

wall to access certain content CONSTRUCTION

Will eGovernment begin Institutions and organisations in

internet and online services

Ministry of Finance

to finally move forward? Minister: Ivan Mikloš

Government Proxy for an Information Society:

Roland Sill
State proxy says urement, by 8 percentage
points to 63 percent, and the
PM Radičová sophistication of online ser- IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS)
gives it high vices in the country increased
by 9 percentage points to 81 per-
priority cent. In spite of this progress, Slovak Association of Electronic Commerce (SAEC)
Slovakia remained far below the
European average in both
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ benchmarks, near the end of Association of Internet Media (AIM)
Spectator staff the rankings – for full online
availability it was fifth from the
bottom and in sophistication it Club of Advertising Agencies of Slovakia (KRAS)
DIGITALISING public services is was eighth from the bottom.
a general undertaking by gov- The results of the bench-
ernments around the world and mark assessment were no
Slovakia is no exception, at least Slovaks have limited access to e-public services. Photo: SITA surprise to Roland Sill, the
when lofty ambitions and stated government proxy for an in- Some internet providers in Slovakia
plans are concerned. But actual ment, a report commissioned Switzerland. The report focused formation society, who took
achievements indicate that by the European Commission on the availability and sophist- over the post from Pavol Tar-
Slovakia is lagging far behind published on February 21, ication of online services to ina last year after the June Antik Telekom,
other countries in Europe. The shows that even though Slov- businesses and citizens. The re- parliamentary election. GTS Slovakia,
government of Iveta Radičová is akia has made some progress in port found that Europeans, on “The measured standing Orange Slovensko,
seeking to bridge the gap. The the availability and sophistica- average, had online access to 82 of Slovakia is in line with the Satro,
biggest change, in addition to tion of government online ser- percent of basic public services, reality,” Sill told The Slovak Slovak Telekom,
merely turning paper docu- vices, it lags behind other such as job searches and gov- Spectator. “The benchmark- Slovanet,
ments into electronic forms of European countries in several ernment benefit guides, up ing indicates what all we feel. Swan,
communication in order to significant respects. from 69 percent a year earlier. On one hand we see a certain UPC Broadband Slovakia,
make public services more effi- The report was jointly pre- The report also stated that the improvement but on the oth-
cient, may rest in the increased pared by Capgemini, Rand sophistication of services had er hand progress is very hesit- Compiled by Spectator staff
importance the current gov- Europe research institute, In- risen from 83 percent to 90 per- ant and inadequately slow.”
ernment is giving to developing ternational Data Corporation cent last year. Ireland, Austria, Sill said Slovakia is still
strategies to reduce bureaucrat- (IDC) and the Danish Technolo- Malta and Portugal were at the failing to progress rapidly in Home internet access spreads fast
ic requirements while building gical Institute (DTI) and ana- top in both indicators. its building of eGovernment
eGovernment services. lysed 32 countries – all EU mem- Slovakia improved in full services.
The latest Benchmark ber countries as well as Iceland, online availability compared to AS MANY as 70 percent of households across the
Measurement on EU eGovern- Turkey, Croatia, Norway and its previous benchmark meas- See eGOV pg 8 European Union had access to the internet in the first
quarter of 2010, up from only 49 percent in the first
quarter of 2009. In Slovakia, 67 percent of households

Slovak advertisers advancing online were connected by the first quarter of 2010 and the
country posted one of the EU’s most dramatic increases
in household internet connections between 2006 and
posted a year-on-year increase of 31 per- line advertising market depends on its 2010, according to data published by Eurostat, the
Rapid growth in cent in that quarter. stakeholders, such as internet-based me- union’s statistics office, in mid December, as quoted by
internet access creates “This is very positive news for advert- dia, advertising agencies and advertisers the SITA newswire.
ising in Slovakia,” Milan Csaplár, chief of themselves.
new opportunities the executive board of AIM, wrote in a “While in the past we were all discover- The number of Slovak households with access to the
press release. “Advertisers more and more ing the opportunities online and many internet more than doubled after 2006, when only 27
trust in internet advertising. When we also things were new to us, we now have the percent were online.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ take into consideration investments by basic knowledge on which we can build,”
Spectator staff Slovak advertisers in servers owned by Holéczyová told The Slovak Spectator, Internet penetration increased the fastest in Romania,
non-members [of AIM] and in internation- adding that this has brought more courage were domestic access tripled, from 14 percent of
al social networks and search engines, the to clients to experiment with non-tradi- households in 2006 to 42 percent in 2010. In Bulgaria
sum amounts to as much as €40.9 million.” tional methods as well as a growing num- access spread from 17 to 33 percent of homes, and in the
AFTER a dip in online advertising revenues AIM views the recent development of ber of clients present in the online envir- Czech Republic from 29 to 61 percent. Slovaks, along with
in 2009 due to the economic crisis in Slov- the Slovak online advertising market as be- onment. “Nevertheless, when compared Bulgarians, Lithuanians and Latvians, were among those
akia, the market grew once again in 2010 ing very similar to that of the global market with abroad, we still have much to learn who most frequently used the internet to make
and prospects for 2011 are quite positive. or in other countries’ markets even though and the development itself [in Slovakia], voice and video calls.
Advertisers, advertising agencies and me- there is a moderate lag in the arrival in like in other sectors, is lagging behind by
dia outlets are shedding their previous cau- Slovakia of some services that are popular some years.” The Netherlands reported the highest proportion of
tion and are now discovering new oppor- in other parts of the world. households with internet access, 91 percent, followed by
tunities within the medium of internet- “Probably deal-of-the-day websites are Most common online ads Luxembourg and Sweden, with 90 percent and 88
based advertising. Online advertising is re- the best examples [of this lag] at the cur- percent, respectively. The lowest share of households
sponding quickly to the rapid development rent time,” Veronika Pizano, the executive Banner advertising remains the most connected was in Bulgaria (33 percent), followed by
of high-speed internet connections within manager at AIM, told The Slovak Spectator. popular kind of online advertising in Slov- Romania (42 percent) and Greece (46 percent).
Slovakia, even though the country still lags “The Groupon website [a Chicago-based akia. Of all spending on internet-based ad-
behind other parts of the world in this area daily deals company] became popular in vertising on AIM members’ servers it ac- During the first quarter of 2010, as many as 61 percent of
as well as in access to the newest and most the USA and has emerged in Slovakia after counted for 52 percent, or €13.1 million. EU households had broadband internet connections,
sophisticated electronic devices. a delay of about six months to a year. Here Classifieds ads followed with 20 percent meaning the proportion doubled compared with the first
Expenditure on internet-based advert- in Slovakia deal-of-the-day websites are (€5 million) and so-called search ads were quarter of 2009, when only 30 percent had broadband
ising hosted on servers owned by members also registering success.” close behind with 16 percent (€4 million). connections. Sweden led the field in broadband
of Slovakia’s Association of Internet Media Petra Holéczyová, the managing dir- Compared with the previous year, lead- connections, with 83 percent, while Romania brought
(AIM) declined by 5.4 percent over the ector of a full-service digital advertising generation advertising registered the most up the rear with only 23 percent. In Slovakia, 49 percent
course of 2009 but then increased by 7.7 agency,, who also teaches digital significant increase, up by 439 percent, ac- of households had broadband connections.
percent, to €25.1 million, in 2010. The last marketing at the Faculty of Media at The cording to AIM.
quarter of 2010 contributed significantly to Pan European University in Bratislava, Compiled by Spectator staff
the positive trend as internet advertising thinks the development of the Slovak on- See AD pg 8 from press reports
BUSINESS FOCUS March 7 – 13, 2011 7

