Unit 1: Understanding Physical Education

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Physical education is a requirement in most school curricula, and a number of colleges

and universities offer degrees in the field. Physical education classes generally include formal
exercises, sports, and dances. The Lyceum of the Philippines University- Manila, College of Arts
and Sciences-Department Physical Education is concerned with improving its fields of education
and with increasing the student’s knowledge and appreciation of physical education specifically
the foundation of movements.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION’S Definition, Objectives, Components and Values
Physical education programs in different schools like are valuable because it contributes to
each student's cardiovascular health and helps promote the development of strong muscles and
bones. Through its activities like exercises in a regular basis combats obesity in individuals, which
can also reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other common illnesses.
Physical education not only helps keep students strong, but it can also increase their concentration
and focus, improve their classroom behavior and boost their overall academic performance.
Through physical education, students come to understand the value of being physically active,
which increases their likelihood of developing healthful habits to carry on well into adulthood.

On the space provided, share your knowledge about the importance of Physical
Education in Education, in life and in the society.

Physical Education- is an instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from
simple calisthenics exercise to a course of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics, sports
and the performance and management of other athletic games which being considered as an
integral part of educational program where it nurture the individual physically, mentally, socially
and emotionally in participation of different Physical education activities.
On the other hand, Physical fitness refers to the series of tests that measure the individual’s
fitness level- the skill – related components and health – related components. Good physical
fitness is important since it contributes directly to the physical component of good health and
wellness, and indirectly to the other components.
Physical fitness is also being defined as a general state of health and well-being and, more
specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally
achieved through correct nutrition,[1] moderate-vigorous physical activity,[2] exercise and rest.[3]
It is a set of attributes or characteristics seen in people and which relate to the ability to perform
a given set of physical activities.

The Aims of Physical Education

The aim of Physical Education must, be to make every child physically, mentally and
emotionally fit and also to develop in him such personal and social qualities as will help him to live
happily with others and build him up as a good citizen. The aims of physical education are
summarized as:
1. It exhibits a physically active lifestyle- engagement of an individual to any of the Physical
Education activities; dance, aerobics, Zumba, karate, judo, bowling, badminton, basketball and
2. It achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness- studies in Physical
Education learning area provide the potential for a better quality of life for all students, now and
in the future.
3. It demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.
Effective interpersonal skills are essential for participation in meaningful and fulfilling relationships
in family, school, recreation, work and community contexts. Interpersonal skills such as assertive
communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, cooperation and leadership enable students to
act responsibly and contribute effectively to groups and teams.
4. Book alters states that “the aim of physical education is the optimum development of
the physically, socially and mentally integrated and adjusted individual through guided instruction
and participation in selected total-body sports, rhythmic and gymnastic activities conducted
according to social and hygienic standards.”
5. It demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few while
the movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills are being
applied. The development of young people in an increasingly complex and diverse society can be
characterized by rapid change, sedentary work and leisure practices, changing family structures
and roles, and the promotion of unhealthy behaviors by various sources.
6. It demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical
activity settings. Physical Education empowers students to critically evaluate the opportunities and
challenges associated with living in modern society and teaches them how to take action to avoid
injury or reduce threats to their health and well-being. Without the benefits provided by this
learning area, individuals face a reduced quality of life and society increasing health care and social
7. It understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge,
self- expression and social interaction. Students require movement, skills in order to perform
competently in physical activities. Experience in fundamental movement skills in the early years of
schooling supports the development of more specific skills in later childhood and participation in
sport and recreation as lifelong pursuits.
Students who enjoy, participate in, appreciate and are skillful in play, games, sports, dance
and outdoor recreation develop confidence and self-esteem.


Four objectives of physical education are improved physical fitness, appreciation of
physical activity, sportsmanship development and improved social skills. More objectives of
physical education include body awareness, skill development and personality development.
While there are many goals of physical education, improving ones fitness is often at the
top of the list. Physical activity can help prevent an early death and reduce the risk of health issues
like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, falls and certain types of cancer. Students
who are exposed to physical education tend to be more active, which helps set them up for a
lifetime of good physical health.

Appreciation of Physical Activity and Body Awareness

Studies have shown that a child tends to be more active if their parents are supportive and
if they have confidence in their abilities. Physical education encourages an appreciation of physical
activity in all children, even those who don’t fit into those categories. Quality Physical Education
teaches young minds that physical activity is beneficial in many ways.
On the same manner, physical education helps individuals become more aware of their
own bodies, including their abilities and limitations. Students learn how certain activities impact
others, such as stretching before running to prevent injury.
Improved Social Skills
Physical education teach students not just how to win the game by himself/herself alone
but with co-players, spectators which in turn will teach the player of how to be good sports which
may also lead to improved social skills. On the other hand, interpersonal skills learned in a gym or
on a field often translate into other aspects of life, improving social skills in the classroom, at work,
within families, within communities and in other recreational settings. Students may learn how to
negotiate better, to communicate better, and take leadership roles while they learn the ability to
resolve conflicts in a fair manner. Students who are able to identify and develop their own
attitudes and values associated with leading a healthy lifestyle are better equipped to make
personally and socially responsible decisions.
This has the potential to enhance the quality of their own and other people’s lives. Students
who are able to respect the attitudes and values of others are well placed to contribute effectively
to home, school, work and community life. Study in this learning area encourages them to exhibit
attitudes and values that are consistent with lifelong participation in sport and physical activity,
the prevention of ill-health and the acceptance of personal responsibility for their actions.
In addition, physical education can help teach sportsmanship, teamwork and cooperation
with other people. Those who participate in physical education learn to respect personal space as
well as other people’s abilities. They also learn to work together to reach a common goal and how
to follow rules for fair play with other people. Acceptance of defeat and the enjoyment of winning
can be a good sign that a learner is achieving one of the major aim of Physical Education.

