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Endang Triyanto, Lita Heni Kusumawardani

Nursing Department, Health Sciences Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced people to limit their daily activities in order to prevent the spread of
the virus. This study aimed to analyze people’s behavioral changes in order to prevent the Covid-19
transmission based on integrated behavior model. This research used a survey method. 103
respondents from Banyumas were collected using a convenience sampling technique from April to May
2020. A statistical analysis with frequency distribution was used in this research. The collected data
were dominated by those with ages ranging from 21 to 59 years old. The excellent behavior of washing
hands using soap and running water reached 84.5%. The behavior of people wearing face-masks when
leaving their homes reached 92.2%. The behavior of social distancing implementation only reached
47.6%. People’s knowledge of Covid-19 was classified into the good category reaching 81.5%. 80
people or about 77% of respondents had positive attitudes. The implementation of norms/rules reached
100%. The availability of supporting facilities reached 92%. The media accessibility reached 75%. Only
10% of respondents had not yet established the habit of washing hands and wearing face-masks.
These factors unite and influence each other and then eventually create new expected behaviors.
Social distancing is the most difficult behavior to change, because Banyumas people have a high social
life intimacy.

Keywords: integrated behavior model; Covid-19; health behavior; health promotion, pandemic

Pandemic Covid-19 memaksa orang untuk membatasi aktivitasnya untuk mencegah penyebaran virus.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perubahan perilaku pencegahan penularan Covid-19 ditinjau
dari integrated behavior model. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan survei. Sebanyak 103
responden di Banyumas diperoleh secara convenience sampling pada bulan April hingga Mei 2020.
Analisis statistik yang digunakan dengan distrubisi frekuensi. Data yang diperoleh adalah usia
didominasi pada rentang 21-59 tahun. Perilaku cuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir
sangat baik mencapai 84.5%. Penggunaan masker saat keluar rumah sebesar 92.2%. Penerapan
social distancing hanya 47.6%. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Covid-19 kategori baik mencapai
81.5%. Sikap positif sebanyak 80 orang atau sekitar 77%. Penerapan norma/aturan mencapai 100%.
Ketersediaan fasilitas yang mendukung sebanyak 92%. Aksesibilitas media sebanyak 75%. Hanya 10%
saja masyarakat yang sebelumnya memiliki kebiasaan cuci tangan dan memakai masker. Perilaku
seseorang dipengaruhi faktor demografi, pengetahuan, sikap, norma, kebiasaan, lingkungan, media.
Faktor-faktor tersebut menjadi satu kesatuan yang saling memengaruhi sampai terciptanya perilaku
baru yang diharapkan.

Kata-kata kunci: integrated behavior model; Covid-19; perilaku kesehatan; promosi kesehatan, pandemi

Corresponding Author : Endang Triyanto ISSN : 1907-6637

Email : e-ISSN : 2579-9320

Triyanto, Kusumawardani DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2020.15.2.1441
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 15 (2) 2020 : 66 – 73

