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In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of




MBA 3rdsem.


Firstly I would like to express our immense gratitude towards our institution “A.S Group of
institutes” which created a great platform to attain profound technical skills in the field of
M.B.A thereby fulfilling our most cherished goal.

I would thank to all the HR department of “kbpl” specially MR. vikranjitsingh and the
employess in the HR DEPARTMENT For guiding me and helping me in successful completion of
the project.

I will also mention special thanks to Mr. vinysexsana for the (internal Guide) for extending his
cooperation in doing this project.

I shall be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge the affection,assistance,blessings and moral

support given to me by my family specially my father who encouraged me and instilled me the
self belief and never to say die attitude.

Last but not the least I would like to thank God for blessing me and giving me such a wonderful

I am grateful to all the employees of Coca Cola Company in India for their generous time and patience in
participating and filling the questionnaire. Special thanks to my Mom for her encouragement,
support and motivation throughout my MBA course period. Without her Prayers this would have not been


I hereby declare that the project/ training report entitled “A STUDY ON RECURITMENT AND
SELECTION” submitted for the MBA Degree is my authentic work.This project has not formed
the basis for the award of any degree, fellowship or any other similar titles.

Signature of the Student:Manjotkaur


Ch. No. Chapter Name Page No











Coca Cola is one of the most recognized brands in the world. The original recipe for the

drink, which has been altered over the years, was created by John Pemberton at the eagle

Drug & Chemical Company in Columbus, GA.

The Coca-Cola Company, the world's leading soft drink maker, operates in more than
200countries and sells 400 brands of alcoholic beverages. Coca-Cola is a globally
recognizedsuccessful company. The Coca-Cola was founded in May of 1886. As late as 1990's
Coca-Cola was one of the most respected companies in the world.The Coca-Cola Company and
itsnetwork of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and pervasive production and
distributionsystem in the world.During the past 20 years, The Coca-Cola Company has kept
ahead of emerging trends by developing Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety & Healt

requirements. These requirements are developed to exceed ISO 9001:2000, ISO 22000:2005

standards. As the Company grew globally, our standards evolved with it, but our management

system became too centralized and inflexible. Our operations needed the ability to locally

customize global requirements. In order to protect the trademark, we require a revolution in

our system to suit a changing world with changing expectations.

In response to the changing needs and expectations of users, customers and stakeholders, a

cross-functional and cross-geographical team developed a framework and management

system model to replace our previous model known as The Coca-Cola Management System

(TCCMS).With KORE as our new governance framework and management system. KORE

enforces requirements not only to protect our products, but also to ensure the safety and well-
being of our associates and partners and to be environmentally responsible.


(A Franchise of Coca-Cola Company)

Kandhari beverages Pvt. Ltd. was established in 1967 by Mr. Teja Singh Kandhari,is

presently a progressive business house in India. The group's first venture was a bottling unit

as a franchisee of PARLE's soft drink manufacturing "Gold Spot" , under license from Parle

established at Amritsar in the North Indian state of Punjab. The company is engaged in the

business of manufacturing, marketing and distribution of aerated water under franchise

agreement with the Coca-Cola Company,USA. The company has three mega green field

bottling plants for filling soft drinks located at village Nabipur, District Fatehgarh

Sahib(Punjab), Saha, District Ambala(Punjab), village Kattha,Baddi, District Solan (HP).

Present gross turn over of the company is approximately Rupees 190 Crores.Thecompany

has also entered the power sector by setting a 6.25MW wind mill project having 5 units in the

state of Maharashtra.

In 1993, the world's renowned soft drink giant Coca-Cola entered India and brought over

PARLE brand of soft drink products. Being one of the star bottlers of PARLE, the group
switched to manufacturing bottling and marketing of Coke brand of soft drink products.The

groupcomapanies are conscious of their socio-economic responsibilities and have taken up a

series of community development programmes especially the funding setting up the

reinforest project to conserve scarce natural resources.There are four lines established in the

plant. Line 1 is a new setup plant started last year and manufactures CSD. It is the only plant

produces 750 bottles per minute.Line 2 is HOTFILL . Line 3 is CSD and Line 4 is TETRA-




The famous COCA COLA logo was created "JOHN PEMBERPON'S bookkeeper,FRANK

MASON ROBINSON in 1885.The writing style used, known as Spencerian script, was

developed in the mid-19th century.

