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Wanti putri



Megister Pendidikan




Assalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb

On this occasion i would like to introduce myself. My name is Wanti Putri fakultas of
Tarbiyah majoring in
Arabic Language Education. I was born on 19 february 2002.
I have ambitions to become an Arabic teacher. I like english because i want to be alinguist

Name : Wanti putri

Class ; Arabic Language Education 1

Introducing One Self

Let’s me introduce my self … My name is wanti putri and you can callme wanti , I
was born in kuala puntian , September 19th 2000 and I live in palembang. I have
brother and sister but I don’t live with them I am a student of Masdarul Ulum islamic
boarding school. I study here I want tobe teacher arabic and my ambition changed my
parent’s poverty and spreading happinesto every human. And the importantly make
my parents proud of my prestige.

I like English because with the ingris langauge we are able to compete with outside of
people. That language is easy if we like it, therefore I like english. And by learning
the ingris adds to our insight, that in the world is not only one language, the world has
a thousand language and we should.
Singular and plural nouns (o,x,ch,sh s) and Adding s/ies for noun and a verb ending
with “y”

1 Singular and plural noun

Using a or an
A + singular noun We use “a” before singular noun This is a book
An + Singular noun We use “an” before the vowel That is an old book
(a/i/u/e/o) in pronunciation This is a European Country (this word
is pronounced ‘yuropean’)

Fill the blanks with article a or an

an Orange : sebuah a Cat : seekor kucing a Padang Restaurant :

jeruk a Dog : seekor anjing sebuah restoran
a Watermelon : sebuah an Ant : seekor semut padang
semangka an Elephant ;seekor a Indian Restaurant
a Grape : sebuah gajah : sebuah restoran india
anggur a Goat ; seekor a Book : sebuah buku
a Pear : sebuah pir kambing an Old book: sebuah
a Fresh Guava ; an Eagle ;seekor buku lama
sebuah jambu biji burung raja wali a Question: sebuah
an Apple : sebuah apel pertannyaan
a Important question
:sebuah pertanyaan
(don’t forget find the meaning!)

2 How To add -s/-es

a/an is used for show a singular noun it An apple = sebuah apel

means “seorang, seekor, sebuah, setangkai A student = seorang murid
etc.” depend on the noun A bird = seekor burung
The plural noun usually –s, -es, ies or ves Two birds = 2 ekor burung
Five monkeys = 5 ekor monyet
Three babies = 3 orang bayi
Four knives = 4 buah pisau
The pattern
1. We usually adding –s to a verb or noun, for example:
Dog  Dogs Dream  dreams draw  draws
stand  Stands Book  books sing  sings

2. We add –es, if a noun or verb is ending by o, x, ch, sh, s, for example:

Glass  Glasses Watch  watches bush  Bushes
Box  Boxes Mango  mangoes

3. If the words end by “f”, we must change “f” with “v” and we add es
Knife  Knives

Try this one!

Watch: wachtes Three ox :threeoxs four bus fourbuses
Plate plates dolphin dolphins buffalo buffaloes
Thief thiefs tomato tomatoes some crap somecraps
Fork forks Horse houses two wife two wives

Adding s/ies for noun and a verb ending with “y”

Baby, monkey, country, etc

Vowel letter (a/i/u/e/o) before Monkey → Monkeys

Just add –s
“y” Play → Plays
Consonant letter before “y” “y” is changed by ies Baby → Babies
Country → Countries

Add “s” or “ es “ to these nouns or verbs!
Class Classes Ball Balls Lip Lips
Country Countries Grass Glasses Tattoo Tatooes
Door Doors Baby Babies Car Cars
Cry cries Go Goes Enemy Enemies
Basket baskets Milk Milks Bamboo Bamboos
Story stories Toy Toys Dog Dogs
Teacher teachers Fox Foxes dance Dances
Shoe shoes Fight Fights Coin Coins
Write writes Dress Dresses Driver Drivers
Hair hairs Read Reads Cow Cows
Picture pictures Umbrella umbrellas Monkey Monkeys
=bags Grape grapes Play plays

