Adverbs of Frequency: He Lives On A Farm He Rides Ginger Every Day

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Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.

__√_ __√_ __√__ __√__ _√__ always
__√__ ____ __√__ __√___ __√__ = almost always
__√__ ____ __√__ _____ __√__ often
____ ____ __√__ _____ __√__ sometimes
= seldom
____ ____ _____ __√__ ____ = almost never
____ ____ _____ _____ _____ never

Position of Frequency Adverbs in a Sentences

Rule 1 : Frequency adverbs come after the verb be.
1. Juan Mustafa Chan is almost always late for class.
2. The customers are sometimes in a hurry.
Rule 2 : Frequency adverbs come before all other verbs.
1. Juan Mustafa Chan often flirts.
2. JMC almost never sleeps in composition class.
Rule 3 : Frequency adverbs come after the word not in negative sentences.
1. A waitress does not usually earn a lot of money.
2. The customers are not always very polite

Who is he? Where is he? What does he do?

Hank is a cowboy. He lives on a farm. He has a horse named Ginger. Hank loves Ginger. He
rides Ginger every day. Sometimes they walk slowly, and sometimes they run fast. They
always have a good time. Ginger is Hank’s horse. She is light brown. Her tail and mane are
dark brown. She is three years old. She lives in the stable by the house. Ginger waits for
Hank every morning. She enjoys their time together. Often, Hank gives her apples. After long
rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger. He usually brushes her tail. Then he gives her
food and fresh water. Ginger loves Hank.

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Simple Present tense.

1. Where does Hank live? What does he do every day?

he lives on a farm ___
________he rides Ginger every day
2. Who is Ginger? Where does Ginger live?
Ginger is Hank’s horse _______________________________
She lives in the stable by the house

3. What does Hank often give Ginger? What does Hank do after long rides?
Often, Hank gives her apples

After long rides, Hank always washes and brushes Ginger

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences,

yes/no questions, WH-questions and tag questions.

Examples for the sentence “Jack sweeps the floor.”

Negative: Jack does not sweep the floor.

Yes/No Question: Does Jack sweep the floor?
WH-Question: Who sweeps the floor?
Tag Question: Jack sweeps the floor, doesn’t he?

1. Hank loves Ginger.

2. She is three years old.
3. She enjoys their time together.

C. Read the description and write down what it is. Use the words in the box for help.

cowboy horse farm house mane

tail food stable apple morning

1. It is what we eat. What is it? __food__________

2. It is a building where we live. What is it? ______house______
3. It is a red fruit. What is it? ____apple________
4. It is a name for a man who rides horses and works with cattle.
Who is he? ___cowboy_________
5. It is the hair on an animal’s neck. What is it? ____mane________
6. It is hair on the back part of an animal’s body. What is it? ___tail_________
7. It is a four-legged animal that people can ride. What is it? ___horse_________
8. It is an area of land where crops are grown. What is it? ____farm_____
9. It is a building for horses. What is it? ____stable________
10. It is the first part of the day. What is it? _____morning_______

 Health Vocabulary


ankle arm back buttocks

calf chest chin ear

eye eyebrow eyelash eyelid

face finger fingernail foot/feet

forehead hair hand head

heart heel hip intestine

knee leg lip mouth

neck nose palm shin

shoulder stomach throat thumb

toe tongue tooth/teeth waist


Health Problems

allergies backache the chills cold

cough cut earache fever

the flu headache runny nose sore throat

stomachache toothache vomit

Medical Emergencies

be hurt/injured- bleed - burn - can’t breathe

choke -fall - have a heart attack

Basic Medicine

aspirin caplet capsule cold tablets

cough syrup heating pad ice pack ointment

pill tablet vitamin


once a day over the counter prescription tablespoon

teaspoon twice a day warning


angry cold excited full happy homesickhot hungry

nervous sad scared sick sleepy thirsty tired worried


feel/touch hear see smell taste

Topic: Five senses

Put these sentences on the white board. Give an example for each one. Have students finish
these sentences in pairs:

I like to see ___flower____.

I like to smell ___parfume______.

I like to hear ___fika’s voice________.

I like to feel _____happy______.

I like to taste ____pasta______.

I don’t like to see ____snack_______.

I don’t like to smell ____fish______.

I don’t like to hear ____your voice_____.

I don’t like to feel ____sad______.

I don’t like to taste ___chocolate_____.