BACKGROUND National Disaster Management Agency

A new coronavirus (SARS-CoV- (known as BNPB or Badan Nasional
2/Covid-19) was discovered in December Penanggulangan Bencana). This Task
2019. This virus can cause an acute Force is intended to improve the national
respiratory syndrome epidemic in humans. resilience of the health sector; accelerate
This virus first began spreading in Wuhan, the Covid-19 handling through the synergy
China (Zhou et al., 2020). After only a between ministries/institutions and local
short time, the virus spread to 216 governments; increase the escalation
countries. WHO has announced Covid-19 development anticipation to prevent the
as a global pandemic since it has spread spread of Covid-19; improve the synergy
to most parts of the world. The number of of operational policy making; and increase
cases of infection globally has reached the readiness and ability to prevent,
7,761,609 people (WHO, 2020). In detect, and respond to the Covid-19 cases
Indonesia, based on data from the Ministry (Lerik & Damayanti, 2020). The
of Health as of June 15, 2020, there were Community Movement (known as Germas
39,294 cases with the death rate reaching or Gerakan Masyarakat) Campaign has
2,198 people (Acob, 2020). It is reported been performed on a large scale to slow
that there is still an increasing number of down the spread of the virus by
Covid-19 infection cases. Thus, it can be introducing people to frequently washing
concluded that the pandemic is not over their hands and wearing face-masks as
yet. well as both social and physical distancing
The Covid-19 pandemic has (Ngronggah et al., 2020).
caused various adverse effects on the Based on the news published by
Indonesian people. These adverse effects the Tempo National Media on March 18,
have occurred in most sectors of people’s 2020, Tabligh Akbar (an Islamic Religious
lives. Business actors have had to close Praying Together event) was held in Gowa
their businesses due to the decreasing Regency of South Sulawesi, which was a
levels of people’s purchasing power. The gathering of thousands of people. The
existence of Large Scale Social government's recommendation to do
Restrictions (known as PSBB or social distancing and to avoid any form of
Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) mass gathering was not obeyed by the
implemented by the Indonesian community (Irawan, 2020). Most people
government has eventually resulted in the still consider the Covid-19 as a normal and
weakening of the lower classes’ economy harmless virus. A survey conducted by
(Thorik, 2020). The social activity Triyanto and Kusumawardani (2020) found
restriction forms include: the restriction of that the physical or social distancing
transportation operations, closing of behavior was only obeyed by 47.6% of the
tourism sites and activities, closing of society. Thus, it can be concluded that
shopping centers, and working from home. physical or social distancing is a behavior
Thus, many social problems have arisen which is difficult to achieve.
and resulted in an increasing number of People’s behavioral changes have
crimes and negative community stigma significantly increased in terms of wearing
against health workers (Abdillah, 2020) as face-masks and washing hands. Based on
seen from the community's rejection of the the research findings, the people’s
health workers. These community actions behaviors of wearing face-masks and
are possibly influenced by the people’s washing hands increased very high
limited knowledge regarding the Covid-19 reaching up to 84% (Jacob, 2020).
transmission. Similarly, the results of research
On March 17, 2020 the President conducted by Bavel et al., (2020), showed
of the Republic of Indonesia declared the that the people’s behavioral changes of
status of this disease as being in the washing hands using soap with running
Emergency Response phase by issuing water were mostly performed by the urban
the Presidential Decree No. 7 Year 2020 communities. The findings of research
on the Task Force for Accelerating the conducted by Bavel et al., (2020) indicated
Corona virus Handling led by the Head of that people’s behavior of wearing face-
Triyanto, Kusumawardani DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2020.15.2.1441
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 15 (2) 2020 : 66 – 73

