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Marketing Management
Course codeMBA414
The Impact of Marketing Mix on the Competitive Advantage of
the SME Sector in the AI Buraimi Governorate in Oman



Submission Date: May., 2021

Woldia , Ethiopia

Title: The Impact of Marketing Mix on the Competitive Advantage of
the SME Sector in the AI Buraimi Governorate in Oman
Name of the researcher:- Khalid Suidan Al Badi
Study conducted in the year 2018 by faculty members of Business Administration and
Accounting Department of Al Buraimi University. The research/study shows the role
of marketing mix ( product, price, place and promotion) on achieving the competitive
advantage in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in the Al Buraime
Governorate in Oman.
In this abstract section the researcher explained his research/study in more clear and
vivid way for reader .It comprises the main ideas of the marketing mix (role and
significance of marketing mix in SME sector , analysis approach used to analyze the
collected data, methodology, and finally findings.)

So in this section ,I have not any comment.

The researcher addressed and investigated different writers opinion and justification
as evidences for his study. In this section the researcher shows:-
 The SME sector in Oman is striving to achieve its production and marketing objectives to
prove its significant role in the economic development of Oman by using traditional and
electronic( social media ) communication methods.AS a result ,SME sectors are forced to seek
to create a competitive advantage in an attempt to attract new customers through innovation
and creativity to cope with the new needs of the customers and the changes in consumption
patterns on the part of Omani society.
 In the same context ,distribution cannels are significant for the organization in terms of
increasing the level of availability of its products and services and highlighting the key
features via the promotion process.
 In addition to promotion process and distribution channels, he shows the back ground of the
study. The back ground of this study is a lack of studies in terms of the marketing mix and
competitive advantage with regard to the SME sector in Oman. However, this study aims to
fill this gap and to identify the role of the marketing mix elements when it comes to creating
competitive advantage in the SME sector in the Al Buraimi Governorate.
 This study makes use of a questionnaire to identify the impact of the marketing mix on the
competitive advantage of the SME sector in the Oman.
 He stated his research questions and hypotheses of his study based on the study main and
sub-questions by what so it better to got answers .
SO I have not any correction here.
Literature Review
As many researcher agreed literature review help to sharpen and define
understanding of existing knowledge in the problem area provides a back ground for
the research. So the researcher 0r the writer of this article addressed and investigated
different scholar opinion and justification on the area to get answer for his research
But I suggest to the researcher here, eliminate Table 1 and 2 (sample size categorical
data) from this section. Because tables are not parts of this section.
The Methodology and the model section
The researcher use descriptive analysis approach through questionnaire to analyze
the collected data regarding the level of impact of the marketing mix (product, price,
place, and promotion), on the competitive advantage of the SME sector in Al Buraimi.
The collected data regarding the level of impact of the marketing mix (product, price,
place, and promotion), on the competitive advantage of the SME sector in Al Buraimi.
He applied appropriate method because marketing mix and competitive advantage in
Al Buraimi,s SME sector is relatively new orientation as we seen in abstract section.
The sample size is 100 SMSs (almost 50% of the total population 211) were selected
randomly. However, the researcher processed only 75 questionnaires due to missing
data. The questionnaires comprised two sections, the personal data and the questions
used to identify the impact of marketing mix.
But, I have one comment about methodology if the researcher used interviews, do not
created miss understanding about data.
The sample size
The researcher used sample size according to the OCCI 100 SMSs almost 50% of the
total population 211.
I have comments here, about sample , the total population is manageable (211),
therefore , the researcher can use total SMSs for better information. The other one is
table 1 and 2(sample size categorical data) insert in this section because of clarity.
The findings
Based on the collected data the researcher presents statistical analysis for each
collected data with tables. The results(findings) also presenting for each theme as

 Product :- the majority of the targeted sample evaluate the product items in
a positive way.
 Price:- the statistical result show that there is a positive evaluation for the
price items from the respondents, respective.

 Place:- the majority of the respondents have agreed that there is a medium
evaluation level for the distribution system in the case of Al Buraimi ,s SMSs.
 Promotion:- the respondents have a medium evaluation lever for the
promotion theme with regard to Al Buraimi,s SMSs.
The descriptive analysis for the relative importance for each of the marketing mix
elements on the part of Al Buraimi,s SMSs. According to the respondents in this study,
price comes in first place in terms of the relative importance of the marketing mix
But my comment is the table and their interpretation are not matched or disorder
Conclusion and Recomendation
Based on the research finding the researcher show his conclusion and
recommendations in clear way:-
 The marketing environment in Al Buraimi is price sensitive. Therefore, the SME
sector should provide affordable products and services, taking into
consideration the income level of its customers and their culture.
 There is a consensus—based on the results of this study—about the poor quality
of SME products and services in Al Buraimi. Therefore, SMEs will have to
develop the quality and performance of their products and services to create a
competitive advantage.
 The distribution system of SMEs in Al Buraimi is effective due to the small size of
the Al Buraimi market. However, the SMEs should expand their distribution
channels to penetrate new markets such as the Sohar or AlA in markets.
 The SMEs in Al Buraimi should focus on promotional activities to make their
products and services clear and attractive. In general, there is a lack of
promotional tools in Al Buraimi (such as large screens and street ads). The social
media should also be involved as one of the promotional activities in the SME
sector in the Al Buraimi Governorate.
I belief that the researcher put all expected recommendation based on the problems
appears in this finding section.
Limitations of the study
 This article focuses on identifying the role of marketing mix ( 4ps) on achieving
a competitive advantage in the Al Buraimi Governorate in Oman.
 The population of this study was limited to the SME sector in Al Buraimi .
So I have not any comment.

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