Kinds of Words (Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb ) and Number

Noun = Kata benda Memiliki wujud, bisa di sentuh dan bisa

(table, wind, feeling) dirasakan
Verb = Kata kerja Menyatakan suatu tindakan (action),
(makan, minum, menyukai) pekerjaan biasanya berawalan me-
Adjective = Kata sifat Dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan ciri dari
(panjang, putih, empat) suatu benda
Adverb = Kata keterangan Sebagai kata yang digunakan untuk
 Keterangan tempat menambahkan keterangan dari kalimat
 Keterangan waktu sebelumnya.
 Keterangan cara
(kemarin, di sekolah,
dengan lambat)

Find the meaning and classify these words:
Eraser =.Noun Laugh =verb
go =.verb Tree =Noun
Close = verb Open =verb
Blue = Adjetive Young =Adjetive
Slowly = Adjetive Push =verb
Sweep = verb Today =Adverb
Try =. verb Mouth =Noun
Study = verb Long =Adjetive
Tomorrow = Adverbial In Garden =Averb
Sky =. Noun Next month =adverb
Clean =.Adjetive Short =Adjetive
Put = verb Watch=verb

Number (Final)
Attention to these numbers
1st  = First 16th  = Sixteenth
2nd  = Second 17th  = Seventeenth
3rd  = Third 18th = Eighteenth
4th  = Fourth 19th  = Nineteenth
5th  = Fifth 20th  = Twentieth
6th  = Sixth 21st  = Twenty first
7th  = Seventh 22nd  = Twenty second
8th  = Eighth 23rd  = Twenty third
9th  = Ninth 24th  = Twenty fourth
10th  = Tenth 25th  = Twenty fifth
11th  = Eleventh 31st  = Thirty first
12th  = Twelfth 32nd  = Thirty second
13th  = Thirteenth 33rd  = Thirty third
14th  = Fourteenth 34th  = Thirty fourth
15th  = Fifteenth 35th  = Thirty fifth

These number are used when the speaker wants to tell the ascending a number of a row.
I am the first child in my family
She is the second child in her sibling
Toni gets the sixth rank in his class
The first story that I heard is Cinderella
Another number
Once = Sekali Four times = empat kali
Twice = Dua kali Twenty times = dua puluh kali
Three times = Tiga kali. One hundred times = Seratus kali

There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The first day is Sunday, the second day is Monday and the
last day of a week is Saturday. The day after Monday is Tuesday. The day before Friday is
I have gone to Bali once but I have gone to Jakarta twice. I went to Bali last week.

Answer These Questions

1. What day is today? It ‘s saturday
2. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was friday
3. What day will tomorrow? Tomorrow wil be sunday
4. What day was the day before yesterday? It was trusday
5. What day will the day after tomorrow? It will be monday
Tense (noun): a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation
or completeness, of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking

1 Person (Speaker) I talk We talk
2nd Person (Listener) You talk You talk
3rd Person (other person) She talks They talk
He talks
It rains (animals or things)

Simple Present tense is used to express habit, daily activity or general statement.
The Pattern Formula Example
I I study English every day
We We Play badminton every Sunday
You S + V1 You write a letter every night
They They eat rice every day
Plural Edo and Iman play football every day
He Studies He studies English every day
She Plays She plays Basketball every week
S + V (-s/-es)
It writes (horse) It eats grass *)
Singular eats Perlan play playstation every Monday
It is used to replace a noun like animal and thing.
I have a monkey. It eats a banana everyday
Saya mempunyai seekor monyet. Monyet memakan sebuah pisang setiap hari
This sentence shows a general statement and we don’t need to give an adverb of time.
Another example: Rama loves shinta,
Indonesia is a country

Put the right verb on the sentences
1. The sun (rise) in the east
2. She (prepare) breakfast every morning
3. Rudi (wash) the dishes
4. We (stay) at home every Sunday
5. I (watch) TV every night
6. Anton (play) basketball every day
7. Every monkey (eat) banana
8. All of students (write) well
9. I (study) English every Sunday and
10. he (open) the door quietly

Susan activity
Susan goes to Dolphin Language Center every Tuesday and Friday. She studies English. Her
sister goes to the same English course. They go to Dolphin Language center together. Her
father works in an office and her mother goes to the market. She buys foods for them.
Where = dimana?
What = apa?

