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Mabolo Christian Academy

13 C. Borces Street, Mabolo

Cebu City


A Research Proposal
In Research In Daily Life 2

Presented to the
Faculty of Mabolo Christian Academy

Shane Nicole S. Pepito

Grade 12

March 2020

I would like to express gratitude for the coaching, guidance and input from
several special individual. Firstly, I would like to thank Mr.Welfredo Yu, Jr., my
research teacher for all the directions, guidance and advice that ensured the
completion of this research. Next, I would like to thank my family, especially my
parents, Lucilita Pepito and Scott Hettelsater and also my sister, Lovely Jane
Pepito for all the moral support given during the stressful periods.

I would like to thank my schoolmate Philip Howard Fornolles for giving

me guidance in this study and sharing his experience, which has helped me to
open my mind more and explore various things. I would like to thank Genevieve
De Roda for telling me how to use Excel. I would like to give special thanks to my
friends, Noelle Mosqueda, Rich Christer Arreglo, and Julius Villanueva for
their continuous support and wise counsel that I value and appreciate

I also would like to thank the principal of Mabolo Christian Academy for
giving me chance to distribute survey forms to students. I would like to express
gratitude for all the participants of this study for their willingness to participate in
this study and also for their patience during data collection. Last but not the least,
I would like to thank God for making it all possible for me to complete this project.

To each and everyone of you, thank you very much.


This research paper attached hereto, entitled “A STUDY OF INTERNET


CHRISTIAN ACADEMY” prepared and submitted by Shane Nicole S. Pepito in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for Research in Daily Life 2 is hereby


Mr. Dennis Kent Macariola Welfredo L. Yu, Jr

Censorship Research Advisor

APPROVED in fulfillment of the requirements for Research In Daily Life 2

by the oral examination panel with a grade of ___________.


JHS, Faculty JHS, Faculty
Mabolo Christian Academy Mabolo Christian Academy
Panelist Panelist


JHS, Faculty
Mabolo Christian Academy


The researcher would heartily dedicate this study to:

Mrs. Lucilita S. Pepito

Mr. Scott Jay Hettelsater

Ms. Genevieve De Roda

Ms. Noelle Mosqueda

Mr. Rich Christer Arreglo

Mr. Julius Villanueva

Mr. Phil Raeken Fornolles

To my friends, classmates and teachers who gave me strength on the duration of

my study.

And also to my Almighty God who gave me the resources that I need.

The Researcher


TITLE : A Study of Internet Addiction Among the Junior High

School Students of Mabolo Christian Academy
RESEARCHER : Pepito, Shane Nicole S.

There are many studies about internet use and internet addiction and it is

one of the things that influence our daily life. This study examines the internet

addiction in secondary school. The sample consisted of 80 Junior High School

students in Mabolo Christian Academy. This study utilized an instrument to

measure internet addiction; namely the Internet Addiction Test (IAT).

Demographic factors (age, gender, and grade of level) were examined too. Data

analysis included descriptive and inferential statistics. (T-test). The result

suggests that the level of internet addiction among Junior High School students

of Mabolo Christian Academy is moderate and tends to be minimal. Moreover,

there is a significance of gender difference in internet addiction, t (78) = 1.943, p

= 0.167. It is recommended that we should have awareness of the problem of

Internet Addiction to prevent its growing.

Keywords: Internet Addiction, Junior High School, MCA, Internet, Addiction,

Disorder, Technology, Innovation, Philippines, Asia


Acknowledgements i
Approval Form ii
Dedication iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
Chapters Page
Rationale of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 6
Hypothesis 7
Significance of the Study 8
Scope and Delimitations of the Study 9
Definition of Terms 10
Theoretical Background 11
Theoretical Framework of the Study 14
Foreign Literature 16
Foreign Studies 16
Synthesis 21
Research Design 22
Research Respondents 22
Research Environment 23
Research Instrument 23
Research Procedure 26
Data Analysis 26
Levels of Internet Addiction 28
Gender Differences between 30
Internet Addiction
Results 32
Limitations of the Study 37
Recommendations for Future Study 39
Conclusions 39

APPENDIX A Questionnaire 46
APPENDIX B Overall Data Collection 48
APPENDIX C Result 1 52
APPENDIX D Result 2 53

Table Page

1. Descriptive Statistic for Internet Addiction among Gender 29

2. Independent Sample Test for Internet Addiction Among Gender 30


Figure Page

1. Theoretical Model of Internet Addiction 14

2. Level of Internet Addiction among Junior High School 27

Students of Mabolo Christian Academy

Chapter I


Rationale of the Study

In the last decade, the large availability of the internet and the embracing

of new digital technologies like smartphones are changing people’s way of life

and introducing new social dynamics. Social networks allow immediate

communication with just one click, by searching, reaching and sending any kind

of verbal messages, videos or images. Thus, the use of social networks

facilitates virtual contacts and meetings with other people, replacing many

personal relationships and commitments. Homes, schools, colleges, libraries,

and internet cafes are the places which are more accessible to internet

nowadays. According to the National Center of Education Statistic, preliminary

studies had shown that a large number of American children and adolescents

with age around 5 to 17 years old have access to internet and are exposed to the

internet at a very early age (Mythily, et al, 2008).

