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For Reporting Purposes

Educational Technology

 Educational Technology is a systematic and organized process of applying modern

technology to improve the quality of education.
Educational technology is applying technology with a systematic patterns or step by step
procedure. These technologies are evidently being used to suffice educational needs.

 It is a systematic way of conceptualizing the execution and evaluation of the educational

process, learning and teaching and help with the application of modern educational
teaching techniques.
Educational technology helps the academic community to engage in academic activities
and discussions with the help of existing gadgets and modern materials that may be used
for educational purposes.

 It includes instructional materials, methods, and organization of work and relationships.

Educational technology does not only include the modern gadgets and materials to be
used in implying lessons. As such, it is also about the teacher and students who work
together for them to have a better grasp of the knowledge to be given.

 The term “teaching resources” is commonly used, although they are not synonymous.
 The word “technology” is derived from the Greek word, “techno” which means the
willingness, skills, knowledge of the way, rule, tools, and “logos” which means, science,
word, learning, mental state.

 There are different opinions among teachers in the field of social and technical science.
 The application of educational technology requires knowledge from several areas;
pedagogy, psychology, didactics, computer sciences, informatics.
Educational technology depends upon the areas of concern such as pedagogy,
psychology, didactics, computer sciences, informatics. This means that educational
technology depends on its uses on the following areas of concern.

 Educational Technology is still not being applied sufficiently mostly for reasons of lack
of school equipment necessary resources and insufficient qualification of teachers for the
implementation of these funds.
 When using educational technology we should be primarily focused on the educational
value of the tools and applications we use, how adequate they are in the acquisition of
knowledge, whether there is an interaction between users and tools, and if we have
positive effects in using them.

Three Domains of Educational Technology

1. Technology as a Tutor (computer gives instructions and guides the user)

Technology provides instructions to man especially because of its technicalities and
modernism, technology serves as a tutor in man’s pursuit of knowledge.
2. Technology as a teaching tool
Technology helps man to be able to understand more effectively the lessons and ideas
being presented. In this case, technology serves as a tool that makes the acacemic life
more interactive and more advanced.

3. Technology as a learning tool

Aside from having it as a tool in teaching, man also able to discover something new;
something that is out of his ordinary experiences and basic material discoveries. By using
technology, we are able to learn how to cope up with these modern technologies that are
very rampant in the world of academe.

 Lowther et al., suggests that education technology has not yet taken its place, in spite of
their recommendations.
This author suggests that although technology is present in our everyday lives, still many
of us are not used in using such materials and gadgets especially teachers who are used
with the traditional way of education.
 Leu et al., (2009) state that children in poorer areas are very rarely use the Internet as a
learning tool.
 Today’s children use modern technical equipment from an early age. (Gutnik et al.,
2011; Rideout 2011)


1. The educational value of the program.
The value of education must be well understood by the students for them to be more
interested in having the lesson.
2. Its ability to engage children in learning
INTEREST is a big factor in children’s learning and it is the role of the teacher to make
the lesson an interesting medium to the students.
3. Ease of use
Technology must be quite effective and students will be able to use it properly if there is
an ease of use out of it.
4. Interactivity between the child and programs
Educational programs must be effective to the needs of the learner.


1. Students can independently progress in mastering teaching materials, to choose that

pace of work, to repeat the material that is not sufficiently clear, that after tests performed
immediately get results and track their progress.
2. Interactive, multimedia content provides a great advantage of modern learning over
traditional learning.
3. With the application of educational technology we get feedback between teacher and
the student.
4. Research at the Center for Educational Research in Pittsburgh within Individually
Prescribed Instruction showed that computers are better tailored to the individual abilities
of students, rather than teachers themselves.
5. Educational technology must inevitably be integrated into classrooms and curricula.

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