19-20 1 Term/ F.2 History exam/QP.1

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19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.


Form: 2 ____ Subject: History
Name: ____________________ ( ) Time allowed: 60 min.
Total No. of pages: 8 Full marks: 100
Put all answers of Section A to Section F on the Answer Sheets and complete Section G
on the single-lined paper.

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (12 marks, 1 mark @)

Choose the most suitable answer for each of the following questions.
Put a tick () in the right box on the answer sheets.

1. Queen’s Road was named after ________?

A. Queen Elizabeth I
B. Queen Elizabeth II
C. Queen Margaret
D. Queen Victoria

2. Which of the following was the reason of naming a road after Hennessy, long time after
he had left his post?
A. The British were discontented with his liberal policies towards the Chinese.
B. The Chinese hated him because he rejected to recruit the Chinese in the police force.
C. He rejected naming a street after him.
D. He disobeyed the instructions of the British Monarch.

3. The walkway of the Pottinger Street is covered with __________.

A. marbles
B. red bricks
C. stone slabs
D. wooden boards

4. The Environmental Resource Centre of the Environmental Protection Department was

formerly used as a ____________________.
A. railway station
B. bus terminal
C. public school
D. post office

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.2

5. Which of the following organizations was set up by the rich Chinese?

A. Colonial Secretariat
B. Floating hospital
C. Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon
D. Central School

6. The United Nations recognised that the sovereignty of Hong Kong belonged to _______
in 1972.
A. Britain
B. the Anglican Church
C. the Communist China
D. the United Nations itself

7. Which of the following about the painting below was UNTRUE?

A. The title is called the Pieta.

B. It is the masterpiece of Raphael.
C. It was painted during the Renaissance.
D. This painting contains the styles of light and shadowing.

8. In the 15th century, European __________ began to look for new sea routes to Asia.
A. navigators
B. Crusaders
C. muslims
D. writers

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.3

9. The following picture shows the feature of ___________.

A. the paintings of the Renaissance

B. the paintings of the Medieval times
C. the architecture of the Renaissance
D. the architecture of the Medieval times

10. The ‘95 theses’ was firstly nailed on .

A. the gate of a palace in England
B. the wall of a monastery in France
C. the door of a church in a German state
D. a stone pillar of a cathedral in Italy

11. Which of the following people supported the Renaissance painters most?
A. the merchants
B. the peasants
C. the priests
D. the writers

12. Which of the following paintings was put on the Sistine Chapel?
A. The School of Athens
B. The Mona Lisa
C. The Crusades
D. The Creation of Adam

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.4

Section B: Right or Wrong? (12 marks, 2 marks@)

Study the following sentences. In the table on the Answer Sheets P.2, put a ‘✓’ if the sentence
is right, put an ‘X’ if the answer is wrong, and then rewrite the word or phrase in italics to
make it correct.

1. The Hong Kong Secretariat had the final say in the Legislative Council in the early years
of British rule.

2. The Boundary Street was named after the British Occupation of Kowloon Peninsula in

3. There were four types of members in the Executive Council in early 19th century HK.

4. The Colonial Treasurer in the Colonial Secretariat of HK government in the early years
was renamed as Financial Secretary.

5. The priests copied the Bible in Latin in the medieval times.

6. Renaissance started in Vienna, an Italian city.

Section C: Sorting (9 marks)

For each of the following groups of historical terms, find out the different one. Fill in each
blank with word(s) that can best explain your choice.
1. Charitable services Advisory function Law making
2. Government office Museum Private residence
3. Human value Greco-Roman Civilization Traditional Church’s

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.5

Section D: Who am I? (16 marks, 1 marks@)

Match each statement on the answer sheets P.2 with the person shown below, who is the most
likely to have said it. Fill in the letters only. After matching them, you should also fill in each
blank in the statement with ONE suitable word to complete its meaning.

A. B.

C. D.

1. “The famous sculpture - the a (St. Mary holding the dead body of the b ) is my
masterpiece. Moreover, I also designed the c - shaped St. Peter Basilica.”

2. “I am the Colonial a of Hong Kong in 1868. I work with the Colonial Treasurer and
the Attorney General in our department. Our department is the
b organ of the government which manages the c service in the early years of Hong

3. “I was responsible to sign the a of b with the British officials in 1842. In this
treaty, Hong Kong Island was c to Britain.”