The internet is increasingly becoming useful to many people all around the

world. There are millions of people accessing it every day and there seems to be

that we are just beginning to see a world that will fully be preoccupied with it now

and in the future. However, there is a concern at the rate at which this is

happening and the long hours spent online. Experts have conducted many

researches how lines get crossed with the continued use of internet, leading to


Young (2006) stated that internet is one of the things that influence our

daily life because internet users are more likely to spend their leisure time in the

cyber community. Though useful in some ways, the uncontrolled use of the

internet can have a negative impact on social life, the academic performance, as

well as in the daily lives of the high school students. According to Young (2006),

“The internet has Janus face.” It means that the internet provide facility for people

while on the other hand people might abuse the internet also.

Today’s teens have never lived in a world without the internet. They are

often more tech-savvy than adults and they embrace new trends and

technologies. The internet is a great way to stay connected and informed, but we

also know it can cause a lot of problems too.

Too much use can evolve into obsession, and this obsession can become

an addiction. The researcher believes this to be quite true. Teenagers today had

already depended way too much on the internet. If they want to communicate

with other people, they use the Internet. If they want to get information, they can

just go to Google and search for it. This can be regarded as a good thing but it

can also be a bad thing.

A scholar once said, and I quote, “The difference between technology and

slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free” (Nassim Nicholas

Taleb). The researcher believes that this statement is quite true. The people,

especially the younger generation, have not become aware that they are

unknowingly worshipping and submitting themselves to this technology.

Teenagers have become slaves to this piece of technology and they don’t seem

to know it. People prefer more to be online and chat with online friends than to

communicate with other people in real life. They prefer to be playing online

games than to do sports. And the list goes on and on. This will have a bad effect

on the social life and in the academic performance of the younger generation.

Chebbi, Koong and Liu,(1997) have stated that, people who are addicted

to internet can develop many types of disorder and one of the disorders that are

common for the modern day is Internet Addiction Disorder (IDA). Individuals who

are suffering from IDA can exhibit symptoms such as drawbacks and face

consequences that are similar to individual who are addicted to alcohol, gambling,

shopping or other compulsive behaviors. The two major treatments available to

help people in this disorder are: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET). (Young,1998), had identified seven

reasons for the IDA such as marital discontent, work related stress, financial

problems, insecurity, anxiety, struggle in life, and limited social life (Chebbi,

Koong & Liu, 1997).

There are many studies about internet usage and internet addiction. Two

researchers, Egger and Rautenberg have worked out a questionnaire to assess

usage, feeling and experiences of internet use. When this questionnaire was

posted, it attracted 454 responses and 10% of them were identified as addicted.

While the other survey: Internet Usage Survey with 32-item true-false

questionnaire had been posted by Brenner and received 563 responses. Besides

that, Petrie and Gunn had conducted another online study with 27 questions

about the participants’ internet use, attitudes, and beliefs and yielded 455 valid

responses. The result has shown that 46.1% of them classifying themselves as

addicted to the internet. Another two assessments are also completed by

respondents which are Beck’s Depression Inventory and Eysenck’s Introversion/

Extroversion Scale. In these both assessments, it is found that the high internet

usage and both depression and introversion indicates that those who consider

themselves addicted to the internet were more likely to be depressed and

introverted. Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was posted by Young with 20-items.

According to American Psychiatric Association, the term “addiction” does

not appear in the most recent version of the (Diagnostic and Statistical

ManualFourth Edition) DSM – IV (as cited as Chebbi, Koong & Liu,. In additional,

another study has mentioned that internet addiction is not a DSM-IV diagnosis

yet (Mythily, Qiu and Winslow, 2008). However in 1998, Young have proposed a

set of criteria for diagnosing internet addiction based on the DSM-IV criteria for

pathological gambling. Young have selected eight out of ten criteria that she felt

that can be applied most readily to internet use: (1) Preoccupation of the internet,

(2) A need for increase time spent online to achieve the same amount of

satisfaction (3) Repeated efforts to curtail internet use (4) Feel irritability,

depression, or mood liability when internet use is limited (5) Staying online longer

than anticipated, (6) Putting job or relationship in jeopardy to use internet, (7)

Lying to others about how much time is spent online and (8) Using the internet as

a means of regulating mood. Individuals who fulfill five of the eight criteria would

be considered as internet dependence (as cited in Yellowless & Marks, 2005).

Thus, the researcher wants to study the levels of internet addiction among

the Junior High School students of Mabolo Christian Academy in order to know if

they are addicted or not.

Statement of the Problem & The Subproblems

The researcher aims to study about Internet Addiction among the Junior High

School Students of Mabolo Christian Academy.

Specifically, this study is guided by the following sub-problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of Junior High School students in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade Level

2. What is the level of internet addiction among the Junior High School students

of Mabolo Christian Academy?

3. Is there any difference between gender and internet addiction among the

Junior High School students at Mabolo Christian Academy?


H01: The level of internet addiction among the junior high school students of

Mabolo Christian Academy is high.

H02: There is a difference between gender and internet addiction among the

junior high school students of Mabolo Christian Academy.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in many aspects. It can benefit parents, children,

government organizations, readers, and future researchers.

Parents. As this can help to give them knowledge about the level of their

child’s internet addiction. This will encourage the parents to look out for their

children in front of the computer and limit the time of usage. This will give the

parents a glimpse of their child’s social life caused by computer addiction.

Children. This study is primarily important to children, for it will give them

information about level of their internet addiction.

Government Organization. As they will be able to implement events and

activities that can help computer addicts restore their self-esteem and fix their

social life. The results of this study could benefit these events by using it as a

basis or as a theme.

