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STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study
Based on the experience of developing and delivering your instructional unit, list three short-
term goals to improve specific areas of your teaching practice based on the unit of instruction
and describe your plan to reach each short-term goal.

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

Short-Term Goal development, research on the Internet,
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)
1. I taught this lesson based upon the Based on the experience of developing and
information that I my cooperating delivering my instructional unit. Here is a list
teacher shared with me and what I had of short-term goals to improve specific areas
learned about the students in the of your teaching practice based on the unit of
classroom at this time. As I reflect instruction. Here is my rationale for my short
upon the lesson unit I taught. I goals. I choose these short-term goals with
wished that I would have managed my the students’ strengths/needs /weaknesses in
time more wisely at the beginning of minds along with me as a teacher.
the lesson and provide the students I believe it would have been more beneficial
with better direct instruction. At the for me to watch and take notes from my
start of the lesson, I believed I was cooperating teacher (veteran teacher) as she
headed in the right the direction in taught this lesson or a lesson similar to this
terms of my teaching what is the so that I could have an idea of how to
beginning, the middle and the ending manage my time better and still be able to
of story. However, I realized my teach the students the lesson that would
nerves got the best of me which covered all their strengths/weaknesses/needs
caused me to doubt myself and lose so that they could master the skillset that was
my train of thought which inevitable being taught.
caused me to lose track of time. My
short goal is to have better time
management skills by taking my time
when teaching and focus less on
having a perfect lesson and focus
more the students
needs/strengths/weaknesses of the
students of the classroom
2. As I continued to teach the students, I I would reach this goal by not only getting to
realized that I wished I had gotten a know my students better, but I would also
better sense of how the students collaborate more with my cooperating teacher
processed, learned, and retained the as well as research the internet. To discover
information when it is being taught to for mays to differentiate this lesson according
them. Differentiated instruction would to the needs/strengths and weaknesses of the
have been key in this lesson because students. So that I was better prepared to
as I was teaching the lesson, I realized teach the lesson according to what would
that some of the students had not grasp have been more beneficial to them in ensuring
the concept in the beginning, the that most of them would have mastered the
middle, and end of the story while I skill/strategies that was being taught to them
started teaching more of the story regarding the elements of a story.
elements like the problem and the
solution of the story.
Some students were unsure of how to
identify each story element. I felt bad
because in hindsight if I would utilize
a more efficient way of assessing the
students while I was teaching I could
have readjusted my lesson according
to climate of my students and their
capability to identify and using the
academic language of what the
elements of the story is: such as the
problem and solution of the problem.

3. By the end of this unit lesson, I To reach this goal, I should have asked more
realized there were some things I clarifying questions such as: can you identify
needed to change or readjust, based what the beginning of the story is? How do
upon the feedback that I received from you know? Can you provide me with an
the students and my cooperating example or examples of how you know what
teacher. I should have taken my time each element of the story is by referring to the
to model each step of their text that was just read to the class? To make
independent assignment so that they sure they were comprehending the lesson
understood what the expectation of the before giving them the instruction to complete
assignment was. Instead of me the assignment. To ensure they would be
assuming that they knew how to successful in mastering the skillset or
complete the task after giving them strategy.
the instruction as to how to complete
the task. I still should have taking
more time to demonstrate/ model how
to complete it/

Long-Term Goals: Teachers who are dedicated to their profession and to improving the lives of
students will continually look for ways to grow and learn. The best way to ensure that learning is
prioritized is to create a long-term goal. Create one long term goal that is specific and
measurable. Make sure to discuss the following:
Long-Term Goal:
Rationale: Why did you choose this goal? How As a teacher I am dedicated to my profession
do you expect it to improve the outcomes of your and improving the lives of students by
future students? continuing to look for ways to grow and learn
by attending ongoing professional
development trainings and/or the conferences
that assist in the developmental process of me
becoming more of a distinguished teacher
inside and outside of the classroom in the
district I work for.
End Date: By when do you expect to accomplish This goal is an ongoing goal because I believe
this goal? as a teacher it is in my best interest to not
become complacent in my teaching and
learning but to continue in an ongoing process
of become better at teaching for the
betterment of my students so that they too
will grow and learn on their academic journey
and become good citizens.
Action Timeline: What steps will you take to The steps that I will take to complete this goal
complete this goal, and by when will you take is ongoing until I believe that I have obtain
them? Example: the knowledge and skillset to accomplish the
1/31/18: Join AACTE necessary steps to complete this goal. Since I
am a sponge, I don’t foresee me completing
this goal anytime soon because I enjoy
learning new strategies/tools to enhance my
teaching repertoire.
Resources: What resources are available to assist There are school/district/statewide trainings
you in accomplishing your goal? that I can attend or are assigned to me as
teacher to ensure that I am accomplishing this

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