1. Where does Susan go every Tuesday and Friday? Susan goes to Dolphin Language
Center every Tuesday and Friday
2. Where does her father go everyday? in an office
3. Where does her mother go everyday? in market
4. What does she buy for the all family? buys foods for them.
I am a student I’m student
S + be + noun It is a book It’s a book
They are lawyers They’re lawyers
I am sad I’m sad
S + be + adjective She is happy She’s happy
They are naughty They’re naughty
I am in school I’m in school
S + be + location She is at the park She’s at the park
We are in Palembang We’re in Palembang
Verb be in present tense are (am, is, are)

Using be in present tense

I am  I’m
Y We’re
are 
He It’s
is 

Write sentences based on the picture

Basketball player happy Ride bycicle

She She She
He He He
We We We
You You You
They They They
Change these sentences into English
1. Saya adalah seorang penyanyi
2. Dia adalah seorang penari
3. Kami adalah siswa rajin
4. Mereka bermain sepakbola
5. Kami belajar bahasa Inggris
6. Susan berada di ruang kelas
7. Kiki membaca buku
8. Kiki dan Seno membaca buku
9. Kami gembira
10. Susan sedih

Kiki’s Family

Kiki is a student. She goes to school everyday. Her brother is Tony. He is a basketball player.
He plays basketball everyday. Joko is their father. He is an employee. He works in an office.
Tini is their mother. She is a housewife. He goes to the market everyday. Bambang is their
uncle. He is a lawyer. Julia is her aunt. She is a teacher. They love each other. They love their
grand parents. Their grandfather is Rudi and their grandmother is Siti. They are a happy
1. Where does Kiki go everyday? she goes to school everyday.
2. Who is her brother? Tony
3. Who is Joko? Joko is their father
4. What does he do?
5. Who is Tini? Tini ia their mother
6. What does she do?
7. Who is Julia? Julia ia her aunt
8. Who is Bambang? Is their uncle
9. Is Bambang Kiki’s Uncle? Yes Bambang ia their uncle
10. Is Siti Kiki’s aunt?
Based on its structure, sentence can be grouped into :
Berdasarkan strukturnya, sentence dapat dikelompokkan menjadi:
1. A Complex Sentence.

A complex sentence has an independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

(terdiri dari satu independent clause dan satu atau lebih dependent clause)
For example: I was sleeping when you called. (Saya sedang tidur ketika kamu

2.A Compound Sentence.

A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses.

(terdiri dari dua atau lebih independent clause):
For example: I borrowed him the book, but he didn’t read it. (Saya meminjamkannya
buku, tapi dia tidak membacanya)

3.A Simple Sentence.

A simple sentence has just one independent clause.

(terdiri dari satu independent clause):.
For example: The ship arrives late (Kapal terlambat datang)

5. A Compound-Complex Sentence.

A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one

dependent clause.

(kombinasi compound dan complex sentence)

For example: The weather is nice, but we still can`t go to the beach because my father is
sick. ( Meskipun cuaca cerah, kami tetap tidak bisa pergi ke pantai sebab ayah sedang

1.A Complex Sentence

I was writing when you Asked (saya menulis ketika kamu berbicara)
2.A Compound Sentence
I gived his money .but diden't take it.(saya memberinya uang tetapi dia tidak
mengambil nya )
3 .A Simple Sentence
The plane was flying late .(pesawat terlambat terbang
4.A Compound – Complex Sentence
The beautiful scenery but stil can't go to on vacation because we were learning
(Meskipun pemandangan indah kami tetap tidak bisa pergi berlibur karena kami sedang
Conversely, the informal communication can move freely in any direction.
In formal communication, full secrecy is maintained, but in the case
of informal communication maintenance of secrecy is a very tough
task. Formal communication is written, whereas Informal communication is oral.

Putri: Good morning, what I could help to you sir?