Skill Development
Skill development is a major part of physical education, especially with younger students.
This includes developing locomotor skills, like running, jumping, walking, skipping and leaping, as
well as non-locomotor skills, like balancing, pushing, pulling, bending, stretching, twisting and
turning. Other skills developed may include handling a ball or other physical objects and
positioning and moving the body during particular activities, such as how to move the arms and
legs while swimming certain strokes.

Personality Development
Physical education can help improve a student’s personality as well. Participating in
sports and physical activities can help improve traits like motivation and enthusiasm. It can
improve confidence and self-esteem and even create higher levels of self-discipline.. Through
participation in sport, recreation and other physical activities, students improve their physical
skills and fitness, and become aware of the important role that motivation, enthusiasm,
initiative, self-discipline, self-respect, cooperation and the assumption of responsibility play in
the maintenance of healthy society.
While students develop proficient self-management skills for their own benefit, he/she
will be able to set and achieve personal goals; plan, implement and evaluate decisions; develop
self-esteem, and manage stress and cope with change and conflict are essential self-
management skills that underpin a healthy and active lifestyle.

2 Major Components of Physical Fitness:

Physical Fitness is categorized in two major components, and these are the following:
A. Health - Related components refer to the development of health and functional
capacity of the individual, such as:

 Body composition- refers to the description of the percentages of bone, fat,

muscle, and water inside the human bodies.
 Cardiovascular endurance-refers to the ability of an individual to perform
prolonged work continuously, where the work involves large muscle groups.
 Cardiovascular strength- refers to the ability of the heart and lungs to supply
oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues, and the ability of the muscles to
use oxygen to produce energy for movement.
 Muscular endurance- refers to the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to
sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for an extended period of time.
 Muscular strength- refers to the maximum amount of force that a muscle can
exert against some form of resistance in a single effort.

B. Skill - Related components refer to the components that contribute to the

development of skills.

 Agility-refers to the ability to start, stop, and change direction quickly, while
maintaining posture.
 Balance-refers to the ability to keep a vertical posture while either standing still or
 Coordination- refers to ability to perform complex motor skills with a smooth,
flow of motion.
 Power-refers to the combined effect of strength and speed. Some say speed is
equal to strength. It is the ability to perform with strength at a quick pace.
 Reaction time- refers to the amount of time it takes to start a certain movement
once the senses signal the need for the individual to move.
 Speed- refers to the ability to move quickly across the ground or move limbs
rapidly to grab or throw.
On the other hand, a student or learner should keep in mind that there are also factors to
be considered that can possibly affect Physical Fitness and these are as follows:

 Activity and disability- activity and disability are important considerations in

carrying out physical fitness tests since there are certain limitations set for them
before they can perform certain physical activities. It is of utmost importance that
one should have a clearance from a medical professional before engaging in any
sports or physical education activities.

 Age- can also affect physical fitness since the latter declines as people get older. As
one grows older, he will experience a decline in his maximum exercise capacity and
he cannot do anything about except admit the fact that some activities are no
longer suitable for him. Modification of activities can be done in this case. It is also
important that a clearance must secure from a medical practitioner.

 Gender- affects physical fitness since there are activities or tests that are not
suitable for women but are enrolled for men and vise – versa.

 Heredity- affects physical fitness since there are certain hereditary illnesses and
traits that are not suitable for any physical fitness activity. One shall know his
family’s medical background so that the exercises can be done fitted for the

 Nutrition- is also of utmost importance that one should look into. Nutrition can also
affect physical fitness since people who are not properly nourished or do not have
proper nutrition cannot perform any physical activities. Sufficient and proper
nutrition are essential to be fit for any physical activities.


Physical education fosters healthy social interactions among students. It allows young
children and teenagers to engage in activities that encourage them to support one another and to
work effectively in teams. As an individual develop these positive character traits, the possibility
to boost their confidence will more likely engage in community activities that require a certain
degree of fitness, such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, dances, body building, martial arts and
other sports activities. Regular physical activity can also be an outlet for students who need to
release tension and anxiety to remain emotionally stable.
Physical education is an essential subject area for learning. It helps students become
competent movers, which in turn, builds self-confidence and lays a foundation for participation in
lifetime physical activity. Its movement content helps improve cognitive function, which in turn,
promotes learning in other subject areas (Ratey, 2002; Ratey & Hagerman, 2008). It helps students
learn about their abilities, aptitudes, limitations, and potential. It provides opportunities for
students to: develop creativity, positive attitudes toward physical activity, assume more personal
and social responsibility, and meet performance obligations as individuals and in groups.


On the space provided below, answer the following questions:

1. Is it necessary to include Physical Education in the school curriculum?


2. What is your ultimate motivation to do Physical Education activities?

3. What are your plans to achieve your goals?

Technology to feel the gap of physical labor for humans and poor nutrition, obesity is rising
and people are not living up to their potential. By incorporating in more lifelong knowledge about
health into our physical education systems, disease rates will drop and students will do much
better in school and in the community in general.

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