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 Chore - daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking,

and shopping)
 to gripe - to complain
 a complaint - a gripe
 put one's foot down - to insist or demand something
 get somebody to do something- to convince or persuade
someone to do something
 make somebody do something - to force someone to do
 let someone do something - to permit or allow somebody
to do something
 nag - to ask over & over again
 feel like doing something- to want to do something or to
be in the mood
 policy - a set of rules
 implement - to put something into practice
 brother in law - my sister's husband or my spouse's
 spouse - daughter-in-law
 stepmother - my father's spouse
 half-sister- the sister I share one parent with
 stepbrother - the male child of my step parent
 immediate family- mother, father, siblings OR spouse &
 extended family- grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles
 blended family - a family made when two people get
married & already have children
 "I leave it up to you" - You can decide
 to "call" something - to claim something Ex: "I ______ the
last piece of candy!"
 niece - my sibling's daughter
 nephew - my sibling's son
 backseat driver - someone who gives unwanted advice
or directions
 sibling - a brother or sister
 only child - the parents had one child
 great-grandfather - your grandfather's father
 grandmother - your mother's mother
 uncle- your mother's brother, or your father's brother
 aunt - your mother's sister, or your father's sister
 cousin - the children of your aunt and uncle
 at the age of - a phrase to say time in the past - how
many years old
 back then - a phrase for "in the past" a time you have
already talked about
 in those days - a phrase for "in the past" a time you have
already introduced
 when I was - a phrase to say time in the past
 when we were kids - when we were children
 nowadays - now, these days, in these times
 these days - recent time
 today . these days - to talk about recent time - not just
one day
 used to - talk about activities/events or situations done
regularly in the past but don't happen or exist now
 would - talk about regular acitivies and events in the
past, but not situations
 have someone do something - a little bit of force or
obligation to do something
 come over- phrasal verb = go to someone's house
 crawl - to walk on your hands and knees, like a baby
 tease - bother someone, repeatedly about something
Ex: She ______ her brother about his crazy hairstyle.
 "it seems to me" - in my opinion
 Policy – rule
 Recipe - a set of instructions for making food.
 Creative - a person who is good at thinking of new ideas
or making new things
 Memories - something that you remember from the past
 hide and seek - a game where one person tries to find
people who are hiding
 free for all - a competition or activity with no rules
 give in - agree to someone's demands
 bonding - forming a close relationship with someone

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