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Test 9 Version B

Time 40 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2017

Part 1

Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply.
You will hear each sentence twice.

1 A If you ask me, we can.

B It’s supposed to be fascinating.
C Have you tried doing it?

2 A No problem.
B I’ll give it a try.
C You’ll never guess what.

3 A Do you need a hand?

B If I were you, I’d certainly try that.
C I’m not sure that I’d be interested, thanks.

4 A How can I help?

B I think he’d love it.
C Let me check for you.

5 A It’s great as a rule.

B Sorry, I’ve just seen it.
C What did you think of it?

6 A Lisa could come, for instance.

B Wait a moment. I’ll ask Lisa.
C What can Lisa do to help?

3 Turn over ►
7 A I tend not to, on the whole.
B Is there something I can do?
C I’m not a big fan of music like that.

8 A That’s a great idea!

B So what do you need?
C I’m really pleased to hear that.

Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about entertainment.

Choose the missing word (A, B, C or D) for each space.

9 Some parts of the movie Inception were ............ in Morocco.

A nominated B applied C supposed D filmed

10 The newspapers said that the musician gave the best ............ of his life on that track.

A animation B argument C performance D celebration

11 The final ............ in the movie was very emotional.

A studio B scene C signal D system

12 I’ve heard lots of recordings by my favourite band, but I’ve never seen them playing ............ .

A fast B late C live D hard

13 My favourite singer has just announced that she’s going to play at our local ............ this

A choir B orchestra C album D festival

14 I prefer watching films which are ............ on a true story, like The Imitation Game.

A based B written C recorded D taken

5 Turn over ►
15 A well-known ............ from Russia recorded the music for that film.

A track B orchestra C playlist D album

16 Most actors I know prefer working with ............ who are calm during filming in the studio.

A instructors B directors C officers D organisers

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the descriptions of some words about entertainment. What are the missing words?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 A type of TV programme that gives facts and information about a d__________


18 People who enjoy being scared like watching this type of movie. h_____f___

19 This is the group of people who watch a film or concert. a_______

20 This is the part of the building where they record TV shows. s_____

21 A person who plays an instrument in a band or an orchestra, for m_______


22 This TV series shows the daily lives of a group of characters. s___ o____

23 Having this talent helps artists get new ideas. c_________

24 If you want a record played in a club, this is the person to ask. D_

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the article about Glastonbury Festival.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

Glastonbury Festival

The world-famous Glastonbury Festival happens near Pilton, in the UK, in June. The first festival
in Glastonbury (25) ………… started in 1914 by a musician (26) ………… name was Rutland
Boughton, and included only classical concerts and talks. These days, the festival has a huge
variety of events, (27) ………… include popular music, dance and theatre.

The present festival (28) …………by Michael Eavis and his daughter Emily, and takes a lot of time
to prepare. There are two million litres of water, 4,000 toilets and 400 food stalls to provide, for a
start! Volunteers, (29) ………… come from different charities, work without pay but get free tickets,
food and transport and money for their charity. Security, however, is the responsibility of a
management company, (30) ………… is necessary when you expect over 150,000 visitors each

The festival takes place in summer. You might expect good weather then but, in fact, it can rain a
lot. Sometimes, the site (31) ………… described as a ‘dirty lake’ because of the amount of water.
But there is no sign that the festival will stop and it’s certain that all the tickets for the next one
(32) ………… within a few hours of being released!

25 A has B was C were D is

26 A what B that C whose D who

27 A who B which C what D where

28 A is organised B is organising C organises D organise

29 A where B that C what D who

30 A which B what C why D when

31 A have been B has been C is being D was being

32 A are being B were sold C have sold D will be sold


9 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about entertainment.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.

33 The orchestra will use over 20 different instruments to perform this music.

Over 20 different instruments ……………………………………….. to perform this music.

34 The film festival is for charity and my brother organises it.

The film festival, ……………………………………….. is for charity, is organised by my


35 Has someone sent Sarah two tickets for that game show?

Have two tickets ……………………………………….. to Sarah for that game show?

36 The Beatles recorded this TV programme in the USA in the 1960s.

This TV programme is from the 1960s, ……………………………………….. The Beatles

went to the USA.

37 The director gave a presentation about his latest documentary.

A presentation about his latest documentary ……………………………………….. the


38 That choir sang the final song and won the prize.

They gave the prize to the choir……………………………………….. sang the final song.

39 Is it true that they’re recording a new album in that studio?

Is it true that a new album ……………………………………….. recorded in that studio?

40 I’ve never seen such a long playlist.

This is the longest playlist ……………………………………….. have ever seen.



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