BS1192 Document Numbering

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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering

Date 27 July 2018

Table 2 of the standard specifies the name and sequence of these fields:

1 Introduction
The purpose of this guidance note is to define the default Arup
approach to implementing BS1192:2007+A2:2016 document
numbering (naming). The system described below is 100% compliant
with the standard and should be used in all cases unless there is a strict
requirement from the client to do otherwise. Where no numbering
system is specified for a project this system should be implemented.
The scope of this document does not currently extend to the naming of
directories/folders or containers within files (e.g. CAD layers).
Please note that all subsequent references to “The standard” should be
interpreted as references to BS1192:2007+A2:2016. Numbers in
brackets refer to clauses within the standard.

2 The Standard
The standard specifies that “Names for containers should be created by The Arup implementation does not include the optional classification
joining together codes in the specified fields, in the specified order, field (see later), or Suitability and Revision (which should be handled
using only the “-” hyphen character, which is therefore not allowed in as metadata on the CDE as they change over time).
any code.” (5.1). This results in document names in the format:

Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3 Arup Field Values 3.1.3 Alternative Value 1

In the absence of a project wide code supplied by the client, we should
The following sections define the format of each field as prescribed by engage with other collaborators on the implementation of a single code
the standard, and the Arup preference for determining suitable values. used by all Task Teams.
While it is not uncommon for clients to impose their own interpretation
of the standard we should use the Arup guidance wherever possible to 3.1.4 Alternative Value 2
improve collaboration between offices and increase efficiency in
preparing TIDP’s without the need to re-invent the numbering system If this is not achievable we should use the Arup 6 digit job number
each time. (without suffix) as the project code on our documents.

3.1 Project
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number

3.1.1 Field format

2 to 6 characters, letters and numbers (6.3)

3.1.2 Preferred Value

The project code should be a single code provided by the client and
used by all Task Teams.
This code should unambiguously identify the project that the document
relates to, and should not simply be the name of the client. This is
particularly significant when working for larger organisations that have
multiple assets/locations/facilities and may employ us to deliver
multiple projects.


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3.2 Originator
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number

3.2.1 Field format

3 to 6 characters, letters and numbers (7.3)

3.2.2 Preferred Value

Wherever possible we should use “ARUP” as our originator code.

3.2.3 Alternative Value

We are occasionally required to use a 3-digit originator code. If this is
the case we should use “ARP”, and not “ARU” or “OVE”.


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3.3 Volume or System For example, if the structural team were to use the code “S1” for a
specific structural volume, the security team should not use “S1” for a
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number specific security volume.
It is recommended that role specific volumes are avoided where
possible to avoid possible confusion.
3.3.1 Field Format
1 or 2 characters, letters and numbers (8.2.2)

3.3.2 Values
Volume and System codes by their nature will be project specific,
defined to suit the nature of the project. For example:
- A large site with multiple buildings may allocate a code to the
site and a separate code to each building.
- A large building may be subdivided into multiple zones
- A toll road may allocate codes to areas such as toll stations,
service depots, and individual sections of road.
Where a document relates to all or multiple volumes the standard
prescribes the use of the code “ZZ” for “All volumes”. It is common
for “XX” or “00” to be used for this purpose, however this should be
Arup preference is for zone codes to be 2 characters.

3.3.3 Role Specific Values

The standard (8.2.2) specifies that where codes are used to indicate role
specific volumes or systems the codes should not be repeated across

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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3.4 Levels and Locations 3.4.3 Additional Arup Values

Where levels are required for the stated purpose the following codes
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number
should be use:
Code Description
3.4.1 Field Format P1 Piling level
F1 Foundation level
2 characters, letters and numbers (8.2.3) BG Below ground services
RF Roof level
3.4.2 Standard Values
The standard defines the following codes for use on buildings projects
and specifies that they should be “used wherever possible”. The
standard does not define standard codes for linear assets but instead
suggests that project specific codes should be used.
It should be noted that it is common for projects to have specific codes
for levels defined by the client or architect that deviate from this.
Regardless of the codes used all Task Teams should implement the
same codes for all documents on the project.
Code Description
ZZ Multiple Levels
XX No level applicable
GF Ground Floor
00 Base level of building (where ground floor is not appropriate) or linear
01 Floor 1
02 Floor 2, etc.
M1 Mezzanine above level 01
M2 Mezzanine above level 02, etc.
B1 Basement level 1
B2 Basement level 2, etc.


