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Appendix B – Interview Questions

Question 1

From your experience from working within the Irish construction industry, would you agree
that there is an issue of cost overruns and construction delays within the industry?

Question 2

From your experience working in the industry, what would be your reasons for cost overruns
and delays to occur within the industry?

Question 3

From being a part of many construction projects would you say that there has been a specific
stage of a construction project that you may have seen costs overruns or delays to frequently
occur? For instance, within the construction phase or planning.

Question 4

In the Irish Construction industry is there a rush to get site without an adequate or full design,
would you say?

Question 5

From experience dealing with these issues within a construction project, would you have
solutions to prevent this occurring within the industry?

Question 6

Would you agree with the statement that a high number of professionals within the industry
do not hold enough expertise to avoid cost overruns and delays?

Question 7

Do you believe that this occurrence could be hugely reduced from projects within the
industry with newer stronger controls for the future of the industry?

Question 8

Do you believe a client’s involvement in construction projects has a negative effect on the
cost and duration of a project?

Question 9

Do you believe that some construction personnel may not care about completing projects
within the planned cost, time frame, cause it’s not their money?

Question 10
What do you feel can be done to improve construction projects in terms of cost overruns and

Question 11

From the perspective of contractor with suicide tendering and issues like that, would you say
that cost over runs and delays might suit the contractor?

Question 12

What is your opinion on the current control measures to prevent cost overruns and delays
from occurring within the industry?
Participant information sheet
Study Title:
“An investigation into the cost overruns and delays in the Irish Construction Industry.”

Invitation paragraph:
I would like to invite you to take part in a research study. Before you decide, you need to
understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take
time to read the following information carefully. Ask questions if anything you read is not
clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not to take part.
What is the purpose of the study?
The purpose of this study is to develop a better understanding into the cost overruns and
delays within the Irish construction industry. And to possibly develop, new solutions to
preventing these issues from reoccurring.
Why have I been invited?
The researcher believes that interviewing working professional will allow for the researcher
to obtain real and informative information in relation to cost overruns and delays.
Do I have to take part?
It is up to you to decide. We will describe the study and go through the information sheet,
which we will give to you. We will then ask you to sign a consent form to show you agreed
to take part. You are free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason.
What will happen to me if I take part?
You will undergo a 15-20-minute interview answering different questions in relation to cost
overruns and delays.
What will I have to do?
You will be required to give up a portion of your day that you are free to undertake the
interview, which will be carried out on Zoom which also requires you to have an internet
connection. The interview will be set at a date and time which is suitable to you.
What if there is a problem?
If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you should ask to speak to Gavin
Barnett, contactable at 0862558200 who will do his best to answer your questions.
If you remain unhappy and wish to complain formally you can do this through Mr Colin
Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
Yes, it will be confidential. All recorded date will be saved and placed on a password file
data base. Any documentation used within the interview are for the eyes of the interviewer
and supervisor only.
What will happen if I don’t carry on with the study?
If you withdraw from the study all the information and data collected from you, to date, will
be destroyed and your name removed from all the study fields.
Research Participant Consent Form

Title of project:
“An investigation into the cost overruns and delays in the Irish Construction Industry.”

Name of Researcher: Gavin Barnett

Name of Supervisor: Mr Colin Donoghue.

 I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet, and what my
contribution will be.

 I agree to take part in the interview

 I agree to the interview being recorded

 I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I can withdraw from th

research at any time without giving any reason.

 I agree to take part in the above study.

Name of participant:






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