Readers. This study will help the readers to have the understanding about

Internet Addiction.

Future researchers. This may serve as a basis for future research that

they will conduct.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study was mainly concerned and limited only with the Study of internet

addiction among the junior high school students of Mabolo Christian Academy.

Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the study, the following terms are defined


Addiction an irresistible impulse to perform an irrational act.

Adolescent refers to individuals with age ranging between 12-17 years of

age, either male or female.

Internet an electronic communication network that connects computer

networks and organizational computer facilities around the world.

Internet Addiction is a dysfunctional internet use pattern; occurs when

people spend more time online to the detriment of their social and financial well-


Technology the practical application of knowledge especially in a

particular area.

Theoretical Background

Addiction (Carnes, 2001) is a compulsive engagement to substance or

behaviour that can be pleasurable despite the adverse effect of such activity to

themselves, their family, and other important aspect of their life. Addiction has

two distinct condition as determined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorder (2013), one is the Substance Use of Disorder which is a

condition indicating an individual’s craving of the pleasurable effect of a drug,

while Addictive Disorder is the inability to control impulses to engage into an

activity that causes serious negative consequences to the person’s physical,

mental, social and/or financial state of being (Albrecht, 2007). Addictive disorder

which overaches nearly all types of behavioural addiction includes gambling,

gluttony, sex, pornography, video games, internet, work exercise, spiritual

obsession, cutting, shopping, love relationships and sadomasochism (Carnes,

2001, Albrecht 2007, Griffiths, 2007).

The problem of Internet Addiction evolves together with the development

and spread of the Internet. As adolescents (12-17 years) access the Internet

more than any other age groups and undertake a higher risk of overuse of the

Internet, the problem of Internet Addiction Disorder is most relevant to young

people. Excessive use of the Internet has been found by various studies to

disrupt individual’s time use and have a series of health consequences. But the

existence of Internet Addiction as a mental disorder is not well recognized.

The current version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders (DSM – 5) noted that Internet Gaming Disorder (one type of IAD) is a

condition that requires more research in order to be considered as a full disorder

in 2013.

Symptoms of Internet Addiction

Some reports demonstrated that teenagers or adolescents with the

problem of internet addiction will have several psychiatric symptoms. As a result,

internet addiction has been reported to be associated with depression and

attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Besides that, in the Symptoms Checklist

90 Revised, it checks the severe psychopathology for the heavy internet user.

The study proves that adolescents with internet addiction had poor outcome for

mental health (Ju et al., 2008).

Cause of Internet Addiction

According to Korean scientists, a habitual base is not the main cause for

individuals addictive to internet, but the demographic and socioeconomic can

also be the causes. The correlation between computer, internet usage and family

structure was on an average level. So, pupils without siblings or from incomplete

families are in more danger to addiction (Zhoralkshi, 2009). Familial problem will

occur if individuals are addicted to the internet. According to research, marriages

are seriously affected. The activities such as caring for children will be ignored.

For example, one mother became so absorbed in her internet and forgets to pick

up her children after school and make dinner for them and put them to bed.

Furthermore, argument between couples will occur. Addictive users are also

quick to get angry and have resentful outbursts (Young, 1999). School is the

most common place for children to access the internet because they are using

computer in school nowadays. However, the addiction of internet does not stop

at the secondary school level. Some study have believed that overuse of internet

will lose the savvy skills and patience to conduct social relations in the corporeal

world (Kumar, 2004)

Theoretical Framework of Internet Addiction

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework of the Internet Addiction.

According to Douglas, Mills, Niang, Stepchenkova, Byun, & Ruffini et. al

(2008), conceptual model of internet addiction is proposed. It is concluding that

overuse of internet is generally defined by the inner need and motivations of an

individual or so call push factor. This model state that, the perceived attractive

features of the medium or pull factor moderate the relationship between push

factors and the severity of negative effects of internet overuse. Negative effects

of Internet addiction disorder can include not only academic, social, financial,

occupational, and physical impact, but extend to various deviant behaviors.

Nevertheless, realization of the Internet addiction disorder problem by the

individual may make possible consumption of control strategies in order to curb

the addiction a link between the deviant behaviors and control strategies

constructs is also proposed, since the reviewed studies provide evidence that

subjects struggle with the compulsion to online in criminal activities online. It is

also proposed that some individuals are more likely to adopt deviant online

behaviors than others; therefore, a direct link is proposed between the

antecedents and deviant behaviors constructs.

Chapter II



Level of Internet Addiction in Adolescents

According to Pallanti, Bernardi, and Quercioli (2006), Internet Addiction

can be found at any age and in any social condition, but most of the research’s

major attention has been focused on adolescents for adolescence seems to be a

critical period of addiction vulnerability. The research of Van Rooij and Van de

Eijinden (2007) had reported that, using internet has become one of the most

popular leisure-time activities among adolescent in Western societies.

Adolescents in Netherlands aging between 11 to 15 use the internet for leisure

activities and for adolescents aged 14 and older regard internet usage as an

important leisure-time activity than watching TV (Van de Eijinden, Spijkerman,

Vermulst, Van Rooij & Engels, 2009). According to Lin, Lin and Wu (2009), older

adolescents appear to be more dependent on the internet than younger



Recent studies have found that 19.8% of adolescents in the world have

internet addiction and furthermore, it is associated with hostility (Ko, Yen, Liu,

Huang, and Yen, 2009). The first widely “wired” generation now a day are

preteens and teens and according to eMarketer (2004), the number of preteens

and teens online in United States grew steadily from 26.6 million in 2000 to 34.3

million in 2003 and nearly one-half of all youngsters were online (Lin & Yu, 2008).