masks was dominated by those living in Google form and was then descriptively
urban areas. Bavel et al., (2020) also analyzed using a frequency distribution.
explained that communities living in rural The ethical consideration of this study was
areas still found it difficult to implement the distributed using the online informed
behavior of wearing face-masks and consent of respondents form via Google
washing hands. form.
There are many scientifically
proven factors, which influence people’s RESULT
behavioral changes. The Integrated Table 1. Research Respondents’ Characte
Behavior Model (IBM) comprehensively ristics (n=103)
explains the various factors contributing to Respondents’ Frequency Percentage
a person’s behavioral changes (Lunn, characteristics (N) (%)
Belton, Timmons, & Robertson, 2020). Age
Adolescent 34 33
Washing hands and wearing face-masks
(11-20 years)
are less frequently practiced by the Adult (21-59 years 68 66
majority of Indonesian people and most old)
never do the physical or social distancing. Elderly (over 60 1 1
A person’s behavioral changes can be years)
divided into either easy or difficult and are Gender
influenced by many factors. Therefore, the Male 43 42
researchers conducted a descriptive study Female 60 58
on the behaviors of washing hands, social Working location
distancing, and wearing face-masks based Inside buildings 70 68
Outside buildings 33 32
on the perspective of the Integrated
Educational level
Behavior Model. The purpose of this Elementary school 4 3
research is to analyze people’s behavioral Junior High School 8 6
changes in order to prevent the Covid-19 Senior High school 76 74
transmission based on the perspective of Bachelor Degree 15 17
the integrated behavior model. Residential area
Urban 65 63
METHOD Rural 38 37
This research used a non-
experimental quantitative study with a 103 respondents completed the
survey design. The research data was online survey prepared in Google form.
collected by researchers using online The respondents’ characteristics were
questionnaires in Google form, which were presented in Table 1 based on age, sex,
distributed to 103 respondents between working location, educational level, and
April and May 2020. The inclusion criteria residential area. Based on age, 68 or
included people living in Banyumas. The approximately 66% of respondents were of
samples were collected using a an age ranging from 21 to 59 years old.
convenience sampling technique. The Meanwhile, 34 or approximately 33% of
Integrated Behavior Model (IBM) presents respondents were in the adolescent age
the determinants influencing the range. Based on sex, the research
behavioral performances including respondents consisted of 42% males and
demography, knowledge, attitudes, norms, 58% females. Based on the working
habits, environments, and media. The location, 68% of respondents worked
questionnaire was prepared based on the inside buildings while the other 32 % of
IBM consisting of 14 items related to the respondents worked outside buildings.
behaviors of washing hands, wearing face- Based on educational level, 76 or 74% of
masks and other factors influencing the respondents had graduated from Senior
behaviors including: knowledge, attitudes, High School. Meanwhile, based on the
habits, environment/facilities, and media. residential area, 63% of respondents
The questionnaires were distributed resided in urban areas, while the other
through WhatsApp (WA) group networks. 37% of respondents resided in rural areas.
The survey data was collected using the
Triyanto, Kusumawardani DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2020.15.2.1441
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 15 (2) 2020 : 66 – 73

Table 2. Preventive Behaviors for the Factors Frequency Percentage

Covid-19 transmission (n=103) contributing to (N) (%)
Preventive Frequency Percentage behavioral changes
Behaviors (N) (%) habit
Washing hands Norm
using soap and There is a norm 103 100
running water There is no norm 0 0
Always 87 84.5 Environment/facilities
Sometimes 16 15.5 Supporting 95 92
Never 0 0 Not supporting 8 8
Wearing face-masks Media
Always 95 92.2 Accessible 78 75
Sometimes 8 7.8 Inaccessible 25 25
Never 0 0
Doing social Based on the Integrated Behavior
distancing Model, the factors contributing to the
Always 49 47.6 people’s behavioral changes were proven
Sometimes 50 48.5
Never 4 3.9
to be very complex. The research data in
Table 3 presents factors contributing to the
people’s behavioral changes including
The researchers measured the
knowledge, attitudes, past habits, norms,
respondents’ behaviors in order to prevent
environments/facilities, and media
Covid-19 transmission including washing
accessibility. There were six factors, which
hands using soap and running water;
mostly influence a person's behavior
wearing face-masks when leaving their
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 2007). In terms of
homes; and performing social distancing.
knowledge, nowadays, almost everyone
The measurement results were presented
has a smartphone. This product of
in Table 2. The behavior of washing hands
technology is widely used by people to
using soap and running water was very
share and obtain information. The data on
good at 84.5%. The behavior of wearing
public knowledge related to the Covid-19
face-masks when leaving their homes was
has rapidly increased and reached 81.5%.
also very good at 92.2%. Both behaviors
The attitude variable was
significantly increased when compared to
considered in terms of influencing a
those before the Covid-19 pandemic,
person’s behaviors. The results of this
which was approximately only 10%. This
study showed that 80 or 77% of
proves that Banyumas people are aware
respondents had positive attitudes, while
of the danger of the spreading of Covid-
the other 23 or 33% of respondents had
19. However, the data on the behavior of
negative attitudes. The other factor
performing social distancing was still poor.
contributing to people’s behavioral
Table 2 showed that only 49 (47.6%) of
changes, which was proven from the
103 respondents always did social
results of this study, was related to the
implementation of norms/rules, which
Table 3. Factors contributing to the reached 100%, meaning that the
respondents’ behavioral changes government seemed to be disciplined in
(n=103) implementing the recently issued rules.
Factors Frequency Percentage People found outside their homes who did
contributing to (N) (%) not obey the rules would be sanctioned.
behavioral changes The availability of facilities included
Knowledge in the category of supporting factors
Good 84 81.5 reached 92%. The government easily
Poor 19 18.5 distributed face-masks to the people in
Attitude various public places, such as markets
Positive 80 77
and offices as well as providing facilities
Negative 23 23
Habit for people to wash their hands with
Have the habit 10 10 antiseptic soap.
Do not have the 93 90 Another factor, which has an

