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Formating Tools in Google Docs

Student devices are not set Undo the last thing. Redo the last thing. Highlight formatted text. Zoom in or out on the
to allow printing. Key Command: Key Command: Press the Paint format tool document.
CTRL + Z CTRL + Z Highlight the words that you
want to have the same

Drop down to see Size of font. Bold Italics Underline Text Color
different font (type) Small numbers are
styles. small type. Large (Makes regular fonts (Slants regular fonts) (Underlines regular (Changes the color of
Select numbers are bigger. darker) fonts) the letters or highlights
the background)
Size 8 Good for emphasizing Good for titles of books Good for ​

to add more styles to Size 18 certain​

words​. or making words
appear ​different​ for
certain words.

your collection. Key Command meaning. Key Command

Size 30
highlight changes the
CTRL + B CTRL + U background selected​ )
Key Command
Left ‐ Center ‐ Right ‐ Justify

Link Comment Alignment tools

Highlight words ‐ press this tool ‐ paste website or Highlight a word or words ‐ press this tool ‐ type This tool determines where the cursor will appear
search for site to link in a note ‐ Press comment. Words will be on the document.
highlighted in yellow.
Example: ​
SG Symabloo

Use Center to verify that the words or title will be

formatted properly to the middle of the page or

ex: Left alignment is standard

ex: Right Alignment

Line Spacing Decrease/Increase Indent

This tool allows the user to This tool allows lists/lines to This tools allows lists/lines This tool changes the indent Highlight the formatted
set the line spacing in a be numbered. to use bullet points level in a list. words ‐ press this tool ‐
paragraph. The default all formatting will be
setting is single. Example removed and the
Single, 1.15 1.5, Double ● Main Point will return to the
○ Increase default

(Arial, 11, left align)

with tool used

Arial, 11, left align
Background Color Border Color Border Width Border Dash

More ‐ shows more tools This tool will change the This tool will change the This tool will change the This tool will change the
background of a cell in a border of a shape or table thickness of a border on a line style on a cell table or
table table or shape. shape.

Editing Menu ‐ Used when Sharing a document with others.

Editing ‐ ​
Allows direct editing of the document.

Suggesting ‐ ​All changes are marked and will need to be approved. Changes are marked on
the side of the document. Press the check to approve.

Viewing ‐ ​
Prevents typing/editing of document
Insert Menu ‐ Important tools

Image: Will link to various sources to add a picture. Most often select search. NOTE: Will not
cite image. ​Use Tools ‐ Research​ to search for image to cite.

Special characters: Will add additional character (math, symbols, emoji, etc)

Header and Footer will be added to each page at the very top and bottom.

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