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[Cabello Manrique] 1

[Johaira Kihara]

[Mr. Pablo]

[MET 5]

[Sunday, February 18]

The Ear Training worksheet

‘‘Ordinary people who know nothing of phonetics have difficulties in understanding slow

speech composed of perfect sounds, while they do not have difficulty in comprehending an

imperfect gabble if only the accent and rhythm are natural’’, Alexander Graham Bell said.

Worksheets are simply printable teaching resources that, when is combined with good teaching,

can help students learn important concepts. In this opportunity, I would like to talk about an

effective material that will help students a lot. As you know, the material that I’d like to talk

about is the famous worksheet, mixed with the ear training technique.

I consider the ear training worksheet as an effective material because it gets students to

listen to and distinguish words which have sounds that seem to them very similar. For instance,

they have to listen to the sentences and then, circle the correct answer (if it is letter a, b or c), for

example, ‘‘blender’’(/e/), ‘‘Blander’’ (/æ/) and ‘‘Blonder’’ (/a/), if the audio says a, they will

have to circle letter a; so they have to distinguish what is the correct letter that the audio says.

This technique is known as minimal pair; but not only that, these words could be in a sentence

and they will be able to identify them in the worksheet.

Moreover, to make it possible we have to give them worksheets that will contain many

sentences in which they will have to mark the correct answer; then, we have to read the

instructions and the words to engage students and in this way, they are going to get familiar with

the sounds; after that, they are going to listen the recording and circle the correct answer, if it is
[Last Name] 2

‘‘a’’, ‘‘b’’ or ‘‘c’’. The aim of this material is to help students to distinguish the similar sounds

and complete the ear training technique, both are really helpful for students and will enforce their

auditory skills and increase their knowledge. Even if the worksheets are the common way that is

used for many

Before I finish, I would like to promote the ear training worksheets as a good factor to

develop their skills to distinguish words that are very similar. I believe that great teachers can

and should use worksheets to enrich their lessons because they can be engaging, interactive,

creative, practical, funny, and useful tools for classroom teachers.





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