Targeting online security FOCUS shorts

Slovaks are Slovaks spend more online, more often
conservative but
SLOVAKS shopped more of- described 2010 as having
careless internet ten and spent more in e- been very successful.
users commerce in 2010 than a In terms of goods pur-
year earlier. According to chased, customers made
data provided by online 474,000 orders with a total
BY JANA LIPTKÁKOVÁ shops,, value of €37 million. In ser-
Spectator staff,,, vices, turnover was €40 mil- and lion and orders numbered, all members of 112,000. Compared with 2009
the Slovak Association of this was an increase of 36.7
ONLINE technology is Electronic Commerce (SAEC), percent in turnover and 46.5
evolving at breakneck speed. they made and settled million in orders.
This brings not only sophist- 586,000 orders between Consumers in Bratislava
icated new services, smarter them last year. Compared Region placed almost one
ways of communication and with the previous year this quarter of all orders, while
more opportunities to share was an increase of 46 per- the remaining regions were
information, videos and pho- cent. Sales via the e-shops each responsible for 10-12
tos with family and friends, grew 17 percent to €76.36 mil- percent of the total orders.
but also potential online lion, the SITA newswire re- The types of payment
dangers and the need to de- ported, citing SAEC data. used remained relatively
fend against them. The owner “The comparison of the similar. Compared with
of any computer now needs to number of orders and the 2009, only the share for pay-
have, and regularly update, Experts stress the need for parental vigilance when children are online. Photo: Sme - T. Benedikovič turnover indicates that the ment on collection increased
anti-virus programs and be- number of fans of online significantly, up by 4 percent
have in a responsible way vetting and security clearance some rules,” said Kvasnica. Private Schools and School Fa- shops is growing signific- to 21 percent.
when putting information, of personnel appointed to “They do not realise that they cilities in Slovakia, has been antly faster than the value of Cash on delivery re-
photos and videos on the web sensitive positions, was using risk not only the loss of data, conducting a survey among goods and services bought,” mained dominant, with cli-
or communicating with his or the password ‘nbusr123’ for its but during the current time of parents of school children said SAEC executive director ents using this payment
her bank online. But although own system. social networks and payment aged up to 18 years. Its partial Jozef Dvorský. This was also method for almost two thirds
the potential dangers of the The experts regard social cards, also the loss of their results, revealed on January reflected in the lower value of orders. Twelve percent
internet are quite well known, networks as representing a money and identity.” 25, showed that many parents of the average order, which chose direct transfers to
Slovak users do not always be- special security issue. According to Kvasnica, do not know how to protect decreased from €162.50 in sellers’ bank accounts. Cus-
have in a responsible way and “I think that few people Slovaks often lack even basic their children from online 2009 to €130.42 in 2010. tomers financed only 1.5 per-
do not take online security realise how much personal awareness about security dangers. More than 37 percent Dvorský sees residual re- cent of orders via instalment
seriously enough, say experts. data they give away on social risks on the internet. Normal of parents admitted that they straint stemming from the purchase schemes, but this
The experts report that networks and how these de- internet users who do not had caught their children financial and economic crisis method accounted for nearly
Slovaks underrate the security tails can be abused and work in the IT sector often watching improper content behind the behaviour of con- 4 percent of the total online
risks that internet use may misused,” said Okaninová. neglect to install a firewall or on the internet. Parents be- sumers. In spite of this, he shopping turnover.
pose for them. The level of Greguš agrees, adding anti-virus program, though lieve that various technical
safety precautions the average that people often share sens- thanks to education and pro- measures could help, but they
Slovak user applies is relat- itive information on social motion things are improving. often do not know how to ob- All Slovaks to get broadband by 2013
ively low and the passwords networks, for example when The situation is worse when it tain or use them.
they use are too simple and they are going on holiday. comes to protection against Teachers say it is import- THE SLOVAK cabinet on commercial sector and pub-
easy to crack. This may be ideal informa- phishing, updating software ant that parents demonstrate March 2 adopted an updated lic administration. Thus the
“Analyses which we en- tion for burglars, who can including the operating sys- an interest from a very early National Strategy for Broad- new strategy envisions ex-
counter show regularly that use it to find out when tem, and using precautions age in what websites their band Internet Access in pansion of the network to al-
people in general are not care- homes will be empty. against identity theft and ab- children are looking at and Slovakia according to which low higher connection
ful enough when on the in- Moreover, according to use of data on social networks. keep their children’s online all Slovaks should have ac- speeds, the SITA newswire
ternet and that Slovakia is not Kvasnica, it is possible to According to Kvasnica, behaviour in check. cess to a fast internet con- wrote.
an exception,” Roman Greguš, find social network profiles there is a lack of integrated “It is necessary not only to nection by 2013, the TASR The new strategy dis-
manager for internal and ex- with photos and texts which and mass education about se- protect children from inap- newswire reported. cussed the need to adjust ex-
ternal communications at in- are left completely public by curity on the internet. He be- propriate content, but also to “The aim is to ensure isting regulation because the
ternet provider Slovanet, told users even though Facebook, lieves that in companies and evaluate information they get broadband internet access high costs of creating the in-
The Slovak Spectator. “Slovaks for example, provides relat- state administration this from the internet in a critical with a connection speed of 1 frastructure for high-speed
as well as other Slavic nations ively effective security tools should be the task of the ad- way,” Saskia Repčíková, pres- Mbps for everybody by the internet access and the po-
are generally more trusting to protect privacy. ministrators of local net- ident of the Association of end of 2013 and to enable ac- tentially lower demand for
and underestimate the im- Based on Microsoft works. Smaller companies in Private Schools and School Fa- cess to high-speed internet such services may otherwise
portance of a strong password. Slovakia’s experiences, Slov- particular underestimate se- cilities in Slovakia, explained. with a bit rate of 30 Mbps by discourage providers from
They often use passwords aks are not very cautious, curity but, as Kvasnica points “Here school can be very the end of 2020 for all people, investing in the necessary
which can be guessed simply either. out, the consequences of helpful.” public administration [bod- infrastructure.
or which can be broken using “They are often surprised leaked or damaged sensitive In response to the worry- ies], the business sector and Out of the budget of the
a so-called dictionary attack.” how information, photos or data could result in liquida- ing survey results Slovanet the third sector,” reads the Operational Programme for
Paula Okaninová from Mi- opinions which they publish tion. He said there are plenty has launched a service at document. the Information Society
crosoft Slovakia agrees, say- online can be abused,” said of security tools available for, a The previous strategy, (OPIS) €113 million is alloc-
ing that passwords are often Okaninová. “There still re- the home internet user free, advisory website with adopted in 2005, focused on ated for projects to build
created according to how easy mains a feeling of anonym- which are free and of reason- the aim to raise people’s in- nationwide coverage of Slov- broadband internet infra-
they are to remember – rather ity, which is very deceptive.” able quality. terest in online security. Via akia with first-generation structure in regions with low
than how secure they are. On the other hand, in the advisory service parents broadband internet access. or insufficient infrastruc-
Ivan Kvasnica from the Greguš’s opinion, Slovaks are Active attitude can pose internet security re- Then, the speed for house- ture. A proposed OPIS revi-
online IT daily pointed also more conservative, from the IT sector lated questions to experts or holds was set at only 256 sion increased this amount
out to The Slovak Spectator which may act as a kind of ask how to improve their kbps with 2Mbps for the to €160 million.
that internet users worldwide protection. Some Slovak internet pro- children’s online security.
are not very careful, Some experts regard as viders and IT companies, re- “In general we assess
something which has been careless the behaviour of cognising the low awareness very pos- eHealth system still not in sight
demonstrated by checks by Slovak internet users when about online security, have itively, because it is meeting
well-known IT security com- communicating with their launched their own projects its goal – to raise people’s in- AN ELECTRONIC health care the Pravda daily wrote in
panies. At the end of 2010 banks online. to help clients. One of them, terest in online security,” system on which Slovakia early March.
hackers stole the passwords of Kvasnica ascribes the internet provider Slovanet, Greguš told The Slovak Spec- has spent tens of millions of “During the last four
some 200,000 users of some generally low level of aware- has been running a survey tator. “This is still insufficient euros, still remains unreal- months the ministry has
US portals, while the most ness of internet security to among parents to assess their and children, who do not real- ised. The project – in prepara- audited and revised the ori-
common passwords were low education and a lack of knowledge about how to pro- ise the dangers of the inter- tion since 2007 and intended ginal programme of imple-
‘123456’, ‘password’ and promotion of the need for tect their children from on- net, are often its victims. So to introduce patient e-books, mentation for eHealth and
‘12345678’. Slovakia has its higher security among in- line dangers. After finding out far more than 5,000 parents a national health portal and prepared a new strategy,”
own notorious example: a ternet users. that only some parents know have joined the survey and electronic prescription of Health Ministry spokesper-
hacker discovered in 2006 that “Internet users often treat what to do it has intensified the online advisory service is medicines – should have son Katarína Zollerová said.
the National Security Office of the computer and the internet its activities in this area. also successful.” started last year. The Health
the Slovak Republic (NBÚ SR), as tools for which they do not Slovanet, in cooperation Ministry has now halted the Compiled by Spectator staff
which is responsible for the need to take care and follow with the Association of See ONLINE pg 11 project, known as eHealth, from press reports
8 March 7 – 13, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