Confederate Colonel JOHN PEMBERTON, who was wounded in the American Civil War

and became addicted to morphine, began a quest to find a substitute for the problematic drug.

The prototype Coca cola recipe was formulated at Pemberton's Eagle Drug and Chemical

House, a drugstore in Columbus, Georgia, originally as a coca wine.He may have been

inspired by the formidable success of Vin Mariani, a French coca wine.

Coca-Cola (often referred to simply as Coke) is a carbonate drink produced by The Coca-

Cola Company.The drink's name refers to two of its original ingredients, which were kola

nuts (a source of caffeine) and coca leaves. The current formula of coca cola remains a trade

secret, although a variety of reported recipes and experimental recreations have been


The Coca-Cola Company produces concentrate, which is then sold to licensed Coca-Cola

bottlers throughout the world.

The Coca-Cola Company has on occasion introduced other cola drinks under the Coke name.

The most common of these is Diet Coke, along with others including Caffeine-Free Coca-

Cola, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Vanilla, and

special versions with lemon, lime, and coffee. Based on Interbrand's "best global brand"

study of 2015, Coca-Cola was the world's third most valuable brand.In 2013, Coke products

were sold in over 200 countries worldwide, with consumers downing more than 1.8 billion

company beverage servings each day.

COCA COLA was the leading soft drink brand in India until 1977 when it left rather than

reveals its formula to the goverment reduces its equity stake as required under the foreign

exchange regulation act (FERA) which governed the operations of foreign companies in

After the 16-years absence,COCA COLA returned to India in 1993, cementing its presence

with a deal that gave coca cola ownership of the nation soft drink brands and bottling


The COCA COLA company is a global company with some of the worlds most widely

brands, the coca cola business in India, as in each country where it operates, is a local

business. Popular Indian brands including Thums up (the most trusted brand in

India),Limca,Maaza,Citra and Gold.Spot provided not only physical manufacturing,bottling

and distribution assests but also strong consumer preference.Leading Indian brands joined

companies international family of brands, including coca-cola,dietcoke,sprite and fanta.

In 2000,the company launched the Kinley water brand.


• Water

• Sugar (sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup(HFCS) depending on country of origin)

• Concentrate

• Carbon dioxide

• Pulp
It all began in 1886, when a tree legged brass kettle in HohnStythpemberton’s

backyard in Atlanta was brewing the first P of marketing leged. Unaware the pharmacist has
given birth to a caramel colored syrup, which is now the chief ingredient of the world’s favorite
drink. The syrup combined with carbonated the soft drink market. It is estimated that this drink is
served more than one thousand million times in a day.

Equally oblivious to the historic value of his actions was Frank Ix. Robinson, his partner and
book keeper. Pemberton & Robinson laid the first foundation of this beverage when an average
nine drinks per day to begin with, upping volumes as sales grew.

In 1894, this beverage got into bottle, courtesy a candy merchant from Mississippi. By the
1950’s Colas were a daily consumption item, stored in house hold fridges. Soon were born other
non- Cola variants of this product like orange & Lemon.

Now, the soft drink industry has been dominated by three major player – (1) The New York
based Pepsi co. Inc.(2) The Atlanta based Coca Cola co. (3) The United Kingdom based Cadbury

Throughout the globe these major players have been battling it. Out for a bigger chunk of the
ever-growing cold drink market. Now this battle has begun in India too.

Inida is now the part of cold drink war. Gone are days of Ramesh Chauhan, India’s one time
Cola king and his bouts of pistol shooting. Expect now to hear the boon of cannons when the
Coca Cola & Pepsi co. battle it out for, as the Jordon goes a bigger share of throat. By buying
over local competition, the two American Cola giants have cleared up the arena and are packing
all their power behind building the Indian franchisee of their globe girdling brands. The huge
amount invested in fracture has

never been seen before. Both players seen an enormous potential in his country where swigging a
carbonated beverage is still considered a treat, virtually a luxury.

Consequently, by world standards India’s per capita consumption of cold drinks asgoing by
survey results is rock bottom, less than over Neighbors Pakistan & Bangladesh, where it is four
times as much.
Behind the hype, in an effort invisible to consumer Pepsi pumps in Rs 3000 crores (1994) to add
muscle to its infrastructure in bottling and distribution. This is apart from money that company’s
franchised bottles spend in upgrading their plants all this has contributed to substantial gains in
the market. In Colas, Pepsi is already market

leader and in certain cities like Banaras, Pepsi outlets are on one side & all the other Colas put
together on the other. While Coke executive scruff at Pepsi’s claims as well as targets, industry
observers are of the view that Pepsi has definitely stolen a lot from its competitor Coke.

