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We describe the use of ultrasonography-guided percutaneous splenic injection of agitated saline and heparinized
blood for the diagnosis of portosystemic shunts (PSS) in 34 dogs. Agitated saline mixed with 1 ml of heparinized
autologous blood was injected into the spleen of 34 sedated dogs under sonographic guidance. The transducer
was then sequentially repositioned to visualize the portal vein, the caudal vena cava, and the right atrium
through different acoustic windows. It was possible to differentiate between intrahepatic and extrahepatic shunts
depending on the entry point of the microbubbles into the caudal vena cava. Portoazygos shunts and portocaval
shunts could be differentiated based on the presence of microbubbles in the caudal vena cava and/or the right
atrium. In one dog, collateral circulation due to portal hypertension was identified. In dogs with a single
extrahepatic shunt, the microbubbles helped identify the shunting vessel. The technique was also used post-
operatively to assess the efficacy of shunt closure. All abnormal vessels were confirmed by exploratory la-
parotomy or with ultrasonographic identification of the shunting vessel. Ultrasound-guided transsplenic injection
of agitated saline with heparinized blood should be considered as a valuable technique for the diagnosis of PSS;
it is easy to perform, safe, and the results are easily reproducible. r 2010 Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound,
Vol. 52, No. 1, 2011, pp 103–106.

Key words: agitated saline, dog, portosystemic shunt, spleen, ultrasound.

Introduction transit of microbubbles through the portal system in nor-

mal dogs.11 Microbubbles can be followed through the
C ONGENITAL EXTRAHEPATIC AND intrahepatic macrovas-
cular portosystemic shunts (PSS) affect dogs and cats,
and the various morphologies have been described.1–5 De-
splenic vein into the portal vein and intrahepatic portal
vasculature. The absence of microbubbles beyond the si-
tection and characterization of PSS using diagnostic imag- nusoidal barrier in normal dogs makes transsplenic injec-
ing influences treatment decisions and helps identify the tion of agitated saline a useful technique for the diagnosis
shunting vessel during surgery.5,6,7 of a PSS.11
The presumptive diagnosis of a PSS is usually based on a Our goal was to describe the results of ultrasound-
combination of signalment and history, physical examin- guided transsplenic injection of agitated saline with he-
ation findings, and clinicopathologic abnormalities.8 A de- parinized blood in dogs with a surgical or ultrasonographic
finitive diagnosis requires surgical identification, contrast diagnosis of macroscopic PSS. A secondary objective was
splenoportography, contrast portal venography, computed to compare the presurgical vs. the postsurgical pattern of
tomography angiography, contrast-enhanced magnetic res- flow of microbubbles.
onance angiography, ultrasonography, or scintigraphy.9,10
Ultrasonography-guided transsplenic injection of agi- Materials and Methods
tated saline has been used to evaluate the intravascular Thirty-four dogs having a mean age of 2.5 years (range
1–9) and a mean weight of 5.3 kg (range 1–37 kg) with
From the Department of Animal Pathology, University of Zaragoza, surgical (26 dogs) or ultrasonographic (eight dogs) confir-
Zaragoza, Spain 50013 (Gómez-Ochoa, Ruiz, Sosa, Gregori, Prieto,
Gascón), Davies Veterinary Specialists, Hertfordshire SG5 3HR, UK mation of PSS were evaluated between February 2007 and
(Llabrés-Dı́az), Department of Clinical and Veterinary Pathology, Section December 2009.
of Animal Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sassari, Italy The microbubble test was always carried out before sur-
07100 (Corda), and Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Veterinary
Teaching Hospital, College of Veterinary Medicine, OSU Comprehensive gery or ultrasonographic identification of the abnormal
Cancer Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus 43210 (Couto). vessel(s). Ultrasound-guided transsplenic injection of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Pablo Gómez-Ochoa, agitated saline was performed as described previously,11
at the above address. E-mail:
Received April 10, 2010; accepted for publication August 25, 2010. with a slight modification of the technique. The dogs
doi: 10.1111/j.1740-8261.2010.01752.x were sedated with an intramuscular combination of

