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Legal aspect of value engineering implementation in Jakarta (Indonesia)

construction projects

Article  in  International Journal of Construction Management · December 2018

DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2018.1511946


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2 authors:

Rachmi Yanita Krishna Mochtar

Institut Teknologi Indonesia Institut Teknologi Indonesia


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Legal aspect of value engineering implementation

in Jakarta (Indonesia) construction projects

Rachmi Yanita & Krishna Mochtar

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Legal aspect of value engineering implementation in Jakarta (Indonesia)

construction projects
Rachmi Yanita and Krishna Mochtar
Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

In Jakarta (Indonesia) there are regulations on value engineering (VE), but the implementation Value engineering
in construction project somehow still grows slowly. Therefore, in-depth interviews to Indonesian implementation; constraints;
VE experts, regulators and practitioners of infrastructure projects in Jakarta are conducted to support regulation
obtain the main obstacles and efforts to overcome. Then discussion and seminar on VE is con-
ducted to get more inputs from construction stakeholders. It is found and recommended: stake-
holders low understanding on VE government regulations and its benefits so that the role of
the VE Indonesia Association in VE socialization should be enhanced, no existence of VE imple-
mentation Guideline and the Code of Ethic and thus the existing law should be improved by
creating them, no existence of public financial system to accommodate the share saving con-
cept in VE so that it should be improved. These findings and recommended solutions can be
useful for any parties elsewhere who face the similar VE implementation problems.

Introduction implementation, VE has not been implemented into

the system of the construction work in Indonesia,
The budget of infrastructure development in
including in Jakarta – where the most construction
Indonesia is relatively large part from the state
activities exist in Indonesia. Consequently, there are
budget, foreign loan or funds and other funding sour-
three research questions. First, why VE is not imple-
ces. Implementation of value engineering (VE) is
mented in Jakarta infrastructure procurement sys-
believed to be beneficial for the project owners, con-
tem. Second, whether existing regulations are
sultants and contractors. It aims to optimize the func-
tions and cost of a project. The cost saving with VE effective in promoting VE implementation. Third,
implementation may be around 2.5%–41% of total what are the solutions proposed to enhance VE role
budget (Palmer et al. 1996; Mustansir Husain Raj in the construction industry. Therefore, the purpose
2002; Untoro 2009; Vahid et al. 2018) depending on of this study is to find the cause of this problem
the type and condition of the project. For example, and the alternatives to its solution. The objective of
the total state budget of development projects in 2012 this study is to obtain dominant inhibiting factors
amounted to 40 trillions rupiah, then the saving may and their solution of VE implementation in terms
be minimum 2.5% or around 1 trillion rupiah. On the of the legal aspects (regulations). The findings and
other hand, regulation supporting the VE are found recommended solutions may be useful for any par-
in Jakarta Governor Decree No 108/2003 regarding ties elsewhere who face the similar VE implementa-
Implementation Procedures of Jakarta Province tion problems.
Budget. It is also found in Public Work Minister
Regulation No 45/2007 regarding Technical Guideline Literature review
for State Building Construction where VE technical
VE implementation
implementation is arranged, including the amount of
the incentive for the contractor that proposes alterna- By definition, VE is a systematic method to improve
tive offers through Value Engineering Change ‘value’ of goods or products and services using the
Proposal (VECP) with cost savings. However, despite probe function. ‘Value’ is the ratio of the cost func-
the existing regulations and the benefits of the VE tion. Value can be increased by either increasing or

CONTACT Rachmi Yanita

ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Cost aspects and project life cycle (Kirkham 2015).

