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Method of Standard 1 2 3 Score

Assessment Beginning Developing Proficient

Is student able to Empowered Learner Student is Student can apply Student can 2
take what is ISTE 1d – unable or only learned apply
learned in the Student understands the fundamental slightly able to knowledge to new knowledge to
lesson and apply it concepts of technology operations, apply learned task with new tasks, and
to new material? demonstrate the ability to choose, use knowledge to teacher’s is able to help
and troubleshoot current technologies new tasks. assistance. other students.
and is able to transfer their knowledge
to explore emerging technologies.
Is student on task Digital Citizen Student is Student is usually Student 3
during lesson and ISTE 2b – Students engage in positive, often off task, on task, but may consistently
following along? safe, legal and ethical behavior when playing games, have to be stays on task
using technology, including social or on other reminded by and engages in
interactions online or when using websites. teacher lesson.
networked devices? occasionally.
Does the student Creative Communicator The work that Student is Student is 3
produce work that ISTE 6d – Students publish or present is published is producing work at producing
is appropriate for content that customizes the message below his/her abilities work above
his/her age? and medium for their intended student’s consistently. his/her grade
audiences. abilities and/or level/abilities
grade level. consistently.
Does the student Innovative Designer The student’s The student’s The student’s 2
produce work that ISTE 4a – Students know and use a work has no work has some work is
is appropriately deliberate design process for generating design theme, but designed
designed? ideas, testing theories, creating element/theme/ inconsistent in smoothly. The
innovative artifacts or solving authentic systemic fonts colors and/or theme, colors
problems. and colors. fonts. and fonts
each other.
TOTAL 10/12

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