104 Go¤MEZ-OCHOA ET AL 2011

acetylpromazine and butorphanolw and positioned in Results

right recumbency. A General Electric P6,z a LogicE,y and Three patterns of microbubble distribution were identified
a Philips ATL HDI 3500z were used. A wide-range mi- (Table 1). The first was identified in eight dogs with a single
croconvex transducer was used to locate the spleen. The intrahepatic shunt each; two had a patent ductus venosus
microbubble solution injected into the splenic pulp was and six had a right divisional shunt. The microbubbles were
composed of a weight-related volume of 0.9% saline mixed seen clearly in the portal vein or involved portal vein branch,
with 1 ml of heparinized autologous blood taken from the the intrahepatic shunt, and in a dilated hepatic vein and/or in
jugular vein. The mixture was agitated back and forth be- the caudal vena cava (Fig. 1) (Video S1). However, they
tween two syringes connected at right angles to each other could not be found in the caudal vena cava before the
by a three-way stopcock. The total volume of the injectate shunting vessel entered the hepatic parenchyma. Following
was 6 ml for dogs between 1 and 10 kg of body weight, 8 ml the microbubble transit, either in the intrahepatic portal
for dogs between 10 and 20 kg, and 10 ml for dogs up to veins or in the caudal vena cava, the shunting vessel was
20 kg. A 22 G, 1.5 in. needle, attached to the three-way characterized further sonographically. In these eight dogs,
stopcock via a flexible extension tube, was positioned in the microbubbles were also seen in the right atrium.
splenic parenchyma under ultrasonographic guidance. The second pattern was found in 23 dogs with a single
Maintaining the needle in the splenic pulp, the transducer extrahepatic portocaval shunt and one dog with cirrhosis.
was then repositioned to sequentially visualize three differ- The microbubbles were detected in the caudal vena cava
ent acoustic windows. before it entered the hepatic parenchyma (Fig. 2). The
The first acoustic window had the transducer positioned technique helped localize the entry point of the shunting
just caudal to the xiphoid process. Through this window, vessel (Video S1), but the specific origin was impossible to
longitudinal images of the portal vein at the level of the discriminate. Microbubbles were seen in the right atrium in
porta hepatis were obtained. Subsequently, and maintain- all of these dogs (Video S2). In the dog with cirrhosis, a
ing the transducer caudal to the xiphoid process, transverse long splenorenal vessel was identified and this was con-
images were obtained to evaluate the caudal vena cava and firmed during laparotomy.
hepatic veins. The third microbubble pattern was seen in two dogs with
The second acoustic window was used to evaluate the a single portoazygos shunt. The microbubbles could only
right and dorsal aspects of the abdomen. With the patient be found in the right atrium (Fig. 3). No information about
still in right recumbency, the transducer was positioned the entrance point of the shunting vessel could be deter-
under the right side of the patient, behind the last rib, and mined in these dogs, although scanning the region of the
with a slight cranial orientation. A cutout window of the abdominal azygos vein along the aorta to determine the
table or a sliding technique where the transducer runs be- location of shunt termination is recommended in cases with
tween the table and the right side of the patient was used a caudal entry point.
for this purpose. Longitudinal images of the caudal vena In seven of eight dogs with a single congenital extrahe-
cava from the level of the right kidney cranially were patic shunt evaluated again postoperatively, no Doppler
obtained from this second acoustic window. signal was seen in the shunting vessel and no microbubbles
The third acoustic window allowed for a standard echo- were seen in the caudal vena cava or the right atrium. In
cardiographic right parasternal long-axis view and a stan- one dog, microbubbles were seen in the caudal vena cava
dard right ventricular outflow tract short-axis view to be and the right atrium.
obtained. Longitudinal and transverse images were No complications were detected in any dog, and the
obtained and reviewed, paying particular attention to the echo pattern at the injection site reverted to the pre-injec-
right atrium. tion state within 5 min of injection.
At this point, the agitated saline was injected, divided
into three boluses. Each bolus was injected in o3 s during
the examination of every acoustic window. Table 1. Summary of the Three Microbubble Patterns
In eight dogs with an extrahepatic shunt that underwent Presence of Microbubbles
surgical correction, ultrasound-guided transsplenic injec-
Extrahepatic Hepatic Veins and
tion of agitated saline was repeated 1 month after surgery CVC Intrahepatic CVC RA
to compare the distribution of microbubbles with the pre- Extrahepatic PCS Yes Yes Yes
surgical findings. Intrahepatic PCS No Yes Yes
Extrahepatic PAS No No Yes
Calmo Neosan, Pfizer, New York, NY.
Scanning the region of the abdominal azygos vein along the aorta to
wTorbugesic, Fort Dodge, Madison, NJ.
zGeneral Electric, Fairfield, CT. identify the shunt termination in cases with an abdominal entry point is
yGeneral Electric, Fairfield, CT. recommended.CVC, caudal vena cava; RA, right atrium; PCS, port-
zAmsterdam, the Netherlands. ocaval shunt; PAS, portoazygos shunt.