Triyanto, Kusumawardani DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2020.15.2.1441
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 15 (2) 2020 : 66 – 73

important role in improving people’s very serious about preventing the spread
knowledge during the Large Scale Social of the virus. Due to the applicable norms,
Restrictions is media accessibility. The the government continuously monitored
data presented in Table 3 shows that the whether the people crossed the road
accessibility of health education media wearing face-masks or not. Those who did
was very accessible for the urban not wear their face-masks were subject to
communities reaching 75%. The media strict sanctions. This was based on the
were mostly distributed by the people obtained data that the norm was 100%
through smartphones and the government applied to all levels of society.
even provided support in the form of free Behavioral changes coming from a
internet data packages. However, there person's own self-awareness are greatly
was still the data related to the people’s important in maintaining health and will
habits of wearing face-masks or washing last longer (Bavel et al., 2020). Someone
their hands using soap and running water who understands well the benefits of the
to consider. Only 10% of people previously expected behavioral changes, according
had the habit of washing their hands and to research conducted by (Faasse &
wearing face-masks. These factors were Newby, 2020), will tend to maintain his/her
then analyzed based on the perspective of new behaviors. A person's background will
Integrated Behavior Model. also alter his/her behaviors. A nurse
should be the one to educate and motivate
DISCUSSION people to have the correct self-awareness
Based on the Integrated Behavior to prevent the Covid-19 transmission.
Model, several factors influence a person's Sometimes, the new awareness will arise
behavior including demography, only when someone is initially forced
knowledge, attitudes, norms, habits, (Hanoatubun et al., 2020)
environments, and media (Lunn et al., Social distancing behavior still
2020.). As well as these there are other needs to be improved since it reached
factors, which can also influence a only 47.6%. The people still consider that
person's behavior, such as self-efficacy, the people they talk to are in a healthy
skills, and salience. These factors were condition without any virus symptoms.
not examined by this study due to the Although, even if the people’s conditions
necessity of secure data collection and the were without symptoms, there is still a
requirement to have face to face meetings. possibility that they could be infected by
The results of this study related to the Covid-19 (Pujilestari, 2020). However,
people’s behavioral changes in order to many people feel no need to keep their
prevent the Covid-19 transmission showed distance from each other. This condition is
that the respondents highly increased their actually very risky for the Covid-19
behaviors of washing hands using soap transmission. As proven by the results of
and running water, which reached 84.5% the study conducted by Wise, Zbozinek,
and wearing face-masks when leaving Michelini, Hagan, & Mobbs (2020), which
their homes, which reached 92.2%. stated that Covid-19 can be transmitted
The respondents’ behavioral through droplets, and then if people still do
changes, which rapidly and sharply not implement social distancing, it will
increased were significantly influenced by potentially increase the number of newly
the behavioral factors. In this case, the infected patients. Based on the findings of
respondents prevented the Covid-19 this study, people felt that they had
transmission, which was driven by their adequately strong immunity to protect
fear of the applicable sanctions and of themselves from the disease. These false
being infected with Covid-19. According to beliefs could lead to failure in changing the
the results of research conducted by Lerik people’s behaviors to prevent the Covid-
& Damayanti (2020), the people’s 19 transmission. False beliefs may be
behavioral changes, which were driven by influenced by the knowledge factor.
their fear of the applicable sanctions, were The adequate knowledge related to
usually only temporary. During the Covid- Covid-19 is greatly influenced by
19 pandemic, the government has been determining a person’s behavioral
Triyanto, Kusumawardani DOI : 10.20884/1.jks.2020.15.2.1441
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 15 (2) 2020 : 66 – 73

