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Contextualizing language

According what I saw in the video I can say that

contextualizing language means to use the
language in communication involving structure,
purpose and social needs. There were 3 parts in the
video each part was developed with different
techniques by the teacher. for example in part
1,there were kids in a classroom and the teacher
was introducing the topic with a song. After gave
them some examples, the teacher began singing
with the kids. Part 2, this technique was based on
the real life because I saw that some Ss were acting
as it was in real life( dramatization)with another
kind of speaking level . part 3, in this section I
realized that Ss were in a conference the way they
spoke was evident that they were in a higher level
because they were making a presentation about
their school subject and also they were using
different kind of grammar.

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