However, a recent survey from Forrester Research (2005) had revealed that

consumer between the age of 12 and 17 in North America were often online daily

and average almost 11 hours per week. On the other hand, a survey by Taiwan

Network Information Center (2008), showed that the internet population in

Taiwan has reached 15 million. Among them, internet users of the age under 20

was accounted for about 2.86 million. Furthermore, the two groups with the

highest rates of internet usage were 12 to 15 years old which is 98% and 16 to

20 years old is 95.6% (Lin & Yu, 2008).

Based on Pallanti, Bernardi, and Quercioli (2006) research, 5.4% of the

sample was internet addicted and the sample included 275 students with the

average of 16.67 + 1.85 years and consisted of 52.4% males and 47.6% females.

This research is also showed that in Italy, internet usage had a slower diffusion

than in other countries. However, in another research from China Internet

Network Information Center (2006), it had shown that 123 million people had

gone online, of which 14.9% were teenagers below 18 years old and it has

concluded that internet addiction is currently becoming a serious mental health

problem among Chinese adolescents. Chou and Hsiao reported that the

incidence rate of Internet Addiction among Taiwan college students were 5.9%.

Wu and Zhu identified 10.6% of Chinese college students as addicted to Internet

(Cao, Su, Liu and Gao, 2007). Based by Chen et al (2005), the majority of online

gaming crime in Thailand is theft (73.7%) and fraud (20.2) and their research

found that the age of offenders is low which is 3.3% between ages of 15 to 20

years of age, 8.3% are under 15 years old (Wan & Chiou, 2007).

According to Park, Kim and Cho (2008), there are more adolescents using

the internet than any other age group in South Korea. Based on their research

97.3% of South Korean adolescents between the age of 6 and 19 years, use the

internet in 2005. Moreover, a study have been made to investigate the

prevalence of Internet addiction among South Korean adolescents have been

made. In this study, 903 adolescents participated and 10.7% of them scored high

on the Internet Addiction Scale and these youths were considered at high risk for

Internet Addiction. This phenomenon occurs because South Korea is an internet-

based society that provides numerous middle and high school adolescents with

easy internet access and Internet addiction among South Korean adolescents

are serious.

Gender Differences in Internet Addiction

One of the studies of Hamade showed the distribution of students among

three levels of internet addiction. It showed that 75.6% of female showed no sign

of addiction compared to only 46.6% of males. Besides that, less than 25% of

females are addicted to the internet and more than 50% of male students are

addicted. Moreover, about 18% of males are highly addicted to the Internet but

only 6% of the females are highly addicted. In other words, male students are

more addicted to the Internet than female students and the reason could be that

male students enjoy more freedom than female students such as spending time

outside and with friends, and visit internet cafes, game networks and other

places. This freedom will make them have more time surfing the internet and

consequently they become more vulnerable to internet addiction.

Wartella, Lee and Caplovitz (2002) stated that numerous studies have

shown gender differences in the use of digital media and the type of service,

Girls and boys’ preference are different. Besides that, based on (Subrahmanyam

et. Al., 2001; Bickham, Vandewater, Huston, Lee, Caplovitz, and Wright. 2003);

in early teens, girls use the computer longer than boys, but for the late teens, this

trend is reversed (Park 2009). Gender differences in internet addiction can be

explained by the types of content that interests men and women. Interactive

online games characterized by power, dominance, control and violence attract

more men than women. As an example, Young (1998) observed that men tend to

seek out dominant activities. Women, on the other hand, seek out close

friendships and prefer anonymous communication in which they can hide their

identity. Van Schie & Wiegman (1997) have another study which showed that

boys enjoy online games more than girls. This preference makes boys heavy

users of the internet (Park, 2009).

However, according to Azim, Zam, and Rahman, gender differences and

trends in age groups are often observed in many studies. One of the studies by

Young (1996) showed that middle-aged women were more prone to internet

addiction than men and other age groups. While based on Davis, Smith,

Rodrigue and Pulvers (1999), they have compared gender differences in internet

use. They found that male students spend more time online than female in the

public university. However, in a private university there was no significant gender

differences in terms of the time spend online. One of the studies by Kubey, Lavin

and Barroes (2001) showed that, male students were more internet dependent

than women. Dependents were four times more likely than non-dependents to

report academic impairment due to their internet use.

According to Huntley et al. (2005), had a report about the amount of time

spent on the computer was similar across gender. Tsai and Lin (2004) found that

there was no significant gender difference in adolescents’ Internet self-efficacy,

and they suggest that both genders were competently mastering it. In other

words, both genders appear now to have equivalent resources and experience in

accessing the internet. Although based on this study, gender differences in

computer use are narrow but there is gender gap in online activities and in the

contents that is accessed. Mediamark Research (2005) had reported that, boys

(28.9%) were more likely to play games than girls (11.1%). Besides that, Griffiths,

Davies, and Chapel (2004) also support that boys tend to play games more often

than girls. Tsai and Lin (2004) had also stated that, males tend to consider the

Internet more as a “toy”, but females tend to view it as a tool or as technology

with which to accomplish tasks. As previously stated, researchers have found

that male and female use internet differently. According to the Pew Internet and

American Life (2005), men are more likely than women to use the Internet more

for information gathering while women use the Internet more for communication.


