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YPICA Lee Lim Ming College

Subject: Integrated Science Online exercise 1

Form 1 : C,D
Day 1
1. Amy, Mark and Andrea are performing an experiment in the Science lab.



a. Write down what each of the students is doing wrong.

i) Amyia: ________________________________________________________
ii) Mark: ________________________________________________________
iii) Andrea: ________________________________________________________

b. Look at this picture. Explain why you should never keep a spray can
with this symbol close to a fire.

c. The pictures below are two other hazard symbols. What do these symbols mean?

( *You need to search online for this symbol)

2. Sarah wanted to carry out an experiment. She wanted to dissolve 50g of sugar in 100ml of
hot water. She set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

a. In the boxes provided, label the apparatus.

b. List two measuring apparatus not shown in the

diagram that she will be using.
i) _______________________________
ii) _______________________________
c. Describe two ways in which she can make the sugar
dissolve faster.

d. Write down one safety precaution Sarah should keep in mind.


3. Use words from the box below to complete these sentences about the process of
skeleton animal decompose fossilised

Fossil of bird

a. A fossil is the preserved remains of a dead plant or ___________________. The process by

which a fossil is formed is called fossilisation.

b. It is very rare for living things to become ____________________. Usually after most
animals die, their bodies just rot away. However, under certain special conditions, a fossil
can form.

c. After an animal dies, the soft parts of its body ________________ leaving the hard parts,
like the ____________________ behind.
This becomes buried by small particles of rock called sediment. skeleton animal
decompose fossilised a. In the boxes provided, label the apparatus.

YPICA Lee Lim Ming College
Subject: Integrated Science Online exercise 2
Form 1 : C,D
Day 2
1. Organisms ( Living things) have various adaptations to help them live in their habitats.
a. Give the meaning of the word ‘adaptation’. ( Look up the meaning of this word in a dictionary)

b. The pictures below show two organisms and their adaptations. Complete the tables
below to explain the adaptations shown by the polar bear and the cactus.

2. The diagram below shows the water cycle.

a. Name the change of state labelled A and B in the


A: ________________________ ;
B: _______________________

b. Water in the lake is in liquid state. State two properties of liquids:

Property 1:__________________________________________________
Property 2: __________________________________________________

c. Give two reasons why water in liquid state is important for life:
Reason 1:____________________________________________________
Reason 2: ___________________________________________________

d. These are everyday situations. Write down the change of state that is taking place.

3. The diagram shows a typical flowering plant.

a. Match the labelled parts with their function by writing the correct letter in the table

Answer to exercise ( Day 1 and Day 2)
Day 1
1. a.
Amy: Bunsen burner unattended; Hair not tied up.
Mark : Not working in a safe way; not wearing eye protection.
Andrea: Trying to open the electric socket.
b. This symbol shows that the chemicals inside the can are flammable.
c. i. Corrosive ; ii. Hazardous to the environment


Eaxample: Wearing safety goggles.

3. a. animal ; fossilised c ecompose, skeleton

Day 2:
1. a. ‘Adaptation’ means having certain body parts or behaviours that enable them to survive
and live in their environments.

2. a. Evaporation, Condensation
b Property 1: Liquids can flow. Property 2: Liquids can take the shape of the container.
(Accept any correct answer)
c Reason 1: For drinking Reason 2: To dissolve substances (Accept any other possible
d Evaporation


YPICA Lee Lim Ming College
Subject: Integrated Science Online exercise 3
Form 1 : C,D
Day 3 ( Unit 3)
Revision Notes:
( Hints: Vertebrates are animals with backbone)

( Hints: vascular tissue in plants, transport fluid and nutrients

inside the platn)

A True or false questions

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement in the boxes provided.

1 Vertebrates can be sorted into five groups 

2 Some vertebrates belong to two groups at the same time. It can be a fish
or amplibian. 
3 Birds can control their body temperature and keep body warm. 
4 Plants having a vascular system often grow taller and bigger. 
5 Living things can move but non-living things cannot. 

B Multiple-choice questions

1 Which of the following are the common features between goldfish and

(1) Both of them have scales.

(2) Both of them have a backbone.
(3) Both of them breathe with gills.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3) 
2 Which of the following descriptions about firs is INCORRECT?

A Firs are vascular plants.

B Firs produces seeds.
C Firs produces flowers.
D Firs have roots. 