Laras : good morning, I will save the money
Putri : alright sir, could you give me your card sir?
Laras: this is you are
Putri : how much will you save sir ?
Laras : seven million, this is
Putri: alright, please wait for a moment sir
Laras : okay
Putri : this the card and your saving has printed on this
Laras : thank you Putri : you are wellcome

In formal
Putri : Hi laras! (hai sinta!)
Laras : Hi putri! what are you doing here?
Putri : I accompany my mother to buy something
Laras : I come here because my mother asks me to buy broom
Putri: are you alone?
Laras : yes, Iam alone Putri this afternoon I want to come to your house Laras are you at
Putri : yes, Iam a Laras well, okay lusi, see u next
Putri: okay Laras , see you
Question word as conjunction
Who can be a conjunction, it replace
Which can be a conjunction, it replace Who, which and that have a same
animal or thing meaning is “yang”
That is usually used for things but
sometime for people
Example for “who”
 There was a man. He had two wives
 There was a man who had two wives
Example for “which”
 She pulled his hair. The hair was black
 She pulled his hair which was black
Fill these blanks with “who” or “which”
1. The man loved the wife Who was young
2. The man didn’t love the wife who was old
3. The young wife pulled out his hair which was white
4. Look at the clock which is on the wall
5. Do you know the boy who can catch birds?
6. Can you take away the big box which on the floor?
7. I bought a book which cost three dollars
8. She is the woman who gets an accident
9. a thief is a person who steals things
10. a coffee maker is a machine which makes coffee
11. a butcher is a person who sells meat
12. I don’t like the people who never stop talking
Try to combine these sentences
1. I love the woman. Who wears a red shirt
2. He is the man. who stole my hat
3. Anton likes this pizza. which is delicious
4. Kiki wrote a letter. The letter is for her brother.
5. I met a woman. who can speak six languages
6. Musi is a river. which is very wide.
7. Where is the picture? Which is on the wall?
8. I have a friend.who is very good at repairing motorcycle
9. Do you know the boy? who boy lives next door
10. She always asks me questions. which are difficult to answer

There was once a man who had two wives. One of them was old, and the other was young.
The man himself was not young. His hair was half black and half white.
The wife who was young did not want her husband to look old, because she herself was not
old. So she pulled out all his hair which was white
The wife who was old did not want her husband to look young, because she herself was not
young. So she pulled out all his hair which was black
At least the poor man had neither black hair nor white hair on his head. He had no hair at all
1. How many wives did the man have?a mam with his two wives
2. Why did his old wife pulled out his black hair? Because she did want her husband to look
3. Why did his young wife pulled out his white hair? Because she did want her husband to
look old
4. How much hair did the man have at least? At least the poor man had neither black hair
not white hair on his head.

Language, a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means

of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express

Raden Ajeng Kartini was born in 1879. Her father was regent of Jepara. He was an
educated man, and sent all his sons and daughters to a Dutch school. At school Kartini began
to think of what many girls of her age missed. They could not go to school, and had to stay at
home until they married. Kartini realized that women in Indonesia were not free, and she
wanted to improve this situation. But her elder brother did not agree with her, and she could
not do very much until she married the regent of Rembang. He allowed her to set up a house-
keeping course for the women in his regency.

Kartini knew that this was only the beginning of education for women but she could
not do more. She had always been weak, and she died when she was only 25 years old.
Thanks to her women in Indonesia now have an equal position in society to men.

1. Who was Kartini?

A The regent of Jepara
B The regent of Rembang
C The regent of Jepara’s daughter
D The regent of Rembang’s daughter
2. What did Kartini do when she was a young girl?
A She went to school
B She stayed at home
C She married
D She quarreled with her brother
3. What did many girls in Indonesian miss?
A They could not marry
B They could not go to school
C They could not stay at home
D They could not become regent
4. What was situation Kartini wanted to improve?
A The condition in Indonesian school was bad
B Indonesia was not free
C The schools were Dutch
D Women in Indonesia were not free
5. Why could Kartini not do very much at first
A Her father did not allow her
B Her brother disagreed with her
C Her husband ordered her to stay at home
D She was too weak
6. Who have much reason to be grateful to Kartini?
A Her brothers
B The woman of Indonesia in the past
C The woman of present day Indonesia
D All the women in the world