Studies have shown that there are a lot of adolescents who are addicted to

the Internet.

1. The studies have shown that there is a difference with the amount of time

spent on a computer among genders.

Chapter III


This chapter presents information about the research design, instruments

and respondents of the study. It also provides the procedures for the research


Research Design

In this study, data will be collected using the survey method. This study

would use the cross-sectional design whereby all variables would be collected at

the same time. One set of the questionnaire, the Internet Addiction Test (IAT)

would be used in this study. This is a non-experimental study that has

demographic variables, that is gender.

Research Respondents

This study would use an uncontrolled quota sampling method to recruit 40

males and 40 females at Mabolo Christian Academy. These respondents are

high school students ranging from Grade 7 to Grade 10. The investigation will be

separated into two groups which are the lower secondary and upper secondary.

The lower secondary category consists of from Grade 7 to 8 while the upper

secondary category comprises of Grade 9 to 10 students. All the 80

questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents. The respondents’ age

ranged from 12 to 17 years old.

Research Environment

The research activity will be conducted at the Mabolo Christian Academy

of the School Year 2019-2020.

Below is the Map of Cebu City where the study will be conducted.

Research Instrument

Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The IAT was developed by Dr. Kimberly

Young, 1998 and it consists of 20 questions that was adopted to evaluate the

respondents’ level of internet addiction. Each item is scored using a five-point like

scale, a graded response can be selected (1 = “rare” to 5 = “always”). It covers

the degree to which internet use affect daily routine, social life, productivity,

sleeping pattern, and feeling. The minimum score is 20 while the maximum is

100 and the higher the score the greater the level of internet addiction. Three

types of Internet-user groups were identified in accordance with the original

scheme of Young. Scores ranging from 20 to 49 indicate minimal users while

scores from 50 to 79 indicate moderate users and the scores from 80 to 100

indicate excessive users. The instrument has exhibited good psychometric

properties in previous researches. The reliability for this questionnaire is 0.899 in

Cronbach’s Alpha (Sally, 2006).


Internet Addiction Test (IAT)

Name: _______________ Age: _____ Gender: ______ Grade:___________




1) How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended? _____
2) How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time online? ____
3) How often do you prefer the excitement of the internet to intimacy with your
partner? _____
4) How often do you form new relationships with fellow online users? _____
5) How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you
spend online? ______
6) How often do your grades or school works suffer because of the amount of
time you spend online? ______
7) How often do you check your email before something else that you need to
do? ______
8) How often does your job performance of productivity suffer because of the
internet? _____
9) How often do you become defensive or secretive when anyone asks you what
you do online? _____

10) How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing
thoughts about the internet? ____
11) How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go online again? __
12) How often do you fear that life without the internet would be boring, empty
and joyless? _____
13) How often do you snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you while
you are online? ____
14) How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins? ______
15) How often do you feel preoccupied with the Internet when offline, or fantasize
about being online? ____
16) How often do you find yourself saying “just a few more minutes” when online?
17) How often do you try to cut down the amount of time you spend online and
fail? _____
18) How often do you try to hide how long you’ve been online? ______
19) How often do you choose to spend more time online over going out with
others? ______
20) How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are offline,
which goes away once you are back online? ______

Research Procedure

At first, the researcher looked for necessary resources that could help her

in their study. The researcher did an intensive reading from the Internet and

asked opinions about internet addiction. From these, the researcher was able to

construct ideas and questions necessary for the questionnaire.

A letter of transmittal was then prepared and was submitted to their

teachers and to the principal of Mabolo Christian Academy for the approval in

producing and distributing the questionnaire.

The researcher asked the permission from the teachers to be allowed to

proceed with the distribution of the questionnaires to the high school students of

Mabolo Christian Academy.

Retrieval of the questionnaires was done after a day. The responses were

tallied, analysed and interpreted in accordance to the items found in the


Data Analysis

Percentage and ranking were used by the researchers to convert the

numerical data gathered from the questionnaire. T-Test was used to conduct the

differences between male and female in internet addiction.

Chapter IV


This chapter describes the analysis and finding of data. Firstly, this study

will analyze the level of addiction among students of Mabolo Christian Academy.

Secondly, the researcher will find out if there is any significant association

between gender and internet addiction among students and lastly to find out

whether there is any significant association between internet addiction and the

lower and upper secondary school students.

Hypothesis 1: :Level of Internet Addiction

Figure 4.1: Level of Internet Addiction among the students of MCA.

Percentage is used to calculate the level of internet addiction among

students. This is to make sure which level the students in Mabolo Christian

Academy belong. The results are categorized in three categories which is:

Minimal Users, Moderate Users, and Excessive Users on Internet Addiction., The

result will be analyzed based on these three categories.

Based on figure 4.1, 55.0% (n = 44) of the students are moderate users of

internet and this is followed by 42.5% (n = 34) of minimal users. Only 2.5% (n = 2)

are classified excessive users. As a conclusion, the level of internet addiction

among Mabolo Christian Academy’s high school students are moderate and

tends to be minimal (Appendix D)

Hypothesis 2: Gender Differences between Internet Addiction

In this findings, data were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 2010. P

value below 0.5 was considered as statistically significant.