eGOV: New strategy seeks to reduce administrative steps

Continued from pg 6 has been the key to success in four priority goals and eGov- perts from the information and ernment halted many of the
other EU countries. ernment, digitalisation of pub- communication technologies projects within the eGovern-
He pointed out that “In countries where in- lic administration and the de- (ICT) sector who had hoped ment area when it believed
changes in other fields are formatisation was under the velopment of electronic ser- that IT projects for developing they were too expensive or
happening in much more dy- direct guarantee of the prime vices were budgeted to receive eGovernment would help the were not achieving the expec-
namic ways, citing the fact minister it progressed €826 million. sector span the gap in new or- ted benefits.
that internet banking has be- quickly,” said Sill. “Today I can The government proxy ders from commercial custom- Sill stated that successfully
come a commonplace part of luckily say that eGovernment noted that the biggest problem ers during the economic crisis. building eGovernment re-
people’s lives in recent years. has received a very high prior- in drawing EU funds has been a But the ICT sector also views a quires clear task assignments
“But it remains a large ity. A Strategic Board for eGov- heavy administrative burden, higher degree of digitalisation on the part of the state admin-
problem for the state adminis- ernment has been established but he added that Slovakia cre- to be critical in development of istration and then suppliers
tration to enable people to that is directly led by Prime ated the administrative prob- society as a whole. The IT As- should develop appropriate
communicate electronically, Minister Radičová at which all lems itself. sociation of Slovakia (ITAS) solutions.
even for very simple the key ministries are present. “A relatively small formal discussed the issue of eGov- “So far, it was not com-
applications,” said Sill. “I con- The primary aim of this board shortcoming can mean spoil- ernment at its general as- pletely like this and the mis-
sider this lagging on the part of is to accelerate the building of PM Iveta Radičová Photo:TASR ing efforts in preparation of sembly on March 1. take was especially on the part
the state to be unacceptable.” eGovernment.” projects that lasts many “We expect that this year of the state, which was not
After the Radičová gov- Sill said he sees two main selves were prepared with months,” Sill stated, adding the government will fully start able to formulate assignments
ernment took power last July it reasons behind the ineffective little added value for citizens. that extensive bureaucracy the systematic building of properly,” said Sill, adding that
prepared a document called building of eGovernment in All of the efforts concentrated leads to very low effectiveness eGovernment,” said Juraj this resulted in relatively ex-
Revision of Building eGovern- Slovakia thus far: only draw- on electronisation of already when implementing the Sabaka, president of ITAS. pensive projects bringing little
ment that was adopted by the ing a small proportion of the existing administrative pro- projects. “Actually the whole “Several global companies are benefit for citizens. “We have
cabinet on February 2. available EU funds and cesses without a real reduction system of drawing funds is so pondering creation of some changed this attitude. We have
“I consider the strong in- achieving low added value in the administrative burden. ineffective that it is ripe for thousands of jobs in the ICT formulated comprehensible
terest of Prime Minister Iveta from the projects that have This means that even if Slov- fundamental reform…. In this sector in Slovakia. One of the assignments as to actually
Radičová and also the new way been undertaken. akia drew EU funds faster we matter we are preparing im- important criteria when se- what eGovernment should ac-
of adopting strategic decisions “The first reason is very would be not able to enjoy the provements which we will lecting the target country is complish. The answer is par-
to be a fundamental factor for low drawing of EU funds alloc- full potential of eGovernment.” publicly introduce in late undoubtedly also the degree of ticularly a reduction of admin-
acceleration of eGovenment,” ated for informatisation,” Sill The total budget of the Op- March. The essence of the im- informatisation. However, istrative steps for citizens and
Sill said, stating that the luke- stated. “We passed the halfway erational Programme for the provements will be taken from Slovakia occupies the bottom businesspeople. Now we are
warm interest of previous mark of the programming Information Society available the experiences of countries rankings in these terms. Thus communicating with all in-
political players in pushing period a long time ago but only from EU funds and Slovakia’s that have had high success in decisive steps by the govern- volved and searching for ways
eGovernment forward was the about 3 percent of the allocated state budget for the years drawing [EU] funds.” ment are required in this re- to achieve this in the most ef-
main reason behind its slow amount has been used so far. 2007-2013 is estimated at about The tortoise-like progress spect, but after eight months fective way.”
progress. He added that sup- The second reason lies in the €1.2 billion, the SITA newswire in building eGovernment has this is still unclear.” To read the whole article.
port of leading political figures fact that the projects them- wrote. The programme has been sharply criticised by ex- Actually, the current gov- please go to