1. When was kartini born? Kartini born in 1879
2. Who was her father? Her father was regent of jepara
3. Who was her husband? Her husband regent of rambang
4. Who disagreed with her? Her brother disangreed with her
5. For whom did she work? For women present day on indonesia
6. How old was she when she died? She died when she was only 25 years old

How to make a negative sentence to all simple tenses
Untuk kata yang memiliki kata kerja (verb)
Simple Present Tense I/you/they/we + do not + V1 + O I do not play in the garden.
He/She/It + does not + V1 + O She does not play in the garden.
Simple Past Tense S + did not + V1 He did not play in the garden.
Simple Future Tense S + will not + V1 They will not play in the garden.
Present perfect tense He/she/it + has not + V3 He has not play in the garden.
I/We/You/They + have not + V3 I have not played in the garden.
Untuk kata yang menggunakan kata Bantu
Simple Present Tense I + am not + O I am not a singer
You/they/we + are not + O We are not a singer
He/She/It + is not + O She is not a singer
Simple Past Tense I/He/She/It + was not + O He was not a singer
You/they/we + were not + O they were not a singer
Simple Future Tense S + will not + O They will be not a singer.
Present perfect tense S + has not + O He has been not a singer.

Untuk kalimat Tanya maka kata yang dicetak tebal sebagai kata Bantu di letakkan didepan
Do you play in the garden?
Yes, I do.
No, I do not.
Did you play in the garden?
Yes, I did.
No, I did not.
Translate with your teacher
Will you play in the garden?
Yes, I will.
No, I will not.
Have you played in the garden?
Yes, I have.
No, I have not
Simple Present tense
1 .Kami tidak mencuci baju - We do not wash clothes
2. Mereka bukan pilot -They are not pilo
3. Yudha tidak bermain di Taman. -yudha does not play in the garden.
4. Guru olahraga tidak mengajar dikelas – sport teacher does not in they
5.Dita tidak bukan anak yang malas -dita is not child lazy
Simple Past Tense
1. Susan dan Maya meminjam buku kemari - Susan and Maya borrowes a book
2. Hadi dan Ijul berada di Bandung – Hadi and ijul in the bandung
3. Saya tidak berada di rumah I am not in the house
4. Mimin tidak memasak didapur Mimin did not cooket in the kitchen
5. Suhendra bukan seorang penjahat Suhendra was not a criminal
Simple Future Tense
1. Kami tidak akan pergi ke Papua ( We wiil go to papua)
2. Jono tidak akan menjadi Pemain Badminton ( jono wiil not be a badminton player )
3. Lula tidak akan berhenti menyanyi ( lula wiil not stop stinging )
4. Guru-guru tidak akan memotong rambutmu ( teachers wiil not cut yourhaier)
5. Dia (lk) tidak akan pergi ke Sulawesi ( he wiil not go to Sulawesi )
Present Perfect tense
1. Saya belum pernah di undang ke Pesta Ulang tahun ( I has never been in vaited to a
berday party
2. Dia (pr) belum pernah menjadi seorang Pembawa Acara ( she is girl has never been
master of ceremony)
3. Kami belum mengundang mereka.( we have not in vaited them )
4. Lola belum pernah makan ‘Soto babat’( lola has never eaten soto babat
5. Mereka belum menyelesaikan PR-nya( they have not fished ther homework )

COUNT a book books
NOUN one book two books A COUNT NOUN
some books SINGULAR :
a lot of PLURAL :
a + noun
Noun + -s
many books
a few books
T some money SINGULAR : PLURAL :
NOUN a lot of money (none)
Do not use a. A noncount noun does
much money
a little money
advice mail bread pepper
furniture money cheese rice
help music coffee salt
homework peace food soup
information traffic fruit sugar
jewelry weather meat tea
luck work milk water

Look at the italic words. Underline the noun. Is the noun Countable or uncountable noun?