Research Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference between

gender and internet addiction among the high school students of Mabolo

Christian Academy.

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between gender

and internet addiction among the high school students of Mabolo Christian


Descriptive Statistics. From the table, the internet addiction mean for male

is 52.275 and the standard deviation is 12.0554. However, the internet addiction

mean for female is 50.275 and standard deviation is 14.09307.

The mean for male is 52.275 while for female is 50.275. Therefore, the

mean of male is higher than female. So, there is difference between male and


Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistic for Internet Addiction Among Gender

Std. Std. Error

Gender N Mean Deviation Mean

Male 40 52.275 12.0554 1.906126

Female 40 50.275 14.09307 2.228311

T test. From the table, the significant value in Levene’s Test for Equality of

Variances’ column was .167. It is more than .05 therefore need to refer to the

“Equal Variances Assumed” column to determine either there are significant

differences between internet addiction and gender. The results for Independent

Sample T-Test show that there is a significant difference between internet

addiction and gender among student of Mabolo Christian Academy, t (78) = -

0.593, p = 0.554. The average internet addiction of male (M = 52.275, SD =

12.0554) was significantly different from that of female (M = 50.275, SD =

14.09307). So, the null hypothesis is rejected.

Table 4.2: Independent Sample Test for Internet Addiction Among Gender

Levene’s Test

for Equality of

Variance T-Test for Equality of Mean


(2- Mean Std. Dev

F Sig t df tailed) Difference Difference

Inter Equal 1.94347 .167 -0.59 78 0.555 2.0 2.94

net Variance
Addic Assumed
Equal -0.59 76 0.555 2.0 2.94

Chapter 5


This chapter involves discussion on result and research finding in previous

chapter. Moreover, recommendation will be given in this chapter to establish a

greater study in further research or investigation and lastly conclusion about the

study of internet addiction among students in Mabolo Christian Academy.



1) Minimal Users: (Total Respondents in Minimal Users/ Total Respondents)

x 100%
= (34/80) x 100 %
= 42.50 %
2) Moderate Users: (Total Respondents in Moderate Users/ Total
Respondents) x 100%
= (44/80) x 100 %
= 55%
3) Excessive Users: (Total Respondents in Excessive Users/ Total
Respondents) x 100%
= (2/80) x 100 %
= 2.5 %

According to the result had found the level of Internet addiction among

students in Mabolo Christian Academy is classified in the moderate level

(54.167%) because the percentage is highest among those levels. Based on

previous research before, the percentage of Internet addiction in excessive level

is not over than 20% and the highest percentage is 19.8% of adolescent in the

world have Internet addiction. However, only 5.4% of adolescent has a low level

of internet addiction.

Internet activities do not mean only playing online game but searching

homework information and other information about almost anything in mere

moments. Besides Internet activities, adolescents also involve in other activities

such as leisure activities, family activities, social activities, school activities,

outdoor activities and etc. So, most of the adolescents’ internet level still is

considered in moderate level because students have to focus on preparing for

their exam. Nevertheless, when adolescents are bored or dissatisfied with their

leisure time in other activities, they may be motivated to seek excitement and

pleasure from cyberspace and therefore revise for further investigation.

Although this finding showed that, most of the students in Mabolo

Christian Academy are moderate internet users, we should be aware of them

and should not underestimate this problem. It is because most of the students

who are compulsive users of Internet are often associated with increased social

isolation, increased clinical depression, familial discord, divorce, academic failure

and etc. If this problems becomes chronic, it may lead to psychological problem.


Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Std. Error
Deviation Mean
Internet Male 40 52.275 12.0554 1.906
Addiction Female 40 50.275 14.0931 2.228

Independent Samples Test

Levene’s Test
for Equality of T-Test for Equality of Means

F Sig t df Sig. Mean Std.

(2- Diff. Error
tailed) Diff
Internet Equal 1.943 .167 -0.59 78 0.555 2.0 2.94
Addiction Variances
Equal -0.59 76 0.555 2.0 2.94

Besides that, the results have showed that, there is a significant difference

between gender and internet addiction among students of Mabolo Christian


(78) = 1.943, p = 0.167. In other words, gender is related to internet

addiction. Most of the studies have mentioned that male or female are addicted

to internet but level of addiction varies. According to the finding of this study,

males are more likely to go online compared to females. Moreover, males will

spend longer hours on the computer compared to females so they have tendency

to be addicted to internet through this opportunity.

According to Tan, Abdullah & Saw (2009) on their research in Malaysia,

the percentage of boys spending three hours or more online is about 6% more

than that of girls. However when mentioned about not going online, the

percentage of girls is about twice that of boys. Overall, the boys in this study

spent more time on the internet compared to the girls. Based on Aslanbay,

Aslanbay & Cobanoglu (2009) significant gender differences were discovered.

The result showed that, 1% of women and 9% of men were reported as addicts.

Men were found to spend more time on the internet than women.

Tsai and Lin (2004) found that, male tended to consider the internet more

as a “toy” while female tended to view it as a tool or as technology with which to

accomplish a task. In addition, female tend to hold a more pragmatic view of the

Internet, while male tend to focus on enjoyment. Girls view close relationships

important so for female adolescents expressed greater confidence in using the

internet for general or communication purpose. Females more likely to use the

internet for mailing while male were likely to download software, online games

may be behind this behaviour. Male adolescent tend to spend more time playing

online games and girls more frequently to surf for information about idols.