reducing the cost function. It is a central principle of official, the association has not been active in socializ-
VE that basic functions be preserved and not be ing the VE concept, conducting seminars and confer-
reduced as a result of pursuing value improvements ences on VE.
(Urmila 2015). In the United States, the United The implementation of VE and its alternative
Kingdom, and Japan, the implementation of VE is techniques used in construction projects vary due
accompanied by the active role of the VE associations to differences in cultural conditions and procure-
in terms of providing understanding of the VE con- ment systems. For example, VE system used in the
cept, its implementation benefits in construction proj- United States is different from that used in the
ects, establishing its implementation guidelines, United Kingdom and Japan [Kaming and Prastowo
evaluating the implementation and development of its (2013) and Christos (2007)]. Christos (2007) state
benefits and finally certifying VE expertise. In the that the VE system in Japan is a continuous process
United States, it is carried out by the VE expert asso- of improvement during all the construction phases,
ciation, Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE); including to involve the design team and the VE
the association actively has been contributing to facilitator in design phase, as well as the construc-
improve the construction community’s understanding tion team involvement in construction phase. On
of VE through seminars, training, workshops, annual the other hand, in the United States and the United
conferences and certifications with communicating Kingdom, the VE system is an event of improve-
through the web sites since 1959. Currently, the asso- ment only during construction phase. Furthermore,
ciation acts globally, namely SAVE International. there is culture differences between the United
Similarly, in Japan it is carried out through the Japan States and Japan VE system. The Japanese is long-
VE experts association of the Society of Japanese term oriented while American is short-term ori-
Value Engineering (SJVE) since 1965; SJVE has strong ented. On the other hand, the difference between
link with SAVE International in many levels, such as VE system in the United States and the United
training, qualification, etc. (Christos 2007). In the Kingdom is emphasized more on manufacturing by
United Kingdom, it is carried out by the United focussing on products than on the construction
Kingdom VE experts association of the Institute of [Christos (2007)]. Furthermore, VE system in
Value Management since 1965. In Indonesia, the VE Indonesia is similar with the United Kingdom and
experts association is HAVEI (Association of the United States that it is not a continuous process
Indonesian Value Engineering Experts); it has link to of improvement and it is short-term oriented
SAVE International. However, according to its (Yanita and Mochtar 2015).

