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var startValue = '0.00000001', // Don't lower the decimal point more than 4x ofcurrent balancecurrent
balancestop ercenta!e stop ercenta!e = = 0.001, 0.001, // // "n "n #. #. " " wouldn't wouldn't recommend
recommend !oin! !oin! past past 0.0$0.0$max%ait max%ait = = &00, &00, // // "n "n
millisecondsmillisecondsstopped stopped = = false,false,stop efore stop efore = = () () // // "n "n
minutesminutesvar *hi utton = *+' double- our-btc-bet-lo-button' ,var *hi utton = *+' double- our-btc-bet-lo-
button' ,*hi utton *hi utton = = *+' double- our-btc-bet-h*+' double- our-btc-bet-hi-button' )i-button' )function
multipl + function multipl + var var current current = = *+' double- our-btc-sta e' *+' double- our-btc-
sta e' .val+ ).val+ )var var multipl multipl = = +current +current 2 2 3 .to ixed+$ )3 .to ixed+$ ) *+' double-
our-btc-sta e' .val+multipl ) *+' double- our-btc-sta e' .val+multipl )55function !et6andom%ait+ function
!et6andom%ait+ var var wait wait = = 7ath.floor+7ath.random+ 7ath.floor+7ath.random+ 2 2 max%ait
max%ait 8 8 100)100)console.lo!+'%aitin! for ' 8 wait 8 'ms before next bet.' )console.lo!+'%aitin! for ' 8 wait 8
'ms before next bet.' )return wait )return wait )55function start9ame+ function start9ame+ console.lo!+'9ame
console.lo!+'9ame started:' )started:' ) reset+ ) reset+ ) *hi utton.tri!!er+'clic ' )
*hi utton.tri!!er+'clic ' )55function stop9ame+ function stop9ame+ console.lo!+'9ame console.lo!+'9ame will
will stop stop soon: soon: ;et ;et me me finish.' )finish.' )stopped stopped = = true)true)55function
reset+ function reset+ *+' double- our-btc-sta e' .val+startValue ) *+' double- our-btc-
sta e' .val+startValue )55// ave?nou!h7oni+ function i>ave?nou!h7oni+ var var balance balance = =
deexponenti e+parse loat+*+deexponenti e+parse loat+*+' balance' .text+ )' balance' .text+ )var var
current current = = deexponenti e+*+' double- odeexponenti e+*+' double- our-btc-sta e' .val+ )ur-btc-
sta e' .val+ )return ++balance23 /100 2 +current23 @ stop ercenta!e/100)return ++balance23 /100 2
+current23 @ stop ercenta!e/100)55function stop efore6edirect+ function stop efore6edirect+ var var
minutes minutes = = parse"nt+*+'title' .text+ parse"nt+*+'title' .text+ ))if+ minutes A stop efore if+ minutes A
stop efore console.lo!+'Bpproachin! console.lo!+'Bpproachin! redirect: redirect: Ctop Ctop the the !ame !ame
so so we we don 't don 't !et!etredirected while loosin!.' )redirected while loosin!.' ) stop9ame+ ) stop9ame+ )

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