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3.5 Type 3.5.3 Standard Values for Documents

Code Document Type
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number
BQ Bill of quantities
CA Calculations
3.5.1 Field Format CO Correspondence
CP Cost plan
2 characters, letters and numbers (9.2) DB Database
FN File note
HS Health and safety
3.5.2 Standard Values for Drawings and Models
IE Information Excahnge (e.g. COBie)
The standard defines a number of codes for use with drawings and IE Information exchange file
models. The Arup preference for how these codes should be MI Minutes / action notes
implemented is shown below. MS Method statement
PP Presentation
Note that all drawings are to use the code “DR” regardless of the type PR Programme
of drawing. RD Room data sheet
RI Request for information
Code File Type Arup Guidance
RP Report
AF Animation file Video files SA Schedule of accommodation
CR Clash model Navisworks NWF, Solibri SMC, etc. SH Schedule
SN Snagging list
DR Drawing Sheets in the format PDF, DWG, DGN, etc
SP Specification
CM Federated model Navisworks NWF/NWD, SMC, etc. SU Survey
MR Model rendition Exports from the native model, e.g. IFC,
Navsiworks NWC, DWG, etc.
3.5.4 Project Specific Codes
M2 Native 2D model DWG, DGN, etc.
M3 Native 3D model RVT, DWG, DGN, etc.
Where project specific codes are required they should be 2 characters in
length and should not duplicate standard codes defined above.
VS Visualisation file 3DS Max models, etc.


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

K Client BS 1192
3.6 Role L Landscape Architect BS 1192
LD LD - Landscape Architect- Design Arup
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number LM LM - Landscape Architect - Mapping Arup
LS LS - Landscape Architect - Survey Arup
M Mechanical Engineer BS 1192
N MEP Combined Arup
3.6.1 Field Format P Public Health Engineer BS 1192
Q Quantity Surveyor BS 1192
Standard codes : 1 letter (10.2) R Rail Arup
Non-standard codes : Any length, letters (10.3) RC Rail - Civils Arup
RH Rail - Points Heating Arup
RO Rail - OHLE Arup
3.6.2 Standard Values RP Rail - Power Supply Arup
RR Rail - Third Rail Arup
The following list includes both standard values (10.2) and additional RS Rail - Signalling Arup
RT Rail - Track Arup
Arup values. Where additional project specific codes are required they S Structural Engineer BS 1192
should not re-purpose any of the following: SR Structural Reinforcement Arup
T Town and Country Planner BS 1192
Code Description Source V Multi-Disciplinary (various) Arup
A Architect BS 1192 W Contractor BS 1192
B Building Surveyor BS 1192 X Subcontractor BS 1192
C Civil Engineer BS 1192 Y Specialist Designer BS 1192
CA Civil - Airports Arup YA Specialist - Acoustics Arup
CB Civil - Bridges Arup YC BMS/Controls Arup
CD Civil - Drainage Arup YE Specialist - Environmental Arup
CE Civil - Earthworks Arup YF Specialist - Fire Arup
CG Civil - Geotechnics Arup YI Specialist - Telecommunications Arup
CH Civil - Highways Arup YL Specialist - Lighting Arup
CM Civil - Maritime Arup YP Specialist - Planning Arup
CT Civil - Tunnels Arup YR Specialist – Process Equipment Arup
CU Civil - Utilities Arup YT Specialist - Traffic Modelling Arup
CW Civil - Temporary Works Arup Z General (non-disciplinary) BS 1192
D Drainage, Highways Engineer BS 1192 ZC ZC - General - Cost Monitoring Arup
E Electrical Engineer BS 1192 ZI ZI - General - Information Technology Arup
F Facilities Manager BS 1192 ZL ZL - General - Legal Arup
G Geographical and Land Surveyor BS 1192 ZM ZM - General - Project Management Arup
H Heating and Ventilation Designer BS 1192 ZS ZS - General - Health & Safety - CDM Arup
I Interior Designer BS 1192


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3.7 Classification
The classification field is not used in the standard Arup numbering
system for two primary reasons:
1. Classification systems tend to be focussed on products and the
purpose of elements, and do not lend themselves well to the
combinations of elements we typically show on our drawings.
2. The current classification system favoured for BIM Level 2 is
Uniclass 2015, and even when a table with shorter codes such as
Elements/Functions is used the classification field would still add 8
characters to the drawing number (e.g. “EF_20_05”).