AD: iPad could bring further change Slovak news sites

Continued from pg 6

Pizano sees the popularity of these first

financial and automotive industries used
the internet intensively for promotion, ac-
counting for 18 percent and 14 percent of
“Each business sector has space for
growth, but especially the financial and
automotive industries, tourism and leis-
to erect paywall
two types of internet-based advertising as internet-based advertising respectively. ure-time activities,” said Pizano. “This THE SLOVAK print media is Bella also sees the Piano
stemming from their similarity to formats Various kinds of services, which included stems from the financial possibilities of the looking for ways to increase scheme as a route to better
used by other types of media, while the real estate, educational and political ad- population but as well from the movement its income and force readers journalism.
third category is popular because an inter- vertising followed in fourth position, with of some services to the internet.” to pay for online content. Contrary to users of
net search is one of the basic things that an a 10-percent share. Online advertising of Now, various print outlets Facebook, authors of texts at
internet user does when finding food products was fifth, with 8 percent. Optimistic outlook for 2011 are joining together under a news and media websites
something on the internet. Both Pizano and Holéczyová see more single umbrella, and readers expect payments from pub-
With regards to determining which opportunities for online advertising to grow. The internet market has been growing of Slovak news websites lishers when costs of content
type of internet advertising is most popular “The situation has been improving dynamically and media, advertisers and could face a payment barrier at these websites are, in the
in Slovakia Holéczyová notes that there is a each year and more and more companies advertising agencies are responding quite to access some content as better case only a little smal-
problem with how online advertising is have been gradually discovering the ad- quickly to that development. early as April, the Sme daily ler than revenues from ad-
monitored here, raising questions about vertising opportunities the internet has to “We are uncovering new opportunit- wrote in early February. Un- vertising.
how representative the collected data are. offer them,” said Holéczyová, adding that ies for the internet, new types of commu- der this unique premium “If people are not satis-
She said that AIM only monitors Slovak it is difficult to say whether companies are nications, social networks, possibilities content payment scheme, fied with the quality of Slov-
servers and misses some of the important currently using all the available advert- for measurement and so forth,” said known as Piano, a reader will ak journalism, the reason is
search and context advertising based on ising opportunities that the internet of- Holéczyová. “Thanks to this many special- get access to parts of some not that the media do not
other servers as well as various types of ad- fers. “A company’s use of the internet [for ised companies as well as many experts, websites only after paying a want to produce better-qual-
vertising embedded in communications advertising] stems from its preparedness who were missing here some years ago, monthly or weekly charge. ity content, but they mostly
via fast-growing social networks such as to enter this environment as well as the have emerged. This means that while a “The Piano model will be cannot afford to,” Sme
Facebook. preparedness of the internet market itself. few years ago we only guessed how things very similar to the model for quoted Bella as saying. Bella
AIM started monitoring online ad- Here I have in mind internet media, [ad- should be done, we have now gained some cable TV stations,” Tomáš is a former editor-in-chief of
vertising viewed in Slovakia on non- vertising] agencies as well as the market- experience. And based on this experience Bella from NextBig com-, the online version of
member servers, including Google and ing departments of the advertisers. The in- the trust and enthusiasm of clients has pany, the head of the Piano the Sme daily. He added that
Facebook, at the beginning of 2011 so fu- ternet offers innumerable opportunities. been growing.” project, told the Hospodárske without sharing costs for
ture statistics should provide a more ac- Many [companies] are aware of them and Holéczyová expects that develop- Noviny financial daily. “For production of the content
curate picture of online advertising here. they are beginning to take measures so ments in 2011 will be about increases in one monthly payment you with readers an increase in
Holéczyová attributes the popularity of that they are able to promptly respond to investment into online advertising as will get access to a large quality is impossible.
banner advertising to its longer history as these opportunities.” well as discovering new types of commu- amount of content from PC Revue and Trend
well as to the fact that it is the most classic- Pizano sees a great opportunity for fur- nications, experimenting with social various competing media. magazines have confirmed
al form of internet advertisement, the one ther growth in online advertising, specific- networks and more stringent require- Simultaneously, a large por- to Sme that they intend to
that is most similar to traditional advert- ally for advertising via video, so-called rich ments in terms of assessing the effective- tion of the content, espe- join the scheme along with
isements in other media. Advertisers can media. ness of individual ad campaigns. The driv- cially general news, will re- The dailies
provably hit much of the internet popula- “Companies will gradually move their ing force behind this is the growing ma- main free.” Hospodárske Noviny, Pravda
tion through banner campaigns and from [advertising] investments from print to the turity of the Slovak market, more sophist- To begin with, readers and Nový Čas have also ex-
the viewpoint of the ratio of price to per- internet,” said Pizano. “Print has to cope icated clients and inspiration coming will pay only to use certain pressed interest in the idea.
formance it is very often one of the most ef- with this in various ways, for example via from abroad, she added. services. Bella estimates Sme plans to put some of its
fective ways to advertise, even though its use of new devices, for example tablets [e.g. AIM estimated that online advertising that 5-15 percent of internet commentaries and part of its
success often depends on the aims of the ad Apple iPad, Motorola Xoom, etc.]. This revenues would grow by about 15 percent users will end up paying for content behind the
campaign, Holéczyová said. trend is very fast in the world; in Slovakia it during the course of 2011. content. The monthly fee paywall. It is believed that
is a bit slower but it is visible. It is question- “Such an increase would demonstrate should be €2.90 and the consumers who often take
More opportunities available able when Slovakia will reach this breaking the stability of the online market,” said weekly fee €0.90. Payment part in online discussions
point. This will likely happen only when Pizano. “But we do not expect any signi- methods will be extensive, will also pay.
Some business sectors discovered the tablets became more widely affordable.” ficant changes in the individual types of ranging from text messages, The project's website,
internet as a means for advertising several The potential for more internet-based advertising. We also do not expect any re- bank cards and internet, is
years ago and now heavily use online ad- advertising is very good, Pizano said, be- volutions. Slovak media will try new banking to PayPal, and already online and it is avail-
vertising. Last year the telecommunica- cause of the constantly-growing number devices more and more; a certain advance charges could later be in- able in English as well.
tions sector spent the most on online ad- of Slovaks who are regularly accessing the may come when the iPad officially arrives cluded on invoices from in-
vertising (21 percent of the total), while the internet. in Slovakia.” ternet service providers. By Jana Liptáková
NEWS March 7 – 13, 2011 9
SUMMIT: Belarus crisis is discussed ADVERTISEMENT