As for cost savings, the parties during construction consequences of rising costs to make changes in the
process conduct studies/workshops to produce recom- design. In the construction project cycle, VE involves
mendation and innovation for cost savings. consideration the existence of material, construction
Identification of success VE is used to strengthen the methods used, transport problems in the execution of
implementation of the program and good practices the work, limited work sites or restrictions in work
that are reported each year, making it useful for execution, planning and organization, costs, benefits
future projects [Kaming and Prastowo (2013)]. and others. Expediency which can be given includes a
According to Indonesia Magazine ‘Construction’ in reduction in maintenance costs, improved quality,
1992 and Chandra (2006), two of 12 common reduced environmental impact and so forth.
obstacles in VE implementations in Indonesia include According to Kaming and Prastowo (2013), VE is
first the lack of assertiveness and initiative of the not: design review, which corrects mistakes or reas-
owner to apply VE, so that consultants and contrac- sessing decisions made by designers. VE is not a cost-
tors do not undertake VE; second, the lack of incen- cutting process, namely the process of lowering costs
tives from the savings, so it is not attractive to by reducing unit costs with the expense of construc-
consultants or contractors to carry out the VE. These tion quality, reliability and performance. However,
two obstacles can be minimized with government VE is more oriented to the real costs and analysis
regulation on VE implementation. Furthermore, functions, and quality control, which controls the
according to Kissi et al (2017), one of important com- quality of a product because it is more than just
ponents in VE implementation obstacle is lack of gov- review the status of the reliability of a design.
ernment supports including implementation In developed countries like the United States and
regulations. Japan, they are realizing the benefits of VE so that
In the project cycle (with phases: infrastructure owners and contractors take advantage of VE. On the
need, feasibility study/planning, detail engineering other hand, there are several previous studies on the
design, procurement, construction, project handing obstacles in implementation of VE in Indonesia. First,
over/PHO, maintenance and final handing over/ study of Kaming and Prastowo (2013) discovers the
FHO), an evaluation is always necessary to produce obstacles are the lack of knowledge about VE due to
optimum work through VE principle. VE is an lack of socialization, seminars and workshops by VE
attempt to optimize the product accompanied by cost experts or government. Second, study of Untoro
efficiency. VE is a systematic method to improve the (2009) shows the obstacles are the unavailability of
value and usefulness of a product by examining the the VE regulation, the lack of competent personnel
function. Because the value is the ratio between func- and certified VE professionals, and the lack of under-
tionality and cost, then the value can be increased standing of technical and management aspects of VE.
either by improving the function or reducing costs. Finally, Priyatno (2010) claims that the obstacles in
The main target is the preservation of the basic func- implementation of VE in Indonesia are the misunder-
tions VE product that should not be reduced as a standing of VE concept and international standards of
result of remedial value (Chavan 2013; Miladi Rad practice, the less experienced of VE personnel, and
and Yamini 2016). In construction, VE is used to the lack of implementation guidelines of VE.
solve the problem, indicating and evaluation of costs
that can be streamlined while improving function and
Legal aspects of VE (regulation and contract)
quality (Kaming and Prastowo 2013). The aim is to
increase the value of a product and to qualify the per- In Indonesia, the concept of VE was introduced in
formance of products at the lowest cost. Research 1986. However, since then up to the beginning of
conducted in the United States by Palmer et al. 2003 the development of VE is not widely known
(1996) shows the savings achieved in the implementa- because of the lack of government regulation that
tion of VE in the construction project is quite large, explicitly allude VE programme implementation.
reaching to 34%–36% of the total project cost budget. Jakarta Governor issued a Decree No. 108/2003
Figure 1 illustrates that the earlier VE performed at regarding Implementation Procedures of Jakarta
the stage of a project cycle, the greater the cost reduc- Province Budget and later in 2007 there is Public
tion that can be obtained than if performed in the Work Minister Regulation No.45/2007 regarding
next stages of the project. The level of difficulty to do Technical Guideline for State Building Construction;
the changes will be higher in the latter stage of the both support and regulate the implementation of VE
project, which is also accompanied by the in state projects. In 2010, Ministry of Public Works