Apart from numbers, Pepsi has made qualitative gains. The foremost is its image. This image
turnaround is no small achievements, considering that since it was established in 1989, taking the
hardship route prior to liberalization and weighed down by export commitments.

Now, at present as there are three major players Coke, Pepsi and Cadbury and there is stiff
competition between first two, both Pepsi and Coke have started, sponsoring local events and
staging frequent consumer promotion campaigns. As the mega event of this century has
started,and the marketers are using this event – world cup football, cricket events and many more
other events.

Like Pepsi, Coke is picking up equity in its bottles to guarantee their financial support; one side
Coke is trying to increase its popularity through.

Eat Food, enjoy Food. Drink only Coca Cola. Eat cricket, sleep cricket. Drink only Coca Cola.
Eat movies, sleep movies. Drink only Coca Cola.

But no doubt’ that UK based Cadbury is also recognizing its presence. So there is a real

crush in the soft drink market with launch of the carbonated organize drink Crush, few

year ago in Banaras ., the first in a series of a launches , Cadbury Schweppes beverage

India (CSBI) HAS PLANNED:- The world third largest soft drink marketers all over

thecountry.CSBI o wholly owned subsidiary of the Londonbased $ 6.52billion. Cadbury

Schweppes is hoping that crush is going well and well not suffer the same fate as the Rs. 175
crore Cadbury India’s apple drink Apella.

CSBI is now with orange (crush), and Schweppes soda in the market.

As orange drinks are the smallest of non-Cola categories that is Rs. 1100 crore market with 10%
market share and Cola heaving 50% is followed by Lemon segment with 25%.

The success of soft drink industry depends upon 4 major factors viz.

 Availability
 Visibility
 Cooling
 Range


Availability means the presence of a particular brand at any outlet. If a product is now available
at any outlet and the competitor brand is available, the consumer will go for the outlet because
generally the consumption of any soft drink is an impulse decision and not predetermined one.


Visibility is the presence felt, if any outlet has a particular brand of soft drink say- Pepsi Cola
and this brand is not displayed in the outlet, then its availability is of no use. The soft drink must
be shown off properly and attractively so as to catch the attention of the consumer immediately
Pepsi achieves visibility by providing glow signboards, hoarding, calendars etc. to the outlets. It
also includes various stands to display Pepsi and other flavours of the company.


As the soft drinks are consumed chilled so cooling them plays a vital role in boosting up the
sales. The brand, which is available chilled, gets more sale than the one which is not, even if it is
more preferred one.

RANGEThis is the last but not the least factor, which affects the sale of the products of a
particular company.


The world is changing all around us. To continue to thrive as a business over the next ten years
and beyond, we must look ahead, understand the trends and forces that will shape our business in
the future and move swiftly to prepare for what's to come. Wemust get ready for tomorrow
today. That's what our 2020 Vision is all about. It creates a long-term destination for our
business and provides us with a "Road map" for winning together with our bottling partners.

Our Mission

Our Road map starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a Company
and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

To refresh the world...

To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...

To create value and make a difference

Our Vision

Our vision serves as the framework for our Road map and guides every aspect of our business by
describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality

People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be

Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy
people’s desires and needs

Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual,
enduring value

Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable

Profit: Maximize long-term return to share owners while being mindful of our overall

Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization


Our Winning Culture

Our Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that will be required of us to make our
2020 Vision a reality.

Live Our Values

Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world.

Leadership: The courage to shape a better future

Collaboration: Leverage collective genius

Integrity: Be real

Accountability: If it is to be, it’s up to me

Passion: Committed in heart and mind

Diversity: As inclusive as our brands

Quality: What we do, we do well

Focus on the Market

Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners

Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn

Possess a world view

Focus on execution in the marketplace every day

Be insatiably curious

Work Smart

Act with urgency

Remain responsive to changeHave the courage to change course when needed



In india beverage form an important part of the lives of the people. It is an
industry in which the players constantly innovate in order to come up with better
products to gain more consumers and satisfy the existing consumers.
The beverage industry is vast and there various ways of segmenting it
so as to cater the right person. The different ways of segmenting it are
as follows:

 Alcoholic, non-alcoholic and sports beverages

 Natural and Synthetic beverages
 In-home consumption and out of home on premises consumption
 Age wise segmentation i.e. beverage for kids,for adults and for
senior citizens.
 Segmentation based on the amount of consumption i.e. high levels
of consumption and low levels of consumption.

