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病历本 Medical record

害得他又跑一趟 cost Cost him another trip

接触低氧环境产生缺氧 Exposure to low oxygen environment
迷恋上这个 app hook Be hooked on the app
时机不能更好了 timing The timing couldn’t be better
似乎正在塑造平台的个性特征 Seem to be shaping the identity of the platform
策划回归 Stage a comeback
需求变得强烈 The need grows intense
生活中有限的空间 Live in confined spaces
降噪,消除噪音 Noise cancelling
抑制噪音等级 Damp noise levels
发出声波来抵消进入的声音 Emit sound to counter incoming noise

反之亦然 Vice versa

凭借 Draw on
阐明 Cast light on
产生 Give birth to, give rise to
排除 Rule out
很大的功劳归…… The lion’s share of the credit goes to
无法匹敌的 adj Unmatched, unparalleled

产生气短等症状 Lead to such symptoms as shortness of breath

即兴演讲 Unprepared speech
得不偿失 The loss outweighs the gains
当机立断 Make a quick decision

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