Continued from pg 1 sandar Kazulin, to discuss the

views of the Belarusian public
Within the framework of on the current situation in their
the Slovak presidency of the country and what Slovakia and CAD Engineer
VALEO SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. (Automotive Industry), Košice
Visegrad Group (V4) the sum- the EU can do to help the people Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
mit of foreign ministers of the of Belarus. Languages: English - advanced
V4 countries in Bratislava on “We have gone through
March 3 was enlarged to in- our calvary; many don’t re- Network Designer & Circuit Planner
clude representatives from member it and many who at- Orange Slovensko, a.s. (Telecommunications), Bratislava
Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
countries included in the EU's tend European summits Languages: English - advanced
Eastern Partnership initiat- haven’t gone through it and
ive: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Be- don’t understand it,” Serial Buyer
larus, Georgia, Moldova and Dzurinda said after the meet- Faurecia Slovakia s.r.o. (Automotive Industry), Košice
Ukraine. The foreign minis- ing. “That makes our re- Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
ters of the Czech Republic and sponsibility, the responsibil- Languages: English - advanced
Hungary, Karel Schwarzen- ity of post-communist coun-
BCS Product Manager
berg and János Martonyi re- Slovaks joined Belarusians in protest. Photo: Sme - V. Šimíček tries and their leaders, even Hewlett-Packard Slovakia, s.r.o. (Information Technology), Bratislava
spectively, and Poland’s greater.” Min. education: University education (Bachelor‘s degree)
deputy foreign minister, transition and reform with European Commission Rep- The visit by Belarusian Languages: English - advanced
Mikołaj Dowgielevicz, atten- their eastern partners. resentation in Slovakia and civic activists was timed to
ded the meeting. Ashton said that the EU the International Visegrad coincide with the V4-Eastern Senior Manager - Investment Reporting
Swiss Re Business Services (Slovakia) s.r.o.
The meeting also included regards the Eastern Partner- Fund, hosts exclusive speak- Partnership meeting and the (Shared Service Centers), Bratislava
German Foreign Minister ship as a very important ers and hundreds of guests Globsec conference. They Min. education: University education (Bachelor‘s degree)
Guido Westerwelle, Catherine policy and that the EU needs from various areas of interna- also attended a protest event Languages: English - advanced
Ashton, the Vice-President of to strengthen ties with the tional relations: diplomats, organised by Slovak diplo-
the European Commission countries to the east of the EU analysts from important think mats on March 2 in Hviez- Lawyer
and EU High Representative and support their integration tanks, renowned journalists doslavovo Square in Bratis- Holcim (Slovensko) a.s. (Construction Industry), Malacky, Rohožník
Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
for Foreign Affairs and Secur- ambitions. and representatives of public lava. Minister Dzurinda Languages: English - advanced
ity Policy, and the EU Com- “A concrete agenda will administration, international called on the Belarusian au-
missioner for Enlargement strengthen the ties between organisations and companies. thorities to free political Treasury Back Office Administrator
and Neighbourhood Policy, us,” Ashton told the press con- prisoners. Belarus' deputy Siemens s.r.o. (Electrical Engineering), Bratislava
Štefan Füle. ference after the meeting, as Belarusian opposition foreign minister, Valerij Vor- Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
The summit was held to quoted by the TASR newswire. also visits Bratislava onecky, who was also attend- Languages: English - advanced or German - advanced
send a strong political signal Many of the guests then ing the summit in Bratislava,
Civil Design Engineer
from V4 member states about attended the Globsec confer- One day before the minis- was reported not to have SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SLOVAKIA, spol. s r.o.
their support for the Eastern ence, an annual event which ters’ meeting Slovak Foreign made any public comment. (Electrical Engineering), Bratislava
Partnership, and their desire took place in Bratislava for the Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda met The suppression of pub- Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
for it to effectively contribute sixth time on March 2-4. Glob- representatives of the Belarusi- lic protests following Be- Languages: English - advanced
to the political and economic sec, organised annually by the an opposition who visited Brat- larusian presidential elec-
stabilisation of the states Slovak Atlantic Commission islava, including Belarus’ first tions in December 2010 has Soft Skills Trainer
Lenovo (Slovakia) s.r.o. (Information Technology), Bratislava
which it addresses. under the auspices of the Slov- post-Soviet head of state, Stani- resulted in the prosecution Min. education: University education (Bachelor‘s degree)
V4 ministers expressed ak Foreign Minister and in co- slau Shushkievich, and former of 42 opposition activists in Languages: English - advanced
their readiness to share their operation with the NATO Pub- presidential candidates Aliak- Belarus, 20 of whom are now
countries’ experiences of lic Diplomacy Division, the sandar Milinkievich and Aliak- in prison. Electronic design engineer - LED department
OMS, spol. s r.o. (Engineering Industry), Senica, Dojč
Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
Languages: English - advanced

COUNT: Minorities seek info campaign Junior Controller

DHL Logistics (Slovakia) spol.s.r.o. (Transport, Logistics), Bratislava
Continued from pg 3 of Robert Fico might negatively influence Richter also said that he was wor- Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
the willingness of people to mark their na- ried that the lack of a strong informa- Languages: English - advanced
Politicians who represent ethnic Hun- tionality as Hungarian on the census form. tion campaign will affect thousands of
garians have conceded that the number of other Roma who are integrated with Key Account Manager Philips Professional
ethnic Hungarians counted in the 2011 Roma seek more information the majority population. They are Lighting Solutions
Philips Slovakia s.r.o. (Electrical Engineering), Bratislava
census might decrease again and they have “worried of persecution and after ex- Min. education: University education (Master‘s degree)
started campaigns to inform ethnic Hun- The Council of Non-Governmental Or- periences with extremists in recent Languages: English - advanced and Slovak - native speaker
garians living in Slovakia about the census ganisations of Roma Communities years, or racist statements by several
and to encourage them to state their na- (RMORK) has stated that it believes the Slovak politicians, they are considering Java Developer
tionality as Hungarian. scope of the public awareness campaign whether or not to admit their NESS KDC, s.r.o. (Information Technology), Košice
“I believe the concerns are leading up to the 2011 census is insuffi- nationality”, Richter stated, as quoted Min. education: University education (Bachelor‘s degree)
Languages: English - advanced
appropriate,” said Béla Bugár, the chair- cient. Ladislav Richter, the head of by TASR.
man of political party Most-Híd, as quoted RMORK, complained that awareness in- He said that the lack of a proper in-
by SITA. “Natural assimilation is picking formation will not reach certain segregated formation campaign could cause the Any interesting job offers
up pace.” parts of the country that are home to many number of Roma counted in the census
Bugár also stated that he was worried Roma, the TASR newswire reported, and to drop and added that this would result listed above? Find out
that a hostile approach towards minorities that this might impact as many as 20,000 in a permanent cut in funds, particu- more at
that was taken by the previous government residents. larly for Roma cultural programmes.


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10 March 7 – 13, 2011 CULTURE