3 Mosses are non-vascular plants because

(1) they have no roots and vascular tissues.

(2) they produce spores instead of seeds for reproduction.
(3) they grow in damp places.
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) and (3) only 
4 Which of the following plants does NOT belong to the same group as the
other three?
A Grass
B Lily
C Fern
D Apple tree 

C Fill in the blanks

( Hints Humans, Biodiversity, micro-organism, Mammalsamphibian, Reptiles,

habitat )

1 Bacteria and Amoeba are examples of ____________________.They can only be seen

under a microscope.

2 ____________________ refers to thewide variety of living things on Earth.

3 Among the five groups of vertebrates,____________________have moist skin but no

scales.____________________have hair or fur on their bodies.

4 A _____________ is a place where a plant or animal lives; a place where shelter, air, food,
and water can be found.
5 _______________ include crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, and tor- toises.
6 __________________ feed their young with milk and have a more well-developed brain
than other types of animals.
7 _______________ are the only real threat to rhinos. In several Asian cultures, people
believe that a rhino horn provides powerful medicine for a variety of illness.

A True or false questions
1 T 2. F 3T 4 T 5 F

B Multiple-choice questions
1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B

C Fill in the blanks (8 marks,2 marks each)

1 microorganisms; 2 Biodiversity; 3 amphibians; Mammals
4. Habitat; 5 Reptiles 6 Mammals
7. Humans

YPICA Lee Lim Ming College
Subject: Integrated Science Online exercise 4
Form 1 : C,D
Day 4 ( Unit 3)


1. State the group of each of the following animals.

a. Salamander : __________________
b. Hagfish : __________________
c. Tree kangaroo : __________________
d. Pheasant : __________________
e. Snake :__________________
f. Anteater : __________________

2. The photo below shows a seahorse. It lives in the sea. It swims with fins and breathes with
gills. Its body is covered in scales. Male seahorses carry the eggs and give birth to their
( Hints : Watch the following video first)
Seahorse | Amazing Animals

Which group of vertebrate do seahorses belong to? Give THREE features to support
your answer.





3. State two ways that pufferfish use to protect it against predator.

( Hints:



Salamander : Amphibian
Hagfish : Fish
Tree kangaroo : Mammal
Pheasant : Bird
Snake : Reptile
Anteater : Mammal
2 Seahorses are fish.
They swim with fins.
They breathe with gills.
Their bodies are covered in scales.
3 i. ability to quickly take in huge amounts of water (and even air when necessary) to turn
themselves into a v ball several times their normal size to threaten predator.
ii. Some species also have spines on their skin to make them even less pleasant to
iii. It is toxic

YPICA Lee Lim Ming College
Subject: Integrated Science Online exercise 5
Form 1 : C,D
Day 5

A True or false questions

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement in the boxes provided.

1 Biodiversity in the world is increasing. 

2 Introducing foreign species can help maintain biodiversity. 
3 Feeding animals in the wild canprotect wildlife. 

B Multiple-choice questions

1 Which of the following best describe endangered species?

A A kind of living thing which cannot reproduce in zoos
B A kind of living thing which does not exist in the world anymore
C A kind of living thing that is in danger of extinction
D A kind of living thing which is killed for food for humans 

2 Which of the following is/are endangered species?

(1) Panda (2) Dodo bird

(3) Chicken (4) Bluefin tuna

A (1) only B (1) and (4) only

C (2) and (4) only D (3) and (4) only 

3 Which of the following activities may destroy natural habitats?
(1) Deforestation
(2) Setting up country parks
(3) Railway network expansion
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only 
D (1), (2) and (3)

4 The African elephantis an endangered species.

Which of the following can help save the African elephants?

(1) Study their behaviour in the wild
(2) Minimize urban development in their habitats
(3) Ban the trading of ivory
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3) 

C Fill in the blanks

1 Humans destroy the natural ____________________ of many living things to obtain raw
materials or new land.

2 Certain plants (e.g. orchids) become rare because they are__________________for

commercial purposes.

3 Conservation involves the protection of____________________ and


4 The government can enforce ____________________ to protect wildlife.

Section test 2: Section 3.3
A True or false questions
1 F 2 F 3 F
B Multiple-choice questions
1 C 2 B 3 B 4 D
C Fill in the blanks
1 habitat
2 overexploited
3 wildlife; environment
4 laws


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