COUNT UNCOUNT He likes his work

1 COUNT UNCOUNT He sits on a chair
2 COUNT UNCOUNT He sits on the furniture
3 COUNT UNCOUNT She has a coin
4 COUNT UNCOUNT She has some money
5 COUNT UNCOUNT She has some letters
6 COUNT UNCOUNT She has some mail
7 COUNT UNCOUNT The street is full of traffic
8 COUNT UNCOUNT There are a lot of cars in the street
9 COUNT UNCOUNT I know a fact about bees
10 COUNT UNCOUNT I have some information about bees
11 COUNT UNCOUNT The teacher give us homework
12 COUNT UNCOUNT We have an assignment
13 COUNT UNCOUNT I like music
14 COUNT UNCOUNT Would you like some coffee?
15 COUNT UNCOUNT People want peace in the world
16 COUNT UNCOUNT I need some advice
17 COUNT UNCOUNT Tom has a good job
18 COUNT UNCOUNT Dolphin is an English course
19 COUNT UNCOUNT Maria wears a lot of jewelry
20 COUNT UNCOUNT She wears earrings, rings, neck less, and bracelets



A dog is walking through the village. The dog is running away from the
It is a big dog. It is stealing a piece of village. It is crossing a small bridge.
meat. The piece of meat is in the dog's The bridge is over a stream.
The dog is looking into the water. It is The big dog is jumping into the
looking at a dog in the stream. This stream. It is dropping its piece of
dog has a piece of meat, too. meat. The piece of meat is falling into
the water.
Underline the uncountable noun in the text

Choose the correct answer. Write only A, B, C or D

1. The dog is running away from

a. A stream
b. A bridge
c. A village
d. A piece of meat
2. In picture 4 the piece of meat is

a. On the bridge
b. Over the stream
c. Falling into the stream
d. In the village
3. This story is about

a. Two dogs and two piece of meat

b. One dog and two pieces of meat
c. Two dogs and one piece of meat
d. One dog and one piece of meat
4. The dog has
a. A piece of meat
b. A bridge
c. A stream
d. A village

True or False? Write T against the statement that true and F against the statement
that False

1. The big dog is running away from a stream false

2. The big dog has two pieces f meat false

3. The stream is in the village true

4. The dog has a piece of meat in his mouth (picture 4) false

5. The bridge is over the village tru

Answer these questions with yes or no answer

1. Is the piece of meat in the dog’s mouth? (picture 3) yes

2. Is the bridge over a stream? Yes,the bridge over a stream

3. Is the piece of meat in the stream?no

4. Is the bridge in the village? yes

5.Is the dog in the stream? no


(a) This book belongs to POSSESSIVE POSSESSIV A possessive adjective is

me It is my book. It is ADJECTIVE PRONOUN used in front of a noun :
mine. my mine my book.
(b) That book belongs to your yours
you. It is your book. It hers A possessive pronoun is
is yours. used alone, without a noun
his his
following it :
our ours
That book is mine.
their theirs
mine book.

I etc. me etc. my etc. mine etc.

I know Tom. Tom knows me. It’s my car It’s mine

We know Tom. Tom knows us. It’s our car. It’s ours.

You know Tom. Tom knows you. It’s your car. It’s yours

He knows Tom. Tom knows him. It’s his car. It’s his.

She knows Tom Tom knows her. It’s her car. It’s hers.

They Know Tom Tom knows them. It’s their car. It’s theirs.

I own this book. You own that book.
This book belongs to __________ This book belongs to __________
This is __________ book. That is __________ book.
This book is ___________ That book is ___________

She owns this book. He owns that book.

