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Worksheet 1.1a What makes it reggae?

1 Listen to ‘I Will’ by John Holt. Put a tick in the box next to each statement that you
think applies to this track.

a The bass line is sung,

b A drum kit is used.

c The opening melody is played by a trumpet and electric guitar.

d The opening melody is played by a saxophone and keyboards.

e An acoustic guitar plays the chords.

f An electric guitar plays the chords.

g There is a fade at the end of the song.

h Flutes can occasionally be heard.

i There is a guitar riff between the verses.

2 Verse 3 is slightly longer than verses 1 and 2. Write down the words of the two
lines which make it longer.

3 We can hear a good balance of acoustic and electric instruments. List the
instruments you can hear that would also be found in an orchestra.

Harcourt Education 2007: Opus 2 1 Reggae

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