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hate Poroshenko way more than they would dislike Zelenskii, voters for Tymoshenko

or Boiko are far more likely to vote for Zelenskii than for Poroshenko.

This creates an extremely dangerous situation: Poroshenko can only win by a

massive fraud.

Now Tymoshenko did declare that the first round was stolen, but she decided not
to appeal this officially.  Furthermore, it is now apparent that Tymoshenko was ditched
by most of her US supporters, something which she clearly did not expect and which
came as a total shock to her, hence her stunned reaction to the announced figures.  She
has always been, and still is, a remarkably intelligent lady and a very calculating realist:
she simply knows that an official rejection of the outcome from her would make no
difference.  But you can be sure that behind the scenes the interests Tymoshenko
represents are now talking to the people of Kolomoiskii and that Poroshenko is fully
aware of that.

In spite of being the most universally hated politician in the Ukraine, Poroshenko
managed, in extremis, not only to get into the 2nd round but he also managed to be
opposed by a weak and generally ridiculous opponent like Zelenskii whom he would
crush in a debate (which Zelenskii will probably refuse precisely for this reason) rather
than against a formidable opponent by any measure like Tymoshenko.  So that part of
the plan worked.  What did not work is that the Nazis clearly under-estimated how
hated they have become.

Conclusion: a very interesting and very dangerous situation

Poroshenko is now truly cornered: he absolutely must win, or he must run.  In
order to win, his options are very limited: he can do more of the same (buy and/or
steal votes), of course, but that is unlikely to be sufficient.  But a massive crisis of some
kind, preferably against Russia (of course!) would come in really handy right now.  I
hope that the Kremlin has placed everybody on high alert as the danger of a
provocation (especially a false flag) are higher than ever before.

Another very real possibility in case of a Zelenskii victory is an violent insurrection

by the Ukronazi death-squads (known as “dobrobats” in Ukrainian).  Such an armed
insurrection could have the support of key units and individuals in the police and
security forces.  Should that happen, it is very possible that Moscow would officially
refuse to deal with the new junta and declare that Russia recognizes the Lugansk and
Donetsk people’s republics which, paradoxically, could be a great deal for the

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Ukronazis as this would trigger a crisis serious enough to justify martial law and any
imaginable crackdown in civil and human rights.

Alternatively, if Poroshenko comes up with some kind of pretext to either cancel

the 2nd round or with some trick to prevent Zelenskii from participating, then there is
a very real risk that the 80%+ of people who voted against Poroshenko and who hate
the current regime with all their heart will protest, possibly violently.  We can be sure
that the repression will be ruthless and violent.

For all these reasons the situation right now is the most dangerous one since the

The key issue here is what will the AngloZionist Empire decide?  The problem here
is that it has been years since the USA has had anything even vaguely resembling a
“US foreign policy”.  Under Obama and, even more so under Mr MAGA, the State
Department has become just a public information agency whose sole role is to deliver
either sanctions, or threats, or both.  This is absolutely crucial so I will repeat it:

==>>There is no such thing as a “US foreign policy”<<==

What we do see is key agencies, actors, individuals all having their own “mini
foreign policies” which sometimes brings about goofy results (like when the CIA and
the Pentagon support different sides in a conflict).  In fact, the two main branches of
Ukrainian politics – Nazis and Zionists – are both richly represented in the US
government and various entities support different candidates and different agendas. 
The same is also true for the EU, but since the EU is almost irrelevant (Victoria
Nuland was quite right about that), this does not matter.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the US lost control of the Ukraine, but
Trump clearly cares very little about the Ukronazis and as for Trump’s puppet masters,
they don’t seem to be able to agree on a single policy towards this issue.  Hence we see
in the Ukraine what we see everywhere in Trump’s pretend foreign policy: absolute,
total chaos.

What about Russia in all this?

Right now the big debate in Russia is “to recognize the outcome of this election or
not?”.  Both sides have very strong arguments and the Kremlin keeps making very
vague statements clearly waiting for the outcome of the 2nd round of the election. 

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This is a very tricky question made even more complex by a growing realization
amongst many observers that recognizing the Poroshenko regime the first time
around was a big mistake.  Personally, it seems to me that at this point in time all the
Kremlin can do is wait and see what will take place.  After all, Poroshenko is truly
cornered and there is a high likelihood that he will do something dramatic to avoid a
2nd round of voting.  Consider this:

The infamous Minister of the Interior, Arsen Avakov, arguably currently the most
powerful and dangerous man in the Ukraine, has made a most interesting statement
about Zelenskii:

“A decent man from another world. From another plane. Ready to deal with
problems, but at the same time recognizing that in many issues he is not
fully competent. In my understanding, this means that he is ready to delegate
authority. However, the question arises: can we – Ukrainian society – offer
the quality of the elite, which can be entrusted with the implementation of
such powers? After all, if he delegates authority to scoundrels – as it happens
in some series of “Servants of the people” – it will be very bad for the
country. Using expats is also not an option…”(…)  “He knows for sure that
from point A it is necessary to come to point B, and I am ready to agree with
it. But the problem is how to go this way. Often, if you go head-on, you will
crash into a wall or break. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right path
– and here should work competent and honest specialists” 
In plain English this simply means: Zelenskii has no personal power base, he will
be a puppet, so he better offer me a good deal (“delegate authority“), or I will turn
against him and, how knows, an unpredictable accident (“you will crash into a wall or
break“) can easily happen.  Shocking?  Welcome to “Ukrainian thug politics”!  Besides,
if the Nazis decide to kill Zelenskii they can easily blame it on Russia.  Either that, or
on a “lone, deranged, gunman” which they can find in the thousands amongst the
various Nazi death-squads.

Right now the Nazis are in a total panic, they are declaring that Zelenskii’s victory is
“Moscow’s triumph”, they say that Zelenskii will sell out  everything Ukrainian and
that he is a Putin agent.  At the very least, they will now dig up as much dirt on
Zelenskii as possible (whether real or manufactured).  Thus literally anything can
happen in the next couple of weeks, ranging from some kind of scandal in Zelenskii’s
past to a Ukronazi attack on the Donbass.

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