(MPW) then issued a National Competence obliged to implement and run the process and the
Indonesian National Standard for VE practitioners. At procedures cost savings based on VE. Second, VE is
that time the implementation of VE on construction a method of analysis of the functions of programme/
projects started to appear although generally in pri- product/project, piece of equipment, buildings, facili-
vate projects (Kaming and Prastowo 2013). Budget ties owned by the state, which is contributed by the
for the project is generally used Contract Change contractor companies/individuals who are compe-
Order and not VECP as prescribed in the Public tent, and focussed on improving the performance,
Work Regulation year 2007. reliability, quality, and safety. There are many stand-
In Governor of Jakarta Regulation No 40/2014 as ard contracts that regulate VE implementation. For
the Amendment of the Governor of Jakarta example, in the standard contract Construction for
Regulation No 139/2009 regarding the Organization engineering work and building the Federation
and Work of Jakarta Housing Office Article 3, para- Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils 2005 article
graph 2 (j) it is stated that the Jakarta Housing Office 13.2 regulates VE that the contractor can propose
has the task of organizing housing, settlements and changes where according to the contractor, can
technical guidance for building the regional govern- speed the completion, reduce the cost of owner to
ment with the function of supervision and VE to maintain the quality of work, improve efficiency
building regional government including social facili- owner and beneficial to owner. If approved by
ties and public facilities and supporting infrastructure. designers, the contractor should make his design
Moreover, according to the Secretary of the document. Once approved by designer, then docu-
Construction Development Board of Indonesia ment of the changes and his fee (i.e. 50% of the cost
Ministry of Public Work at the opening of the savings) is included in the contract. On the other
International Training and Certification VE in 2011 hand, if the design is not approved then the original
which was cooperated with SAVE International design is used.
United States, underlined five points related to VE
implementation in Indonesia construction projects.
The first point is that method of VE in its implemen-
tation in Indonesia is still a dearth of experts. This research uses descriptive research method, to
Consequently, government continues to create and determine the root causes and barriers to adoption of
expand VE communities in HAVEI, through training VE particular problems associated with the legal
and certification for value engineers. The second aspects and its alternative solution obtained from a
point is that the government is implementing a study questionnaire survey. The research strategy is to get
to prepare a variety of policies that could under pin comprehensive input on the constraints of VE imple-
VE implementation in construction. The third point mentation in Jakarta construction project by conduct-
is that the implementation of VE is not too optimal ing survey with in-depth interview and discussion
because there is no equivalent legislation Law and with VE experts who have more than 15 years of
Government Regulation (PP) as the derivative regula- experience as a project managers or government offi-
tion under the Act of Construction Services, to par- cials. The discussion includes the problems of govern-
ticularly regulate VE implementation formally. ment regulations and laws that exist in supporting VE
Finally, it is stressed that the government has implementation, and alternative solutions for
launched to accelerate infrastructure development in improvement. The survey analysis results are dis-
the context of economic growth, expansion of cussed by the respondents and practitioners from
employment and poverty reduction; implementation consultants and contractors in a Focus Group
of VE in construction financed by government fund- Discussion (FGD) forum for final research results. To
ing is very important, because it would bring obtain inputs and refine the research findings, the
many benefits. FGD results then disseminated in a seminar with
Implementation of VE in the United States is in audience of the construction community including
Public Law 104-106 which is a legal product similar the owner, the consultants, the contractors, the local
to legislation, in which there are quotations in the government, the consultant and contractor associa-
form of a legal obligation to use the VE in the pro- tions, expert form universities and the VE expert
curement process routine in the Department of associations.
Defense and other agencies. The legislation section 36 The questionnaire as the survey tool refers to some
subsections 4306 contain first, each governing body is of the obstacles of VE application from previous

VE has not been applied in a cycle of construcon projects in Indonesia generally,
and Jakarta Province.

Literature Studies and results

of previous research on the Research Topics,
applicaon of VE in Jakarta & Objecves

Literature study : VE implementaon barriers and significant obstacles related

to legal aspects in Jakarta government’s Regulaon of VE implementaon.

Quesonnaire: Form quesons to in- depth interview.

Surveys and Data Analysis

1. Implementation of the survey was conducted through in- depth interviews using a
questionnaire containing a number of open questions. 9 Respondents are the Experts VE
of Highly Educated, the construction project professional in Jakarta (Owner, Consultants,
Contractors, Regulator (PUPR / Jakarta Public Works Department, experts VE ).
2. The questionnaire includes factors that cause VE barriers and measures to overcome
obstacles and their risks and benefits
3. Perform data analysis to get a causative factor affects descriptive method of analysis that
is seeing a trend of opinion of most of the speakers with the answers above 50% the
number of speakers is the most influential obstacles.
4. Based on the factors inhibiting effect, an analysis and discussion of the legal aspects and
regulatory support measures that will support the implementation of VE professionally.

Output: VE barrier causave factors that influence and root of the problem for the
analysis of alternave measures / policies and necessary regulaons to overcome
obstacles on the implement ion VE in the Jakarta government Project.

Focus Grpoup Discusion (FGD) on results of the study to the pares in the
construcon services related to the improvement of outcomes research.
(Parcipants of Government (PU / PU DKI), Consultants, Contractors, Universies.


