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1. What are the types of CT? Example?

Current Transformers can be constructed in a number of different ways:

A. WOUND TYPE: with a fixed primary with a number of turns around the core the winding is fully insulated and form an
integral part of the assembly

B. BAR TYPE: this has a fixed insulated primary conductor passing through the core and essentially the primary
conductor is equal to 1 turn

C. BUSHING TYPE: this has no primary winding it is for use with a fully insulated conductor acting as the primary

D. RING or WINDOW TYPE: this has no primary winding but it normally has insulation in the window so that conductors
can be passed through

2. What are the classes of CT? Explain? Rating of CT? Application?

Current Transformers are divided into 2 major categories:

A. MEASUREMENT: Intended for use with indicating or integrating meters

a. CT Ratio, VA Burden, Accuracy, ISF, Rct

b. e.g. 400/1A, 15 VA, 0.5 Cl., ISF < 10, Rct< 3Ohm

Application: Ammeter, energy meter, Tariff meter, recording instruments

B. PROTECTION: Intended for use with protection devices


CT Ratio, VA Burden, Accuracy, ALF, Rct

400/1A, 15 VA, 5P20, Rct< 4Ohm

15VA rated burden at rated secondary current

5 total error in % at accuracy limit and rated burden

P protection class

20(ALF): minimum multiple of rated secondary current at which The accuracy limit is reached with rated burden

Application: Backup protection relays, OC&EF relays


CT Ratio, Class X, Vk value, Io at Vk/2, Rct

400/1A, Class X, Vk>300V, Io<30mA at Vk/2, Rct< 8Ohm

Application: Main protection relays, REF relays

3. Testing procedure of CT?


Checking the insulation resistance value by using megger between.

1. Primary to earth 2.5/5KV

2. Secondary to earth 500V
3. Primary to Secondary 2.5/5KV
4. between secondary 500V

Why IR value test is always first?

Before confirm the characteristics of CT, Insulation healthiness to be ensured for transportation damage.


The relative of CT primary and secondary terminals are identified either by Painted polarity marks or symbols.

P1 and P2 for the primary terminals, S1 and S2 for the secondary terminals.

When primary current enters the P1 terminal, secondary current leaves the S1Terminal ( or ) when current enters the P2
terminals, it leaves the S2 terminal.

Why polarity test is always before winding resistance?

To measure the winding resistance, CT will be saturated by injecting dc current. Once CT is saturated secondary will not
reflect or follow primary. Hence, it is not possible to do the polarity test after winding resistance test.


Secondary side winding (i.e) between S1 and S2 to check by using multi-meter the value will be in m-ohm(or) Ohms.

Why winding resistance test is always before excitation characteristic?

CT will be saturated during winding resistance test. The saturated CT will be normalized or De-saturated during excitation
characteristic test.


To obtain the data the primary circuit is left open circuited and an AC voltage is applied across the secondary winding by
using the auto transformer (variac).By raising the voltage one step at a times of reading of the corresponding current are
taken with the ammeter. The point at which a CT begins to saturate is known as the knee point on the curve of its.
Magnetizing characteristics and is by definition the point where the exciting current increases by 50% for a 10% increase
in secondary voltage.

How will you De-saturate the CT?

Prior to taking the reading for the characteristics and after they are obtained, the core of the CT should be demagnetized
by slowly raising the voltage not more then the knee point voltage and then slowly reducing it to zero two or three


The rated transformation ratio is the ratio between the primary rated current and the secondary rated current.
The ratio of the CT is checked by dividing the value of the primary current By that of the secondary current , and
comparing with the rated valve.

Why ratio test is always last?

Saturated CT during winding resistance test will only be De-saturated / normalized during excitation characteristic test.
After that only CT secondary will follow the primary to carry out the ratio test.

4. What are the types of PT? Example?

Potential Transformers can be constructed in a number of different ways:

A. Electromagnetic type:
The electromagnetic potential transformer is a wire-wound transformer.

B. Capacitor type:
The capacitor voltage transformer (CVT) uses a capacitance potential divider and is used at higher voltages due to a
lower cost than an electromagnetic PT.

5. What are the classes of PT? Ratings? Application?

Potential Transformers are divided into 2 major categories:

A. MEASUREMENT: Intended for use with indicating or integrating meters

a. PT Ratio, VA Burden, Accuracy

b. e.g. 33000/√3/110V/√3, 50 VA, 0.2 Class

Application: Ammeter, energy meter, Tariff meter, recording instruments

B. PROTECTION: Intended for use with protection devices

a. PT Ratio, VA Burden, Accuracy

b. e.g. 33000/√3/110V/√3, 50 VA, 3P Class

Application: Dir OCEF relays, Distance Relays, UV/OV, Freq relays..

