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Development Of Varied Assessment Tools: Knowledge

And Reasoning
We are concerned with developing objectives test for assessing
the attainment of educational objectives based on Bloom’s
taxonomy in this chapter. For this purpose, we restrict our
attention to the following types of the objectives test:
True-false items
Multiple-choice type items
Matching items
Enumeration and filling of the blanks and,
This first four types of objectives tests are used to test the first
four to five levels of hierarchy of education objectives while the
last (essay) is used for testing higher order thinking skills.
Planning a test and Construct of the Table of Specifications (TOS)
The important steps in planning for a test are:
Identify the test objectives
Deciding on the type of objective test to be prepared
Preparing a Table of Specifications (TOS)
Constructing the draft test items
Try-out and validation
Identify the objectives Test Objectives.  An objectives test, if it is
to be comprehensive, must cover the various levels of Bloom’s
taxonomy. Each objective consist of a statement of what is to be
achieved and, preferably, by how many percent of the student.
Example: We want to construct a test on the topic:
“Subject-Verb Agreement in English “for a Grade V class.
The following are typical Objectives;
Knowledge.  The student s must be able to identify the subject
and the verb in a given sentence.
Comprehension.  The students must able to determine the
appropriate form of a verb to be used given the subject of a
Application. The students must be able to write sentences
observing rules and on subject-verb agreement.
Analysis. The student must be able to break down a given
sentence into its subject and predicate.
Synthesis/Evaluation. The students must be able to formulate
rules to be followed regarding subject-verb agreement.

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