Figure 2. Flowchart of research.

research (Kaming and Prastowo 2013) related to legal to get problems and root causes of VE implementa-
and regulatory aspects. The questionnaire consists of tion in the Jakarta local government projects. Finally,
five sections. The first section is the respondent’s data the fifth section is questions to get suggestions to
encompasses the experience of VE. The second sec- overcome obstacles in applying VE; two questions in
tion is questions of VE regulations related to VE this section are to get corrective steps to be taken, so
implementation in general; 10 questions in this sec- that VE can be applied and included in the infrastruc-
tion are to obtain the inhibiting factors of VE imple- ture development system in Jakarta. It is structured in
mentation and issues arising from current VE rules. open questions for discussion with the respondents to
The third section is question on current implementa- derive the causes of obstacles and its relation to the
tion of VE particularly on construction works in rules. Surveys with questionnaire to respondents
Jakarta; 16 questions in this section are to get current using in-depth interviews and discussions are con-
condition of VE implementation in the Jakarta local ducted to obtain a final their opinion factors inhibit-
government projects. The fourth section is question ing of VE implementation based on the findings from
of factors inhibiting VE implementation in Jakarta previous studies mentioned before from literature
Construction Project; 10 questions in this section are study, including:

Table 1. Profile of respondents.

Field Field of work at construction VE
No Respondents Education Professionalism experience project to day experience
1 Respondent 1 Project manager of big national S2 Centified >15 years Management and technical Yes
contractor company and member of HAVEI
2 Respondent 2 Lecturer, AVS, HAVEI and PE S3 Centified >15 years Management and technical Yes
3 Respondent 3 Regulator DKI, VE S2 – >15 years Management and engineering Yes
4 Respondent 4 National contractor company, S2 – >15 years Management Yes
regulator, professional Association, VE
5 Respondent 5 National contractor company S1 Centified >15 years Engineering –
6 Respondent 6 National contractor company, S2 – >15 years Engineering Yes
regulator, Association, VE
7 Respondent 7 Developer S1 – >15 years Project manager development Yes
at owner’s project
8 Respondent 8 Private contractor S1 – >15 years Management and engineering Yes
9 Respondent 9 Private contractor S1 Centified >15 years Management and engineering Yes

 understanding of respondents to the legislation experienced in the project field, from the universities,
(Act) and the regulations related to VE implemen- regulators (Jakarta Public Works Office and MPW),
tation, and whether the existing legislation is suffi- practitioners implementing VE in construction phase
cient to support the parties to implement the VE; of the project or persons experienced VE as a repre-
 the VE implementation experiences in Jakarta gov- sentative of the owner or a private contractor on the
ernment construction projects to discover the main project, including members of the HAVEI. The profile
problems according to the existing regulation; of respondents is summarized in Table 1.
 the important factors/root of the problem of VE
implementation; Implementation issues in construction projects VE
 and finally, feedback in overcoming the obstacles in the government of Jakarta
to get input of alternative solutions.
Based on in-depth interviews, it was found that, first,
Respondents of the survey are owners, contractors only 22% of respondents who know about the govern-
with experience working on projects in Jakarta, regu- ment regulations on VE implementation. These
lators (MPW and Jakarta Government) and VE respondents implement VE in their projects only for
experts who have construction certificate from the their cost savings internally at construction phase. It
Indonesia Construction Services Development Board seems that programme socialization and promotion of
(LPJKN) and VE expertise certificate from SAVE VE government regulations to the Indonesian
International in the United States that links from (Jakarta) construction industry stakeholders by VE
HAVEI. The number of Indonesia VE experts with experts from association like HAVEI is still rarely
experience in Jakarta construction projects procure- conducted and need to be improved. Its different
ments is only around 30 experts. In this study the from the country where VE has been implemented.
In the United States, United Kingdom and Japan, for
respondents are nine experts with experience in
example, the VE expert associations are very active in
Jakarta construction projects.
socializing the benefits of VE in the construction
The flowchart of the research can be seen in
community, holding seminars on VE organizing,
Figure 2.
workshops on VE results and VE expert profession
Data analysis from in-depth interview survey
certification. Second, it was found that 80% of
results use the frequency analysis method. Factors
respondents believe there is lack of commitment from
with frequencies above 50% are dominant inhibiting
public owners (Local and Central Government) to
factors affecting the application of VE. The ranking of
implement VE in their projects. This may be due to
inhibiting factors is arranged according to fre-
the lack of their understanding of VE concept, the
quency percentage.
benefit and its regulation. The VE concept should
begin at the conceptual design phase of a project as
Survey results and discussion applied in Japan, for the optimal project design and
cost as shown in Figure 1. It can be seen from survey
Profile of respondents
that 100% VE only conducted at construction phase
Respondents are persons with undergraduate (S1), by the contractor. From discussions with respondents
master (S2) and doctorate (S3) education who are it is discovered that VE in Indonesia applied by

