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Phase 2- Scenario 1

Tutor: Jhonatan Galindo

Student: Romario García Urbina

Code: 1051744389
Group: 518005_15

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

School of Education Sciences
Degree Program in Foreign Languages with an emphasis in English
Course: Methodology in Foreign Language Teaching (518005)
Cartagena de Indias - March 2021
Step 2: School characterization:

The approach applied in the school Humanism, Constructivism

School location Urban
Type of school Private school
School level Elementary, high school and academic
middle school.
Does the school offer virtual or face-to- At this time due to the pandemic,
face encounters? virtual classes are offered through the
Google Meet tool.
Economic stratification the students 3
The audiovisual AIDS in the school Video beam, computers, all
technological elements.
The school year of the course Seventh grade
The number of students in the course 30
The English level of the students in the A2
English subject methodology Communicative Method
The number of hours of English classes 04
per week
Step 3: Comparative Chart


A method is a practical A general plan for the orderly
implementation of an approach. A presentation of linguistic material,
Method theory is put into practice at the no part of which contradicts and
method level. all of which is based on the
selected approach.
One approach refers to general Theory of language.
assumptions about what language The nature of language
Approach is and how language learning How to acquire the knowledge of
occurs. It represents the sum of a language,
our philosophy on language And the conditions that favor the
theory and learning theory. acquisition of language.
The implementation of a
procedure requires certain
Technique practices and behaviors that
operate in the teaching of a
language according to a particular The actual implementation in the
method. These practices and language classroom.
behaviors are the techniques on
which every procedure is based.
Techniques, in this sense, are an
integral part of the procedures.
A common procedure in the
grammar translation method, for
Procedure example, is to begin by explaining Techniques
grammar rules and exemplifying Practices
these rules through sentences Behaviors
that students then had to
translate into their mother
A definition of linguistic content. Objectives
A specification for the selection Curriculum type
Design and organization of content. Types of activity
A description of the role of the Student roles
teacher, the student and the Teacher roles
teaching materials. Role of materials

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