 Conversation with a Pharmacist

Pharmacist/Patient Dialogues
Dialogue .1

Hi, I was wondering if you could give me some advice. I was swimming in the ocean
today,and when I got out, I noticed that I had all of these red bumps from my waist down.
Pharmacist:Do they itch?
Patient: Yeah, and I can’t stop scratching them.
Pharmacist:I can see from your scratch marks. You only went into the water up to your
waist? Did youfeel a sting?
Patient: Yeah, come to think of it, I did. That’s why I left the water.
Pharmacist: Well, it looks like you have a bumpy rash caused by ajellyfish sting.
Patient: A jellyfish sting? What should I do to get rid of this itch?
Pharmacist: Are you allergic to any medications?
Patient:Not that I know of, but I don’t think so.
Pharmacist:I would recommend Benadryl tablets and hydrocortisone cream. You’ll find
them in aisle 5.
Patient:I have a hard time swallowing tablets and pills. Does Benadryl come in a liquid?
Pharmacist:Sure. You can get it in liquid form. Follow the directions for both the Benadryl
and thehydrocortisone cream. And if the itching and rash continue, call your doctor.
Patient:Thank you so much.
Pharmacist:No problem. Glad to be of help.

Dialogue .2

Patient:I was wondering what Icould do about the problem I’m having with my big right toe.
Pharmacist: What’s seems to be the problem?
Patient:Here, I’ll show you. I thought it was just oozy and blistery, but this morning when I
got upand tried to put my foot in my shoe, it really hurt.
Pharmacist:Is it sensitive to the touch?
Patient: Yeah. That’s why I’m wearing open-toe sandals so that the toe won’t rub against
anything.Even when I put a Band-Aid on it, it really hurts.
Pharmacist:Have you been wearing tight shoes? When did you notice the watery blisters?
Patient: Well, actually I ran a 10K race this past weekend and it was raining and my sneakers
got wet,and that’s when my toe started to hurt and I saw the watery blisters.
Pharmacist: Well, it looks like the wet sneakers and maybe not enough room at the tip of
your sneakerscaused the nail to get soft and the skin to get blisters. It looks like you have a
fungal infection.
Patient:Fungus? Where would I get fungus?
Pharmacist: Well, a fungal infection is caused by the moist environment created by your wet
sneakerand socks rubbing against your toes. That’s what has happened to your right toe.
Patient: What’s going to happen to my toenail?
Pharmacist: Well, it will most likely turn black from the dead nail and blood underneath it.
Eventu-ally, it will fall off, but in time your toenail will grow back.
Patient: What should I put on it?
Pharmacist:Do you have any allergies to certain medications?
Patient: Well, I’m allergic to sulfa and iodine.
Pharmacist:OK. Don’t put Betadine on your toe. But if you go to aisle 3, you’ll find Lamisil.
This willhelp with the tenderness that you’re feeling and will prevent the fungal infection
from spreading. Fol-low the directions on the bottle.
Patient:How long will it take before my nail grows back?
Pharmacist:It could be a while before your toenail will grow back, maybe a few months. If
you con-tinue to have problems, or if it begins to ooze more blood, I suggest you make an
appointment with apodiatrist, a foot doctor, or call your primary care doctor. Also, keep your
toe dry and well ventilateduntil you feel comfortable enough to wear closed shoes.
Patient:Thank you so much. I’ll be more careful next time I run another race.
Pharmacist:Take care of your toes.


Pharmacist:Hello. Can I help you?

Patient’s mother:I hope so. We’re on vacation so I can’t make an appointment to see our
pediatricianand was hoping you could help us. My daughter has been scratching her
head a lot. I thought maybeshe’s scratching because of the sun.
Pharmacist:Let me take a look at her hair and her scalp. Has she had head lice
Patient’s mother:No.
Pharmacist:How old is your daughter?
Patient’s mother:She’s 6.
Pharmacist:It looks like she’s got her first case of head lice.
Patient’s mother:She must have picked it up at day camp.
Pharmacist:Maybe. It’s not anything to be embarrassed about. I suggest you buy a metal
louse comband soak it in rubbing alcohol and run it through her hair to remove the
wingless insects. They look like sesame seeds. I also recommend a medicated antilice
treatment. Nix works well. You can find bothin the shampoo aisle. It’s also a good idea
to wash her sheets, pillowcases, towels, and her clothes.
Patient’s mother:Is it hard to use?
Pharmacist:No. First, wash her hair with shampoo, rinse it, and towel dry. Then rub the
Nix creaminto her hair. Make sure her scalp is fully covered with it, as well as behind
the ears and behind her neck.Leave the Nix on for 10 minutes and then rinse. After that,
use the louse comb to remove the lice.
Patient’s mother:How long will it be before the lice are gone?
Pharmacist:If after a week she still has lice, repeat the process.
Patient’s mother:Is head lice contagious?
Pharmacist: Yes, it is, so I recommend you and the rest of your family use Nix too, and
wash yoursheets, pillowcases, and clothes, too.
Patient’s mother:Thank you so much

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