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Nama : Fidy Febryan Muthfy Yuliandi

NPM : 2010631140138
Kelas : F

Perfect Itenerary
The key to success in traveling is planning the trip well. Not only web-based
planning applications to mobile phone applications, but the ability to make travel plans or
itineraries is also very much needed. The itenerary contains which destination to visit, how
long it will be there, what places to visit, how and how much it costs to reach a tourist
After successfully getting plane tickets, ordering rental vehicles, and also packing
your luggage quickly, there are a number of things that are less clear but equally important.
Here's how to structure the itenerary perfectly,

1. Be Realistic
Choreographing all you want to get done into a seamless schedule, especially if
you’revisiting multiple cities or countries, can be a massive challenge. Make it easier by
creating a list of everything you want to see or do in your locale. Then put the list in
priority order. To help estimate how long an activity will take, or how long it will take to
get there, consult a guidebook or check out online forums or reviews for perspectives from
other travelers who’ve been there and done that. This will make it easier for you to feel out
what you can and cannot accomplish during, say, three nights in Montreal.
Research events happening in your destination while you’ll be there (tourist board
websites are good for this—they usually have events calendars), and plan accordingly.
There may be a nifty festival that you want to slot into your schedule, or, at the opposite
extreme, you may want to avoid a certain part of town if it’s going to be crowded or
blocked off.
Also note local holidays coinciding with your trip, which can affect transportation
schedules, business opening hours, etc.

2. Get It Right, from Door to Door

On each trip to the places to be visited, determine the exact and detailed estimated
travel time. For example, the travel time to the airport. Take a look at possible things you
can do like eat before your flight arrives. This estimate can be found by knowing the bus
departure schedule, the level of congestion on the way, or choosing to go to the airport
with a rental vehicle.

3. Connections Are Key

Connections mean additional planes and additional opportunities for delays.
Connections also mean that your bags are being moved and mauled, which creates more
occasions for your property to be lost or damaged. God forbid you make a connection
and your bags don’t—or vice versa. A connection will disrupt your sleep too. If you’re the
type to take a sleep aid in transit, you know that there’s nothing more miserable than
surfacing from the depths of a Dramamine-induced slumber to slouch off the plane,
lumber through the airport to a new gate and endure another complete boarding process. If
you simply can’t avoid a connection, make sure not to cut it too close. Allowing at least a
couple of hours to change planes (longer for international connections) will give you a
little wiggle room in case of delayed flights.

4. Useful Websites and Apps

Various websites and apps have facilitated the creation of itineraries, and the ability
to share those itineraries, for thousands of tech-savvy travelers. Here are a few of our
favorites: allows users to create complex online itineraries and email them to
themselves or to friends and family. The site will automatically insert tons of useful
information into your itinerary, including maps, directions and weather. TripIt is free, but
you can buy extra perks, like a mobile service that alerts you if your flight is changed or
canceled, for an annual fee. is a similar service to help you organize your
trip. Forward your air, car, hotel and other confirmations, and the site will arrange them in
an orderly timeline. You can share your itinerary with friends and add restaurants, shops
or other relevant attractions. Trip is less about organizing your itinerary and
more about helping you populate it. Put in your starting point, your desired destination(s)
and ending point, and the site will offer recommendations for how to get between places
and which activities you may want to do in each city on your list. For each attraction
you’ll see info like opening hours, ticket prices and the estimated time it will take to see it.
You can view other users’ itineraries to get ideas.

5. Best Laid Plans

Opt out of the hour-by-hour detailed timeline that factors in bathroom breaks and
photo ops. Instead, expect the unexpected, and leave plenty of room for upsets. If you
know where the bumps in the road might be, you can steer around them. And if you’re
really lucky, you can put it all together for the perfect itinerary.

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