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Group 1 (MT1C)

Abalos, Cedric Manuel

Ancaja, Jameir Russ Karsten
Battad, Gabriel
Casio, Hanz Jeremiah
Malubay, John Paul
Sunga, Mark

Reinforcement Activity # 9

Reinforcement Activity
● Judging on the kind of bad politics that Filipino politicians learned during American
From the document, pick out some of the complaints of Filipino politicians against
Governor General
Wood and look up in the discussion in the historical context what he actually did in order
to complete the matrix below

Gov. Gen. Wood’s His Intentions Complaints against him as

efforts lifted from the document
A. putting money back A. put the A. Filipino politicians
to PNB and making government branded him as a
governance efficient back on track meddler and anti-Filipino
B. Wood reinstated B. Wood found B. Quezon lashed out on
Coney back to the this outright Wood for having
force and approved disobedience interfered on the work of
his retirement with because it is purely local matter
full benefits as simply face- followed through with the
recommended saving for the mass resignation of the
two officials members of the Council
of State and later the
entire cabin.
 Wood refused his assent
to laws.
 Wood set at naught both
the legal authority and
responsibility for the
Philippines heads of
 He has substituted his
constitutional advisers
for a group of military
attachés without legal
standing in the
government and not
responsible to the
 He has reversed the
policy of Filipinizing the
service of the
government by
appointing Americans
even when Filipinos of
proven capacity were
 He has obstructed the
carrying out of national
economic policies.
 He vetoed the
appropriations for such
 He has used certain
public funds to grant
additional compensation
to public officials in clear
violation of law.
 He has arrogated unto
himself the right of
exercising the powers
granted by law which
involved an unlawful
delegation of legislative
 He has unduly interfered
in the administration of
 He has by his policies
created strained
relations between
resident Americans and
 He has sanctioned the
campaign of insidious
propaganda in the
United States against
the Filipino people and
their aspirations.
 He has insistently
sought the amendment
of our land laws which
would open up the
resources of our country
to exploitation by
predatory interests.

a. Do the complaints against the governor match what he was doing and his

Based on the complaints against the governor, it did not really match with the
governor’s intention. It may be due to the Filipino politicians trying to put dirt upon his
name. It also probably may not have been elaborated clearly because it was not from
his point of view but just basing from his actions, it seemed like his only intention was
really to put the Philippine government back on track.

b. What do these complaints then tell of the complainants (the Filipino politicians)?
These perfectly symbolizes our government in the present time. Up until now,
Filipino politicians are still desperate to be elected just so that they can continue their
corrupt ways. They go beyond levels of sugar coating their names just to look good in
the eyes of the Filipino. Just like what they did to Gov. Gen Wood, they went far and
beyond just to get him out of the position. Just so to continue their corrupt ways.

● Comparing the kind of politics that we have today

From your answers in part b of the previous section, what are instances in our political
life do these episodes show up until today? Answer this by completing the matrix below.

Bad politics of Filipinos during the Bad politics of Filipinos until today
American Period
 rapid transfer of control to officials  rapid transfer of control to officials
who have not had necessary time who have not had necessary time
for proper training for proper training
 lack of confidence in the  lack of transparency, corruption,
administration of justice political
 lack of experience and opportunity  rivalry and inefficiency
and specially lack of inspection  lack of accountability and
 rivalry and inefficiency transparency
 lack of roads and school buildings  graft and corruption
built  Incompetent ruling
 Infestation of mosquitoes and  Lack of preparedness towards
other pests plagued Manila economic growth, healthcare
 lack of inspection and inefficiency improvement, and infrastructure
 graft and corruption planning.
 lack of accountability and  Too much debt but still no sign of
transparency any progress.
 Mudsling on the opposition to keep  Use their political power to cover
their interest their darkest secrets.
 Incompetent ruling  Mishandling government funds
 Lack of preparedness  Appoint an individual who lacks
 Inefficient public service governmental experience and
economic understanding.

What is in us that we should change in order to correct these flaws?

For now there is not much that we can offer to instantly correct all these flaws. As
a Filipino, corruption is such a major problem in our country right now. The rich
becoming richer and the poor struggling to survive. Those who we vote seems to
disappear when we need them the most. These is where we have the power to change
the flaws of our government. We as citizens of this country have the right to vote for
who shall lead. We have the luxury of choosing who is worth and the right person to
lead. And together our vote matters and we have the power to correct these flaws once
and for all.

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