public owners is similar to that implemented in the government system of financial management and
United States and the United Kingdom that is applied auditing as stated above finding number two.
only in construction phase without any guidelines like
in Japan and the United States; for the future public
Alternative settlement of legal aspects for
owners must be supported by an implementation implementation of VE in Jakarta
guideline prepared by HAVEI, as did SAVE and SJVE
so that their commitments and understanding in VE From further discussions, the respondents agree that
implementation may be improved. Therefore, the above four findings is of central importance to
implementation of VE in Jakarta government con- improve the implementation of VE in Jakarta-
struction projects in this research is the VE process Indonesia in the future, and thus need actions to
undertaken by the VE expert/consultants on the basis overcome them. The first action is to compose more
of the contract of employment of the owner at any assertive state regulation on VE implementation in
stage of the project cycle. In practice in Indonesia, it Jakarta construction, especially the state funded proj-
is also known the internal VE, which is the imple- ects. This may be conducted either to compose the
mentation of the VE by internal contractors to min- new regulation or to strengthen the existing regula-
imize their own cost of project. Furthermore, the tions (Jakarta Governor Decree No 108/2003 regard-
respondents also believe that there are constraints ing Implementation Procedures of Jakarta Province
Budget and Public Work Minister and Regulation No
within the system of government financial manage-
45/2007 regarding Technical Guideline for State
ment and auditing policies that are less supportive of
Building Construction). The latter alternative is by
the technical implementation of the VE. The system
equipping them with more detail guidelines such as:
of government financial management and auditing
the method of implementation VE in the planning,
regards the cost saving from VE implementation dis-
design and construction phase as well as the rules of
tribution to parties in construction project as a loss to
the payment of cost-saving distribution to any parties
the government. This illustrates the state financial sys-
in construction; the detail criteria for project to be
tem has not supported the implementation of VE.
implemented VE programme; and the primary task
Third, all respondents believe that the regulations
and function of VE certified expert in such projects.
from government are not sufficient to support the
The most important alternative is to enhance HAVEI
implementation of VE; For example, in Public Work
role as a group of VE experts to make ‘VE implemen-
Minister Regulation No 45/2007 regarding Technical
tation guidelines’ to be implemented in the infrastruc-
Guideline for State Building Construction there is no ture procurement process and endorsed by the
statement ‘mandatory’ for the project of building government that is successfully implemented by
12,000 m2 or above eight floors, and no sanction if it SAVE, IVJM and SJVE.
is not implemented by any parties in construction; The second action is the socialization and promo-
consequently, the regulation is not implemented. The tion of VE concept regularly by HAVEI to the con-
stronger and more detail regulations (i.e. guidelines, struction project stakeholders, including with the
standard of procedures) which already exists in topic of the laws regarding the concept of VE, regula-
United States, United Kingdom and Japan, which are tions and guidelines for VE implementation, and the
highly needed if VE is to be implemented successfully good coordination to stakeholders in construction. In
in Jakarta-Indonesia. Finding number four is that this event, VE experts are involved in order to obtain
60% respondents stated that the implementation of the right definition and mindset about the implemen-
VE causes inconvenience to the designers and most of tation of VE.
the time creates conflicts among the parties in con- The third action is the creation of a VE Code of
struction project. This is because if the VE implemen- Conduct to any parties involved in construction when
tation results cost savings, then there is image the VE is implemented. The code of conduct may stress
designers are unprofessional in conducting their that any design has unnecessary costs due to limited
work. Even this may be assumed by government audi- time and knowledge of designers, and thus VE is to
tors as a matter of law because it causes financial loss obtain the optimal design of the existing design to
to the government. Consequently, only 10% of have optimum added value to all stakeholders in con-
respondents who did VE formally following the exist- struction by reviewing the quality aspect, work meth-
ing regulations; most of the time there is no large sav- ods, maintenance and durability so that the
ings to share because they face problems with the unnecessary costs of design is minimized.