A Catholic island in Spiš Western SLOVAKIA

nefičný koncert pre Afriku /
Benefit Concert for Africa –
Raising money for the con-
struction of drinking-water
wells in Africa, this concert
IN THE MIDDLE Ages, the territory of Slov- includes performers like Ja-
akia was administered by two bishoprics: nais, Križiaci, Metelica, Samo
Bratislava and Spiš. Alongside the bishoprics, Tomeček and Free Inna Cage,
chapters operated as advisory bodies. The and The Hope Gospel Singers,
chapters created special streets in towns or in with Natália Žembová as host.
Starts: March 8, 19:00; UPC,
their residences (for instance, Kapitulská – Mlynská dolina. Admission:
kapitula means chapter in Slovak – in Bratis- voluntary contribution. Tel:
lava, or Kanonicza – meaning Canonry – 02/5564-0409;
Street in Krakow). The chapter’s buildings
and temples were often so numerous that in Bratislava
some places they formed whole towns, as l IRISH DANCE: Lord of the
happened in Spiš. Dance 2011 – The world-fam-
Today, Spišská Kapitula (The Spiš ous group founded by Michael DESIGN FACTORY, at Bottova 2 in Bratislava, is showing an ex-
Chapter) is part of the town of Spišské Flatley has already been to hibition by US photographer Gordon Watkinson. Bauhaus
Slovakia, but its universal
Podhradie, but for most of its history it was an twenty-21: An Ongoing Legacy shows the enduring heritage of
language is still enchanting
independent municipality. It is interesting new audiences. the style that formed the beginnings of modern architecture.
that when Spišské Podhradie was forfeited to Starts: March 11 and 12, Until March 27 visitors can admire his photographs on Mondays
Poland, Kapitula remained within Hungary. 19:00; SIBAMAC Arena, Prí- through Fridays between 10:00 and 18:00 and on weekends
Also, during the Reformation, Kapitula be- kopova 6. Admission: €25 and between 13:00 and 18:00, for free. For more information, please
haved independently from its neighbour. up. Tel: 02/4920-9890, 02/5293 call 02/5020-1717 or visit (Catalogue by
While in Spišské Podhradie – as in other Spiš -3323; Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.)
towns – Protestantism set down firm roots, Podhradie shows how tense relations were Photo: Apartment House Weissenhof Estate, L. Mies van der Rohe,
Kapitula remained one of the few islands of between devotees of both beliefs. 1927, Stuttgart, Germany, Courtesy of Foto+Synthesis
l EXHIBITION: Čas na komiks
Catholicism in this region. The fact that town In this postcard from 1943, we see the en- / Time for Comics – This ex-
councillors from Spišské Podhradie did not al- trance to the Kapitula complex. hibition shows Polish ‘rea- - výstava / Selection from conducted by Marián Vach
low students from Kapitula’s secondary listic’ comic art and its strong Works - Exhibition – The and directed by Barbara
school to lodge with families in Spišské By Branislav Chovan influence on other media, and creme de la creme of four Klimo. It tells the tragic story
features work by Piotr Mach- artists: Marian Vida, Melita of a young Japanese woman
lajewski, Krzysztof Gawron- Gwerková, pottery maker falling in love with an Amer-

Dancers’ sweat baptises book kiewicz, Przemyslaw Truscin-

ski and several others.
Open: Mon-Thurs 10:00
Gabriela Vidová and photo-
grapher Tomas Morilon.
Open: daily 10:00-19:00 un-
ican and finding the clash of
cultures impossible to over-
-17:00, Fri 9:00-15:00 until til March 20; City Café Gallery Starts: March 11 and 12,
ON FEBRUARY 28 a new book Šoltýs, S. Daubnerová, M. analysis of movement. She March 18; Polish Institute, in City Gate Passage (Lau- 18:30; State Opera, Národná 11.
Sloboda objavovať tanec (The Bohuš, R. Milič, L. Bagin and currently lectures in the SNP Square 27. Admission: rinská Street). Admission: free. Admission: €8. Tel: 048/2457-
Freedom to Discover Dance) by V. Sadílek. Dancers and act- technique of contemporary free. Tel: 02/5443-2014; www. More info: www.citylife. sk. 120;
Marta Poláková was ors led by Renáta Bubniaková dance and improvisation at
“baptised”, or ceremonially displayed an energetic cho- the Academy of Performing Galanta Banská Bystrica
launched, at Štúdio 12 in Jak- reography that culminated in Arts in Bratislava. Bratislava l EXHIBITION: Galantská l EXHIBITION: Veronika
ubovo Square in Bratislava. the “baptism” of the book Her book explores and l PHOTO EXHIBITION: Jazz & paleta 2011 / Galanta Palette - Šramatyová - Hard Work/
Poláková, an influential cho- with the sweat produced by supports the development of Blues – Slovak photographer This exhibition of local club Clean Work – Solo exhibition
reographer, took part, together the performers. creative skills through dance Zdenko Hanout shows his amateur artists' works has by a Slovak neo-conceptual
photographs portraying mu- now entered its ninth year. artist who uses a hyper-real-
with the book’s reviewers As well as being a choreo- improvisation and is the first sic personalities like B. B. Open: Tue-Fri 8:00-16:00, istic approach presents the
Dagmar Hubová and Eva grapher, Poláková is a teach- work of its kind in Slovakia, King, Al Green, Bobby McFer- Sat-Sun 13:00-17:00 until last decade of her work.
Gajdošová. The publication was er and movement analyst. Hubová wrote. It is for both rin, James Morrison, Maceo March 13; Renesančný kaštieľ. Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-16:00
presented by Zuzana Hájková, She has made several re- dancers and for dance teach- Parker, and others. Admission: free. Tel: 031/7804 until March 13; Stredoslo-
head of the Štúdio tanca in search visits abroad and co- ers. The author tried to pin- Open: one hour before -731; venská galéria, Bethlenov
Banská Bystrica and the event operated with several point and communicate the each performance, usually at dom, Dolná 8. Admission:
was hosted by actress Lucia renowned personalities of essence of the creative pro- 18:00, until March 25; foyer of Central SLOVAKIA €0.50-€1.50. Tel: 048/4701-615;
Rózsa-Hurajová, the Theatre the dance world. She founded cess in dance, Gajdošová the Divadlo Malá scéna STU,
Institute reported. and led the first post-revolu- wrote in her book review. Dostojevského rad 7. Admis- Banská Bystrica
sion: free. Tel: 02/2042-0014; l OPERA: Madama Butterfly Eastern SLOVAKIA
Štúdio 12 falls under the tion (i. e. post-1989) group of The book’s presentation – The premiere of one of the
Theatre Institute and part of professional dancers, known was one in a series of events most famous operas, Giacomo Poprad
the presentation was, unsur- as ‘a dato’, which concen- that the Theatre Institute has Bratislava Puccini’s three-act drama in l SKI CUP: Pohár primátora
prisingly, a dance improvisa- trated on contemporary prepared to celebrate its 50th l EXHIBITION: Výber z tvorby Italian, here produced and Vysokých Tatier v obrovskom
tion by M. Čaprdová, S. dance. Her recent work re- anniversary. slalome / The Mayor of High
Vlčeková, D. Raček, V. Benito flects her study of Laban’s Compiled by Spectator staff Tatras’ Cup in Giant Slalom –
The third and final round of
this race between High Tatras
elementary school pupils.
Starts: March 9, 9:00; Ta-
transká Lomnica-Čučoriedky.
Admission: free. More info:
anske bienále umenia (Kros-
niansky salón) / XIth Krosno
Artistic Biennale – This gener-
al view of current Polish art,
including paintings, statues,
photographs and installa-
tions, has been exchanged
with the BWA Gallery in
THE CURRENT exhibition by Michal Jakabčic and Viera Krosno (Poland).
Žilinčanová, both key representatives of Slovak art, called Os- Open: weekdays 9:00-
trovy imaginácie / Islands of Imagination and collected from 17:00, weekends 14:30-18:30
eight galleries and three private owners can be seen at the M.A.
until March 27; Šarišská
galéria, Hlavná 51. Admission:
Bazovský Gallery, Palackého 27 in Trenčín, Tuesdays through €0.50-€1. Tel: 051/7725-423;
Sundays from 9:00 to 17:00, until April 3, for €1.30. For more in-
formation, please call 032/7436-858 or visit
Dancers contributed their sweat to baptise a new book at Štúdio 12. Photo: Courtesy of TI (DI) Photo: Courtesy of GMAB By Zuzana Vilikovská
N A M E D A Y M A R C H 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia TomበAlan Franti‰ka Branislav Angela Gregor Vlastimil
Alana Bruno Angelika
can now be found at
March 7 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE / BUSINESS FOCUS March 7 – 13, 2011 11