If the behavioral patters of consumers in india are closely noticed , it could be

observed that consumers perceive beverage in two different ways i.e beverages
are a luxury and that beverage have to be consumed occasionally. These two
perceptions are the biggest challenges faced by the beverage industry. In order to
leverage the beverage industry, it is important to address this issue so as to
encourage regular consumption as well as and to make the industry more

Four strong strategic elements to increase consumption of the products of the

beverage industry in India are:

 The quality and the consistency of beverage needs to be enhanced so that

consumers are satisfied and they enjoy consuming beverages.
 The credibility and trust needs to be built so that there is a very strong and
safe feeling that the consumers have while consuming the beverages.
 Consumer education is a must to bring out benefits of beverage
consumption whether in terms of health, taste, relaxation, stimulation,
refreshment, well-being or prestige relevant to the category.
 Communication should be relevant and trendy so that consumers are able
to find an appeal to go out, purchase and consume.

The beverage market has still to achieve greater penetration and a wider spread
of distribution. It is important to look at the entire beverage market, as a big
opportunity, for brand and sales growth in turn to add up to the overall growth of
the food and beverage in the economy.

In this report, soft drink industry is covered up, which forms a major share of the
beverage industry. The further pages will be dealing with the soft drink industry.

Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd, Nabipur, Punjab and

Baddi,Himachal Pradesh
The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing, marketing and
distribution of aerated water under franchise agreement with the Coca-
colacompany, USA.

The compamy has two mega Greenfield bottling plants for filling soft drinks
located at village Nabipur,DistrictFategrah Sahib (Punjab) and village Katha,

Present gross turnover of the company is approx Rs. 190.00 Crores.


Owned by Kandhari group of industries, plant is one of their prestigious plants authorized by Coca-
cola.The other plants of the group are at Chandigarh, Baddi,Amritsar and Gurgaon.
The plant is having an area of 16 acres and is situated on the National Highway No.1 at village Nabipur
which is between the towns of Rajpura and Sirhind of Punjab. The plant has the high speed state of art
processing facility includes RGB, MAAZA, and PET lines with the speed of 600 BPM, and 120 BPM
Resprctively. There is provision for filling

 Coca-cola
 Fanta
 Limca
 Sprite
 Thums-up
 Kinley Soda all in 200ml, 300ml 1Lt for RGB, 250 ml
 Mazza 500ml,600ml 1.5ml, Lt, 2.0 Lt. For PET.

Line1 has the capacity of producing 1400 cases per hour.

Line2 has the capacity of producing 833 cases per hour.

Line3 has the capacity of producing 1666 cases per hour. Line3 has the latest technology machines and
so has the maximum capacity.

The managing Director of the group Mr. Jaspal Singh Kandhari is in the Soft drink profession for more
than 25 years and is well known personality in the industry. Under his leadership plant was construced
and commissioned in record time and production was started during the month of april 2001.

Plant distributes the products, both produced here & out sourced frpm other Units/Franchisees/co
packers across the country to 2 stats (Punjab & Haryana ) and one Union Territory i.e. Chandigarh
through its distributors network.

The basic quality system of the unit follows TCCQS (The Coca-Cola Quality System) as the guide lines.


Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd, Nabipur has determined and provided the resources like competent
personnel, proper working environment and adequate infrastructure needed to implemenmt and
maintain Quality Mangement System and Continually improve its effectiveness. Equipment and
instruments needed foe work and verification are identified, procured and procedures are laid down to
ensure that the same are in a fit condition for carrying out work and verification activities.

The overall resource planning is carried out at the level of VP usually once in year or earlier on need
basis in view of work requirements, existing norms and future projections.

a) To implement and maintain Quality Management System and continually improve its
b) To enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.

These resources are identified at the time planning for product realization and periodically reviewed
during the Management Review meetings. Necessary identified resources are planned and provided to
meet the requirements.


