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Name : Ines Margaretha Sitompul

Nim : 200705063

Answer these questions and elaborate your answer with reasons and submit it in MS word

A. Manners in Communication Questions:

1. Should you base your perspective of people on stereotypes you have heard?
Answer :
Obviously not. I don't agree with the behavior or the streotype of thinking
because it can impede our social life in the midst of society. Streotipping is
harsh and cruel because we can damage others' mentality

2. Should you tell someone if her perfume or his cologne is too strong?
Answer :
I don't think we should comment on anyone else especially if it's in a public
place. If the smell of her perfume is so strong and it stings I think we should
put a little distance or hold our breath a little, especially if it's not someone we

3. Is it okay to lie in order to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?

Answer :
No it’s not good, it’s better to tell them the truth in a quiet and gentle manner
if we’re afraid of hurting him.

4. Is it sometimes better to tell a lie than to tell the truth?

Answer :
Like I said. It is better to tell the truth no matter what the reason may be, to
cover the truth with lies for the reasons it has to be good but not always right
because in the end the lies we have hidden will come out sooner or later.
So,we better get straight to the truth so there's no problem in the future

B. Dealing with the Situation – What would you do?

5. A new family just moved in next door, and you’ve noticed that one of the
children looks to be about your age.
Answer :
If there were new neighbors, I was happy and wondered what I would do because I
knew I would make some new friends. I’ll look at it and see how it goes. If she takes
my signal of friendship then I’ll be very happy and initiate communication but if she
doesn’t respond well then I’ll just be normal and let the time run.

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