Bratislava City Gallery Puppeteers seek adult audiences

BANSKÁ Bystrica’s Bábkové
divadlo na Rázcestí (Puppet
Theatre at the Crossroads)
exhibitions installed in
Banská Bystrica’s biggest
shopping centre, screenings

celebrates 50 years has launched a campaign,

Divadlo dospelým! (Theatre
to Adults!), to promote pup-
pet theatre among adults and
not just children.
of videos, performances in a
big tent, creative workshops
and an open-doors day on
April 1. The campaign started
on February 15 with the sta-
The head of the theatre’s ging of Milenky (Mistresses)
A second production and marketing by Austrian Nobel laureate
Galandovci department, Róbert Špoták, Elfriede Jelinek. Puppeteers
told the SITA newswire that from Banská Bystrica staged
exhibition shows the campaign will last until the play as part of the project
the group’s art the end of June and will,
bring various unconven- which focuses on making the
from 1969 to 1989 tional, innovative activities public more sensitive to
intended to stimulate in- gender issues.
terest in the performing arts
BY ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ and culture. Compiled by Spectator staff
Spectator staff These include various from press reports

AFTER THE great success of

last year’s exhibition
Galandovci, Legends of Slovak
ONLINE: Parental
Modern Art, the Bratislava
City Gallery has organised a
follow-up exhibition of the
vigilance urged
works of this loose grouping of Continued from pg 7 The Slovak Spectator. “It has
artists covering the years raised interest not only
from 1969 to 1989. It will re- Apart from parents among children, but also par-
main open until April 3. Visit- Slovanet has also involved ents and especially teachers.”
ors to the gallery’s Mirbachov teachers, who can also sig- Microsoft Slovakia began
Palace in Františkánske nificantly influence the be- the project in 2008. As well as
Square can follow the avant- haviour of children using the website it also regularly
garde group’s artistic Vladimír Kompánek's Rajecké humná. Photo: Courtesy of the GMB the internet. organises events at which it
struggles after they were pro- Slovanet also offers a se- attempts to draw more atten-
hibited from exhibiting and space to members of the group Bratislava as it was prepared USA that will open in March; curity product which filters tion to online security. It or-
promoting their work by the who had died earlier. specifically for the space in and a display of artworks from websites that are inappropri- ganises roundtables as well as
Communist regime. Moreover, the curators said the Bratislava City Gallery. the gallery’s web-art project ate for children using criteria interactive workshops at
The first period of their the group’s work did not ( com- set by parents. which it addresses contem-
work from 1957 to 1968 was change substantially after GMB celebrates ing up in June. Microsoft, another com- porary topics such as social
featured in the 2010 exhibi- 1989 so the current exhibition In July the gallery will pany active in increasing on- networks, according to
tion and examined the artists’ provides a comprehensive The Bratislava City Gallery publish a special book mark- line security in Slovakia, has Okaninová.
works based on the common overview of their artworks was separated from its previ- ing its 50th anniversary de- responded with its project Microsoft Slovakia wants
principles in their Manifesto and their meaning for 20th- ous association with the Na- scribing its history and cur- Child Online Safety (Bezpečne to continue its interactive
as well as their shared values century Slovak art. tional Homeland Office, rent initiatives. September na internete). As part of it, project this year as well.
and artistic perceptions, The exhibition opened on which oversaw four historical will bring an exhibition en- Microsoft Slovakia operates “There are a number of
Zsófia Kiss-Szemán, curator at February 11, 2011, but and cultural centres (the city titled the “50th Anniversary of the website www.bezpecnena online dangers with which it
the gallery, told The Slovak Kompánek, a leading member museum, the regional library, the City Gallery Bratislava” of-, on which it pub- is necessary to be
Spectator. From their first of the group, died on January the conservation centre as fering its famous and less- lishes information, tips and acquainted,” said Okaninová.
joint exhibition in Žilina in 20. The exhibit’s concept and well as the city gallery), on famous works in the Pálffy instructions on how to cope “Since the internet is con-
1957 to their last in Berlin in final form could not be January 1, 1961. It moved to Palace, followed by a sym- with online threats and use stantly developing, it is very
1968, the group – named after changed but invitations to the its current location, the posium marking the an- the internet safely. likely that we can expect a
the already deceased painter exhibition’s opening and the Mirbach Palace, named after niversary in October. In “The project Child Online new phenomenon which will
Mikuláš Galanda – worked and catalogue were updated to in- its last owner, in 1975. It is November a postage stamp Safety has met with a great require us to be prepared and
exhibited together, mutually clude information about the thought a wooden house featuring Christoph Murer’s response,” Okaninová told armed with information.”
influencing and creating a co- artist’s death. The exhibition stood on the site of the palace Portrait of Ján Sambuco from
herent artistic vision. Kiss- has now become a tribute to as early as 1459, but the build- 1587 will be released.
Szemán said they can be con- the artist. ing acquired its current form The gallery’s other current
sidered the Slovak neo-avant- The Galandovci, although between 1768 and 1770, when exhibitions include Classic
garde even though this term is they came together in the brewer Michael Spech com- Modern Art from France.
usually perceived more in a second half of the 1950s, missioned the present rococo Kiss-Szemán noted that for-
global or central European looked to history in the sense structure. After World War II, eign cultural institutes and
context. The group consisted that they took Galanda as their the palace became state- embassies are a huge help to
of Andrej Barčík, Anton Čutek, symbolic model even though owned and subsequently the gallery in arranging and
Vladimír Kompánek, Rudolf he had died in 1938, and also housed the city gallery. Brat- exchanging works of art. The
Krivoš, Milan Laluha, Milan concentrated deliberately and islava City Gallery has anoth- gallery's permanent exhibits
Paštéka, Andrej Rudavský, explicitly on Slovak and er venue, the Pálffy Palace, represent a general survey of
Ivan Štubňa and Pavol Tóth. Slavonic national, rural and whose origins date back to the Slovak art over the course of
Kiss-Szemán said the cur- traditional motifs. 1st century AD. The building’s centuries. Though some ex-
rent exhibition should not be Nevertheless, the last private owner was Count hibitions have labels as well
viewed as a sequel but rather Galandovci were progressive János Pálffy, an art lover and as informative publications in
as a continuation of the and innovative in their artist- patron. The building later English, this is not uniformly
group’s activities after they ic perceptions and tech- passed into public owner- the case. More information
were banned from exhibiting niques, Kiss-Szemán said, ship and was most recently can be found at,
and working together as a adding that as many of the reconstructed in 1987 to ex- which includes English text. Online activities are fun but require supervision. Photo: TASR
group, forcing them to create artists lived and worked until hibit artworks from the Brat-
individually and to go in the end of the 20th century, islava City Gallery’s collec- ADVERTISEMENT
somewhat different direc- and some remain active even tions. Both buildings offer a
tions. Kiss-Szemán said 1989 now, it can rightly be said that dignified environment to
was chosen as the ending their work spanned nearly an display historical and mod-
milestone because of space entire century. ern works of art.
limits within the gallery and The curator stressed that This year marks the
also because soon after 1989 what makes the current show gallery’s 50th anniversary and
some members of the group so valuable and unique is the a series of special events will
died while others reduced fact that the exhibited works commemorate the golden ju-
their creative activities. Kiss- have been laboriously bilee, such as the exhibition
Szemán and her co-curator gathered primarily (70 per- “50 Masterpiece Prints from
Jan Kukal thought this would cent) from private collectors the Collection of the Bratis-
be the best way to present an so it is unlikely that an exhibi- lava City Gallery”; Viktor
accurate proportion of each tion like it will occur in a sim- Tilgner’s Bust of Josef Pollak,
artist’s works, believing it ilar form in the future. The a donation from Nathaniel
would not be fair to give less exhibition will not travel from and Megan Udell from the
12 March 7 – 13, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