Kandhari Beverages Pvt Ltd, NAbipur has assessed the Human resources requirement, along with their
competency requirements for various positions and levels for the organization . This forms the basis for
over all human resource planning and it is ensured that the competent personnel are available on works
affecting product quality on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience.

There are 600 workers working in the NAbipur plant. The workers are divided into two categories:-

 Permanent workers
 Temporary workers

Codes are assigned to these workers.

The permanent workers are given ‘w’ Code While the temporary workers are given ‘N’ code. The
temporary workers are recruited before the start of season i.e march or april. At the end of the season
only the permanent workers remain, rest are laid off. It is made clear to the temporary workers earlier
that they are on temporary basis and may be laid off after the season. Some temporary workers who
performance is good are absorbed with the permanent workers.

The strength of permanent workers is between 200-215.


Work environment required to achieve conformity to product requirements and ensuring human safety
is in place. These aer examined and whenever required are upgraded on the basis of needs expressed by
the concerned HOD’s, and would include:

a) Temperature, positive air pressure, lighting, air quality, humidity, as appropriate to the nature of
the work being performed.
b) Human factors such as ergonomics (space required for effective working), need for the use of
personal protective equipment.

The work conditions and environment are always improved for meeting the product requirements.
These requirements are met by providing the adequate facilities and conducting regular
maintenance for their upkeep.

A supportive physical and human work environment exists and is maintained through continuous
efforts at all levels. Conducive working relationship and team spirit is cultivated to motivate all
personnel to ensure their full involvement and contribution in the quality process.






People are integral part of any organization today. No organization can run without its human
resources. In today’s highly complex and competitive situation, choice of right person at the
right place has farreachingimplications for an organization’s functioning.Employee well selected
and wellplaced would not only contribute to the efficient running of the organization but
offersignificant potential for future replacement. This hiring is an important function. The
processof hiring begins with human resource planning (HRP) which helps to determine the
number and type of people on organization needs. Job Analysis and Job design enables to
specify the task and duties of jobsand qualification expected fromprospectivejob HRP .job
analysis,Job design helps to identify the kind of people required in an organization and hence
hiring. It should be noted that hiring is an on-going process and not confined to formative
stages of an organization. Employees leave the organization in searchofgreener pastures, some
retire and some die in the saddle. More importantly an enterprisesgrows, diversifies, take over
the otherunits all necessitating hiring of new menand women. In fact the hiring function stops
only when the organizationceases to exist.

Hiring involves two broad activities: -

1. Recruitment
2. Selection

The Word “Recruitment” has many meaning and plays an important role. Employees leave the
organization in search of greener pastures, some retire and some die in the saddle. More
importantly an enterprises grows, diversifies, take over the other units all necessitating hiring of
new men and women. In fact recruitment functions stop only when the organizationceasesto
exist. To understand recruitment in simple terms it is understood as process of searching for
obtaining applications of job fromamong from whom the right people can be selected. To
define the recruitment wecan define it formally as it is a process of finding and attracting
capable applicants for employment.The process beginswhen new recruit aresought and
endswhen their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new
employeesareselected. Theoretically, recruitment process said to end with receipt of
application in practice the activityextendsto the screening applicants as to eliminatethosewho
are not qualifiedfor job.

Methods of Recruitment
Recruitment methods refer to the means by which an organization reaches to the potential job
seekers. It is important to mention that the recruitment methods are different from the resources
of the recruitment. Then major lineof distinction between the two is that while the former the
means of establishing links with prospective candidates the latteris locationwherethe prospective
employees are available. Dunn and Stephen have broadly classifiedmethodsof recruitment into
threecategories. These are:-

 Direct Method
 Indirect Method
 Third party Method

Selection is the process of picking individual with (out of the pool of job applicants) with
requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. This process starts after
recruitment and divides the candidates in two parts those who will be offered job and those will
not be. Like in some organizations medical examination is done after final selection while in
other it may be done before final selection. A formal definition of selection is:-
“It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with a
greater likelihood of success in a job.”