A seminar of dissemination of these findings was promote the VE concept regularly to the con-
also conducted to get more input for the recom- struction project stakeholders to improve
mended actions. The findings and the recommended their understanding and finally willingness to
actions are confirmed by the participants of the sem- implement and support VE programme in
inar which includes: the government of Jakarta, construction projects. The implementation of
Public Financial Auditing Institution (BPKP), Police VE in United States, United Kingdom and
Department, Association of Lawyers (PERADIN) and Japan is evidenced by the support of the high
Construction Services Development Board. activity of its VE association to improve
understanding of VE’s benefits for construc-
Conclusion tion actors such as organizing seminars, cre-
ating VE implementation guidelines and
From the findings and discussion above, it can organizing workshops on VE results that
be concluded: have been implemented and performing cer-
tification profession for VE experts. This can
1. The problems in the VE Implementation of be an example for HAVEI. The government
Jakarta construction projects are: together with HAVEI and the other construc-
a. Seventy-eight percent of respondents believe tion stakeholders, including the public finan-
that the understanding of construction stake- cial auditing institutions may cooperate to do
holders of VE concept and benefits is still
such action.
low, and thus the construction stakeholders
b. To compose more assertive state regulation
in Indonesia are not willing to implement
on VE implementation in Jakarta construc-
the VE in their projects.
tion, especially the state funded projects,
b. All respondents believe that the existing reg-
either by modifying the existing regulations
ulations of VE implementation in public
or by composing the new more comprehen-
projects is not assertive and detail enough to
sive VE implementation regulation. The cre-
promote its implementation. For example,
ation of VE implementation guidelines is
the existing VE rules in Public Work
carried out by HAVEI together with the gov-
Minister Regulation No. 45/2007 as discussed
ernment. By doing this any parties in con-
above, are not applied consistently and there
struction have to implement VE in their
is no sanction if it is not applied. It illustrates
projects by law, and finally the benefits of
the absence of government commitment to
VE may be realized in Jakarta-Indonesian
the implementation of VE in Indonesia. All
respondents also believe that there is obstacle construction industry.
in VE implementation such as the problem c. The third action is the creation of VE Code
with the auditing methods in public financial of Conduct to any parties involved in con-
auditing institution that the cost saving from struction when VE is implemented in make
VE programme implementation distributed better understanding among the professionals
to project parties is assumed as loss of pub- in construction, particularly between the
lic finance. designers and VE practitioners in their each
c. Sixty percent of respondents feel that the job professionally.
implementation of VE causes inconvenience These findings and recommended solutions may be
to the designers, because the designers do useful for any parties elsewhere who face the similar
not comprehend the VE concept in optimiz- VE implementation problems.
ing the engineering design due to different
knowledge of construction parties especially Disclosure statement
between the contractors and the designers.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by
2. The recommended action to overcome the prob-
the authors.
lems in the VE Implementation of Jakarta con-
struction projects are:
a. HAVEI as the VE expert society, as the role Chandra JY. 2006. “Penerapan Value Engineering Pada
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