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

3.8 Number  123-ARUP-A1-ZZ-M3-A-0001 is the first architectural model for

zone A1
Project - Originator - Volume - Level - Type - Role - Number
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-M3-N-0001 is the first MEP model (in this case
the actual 3D model)
3.8.1 Field Format  123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-M3-N-0002 is the second MEP model (in this
case the schematic model)
4 digits, numbers only with leading zeros (13.2)

3.8.4 Standard Values for Drawings

3.8.2 Standard Values for Documents
Drawings present a challenge for the implementation of the 4 digit
Documents are to implement the 4 digit number sequentially, beginning number due to the large number of drawings (and types of drawings)
at 0001 for each combination of the preceding fields. produced, and the differing needs of each discipline. Due to this there
Examples: are discipline specific implementations described below.

 123-ARUP-ZZ-XX-SP-E-0001 is the first electrical specification Note that for all disciplines it is preferred that drawings start at 0001,
rather than 0000.
 123-ARUP-ZZ-XX-RP-E-0001 is the first electrical report
 123-ARUP-ZZ-XX-SP-S-0001 is the first structural specification
(XX selected for level as “No level applicable”)

3.8.3 Standard Values for Models

Models are to implement the 4 digit number sequentially, beginning at
0001 for each combination of the preceding fields.
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-M3-A-0001 is the first architectural model
applicable to all zones and levels


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018 Architecture
In order to support grouping of related drawings together and to allocate blocks of numbers to allow additional drawings to be added at a later date,
Architectural drawings are grouped using the first 2 digits as per the table below. Digits 3 and 4 are used sequentially.
0 Notes 1 Site Location / 2 Existing and 3 General 4 Detailed 5 Envelope 6 Architectural 7 Internal 8 Internal Fit-out 9 Combined
Landscape Demolition Arrangement Arrangement Metalwork Fit-out cont. Services
00 General 10 Site Location 20 Existing Plans 30 GA Plans 40 Detail 50 Thermal Line 60 Stairs 70 Drylining 80 Vertical 90 Spare
Notes Plans Arrangement Transportation
01 Spare 11 Existing Site 21 Existing 31 GA Sections 41 Detail 51 Roof Covering 61 Railings 71 Blockwork 81 Spare 91 Spare
Plans Sections Arrangement
02 Spare 12 Proposed Site 22 Existing 32 GA 42 Detail 52 Façade 62 Balustrades 72 Floor 82 Spare 92 Spare
Plans Elevations Elevations Arrangement Finishes
03 Spare 13 Spare 23 Existing RCPs 33 Reflected 43 Detail 53 Access + 63 Ramps 73 Wall 83 Spare 93 Spare
Ceiling Plans Arrangement Maintenance Finishes
04 Spare 14 Spare 24 Spare 34 Spare 44 Spare 54 External 64 External 74 Doors 84 Spare 94 Spare
Doors Signage
05 Spare 15 Landscape 25 Demolition 35 Spare 45 Spare 55 Spare 65 Spare 75 Ceilings 85 Spare 95 Spare
Plans Plans
06 Spare 16 Spare 26 Demolition 36 Spare 46 Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare
07 Spare 17 Spare 27 Demolition 37 Spare 47 Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare
08 Spare 18 Spare 28 Demolition 38 Spare 48 Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare
09 Spare 19 Spare 29 Spare 39 Spare 49 Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