Besides that, girls tend to go online mostly at home and school so they have the

capability to control the impulsive use of internet while boys visit internet cafes.

Moreover, girls often used the computer for homework and boys were more likely

to play games (Lin & Yu, 2008).

Internet may be considered as a masculine domain because of their ability

to master internet.. Besides that the contents of the internet are more suitable to

males and was not targeted at females so males have used internet more often

and longer time than females (Lin & Yu, 2008). However, some researchers such

as Schumacher & Morahan- Martin (2001) have argued that the gap has been

narrowed now. Empirical studies have supported this view and Hunley et al.

(2005) have stated that the amount of time spent on internet was similar across

genders (as cited in Lin & Yu, 2008). Tsai and Lin (2004) stated that, gender are

no any differences in internet addiction although they are related to each other.

They have different application on internet between male and female and they

were completely mastering it. Education policies might play an important role in

bridging the remaining gap. For example, computer and internet classes start so

that boys and girls at school have had equal opportunities to access the internet

and the gender gap should have narrowed (as cited in Lin & Yu, 2008).

Limitations of Study

One of the limitations of this study is the small sample size of each level of

students although the sample in this study (N=80) is quite big amount for the

study. When divided to each level, one level only have 20 samples chosen for

the survey. As for each level have one class, each class have average 35

students. So twenty samples been chosen to do the survey. Hence the results

cannot be used as a generalization.

Another limitation of this study is the language in which questionnaire was

administered in. The questionnaire was administered in English and no

translation was provided. In Mabolo Christian Academy, Filipino/Bisaya is used

as their main language for teaching so there is a probability among students to

have the difficulty to understand the language. In another words, the finding of

this study was affected by this limitation. As those who do not fully understand

the meaning of some of the items in the questionnaire might have just completed

the questionnaire for the sake of completing it.

Also, this study only focuses on Internet addiction with gender, age and

level. Moreover, result findings only used quantitative method to analyze and it

will limit the collection of information. However, there is limited information about

internet addiction in Philippines. The information in this study mostly from other

countries and cannot be generalized in Philippine’s society.


Sample of correspondences can be vast and the result can be used as a

generalization. Besides that, Philippines is a multicultural country and most of

the school consists of different race of students. The questionnaire can be edited

in multi-language to let the correspondents understand more what the actual

question is asking. When they understand the question, then will not simply

answer and the result will more accurate.

For the further research, it is recommended to study internet addiction with

more detail on psychology. It is because this problem is quite severe nowadays

especially people who are internet addiction may have depression also. This is

also one way to let society realize the severity of social disease as well as

psychology disorder.

In addition, it is also recommended that more variable can be taken into

consideration in order to determine the level of internet addiction. This study is

conducted in secondary school so races, academic achievement and etc. It can

be used to determine the level of internet addiction will be affect by those

variable or not. This study is using quantitative method to find out the result, It is

recommended to use both quantitative and qualitative method to collect data. In

order to find out the result because using qualitative way can find out the actual

thinking and actual experience of sample so that the researcher can have In-

depth investigation. The similar and related topic of research is recommended to

do more in the future as it is an important issue in the society.


Over the year, Internet usage is increasing rapidly because of the

technology development today. Internet addiction may increase also. Hence, this

study is to examine the level of internet addiction for secondary students the

seriousness of internet addiction in adolescent now a day. Fortunately, the result

showed that level of excessive users among the adolescent are still in moderate


The result shows that students of Mabolo Christian Academy are

moderate internet user. Although their just moderate internet user, this problem

cannot be ignored and proper observation or treatment must be prepared for

those adolescents. Adolescent plays an important role in society because they

may be the backbone of country so that society has the responsible to protect

them. Besides society, parents and teachers also play an important role to

monitor the children use of internet.

Finally, there are some limitations that encountered in this research such

as small sample size of each level of students, the language in which

questionnaire was administered in, limited demographic variable and the only

quantitative method been used. To overcome these limitations, some

recommendations are suggested, for instance use both qualitative and

quantitative method for this research. Also, the similar and related topic of

research is recommended to do more in the future as it is an important issue in

the society.

As a conclusion, problem of internet addiction although not that serious

but this should be aware to prevent the growing of internet addiction.


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Internet Addiction Test (IAT)

Name: _______________ Age: _____ Gender: ______ Grade:___________




1) How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended? _____
2) How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time online? ____
3) How often do you prefer the excitement of the internet to intimacy with your
partner? _____
4) How often do you form new relationships with fellow online users? _____
5) How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you
spend online? ______
6) How often do your grades or school works suffer because of the amount of
time you spend online? ______
7) How often do you check your email before something else that you need to
do? ______

8) How often does your job performance of productivity suffer because of the
internet? _____
9) How often do you become defensive or secretive when anyone asks you what
you do online? _____
10) How often do you block out disturbing thoughts about your life with soothing
thoughts about the internet? ____
11) How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go online again? __
12) How often do you fear that life without the internet would be boring, empty
and joyless? _____
13) How often do you snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers you while
you are online? ____
14) How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins? ______
15) How often do you feel preoccupied with the Internet when offline, or fantasize
about being online? ____
16) How often do you find yourself saying “just a few more minutes” when online?
17) How often do you try to cut down the amount of time you spend online and
fail? _____
18) How often do you try to hide how long you’ve been online? ______
19) How often do you choose to spend more time online over going out with
others? ______
20) How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are offline,
which goes away once you are back online? ______