to open

council of
Vavrišovo in

Prešov bakes 145kg the Liptov re-

gion has taken
the remaining formal steps

Valentine cake to open its recently con-

structed museum. It com-
memorates a battle
THE FOURTH Baking the cake required between imperial armies

year of a popu- 367 eggs, 23 kilograms of and rebels at the town in
lar event for res- flour, 24 kilograms of sugar, 9 1709. The museum building,
idents of kilograms of grated coconut, with a dominant viewing
Prešov, in east- 8 kilograms of marmalade, 32 The High Tatras as they appeared in an early 20th-century postcard. Photo: Sme-J. Krošlák tower, was formally opened
ern Slovakia, took place on pieces of Hera baking fat, 1.3 on October 29 last year but
Valentine’s Day in front of the litres of rum, 24 litres of milk, the public has been waiting
municipal building.
Prešov – láska moja
(Prešov – My Love) culminated
and large pinches of various
other ingredients.
The accompanying pro-
Skiing in Slovakia marks since then for it to be fully
“We want to advance as
at 16:00 with a giant cake, 2
metres by 2 metres and weigh-
ing 145 kilograms, being cut by
gramme included perform-
ances by Tomáš Palonder
and Barbora Švidraňová as
a racing centenary soon as possible and launch
its regular operation this
spring but this depends on
Mayor Pavol Hagyari and be- well as a new twist – a for- SKIING in ally finished with a fall, con- military garrisons in solving the necessary, inev-

ing heartily enjoyed by resid- tune teller who forecast the Slovakia’s High trolled or not. A crucial ad- Kežmarok and Levoča in the itable administrative is-
ents and visitors, Veronika future for all enamoured Tatras marked a vance in skiing technique High Tatras as early as 1876 sues," mayor Ľubomír
Gazdová, the city’s spokesper- couples in the crowd. The centenary on came from the Telemark re- and it is reported that Count Račko told the TASR news-
son, told the SITA newswire, city also supported February 4 as gion which mastered the pro- Andrássy of Humenné began wire, stating that the stat-
adding that everyone who Valentínska kvapka krvi the first ski race with interna- cess of turning on skis that using skis on his lands in the ute of the museum ap-
wanted to celebrate the “day (Valentine’s Drop of Blood), a tional participants was held became known as telemark or region of Vihorlat in 1882. proved by the town council
of love and people in love” blood donation drive held on January 4 and 5, 1911. The later “kristiánka”. Count Hohenlohe also must also get approval from
could get a piece of cake. throughout Slovakia. organiser was Dr Michal Guhr From among all the early equipped foresters working Slovakia’s Culture Ministry
and competitors were asked ski enthusiasts who helped to on his properties with skis and it must be entered in
to pay fees equivalent to two improve ski techniques, Aus- imported from Norway as the central list of museums
to four crowns to participate. trian ski instructor Matthias early as 1895. and galleries.
Skiers competed in several Zdarsky is recognised as the J. Strižka from Liptovský The Museum of the
categories such as cross- creator of the technique often Svätý Mikuláš was the first Battle near Vavrišovo is
country skiing and ski jump- called snowploughing, the producer of skis in Slovakia supported by €450,000 from
ing, with the best jumpers re- TASR newswire wrote. and made them based on the European Fund for Re-
ported to have reached a dis- Historical records indic- Norwegian designs beginning gional Development. In the
tance of only about 9.5 metres ate that skis were first used in 1887. last two years, local history
off an improvised ski jump. within the territory of Slov- Sources cited by TASR in enthusiasts have organised
Modern skiing began in akia in 1865, when they were preparing its history of skiing two major re-enactments of
Norway, which is seen as the brought by pharmacist Karol in Slovakia included: Dejiny the battle.
homeland of the Nordic ski Cornides after his travels lyžovania na Slovensku The mayor said that if
disciplines. Fans of the snow through Norway. Another 1860-1944, 1st edition, Poprad, funds are available the town
in the Kristiania region of significant Slovak ski pro- 1997, by J. Terezčák and would like to repeat the re-
Norway initiated cross-coun- moter was Dr Mikuláš Lyžovanie; učebné texty pre enactment. Many exhibits
The mother of all Valentine cakes. Photo: SITA try skiing as well as ski jump- Szontag who skied down študentov tel. výchovy, by B. are already in place, includ-
ing. They also pioneered Slavkovský štít in 1873. Cap- Paugschová; as well as the ing period arms, uniforms,
“schuss boom” – straight and tain Kamil Lersch began websites and designs of field fortific-

Tile makers revive fast downhill runs that usu- training soldiers on skis in and ations and military camps.

an old tradition Bratislava Zoo welcomes first

THERE WAS traditional stoves when
new jaguar cubs since 2000
rarely a house they were reconstructing
in Nitrianske their homes but since many
Pravno that did stoves had damaged or miss- BRATISLAVA time, mastered it all per-
not produce
home heating with a tiled
stove or fireplace in years
past. This town in the
ing tiles Vekaterm began to
make new tiles using old
technologies. The company
used historical designs and
4 Zoo officially
welcomed two
jaguar cubs on
February 3 after
fectly and has been a devoted
mother since the first day,
adding that, as is typical for
jaguars, she aggressively de-
Hornonitrie (Upper Nitra) sometimes it created new, they successfully passed their fended her offspring, not
region was a centre of stove- modern designs. one-month veterinary exam- permitting zoo-keepers near
making and tile production Currently, the company ination, the TASR newswire the cubs for the first month
with a 500-year tradition, produces about seven or wrote. after their birth.
Rastislav Vlnieška, a repres- eight types of tiles and 50 to The female cubs, named At the beginning of Feb-
entative of the Vekaterm 90 tiles are needed to cover Mayra and Iazua, were born ruary the young jaguars
company, told the TASR one heating stove. Some on December 23 and 27, 2010, were old enough to be ex-
newswire. ceramic tiles, which had to respectively to parents Laima, amined, to receive their first
Vekaterm revived this be mass-produced due to aged three, and Boris, aged six. vaccination, to get identific-
tradition in the municipal- enormous demand, are pre- They have been pronounced ation chips, be weighed and
ity 20 years ago as many pared in plaster moulds and fit and are the first jaguars to have their gender determ-
people began to buy old then dried in electric stoves. be born at Bratislava Zoo since ined. Miloslava Šavelová, the
houses in Nitrianske The company directly em- their grandmother's birth head of Bratislava Zoo, per-
Pravno, sometimes as week- ploys 30 people and also gives there in 2000. mitted photographers to re-
end cottages. They were re- work to 80 more tile crafts- Zoo officials said Laima, cord these procedures, TASR
luctant to demolish the old, men across Slovakia. who gave birth for the first reported. Mayra and Iazua Photo: TASR

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