The Importance of Education

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Daniel Felipe Angarita Ballesteros

Argumentative text

Education is a process in which the knowledge, habits, customs and values of a

society are transmitted to the next generation, bearing in mind that in this process
the physical, intellectual and moral faculties of the human being are developed,
with the aim of integrating into society.

Today, the human being must strive every day more to live in a better society,
which is based on a proper coexistence, a respect between people taking into
account the values that are learned from home.

To achieve this goal, a formation of the person based on his or her human
development, based on the principle that man is a being capable of being better,
for the well-being of himself and of others, hence the importance of people’s
education because it is one of the factors that most influences the advancement
and progress of individuals and societies. In addition, knowledge, education
enriches culture, spirit, values and everything that characterizes us as human

Education is necessary in every way. To achieve better levels of social welfare and
economic growth; to redress economic and social inequalities; to promote the
social mobility of people; to access better levels of employment; to raise the
cultural conditions of the population; to expand opportunities for young people; to
invigorate the civic and secular values that strengthen the relations of societies; for
the advancement of democracy and the strengthening of the rule of law; for the
promotion of science, technology and innovation.
Education has always been important for development, but it has acquired greater
relevance in today’s world that is undergoing profound transformations, motivated
by the advancement of science and its applications, and the development of the
media and information technologies.

On the other hand, comprehensive education allows people to be more

participatory in society, for this it is important that educational centers are places
where they learn to think, to live together and to reflect critically about the social
reality, because it is the essential agent for the democratic formation of students,
since it is an institution that transmits social values and norms, that forms socially
and educates civically and that can allow students, from a young age, to learn to
participate in community.

In conclusion, education starts from the first knowledge that the human being
acquires from his home and is formed when the person begins to live in society,
this is done with the interaction of the people in the schools. The education that the
human being acquires throughout his life, causes him to develop as an integral
being, capable of having positive and critical participation and in this way to grow
society as the fundamental part of human coexistence. Nelson Mandela

“Education is the most powerful

weapon which you can use to change
the world”
Nelson Mandela, 1993 Nobel Prize winner and former President of South Africa.


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