6. Explain about open Delta VT? Construction arrangements? Polarity?

a. PT Ratio, VA Burden, Accuracy

b. e.g. 33000/√3/110V/3, 50 VA, 3P Class

7. How to calculate the VT secondary MCB rating?

Burden rating: 100VA

secondary voltage: 110V

VT MCB Rating = burden/secondary voltage = 100 VA ÷ 110 V = 0.909 A

so i apply a 1A fuse for each VT or a three phase 1A MCB for all VT

8. Draw the directional over current connection diagram? Explain with vector diagram?

Checking on Rɸ O/C relay (RCA set at 45◦ lead)

a. Set and inject rated Vr-Vy-Vb voltage with 120◦ displacement and Vy-Vb is the polarizing voltage.

b. Set and inject Rɸ current magnitude more than the pickup value with phase angle lagging the Rɸ voltage by 45◦.
Relay in picked up state now.

c. Now vary the phase angle of Rɸ current on both direction and note the pickup and drop angle.

d. The expected operating range angle with respect to Rɸ voltage is 45◦ lead and 135◦ lag(± 90◦ with respect to MTA)
9. Draw the connection
diagram for Differential
relay by selecting
suitable CTs on HV and
LV sides for a 20MVA,
33/11KV, Dyn11,
Z=12% power

Full load current on HV

side = 20000000/(√3 x
33000) = 349 A. so we
can prefer 400/1A CT

Full load current on LV side

= 20000000/(√3 x
11000) = 1049 A. so
we can prefer 1200/1A CT

10. Explain how to carry out the transformer stability for above data?

Differential Stability:

From the short circuit test Transformer stability of a transformer differential circuit can be verified.

Apply the test voltage=415V from 33KV side and keep the short at 11KV side such that both sides CTs are included in
the circuit.

Impedance voltage = 12% x 33000 V / 100 = 3960 V

Expected current on 33KV side = 415V x 349A / 3960 V = 36.57A

Expected current on 11KV side = 415V x 1049A / 3960 V = 110 A

During the test from the relay display the HV, LV relay currents and the calculated restrain, differential current can be
read out. Since the SC test represents a through fault condition there should not be any differential current.

REF stability:

Apply the test voltage from 33KV side and keep one phase of the 11KV side shorted with the ground and remaining two
phases open such that both sides CTs are included in the circuit.

The circuit represents a single phase to ground through fault. During the test from the O/C relays display the HV, LV
relay currents were measured and the differential current can be read out from the REF relay. Since the SC test
represents a single phase through fault condition there should not be any differential current for the REF relay.

11. Draw the Differential protection connection for transformer? With high impedance REF connection?
12. Explain about distance protection?

=Z Load =Z Fault Z Fault << Z Load
The zone timings of Distance protection relay are

a. Zone-1 80% of the protected line time : Instn.

b. Zone -2 100% protected line + 50% of transformer impedance Time : 400msec

c. Zone-3 100% protected line + 100% of transformer impedance Time : 1200msec

d. Zone-4 10% of Zone (Reverse) Time :800msec.

Zone 2 is set to cover full line and 50% of adjutant shortest line. When there is a fault in this section of adjacent shortest
line, the protection relays of that line should be allowed to operate first hence the time delay is set. Time delay also
avoids the tripping of healthy line.
13. Explain about SOTF?

SOTF means ‘Switch On To Fault’. It is a protection meant to clear a fault when the line earthing is accidently left in the
circuit at remote end after outage activity. When line is energized after outage the close command/Change in breaker
status enables this feature for a set time. During this time the Zone 2 timer is kept by passed to clear the fault without

14. What are types of busbar protection schemes available and explain each.

1. High impedance circulating differential relay

2. Low impedance Biased differential relay

15. Draw the high impedance bus bar stability CT connection diagram and explain? Explain about the BBP relays?

16. How you check the stability of BBP on above feeder arrangement?

a. BB protection stability is verified through primary injection.

b. Two bays are taken for test. The test to be carried out after taking necessary isolation of trip links and CBF relay

c. The two bays are connected in one dead bus and the isolators and CBs are closed.

d. The test current is injected on line side of one bay and circulated up to the line side CT of other bay thus including all
the CT cores of both bays CTs.

e. The simulation is equivalent to a load current flowing through the bus and the two bays under test hence should not
produce any differential current in the BB protection circuit.

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