Age Grade Level Gender Score Secondary
14 7 Male 65 Lower
13 7 Male 41 Lower
13 7 Male 70 Lower
12 7 Male 39 Lower
13 7 Male 20 Lower
14 7 Male 47 Lower
14 7 Male 65 Lower
14 7 Male 47 Lower
13 7 Male 49 Lower
13 7 Male 62 Lower
14 8 Male 52 Lower
15 8 Male 52 Lower
14 8 Male 41 Lower
15 8 Male 56 Lower
14 8 Male 50 Lower
14 8 Male 43 Lower
15 8 Male 58 Lower
14 8 Male 52 Lower
15 8 Male 69 Lower

14 8 Male 53 Lower

14 9 Male 55 Upper
14 9 Male 62 Upper
16 9 Male 45 Upper
15 9 Male 54 Upper
15 9 Male 53 Upper
16 9 Male 57 Upper
15 9 Male 49 Upper
16 9 Male 68 Upper
16 9 Male 43 Upper
14 9 Male 68 Upper
17 10 Male 61 Upper
17 10 Male 39 Upper
16 10 Male 55 Upper
16 10 Male 56 Upper
15 10 Male 20 Upper
16 10 Male 61 Upper
15 10 Male 31 Upper
18 10 Male 52 Upper
16 10 Male 63 Upper
17 10 Male 68 Upper

13 7 Female 48 Lower
13 7 Female 32 Lower
12 7 Female 41 Lower
13 7 Female 46 Lower
13 7 Female 66 Lower

12 7 Female 54 Lower
12 7 Female 31 Lower
12 7 Female 48 Lower
12 7 Female 59 Lower
13 7 Female 30 Lower
13 8 Female 69 Lower
14 8 Female 55 Lower
14 8 Female 62 Lower
15 8 Female 80 Lower
14 8 Female 78 Lower
14 8 Female 47 Lower
15 8 Female 46 Lower
13 8 Female 43 Lower
13 8 Female 40 Lower
14 8 Female 53 Lower

15 9 Female 39 Upper
15 9 Female 63 Upper
15 9 Female 55 Upper
15 9 Female 56 Upper
16 9 Female 53 Upper
15 9 Female 38 Upper
15 9 Female 38 Upper
14 9 Female 52 Upper
15 9 Female 67 Upper
16 9 Female 37 Upper
16 10 Female 53 Upper
15 10 Female 55 Upper
16 10 Female 53 Upper

15 10 Female 27 Upper
15 10 Female 59 Upper
16 10 Female 23 Upper
15 10 Female 36 Upper
16 10 Female 80 Upper
17 10 Female 39 Upper
18 10 Female 60 Upper



1) Minimal Users: (Total Respondents in Minimal Users/ Total Respondents)

x 100%
= (34/80) x 100 %
= 42.50 %
2) Moderate Users: (Total Respondents in Moderate Users/ Total
Respondents) x 100%
= (44/80) x 100 %
= 55%
3) Excessive Users: (Total Respondents in Excessive Users/ Total
Respondents) x 100%
= (2/80) x 100 %
= 2.5 %


Result 2: Gender Difference in Internet Addiction

Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Std. Error
Deviation Mean
Internet Male 40 52.275 12.0554 1.906
Addiction Female 40 50.275 14.0931 2.228

Independent Samples Test

Levene’s Test
for Equality of T-Test for Equality of Means

F Sig t df Sig. Mean Std.

(2- Diff. Error
tailed) Diff
Internet Equal 1.943 .167 -0.59 78 0.555 2.0 2.94
Addiction Variances
Equal -0.59 76 0.555 2.0 2.94


Name: Shane Nicole S. Pepito

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: May 19,2002

Place Of Birth: Cagayan De Oro, Misamis Oriental

Civil Status: Single

Address: #18 Patville Kasambagan Mabolo, Cebu City, Cebu

Father’s Name: Rodel V. Pepito

Mother’s Name: Lucilita S. Pepito

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: Educational Background

Secondary : Mabolo Christian Academy

13-C Borces St, Mabolo Cebu City


Elementary : Malaybalay City Central School

Malaybalay, Bukidnon



November 25, 2019

Mr. Manuel Lo


I, the researcher have the honor to ask permission from your good office to
conduct a research entitled “INTERNET ADDICTION AMONG THE JUNIOR

I ask permission to distribute questionnaires to the respondents of the study, the

selected students of Mabolo Christian Academy, Junior High School Department.

This research aims to come up with a figure for the internet addiction among the
junior high school students of Mabolo Christian Academy.

Thank you very much in anticipation of your consideration and favorable


Respectfully Yours,
Shane Nicole S. Pepito

Noted by:
Mr.Welfredo Yu, Jr.
Research Adviser

Noted by:
Mr. Manuel Lo
School Principal

Sir Kent Macariola

Page I

✓ Use bold letters for names

Page II

✓ Add Mr/Ms on the names

✓ Remove Space

Page III

✓ Add words Philippines and Asia

✓ Do not bold the keywords

Chapter 1

✓ Fix Margin

✓ Properly Cite the authors

✓ Do not contract

✓ Do not tab

✓ Finalize theoretical framework

Chapter 2

✓ Proper Citation


✓ Justify
Sir Kirby Cuyos

Chapter 1

✓ Theoretical framework


✓ Justify

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