changes. Knowledge is one of the 2020; Saputro, 2018).

principles for a person in decision making After obtaining adequate
and determining subsequent behaviors. knowledge and combined with a high
New behaviors start from the cognitive education level, a person is expected to
domain and will then form attitudes and have a positive attitude. The results of this
actions. Knowledge of how to prevent the study indicated that most respondents had
Covid-19 transmission will make someone graduated from senior high school with
more aware of the importance of good knowledge levels and positive
preventing the transmission of the attitudes. People’s behavioral changes are
disease. This researchers’ statement is in also influenced by the availability of
line with the research conducted by Bavel facilities. A person will be expected to
et al., (2020), which explains that behave well when supported by the
knowledge has a close relationship with facilities available in the society
decision making and the achieved positive (Smolkowski et al., 2017). The availability
attitudes and the realization of new of facilities found in this study was
behaviors. The results of this study found included in the supporting category at
that 77% of respondents had positive 92%. The availability of facilities might be
attitudes and that these positive attitudes seen from the free distribution of face-
then supported their behavioral changes, masks to the public, the existence of
which is proven by the results of this study facilities for people to wash their hands
because the achieved behavior of using soap and running water in several
washing hands and wearing face-masks public places, such as in markets and
was almost at 100%. offices. Adequate facilities possibly used
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the by the people might support the expected
government along with the health workers behaviors (Wise et al., 2020).
created the information media related to One other factor important to note
the Covid-19. This media could be easily in this research are habits. A person's
found through the internet and social behavioral changes are strongly
media. Many information sharing activities influenced by past habits. The past habits
are made by people through WhatsApp which completely or at least do certain
group messages. The role of the media is behaviors based on the research
quite effective in increasing the knowledge conducted by Lee, Kwok, Hons, &
related to the risks of the Covid-19 Diptroppubhlth (2015) are found to
transmission. The results of this study possibly inhibit the achievement of new
indicated that media accessibility reached expected behaviors. The findings in this
75%. Media accessibility increased the study indicated that only 10% of
people’s awareness of the importance of respondents previously had the habit of
preventing the Covid-19 transmission. This washing hands and wearing face-masks.
statement is in line with the research Thus it can be assumed that the
conducted by Lunn et al., (2020), which respondents’ behaviors to prevent the
discovered that clear public information Covid-19 transmission were only
campaigns could facilitate the involvement temporary without the reinforcement of the
of behavioral changes to prevent the health workers through the family
Covid-19 transmission. The information empowerment. Families as the supporters
can be disseminated to the people living in and supervisors of behavioral changes
urban areas, yet those living in rural areas have an important role in making those
tend to have very limited access to the behaviors become permanent (Friedman
information. The amount of respondents in & Pfiffner, 2020). Health workers, in
this study who lived in rural areas was promoting health related to the Covid-19
37%. Therefore, the health workers transmission, will be successful if they
certainly need to do the campaigns in involve families as the support system.
different ways, such as through posters This research only describes people’s
and leaflets. Both media were also proven behavioral changes based on the
to be effective in increasing the people’s perspective of integrated behavior model.
knowledge related to Covid-19 (Acob, Thus, further research is definitely
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Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 15 (2) 2020 : 66 – 73

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