 123-ARUP-ZZ-GF-DR-A-2501 is the first demolition plan for the ground floor
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-4205 is the fifth detail elevations sheet (the level code ZZ means that this sheet applies to multiple levels)
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-4232 is the 32nd detail elevations sheet
 123-ARUP-ZZ-GF-DR-A-7001 is the first drylining sheet for the ground floor
 123-ARUP-ZZ-RF-DR-A-5301 is the first roof level access and maintenance strategy sheet
If it becomes necessary to indicate the type of drawing for 50 to 99, the 3rd digit can be used for this purpose:
 XX01 Plans
 XX11 Sections
 XX21 Elevations
 XX31 RCP
 XX41 Details
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-5211 is the first façades section sheet
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-5217 is the seventh façades section sheet


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018 MEP and related specialist disciplines

In order to support grouping of related drawings together and to allocate blocks of numbers to allow additional drawings to be added at a later date,
MEP drawings are grouped by sub-discipline and type.
1st Digit 2nd Digit 3rd Digit 4th Digit

Electrical Mechanical Public Health Combined Specialist Controls/BMS Drawing Type

Services Lighting
0 General General General General General General 0 Notes/Schedules Sequential by default. Always sequential.

1 Distribution Heating and Domestic Water Distribution Internal Instrumentation 1 Site Plans / Overall Where further separation is
(also used for Power Cooling / Gas & Fuel Lighting Views required beyond that
Schematics) Oil provided by the first 2
digits, e.g. high/low level
2 Lighting Heating Below Ground Builderswork External Network 2 Strategy splits, separating small
Drainage Lighting (e.g. 1:200 colour fill) power and
3 Small Power and Cooling Above Ground Access/Mainten Spare Zoning 3 Schematics telecommunications etc,
Telecommunications Drainage ance/Plant this can be achieved by
Replacement allocating blocks of
numbers with the 3rd digit,
4 Fire Alarm and Life Ventilation Above Ground Risers Spare Spare 4 Room Data Sheets e.g.:
Safety Foul Drainage
0 – 4 = low level
5 Security Process Above Ground H&S / CDM Spare Spare 5 Layouts 5 – 9 = high level
Pipework Rainwater (e.g. 1:100 GA's)

6 Earthing and Process Above Ground Spare Spare Spare 6 Sections / Elevations 0 – 4 = small power
Lightning Protection Ventilation Process 5 – 9 = telecommunications
7 Nurse Call Steam Fire Spare Spare Spare 7 Details

8 Plantroom Plantroom Plantroom Plantroom Spare Spare 8 Isometrics / 3D

9 Spare Spare Medical Gas Spare Spare Spare 9 Spare


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-E-4301 is the first fire alarm schematic
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-M-4301 is the first ventilation schematic
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-M-4311 is the eleventh ventilation schematic
 123-ARUP-ZZ-01-DR-M-4501 is the first low level ventilation layout on level 01
 123-ARUP-ZZ-01-DR-M-4551 is the first high level ventilation layout on level 01
 123-ARUP-ZZ-02-DR-M-4501 is the first low level ventilation layout on level 02


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018 Structures
For structural drawings only the first digit is prescribed, in this case to specify the type of drawing:

Code Drawing Type

0 Notes/Schedules
1 Site Plans/Overall/Model View
2 Layouts
3 Enlarged Plans/Core Elevations
4 Elevations
5 Overall Sections
6 Details (Details & Local section)
7 Loading Plans
8 Forces Schedules
9 RC Detailing

The remaining three digits are typically assigned to ensure that all structural drawings have a unique 4-digit number. This is primarily to allow the use
of shorter drawing references in section marks, e.g. only showing S-0000.
 123-ARUP-ZZ-01-DR-S-2001 is the first structural layout
 123-ARUP-ZZ-02-DR-S-2002 is the second structural layout
 123-ARUP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-S-6001 is the first details sheet


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Subject Arup BS1192:2007+A2:2016 Document Numbering
Date 27 July 2018

4 Document changelog
 27/07/18 - Updated to add the role code “V – Multi-disciplinary” to section 3.6. This code is not intended for combined MEP documents which
should continue to use the role code ‘N’, it is intended for use thing things like SMEP scheme stage reports and other documents which combine
more disciplines than is typical for drawings, models, etc.
 13/07/18 – first release


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