Steps or Process of Selection

Selection process or selection procedure involves a series of steps to be followed for choosing
the suitable person for the vacant job. The selection process varies from organization to
organization and even from department to department within the same organization.However
every organization designs the selection process as per its need. The main selection process are:-

Review of literature

According to the Burack (1985) recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational
activities as performance of employees, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee
wishes and the commitment of the organization (Burack, 1980). These recruitment and
selection process should be done at each and every sector for fulfilling their organizational
goals (Nartey, 2012). Recruitment and selection practises were important in the police
department as said by Michael D. White and Glipsy Escobar (2008) in the world and this
paper shows the importance of seven issues relating to recruitment, selection and training
practises in the organizations (M.N.Malhotra, 2014) (Terpstra.D, 1996). Mohammed Nurul
Absar (2012) says the importance of recruitment and selection in his paper by considering
both public and private manufacturing firms in Bangladesh (M.M.Absar, 2012). Some of the
research professionals and scholars say that there is a close linkage between the recruitment
selection employee satisfaction organization performance and HR practises (Gorter, 1996). In
his paper Recruitment and Selection of public workers: An international compendium of
modern trends and practises say that the importance of using technology in the recruitment
and selection process for updating the organizational resources (Hays, 2004).
Ongori Henry and Temtime Z (2009) say that in their paper the recruitment and selection
practises of the small and medium enterprises and make them to improve their HR practises
(R.D.Omolo, 2012). French says that the importance of certain selection and recruitment
activities in the organizations (G.R.French, 2012). Among recruitment sources Bernardin say
Syamala Devi Bhoganadamet. al./ International Journal of Management Research & Review
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
that internal source of recruitment is effective compared to the external source (H.John,
2003). Decker & Cornelius say that compared to the traditional recruiting sources the modern
sources like referrals, casual applicants and direct approaches will benefit at large (L.Barclay,
1985) (Cappelli, 2001). Selection procedure also should be in application to the modern
techniques (M.Smith, 2001). The literature says that employers are doing the traditional
method of recruiting rather than the modern technologies (Schmidt, 1998). Chris Piotrowski
and Terry Armstrong say that in their article that around all the organizations are using
traditional recruitment sources and 30% of organizations are screening candidates honestly
(Armstrong, 2006). According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) says
that 15% joined in the organizations are placing false resume (Gusdorf, 2008). Some of the
employers select the candidates with discrimination was not supposed to be done in the
organizations (Fomunjong, 2009).

Barber (1998) defines Employee recruitment as “practices and activities carried on by an

organization for the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”. Many large
corporations have employee recruitment plans that are designed to attract potential employees
that are not only capable of filling vacant positions but also add tothe organization’s culture.

Burack, (1985) argues that recruitment sources are significantly linked to differences in
employee performance, turnover, satisfaction and organizational commitment. In a survey of 201
large US companies, Burack asked respondents to rate the effectiveness of nine recruitment
sources in yielding high-quality, high-performing employees. The three top ranked sources were
employee referrals, college recruiting and executive search firms. However, cautions that, while
these general results are useful, there is a need for greater internal analysis of the relative quality
of recruits yield yielded by different sources.
 To study and analyze the Recruitment and Selection process followed at Kandhari
Beverages Pvt.Ltd.
 To analyze the satisfactory level of the employees about Recruitment and Selection
Procedure of Kandhari Beverages Pvt.Ltd..
 To study recruitment and selection methods at Kandhari Beverages Pvt. Ltd.


The present research is confined to study the recruitment and selection process followed at
Kandhari Beverages private limited. The study reveals the recruitment and selection process
followed in the organization. Whether employees are satisfied with the recruitment process?
Is the organization is providing ethical process for recruiting employees? The organizational
studyof Kandhari Beverages private limited was done with the study of recruitment and

Research design is defined as the specification of methods and procedures for accruing the
information needed. It is a plan of organization frame for doing the collection of data. Data
which is required for the study is collected from both the primary and secondary source
(Thornh, 2003). Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing
questionnaires to employees. The Kandhari Beverages pvt.Ltd.has 390 employees out of 350
employees sample size have been taken as 70 with the help of Convenience sampling
method. But the filled questionnaire received from the respondents is 40.


• Collecting data properly from employees become difficulty due to the time constraint.
• Busy schedule of the employees also effected to some extent.
• There is a chance for bias in the information given by the respondents.
• The study was based on sample hence results were not fully absolute.
to apply for the job, 25% of the respondents said that they will stimulate for the goodwill of the
company and the remaining 12.5% of candidates responded that the salary and benefits are
stimulated to apply for the job.