This book belongs to __________ That book belongs to __________
This is __________ book. That is __________ book.
This book is ___________ That book is ___________

They own these books We own these books

These books belong to_________ These books belong to_________
These are ___________ books These are ___________ books
These books are ____________ These books are ____________

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in italics
1 a This bag is mine I
b That bag is hers Susi
c my bag is green I
d her is blue ....... She
2 a These books are ours We
b Those books are theirs They
c our books are on the table We
d their are on the desk They
3 a This raincoat is his Tom
b That raincoat is hers Annisa
c his is light brown He
d her is light blue She
4 a This notebook is mine I
b That notebook is your You
c _I_ has my name on it I
d _her_ has your name on it You
5 a his Apartment is on Pine street Andeas
b their is on Main street We
c his apartment has three rooms He
d our has four rooms We
6 a This is my pen I
b That one is yours You
c this is in my pocket I
d that is on fours desk You
7 a our car is Daihatsu We
b their is Toyota . They
c our gets 15 km to the gallon We
d their car gets 12 km to the gallon They
8 a These books are hers Lely
b Those are his ... Ricky
c these are on hers desk She
d those_ are on his desk He

Find the wrong pronouns on this letter
1.Everything is going fine. I like mine apartment very much. Its large and comfortable. I like
2.roommate too. Him name is Alberto. You will meet them when you visit I next month. His
3. Colombia. His studying English too. Us are classmates. We were classmates last semester
4. We share the rent and the utility bills, but us don’t share the telephone bill. He pays for
5. Calls and my pay for my. He telephone bill is very high because he has a girlfriend in
Colombia. He
6. calls she often. Sometimes her calls he. Them talk on the phone a lot.
7. Our neighbors are Mr. and Mrs Black. Their very nice. We talk to it often. Ours apartment
8. next to their. Theirs have a three years old daughter. She is really cute. Hers name is Joy.
Them also
9. have a cat. Its Black and white. Its eye are yellow. Its name is whiskers. It’s a friendly cat.
10. they’re cat leaves a dead mouse outside ours door.
11. I’m looking forward to you’re visit
Love James
Whose is this? It’s mine

uestion Tags in English
Verb Tense + sentence → - tag - Sentence → + tag
Present be She is American, Isn’t she ? She isn’t American, is she?
Present You study English, don’t you? You don’t study English, do
Past simple You were at home, weren’t you? You weren’t at home, were
Past Tom was watching TV, Wasn’t he ? Tom wasn’t watching TV, was
continouse he?
Present He has written 5 letters, hasn’t he ? He hasn’t written 5 letters, has
perfect he?
Past perfect You had had lunch, hadn’t you? You hadn’t had lunch, had
will He’ll read this book, won’t he ? He won’t read this book , will
Modal verbs He can read this book, can’t he ? He can’t read this book, can
he ?
1. Youwantedthat,didn'tyou?
2. Hesawthat,didn'the?
3. Youknowthat’sright,don'tyou?
4. Hewillbecoming,won'the? 5.Afterallthistimeyou’dthinkhe’dhaveforgotten,wouldn'tyou?
9.Afterworkingsohardhedidn’tdeservetofailtheexam,didhe..? 10.Heisn’tgoingtolikethis,ishe?
11. Sheiscollectingstickers,isn'tshe?
12. WeoftenwatchTVintheafternoon,don'twe..?
13. Youhavecleanedyourbike,haven'tyou?
14. Johnandmaxdon’tlikeMaths,dothey?
15. Peterplayedhandballyesterday,didn'the?
16. Theyaregoinghomefromschool,aren'tthey?
17. Marydidn’tdoherhomeworklastMonday,didshe?
18. Hecouldhaveboughtanewcar,couldn'the?
19. Kevinwillcometonight,won'the? 20. I’mclever,aren'ti?


Saying I love you

Is not the words.I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only ……
how easy it would be to show me how you feel
More than all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn’t.have to say that you love me
'Cause I'daready know
What would you do if my heart was turn into?
More than words to show you feel
thant your love for me is real
What would you say if I took thouse words away?
Then you couldn’t make things new
Just by saying I love you
It's more words, it's more than what you say
It's the things you do, oh yeah
It's more than words, it's more than what you say
It's the things. you do, oh yeah
Now that I've tried to talk to you and make you understand
All you have to do is close your eyes and just reach out your hands
And touch me
Hold me close don' ever…let me go
More than words
Is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was tron. into?
More than words to show you feel
That your love for me is real
What would you say if I took those words away?
Then you couldn't make things new
Just by saying I love you
Check Out

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