4. “I am a writer born in a . During the Renaissance, I wrote the book which was about a

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.6

group of b people c from the Black Death.”

Section E: Table (16 marks)

Study carefully and fill in each blank with word(s) to complete the tables below.

Table 1: Below shows the discriminatory policies of the HK government under British rule.
The discrimination policies Details
on local Chinese
a District Reservation It reserved the district where restrained from the policy as the
Ordinance residential area for the b . It was a policy to isolate local
Chinese from their disturbance caused.
c Local Chinese could not leave their houses after 8 o’clock
evening without d . It was a policy to deal with the
poor e .
Whitewash Policy It was a policy to deal with poor f after the outbreak of
the g in 1894. Local Chinese were ordered to whitewash
their houses h a year.

Table 2: Below shows the comparison between the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation
in the 17th century.
Reformation Counter-Reformation
Church started The i Church The ii Church
Founders iii , a German priest Paul III, the iv of the Church
Course 1. People were told that buying 1. In response to the Reformation, he
indulgences from the Catholic Church introduced vi to restore the
could help them redeem prestige of the Church.
their v and avoid punishment. 2. He vii the sale of indulgences.
2. This priest criticized the Church about 3. He set up the viii of Jesus to
it and was then excommunicated. His promote positive image of the Church.
followers set up this new Church.

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.7

Section F: Data-based Questions (25 marks)

Study the sources and answer the questions in complete sentences that follow.
Question 1: (14 marks)
Source A below shows two schools which were set up in HK in the 19th century.

School X above was opened in 1849 to School Y above was the first public school
Chinese boys. Stanton, a priest, the first set up by the HK government in 1862.
principal who raised fund to start this
school as early as 1843.
Source B below shows a passage about the education development of HK from late 19th
century to early 20th century.
The history of aided school dates back to the 19th century. Grants from the government
have always been closely linked to controls, and have permitted to the government
influence of the curriculum and the quality of the provision. This feature underlay the 1913
Education Ordinance. The increased government control and the unification and centralised
education system, chiefly arose from the Hong Kong government's desire to counteract
influences from mainland China.
a. What kind of social organization set up School X? Cite a clue in Source A to support your
answer. (1+2 marks)
b. Which historical skill is used in answering 1a? (1 mark)
c. Name School Y in Source A. (1 mark)
d. It was said that the Hong Kong government took the leading role to provide education to
the local Chinese. Do you agree? Answer this question with reference to Source A. (3
e. How did the government increase its control on education in Hong Kong from late 19th

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.8

century to early 20th century? List any 2 measures of the government with reference to
Source B. (2+2 marks)
f. Why did the government increase its control on education during this period? Answer this
question with reference to Source B. (2 marks)
Question 2: (11 marks)
Source C below shows a temple that was built by rich Chinese merchants in the 19th century.
The God of Martial Arts and another Chinese god were housed in this temple.

Source D below shows a passage about a temple set up by the same group of people
mentioned in Source C. That temple was located nearby the temple shown in Source C above.
......The spirit tablets would come to this temple. These tablets were set up for those
local Chinese who were not cared for by friends and relatives in HK. Most of them
were the Chinese immigrants. They could not afford for a living and even could not
return to their home village from sickness to death.......The incenses inside the temple
were burnt for them. It mattered little that they had had names, they were as well have
been nameless among the many people who came and made HK what it was......
a. Name the temple shown in Source C. (1 mark)
b. What organization manages the temple shown in Source C now? (1 mark)
c. How is the main function of the temple shown in Source C different from the temple
mentioned in Source D? Answer this question with reference to these two sources.
(2+2 marks)
d. Which historical skill is used when answering Q2c? (1 mark)
e. What were the problems faced by the Chinese immigrants in HK in the 19th century?
Provide evidences from Source D to support your answer. (2+2 marks)

Section G: Long Question (10 marks)

Write your answers in complete sentences and put them into paragraphs.
‘The Renaissance people affected our modern world in different aspects.’ Explain this

19-20 1st term/ F.2 history exam/QP.9

statement with reference to the influences of the Renaissance on the following items:
1. Art
2. Political development
End of paper


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