1. 50% of respondents said that the recruitment and selection process is good in the company.
2. 80% of respondents said that the current recruitment policy doesn’t want any
modifications in the company.
3. 100% of respondents said that there is no choice of favourism at the time of selection.
4. 90% of respondents are satisfied with the recruitment procedure in the company.
5. 55% of respondents said that they were satisfied in the selection process of the company.
6. 60% of respondents come to know about the job vacancies through their friends in the
7. 75% of respondents said that the employees don’t have the work experience.
8. 62% of respondents said that the internal source is the best to recruit the employees.
9. 100% of respondents said that the recruitment process in the organization is ethical and
10. 100% of respondents said that there is no referral bonus for recommending the candidates
at the time of recruitment.
11. 32% of respondents said that the working conditions of the company are stimulated to
apply for the job.
1. The management of Sai Global Yarntex can increase its scope of requirements through
advertisements and company can go for job fairs where people get to know about the
2. They should also follow new selection techniques and methods for better recruitment.
3. The member of the selection committee should be well qualified and experienced people.
So that the selection of the employee will be more effective.
4. For filling up vacancies recruitment process can be adopted more in the concerned.
5. It suggested that the Hr department should involve various departmental heads while
recruiting an individual, because the departmental heads can analyze the technical knowledge
relating to the job to the particular department.
The study was based on the recruitment and selection practises but there is a scope to study
other HR practises and overall organizational study not only in the sai global yarntex private
limited but also considering the remaining manufacturing and service industries. Researchers
may also find the linkage between the different HR practises with the recruitment and
selectionpractises like organization performance, employee satisfaction etc. Researchers may
also find the online recruitment sources followed in the organizations and also the online
screening of employees.
The study was conducted among the workers of The Kandhari Beverages Pvt Ltd,
Navipurcovering 50 respondents. The data was collected by means of questionnaire and
the data was classified and analyzed carefully by all means. From the analysis, it has been
found that the most of the employees in the company were satisfied but changes are required
according to the changing scenario of recruitment process that has a great impact on working
of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company. Selection process is also good
and the company’s recruitment department is doing well in placing the candidates and
filling the job vacancies for all levels of positions. Some of the suggestions were mentioned
to enhance the organizational policies, strategies, procedures and process.
Data Analysis and Interpretation

Table- 1

which of the selection technique are used by the organization?

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Group Discussion 20 20%

Aptitude Test 10 10%

Personal Interview 14 14%

All Above 66 66%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents

Group Discussion
100 Aptitude tests
Personal Interview
All above


Table- 2

How do you rate the recruitment procedure?

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Short 3 3%

Average 90 90%

Long 6 6%

Very Long 1 1%

Total 100 100%

No. ofrespondent

90 Average
Very Long

Table- 3

In Your
1 interview,
how many
did you face during recruitment?

Response No. of respondents Percentage

6 rounds 1 3%

5 rounds 9 90%

4 rounds 45 6%

3 rounds 45 1%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents

19 45

6 rounds
5 rounds
100 4 rounds
3 rounds


Table- 4

HR defines the job description in the recuritment process.

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 1 1%

Disagree 9 9%

Agree 60 60%

Strongly Agree 30 30%

Total 100 100%

No.of respondents

Strongly Disagree
9 Disagree
100 Strongly Agree


Table- 5

Average time spent by executive during recuritment.

Response No. of respondents Percentage

C 6 6%

5 to 10 mins. 50 50%

10 to 15 mins. 40 40%

More 4 4%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents

4 6

1 min to 5 min.
40 5 to 10 mins.
10 to 15 mins.


Table- 6

Time taken by company to respond to your application.

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Less than 5 days 60 60%

5-10 days 38 38%

1 month 2 2%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents

Less than 5 days

100 5-10 days
1 month


Table- 7

What kind of Selection prefered by the company.

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Contractual Base 36 36%

Daily Base 14 14%

Permanent Base 41 41%

Seasonal Base 9 9%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents

Contractual Base
100 Daily Base
Permanent Base
Seasonal Base

9 41

Table- 8
Had you gone through Medical Examination during Selection.

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Agree 53 53%

Disagree 46 46%

Neutral 3 3%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents


3 46

Table- 9

When HR Resources Needed & Forecasted.

Response No. of respondents Percentage

Quarterly 16 16%

Monthly 5 5%

Annually 34 34%

Uncertain 45 45%

Total 100 100%

No. of respondents

100 Annually


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