Fig. 1. Great Pyrenees dog with intrahepatic shunt. The portal vein (PV) Fig. 3. Microbubbles inside the right atrium and right ventricle of a dog
and the caudal vena cava (CVC) can be visualized filled with microbubbles. with a portoazygos shunt.

The diagnosis of PSS in small animals is often challeng-

Discussion ing.5 Advanced imaging techniques are being used increas-
This technique is based on the fact that agitated saline ingly to define the number and morphology of PSS, but
microbubbles do not cross the sinusoidal barrier, whereas these techniques are not widely available. Sonography is
microbubbles can reach the systemic circulation bypassing used commonly for PSS detection, but this technique is
the liver in case of a macroscopic PSS. The three shunting heavily operator- and equipment dependent. The reported
patterns described in the results can be easily and objec- accuracy of ultrasonography for shunt detection has in-
tively identified using standard ultrasound equipment. creased through the improved quality of the equipment
Moreover, the addition of a small volume of blood makes and the routine use of color Doppler.5 Ultrasound-guided
the ultrasonographic identification of the microbubbles transsplenic injection of agitated saline and heparinized
easier than when only agitated saline is used.11 This is blood may provide for a further increase in the accuracy of
a fairly relevant point because the negative effect of the ultrasound for shunt detection.
dilution of the agitated saline in case of a small shunt en- Agitated saline is safe, even when injected into a pe-
tering into a large vessel, like the caudal vena cava, is ripheral vein.12 In humans, a link between injection of ag-
avoided. As an example, this study includes cases where we itated saline and mild cerebral ischemic events has been
identified shunting vessels of 2–3 mm diameter and where suggested.13 The addition of a small volume of blood to the
the microbubbles were still easily identified in the caudal saline possibly decreases microbubble surface tension and
vena cava and/or in the right atrium. promotes bubble aggregation, thereby increasing their sta-
bility and longevity in solution.12
Peritoneal extravasation can result in nondiagnostic
studies when using transsplenic portal scintigraphy14 or
with iodinated contrast splenoportography, whereas in the
transsplenic injection of agitated saline and heparinized
blood, extravasation does not interfere with or affect the
results of the test when subsequent splenic injections are
No attempt was made to calculate the sensitivity, spec-
ificity, and accuracy of this technique. The main objective
of the study was to describe the different patterns of mi-
crobubble identification obtained in this population of
dogs with PSS.
This technique may represent a good screening test to
differentiate between intrahepatic and extrahepatic shunts
but comparing it with advanced imaging techniques are
Fig. 2. Longitudinal view of the caudal vena cava (CVC). The entrance needed to determine its accuracy. Moreover, ultrasono-
point can be easily identified (arrow) in this extrahepatic shunt. graphy-guided transsplenic injection of agitated saline
106 Go¤MEZ-OCHOA ET AL 2011

allows discrimination between portocaval shunts and port- bles. And, if a portocaval shunt terminates in the caudal
oazygos shunts, and provides information about the entry vena cava but is very close to the diaphragm, it could be
point in portocaval shunts and a qualitative assessment of interpreted as a portoazygos shunt. Another important
shunting vessel closure/attenuation following surgery. limitation of this technique is the scarce information it
There are several limitations to this technique. The mi- provides about the anatomy and number of shunts. This
crobubbles should follow the pressure gradient and end up information is fairly relevant for surgical planning.
in the caudal vena cava or azygos vein to be detected. No dogs with hepatic microvascular dysplasia were
Therefore, a shunt not involved in the microbubble path- evaluated. It has been hypothesized that hepatic micro-
way will likely be missed. This limitation is shared with vascualr dysplasia may represent the persistence of the
contrast splenoportography15,16 and with transsplenic por- embryonic vitelline veins.17,18 Therefore, it is possible that
tal scintigraphy.14 Many collateral and plexus-like acquired a different pattern of microbubble flow would be observed
shunts are outside the pathway of the injected microbub- in these patients; however, this is unknown.

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Supporting Information
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10. Bruehschwein A, Foltin I, Flatz K, Zoellner M, Matis U. Contrast-
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11. Gómez-Ochoa P, Llabrés-Dı́az F, Ruiz S, et al. Ultrasono- right side of the heart (right parasternal long axis view and
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13. Romero JR, Frey JL, Schwamm LH, et al. Cerebral ischemic events content or functionality of any supporting materials sup-
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14. Morandi F, Cole RC, Tobias KM, Berry CR, Avenell J, Daniel GB. terial) should be directed to the corresponding author for
Use of 99mTCO4(-) trans-splenic portal scintigraphy for diagnosis of the article.

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